Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
3  $Id: array_dfg.c 23065 2016-03-02 09:05:50Z coelho $
5  Copyright 1989-2016 MINES ParisTech
7  This file is part of PIPS.
9  PIPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12  any later version.
14  PIPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
15  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
20  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21  along with PIPS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
23 */
24 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
25  #include "pips_config.h"
26 #endif
27 /* Name : array_dfg.c
28  * Package : array_dfg
29  * Author : Arnauld LESERVOT
30  * Date : 93/06/27
31  * Modified :
32  * Documents: Platonoff's thesis and Leservot's thesis
33  * "Dataflow Analysis of Array and Scalar References" P. FEAUTRIER
34  * Comments :
35  */
37 #define GRAPH_IS_DFG
38 #include "local.h"
40 /* Local defines */
41 #define NEXT(cp) (((cp) == NIL) ? NIL : (cp)->cdr)
43 /* Global variables */
55 bool my_sc_faisabilite( in_ps )
56 Psysteme in_ps;
57 {
58  my_fai_count++;
59  return(sc_rational_feasibility_ofl_ctrl(in_ps, NO_OFL_CTRL,true));
60 }
62 /*=======================================================================*/
63 /* graph adg_dataflowgraph( (statement) module_statement,
64  * (statement_mapping) static_control_map,
65  * (graph) reversed_dg )
66  * AL 93/07/01
67  * To compute the Array Data Flow Graph, we need :
68  * code, static_control, dependance_graph.
69  */
70 graph adg_dataflowgraph( mod_stat, stco_map, dup_dg )
72 statement_mapping stco_map;
73 graph dup_dg;
74 {
75  graph ret_graph = graph_undefined; /* Return dfg graph */
76  list ret_verl = NIL; /* Return list of vertices */
77  list dest_ver_l = NIL;
78  vertex entry_v = NULL;
79  quast entry_q = NULL;
81  debug(1, "adg_dataflowgraph", "begin \n");
83  /* Initialization to have an entry node */
84  /* We first put entry node in the return list */
88  ADD_ELEMENT_TO_LIST( ret_verl, VERTEX, entry_v );
91  NIL );
97  /* We run over each vertex of the input graph */
98  for(dest_ver_l = graph_vertices( dup_dg );!ENDP(dest_ver_l);POP(dest_ver_l)) {
99  vertex ret_dest_ver = NULL, dest_ver = NULL;
100  list dest_succ = NIL, dest_loops = NIL;
101  list dest_readl = NIL, dest_psl = NIL, dest_lcl = NIL;
102  list dest_args = NIL, prov_l = NIL;
103  predicate dest_pred = NULL;
104  Psysteme dest_test_context = NULL, dest_loop_context = NULL;
105  Psysteme dest_context = NULL;
106  static_control dest_stco;
107  int dest_nb, dest_order;
108  dfg_vertex_label ret_dest_dvl = NULL;
109  statement dest_st = NULL;
110  predicate prov_pr = NULL;
113  /* Get destination vertex and information linked to it */
114  dest_ver = VERTEX(CAR( dest_ver_l ));
115  dest_st = adg_vertex_to_statement(dest_ver);
116  dest_succ = vertex_successors( dest_ver );
118  ((dfg_vertex_label) vertex_vertex_label( dest_ver ));
119  dest_order = adg_number_to_ordering( dest_nb );
120  dest_stco = (static_control) GET_STATEMENT_MAPPING(stco_map, dest_st);
121  dest_loops = static_control_loops( dest_stco );
122  dest_psl = static_control_params( dest_stco );
123  dest_lcl = adg_get_loop_indices( dest_loops );
125  dest_pred = dfg_vertex_label_exec_domain(vertex_vertex_label(dest_ver));
126  if (!predicate_undefined_p(dest_pred))
127  dest_test_context = predicate_system( dest_pred );
128  else dest_test_context = SC_RN;
130  prov_pr = adg_get_predicate_of_loops(dest_loops);
131  if (prov_pr != predicate_undefined)
132  dest_loop_context = predicate_system( prov_pr );
133  else dest_loop_context = SC_RN;
134  dest_context = sc_append(sc_dup( dest_test_context ),dest_loop_context);
135  if (dest_context != SC_UNDEFINED) adg_sc_update_base(&dest_context);
136  if ((dest_context != NULL)&&(!my_sc_faisabilite(dest_context))) continue;
138  ret_dest_ver = adg_same_dfg_vertex_number( ret_verl, dest_nb );
139  ret_dest_dvl = make_dfg_vertex_label( dest_nb,
140  make_predicate( sc_dup(dest_context) ),
142  if (ret_dest_ver == vertex_undefined) {
143  ret_dest_ver = make_vertex( ret_dest_dvl, NIL );
144  ADD_ELEMENT_TO_LIST( ret_verl, VERTEX, ret_dest_ver );
145  }
146  else
147  vertex_vertex_label(ret_dest_ver) = ret_dest_dvl;
151  /* We search for all the read effects of vertex dest_ver
152  * and try to find the source for each read effect in dest_ver.
153  */
154  dest_readl = read_reference_list( dest_ver, dest_lcl, dest_psl );
155  if (get_debug_level() > 3) { /* For debug purpose */
156  fprintf(stderr, "\n========================================\n");
157  fprintf(stderr, "Destination Statement (ordering %d) :\n",dest_order);
159  fprintf(stderr, "Read Effects :\n");
160  print_effects( dest_readl );
161  }
162  for(; !ENDP( dest_readl ); POP( dest_readl )) {
163  effect dest_read_eff = NULL;
164  list sou_l = NULL, sou_lll = NIL;
165  list cand_l = NIL;
166  int max_depth = 0;
167  int prov_i;
168  quast source = quast_undefined;
170  /* Get the current read_effect of destination */
171  dest_read_eff = EFFECT(CAR( dest_readl ));
172  dest_args = reference_indices(effect_any_reference(dest_read_eff));
173  if (get_debug_level() > 3) { /* For debug purpose */
174  fprintf(stderr, "\n\n--> Source of Effect ? ");
175  print_effects( CONS(EFFECT, dest_read_eff, NIL) );
176  }
179  /* Search for successors (in fact predecessors : input
180  * graph is reversed compared to dg graph !) that write
181  * the dest_read_eff and put their vertices in sou_l.
182  * Then, order them by decreasing order of stat. number.
183  */
184  sou_l = adg_write_reference_list( dest_ver, dest_read_eff );
185  if (sou_l == NIL) {
186  /* No sources : Comes from Entry point */
187  adg_fill_with_quast( &source, entry_q );
189  /* Debugging */
190  debug(9,"adg_dataflowgraph","No candidates => Entry Flow\n");
191  if (get_debug_level() > 2) {
192  fprintf(stderr, "\n ------ Final Source ------\n");
193  imprime_special_quast( stderr, source );
194  }
196  adg_update_dfg( source,
197  effect_any_reference( dest_read_eff ),
198  ret_dest_ver,
199  pa_full(),
200  NULL,
201  NULL,
202  dup_dg,
203  &ret_verl );
205  continue;
206  }
207  sou_l = adg_decreasing_stat_order_sort( sou_l );
210  /* Build the source leaf label list sou_lll.
211  * This list of leaf labels links a vertex number and a depth.
212  */
213  for(; !ENDP(sou_l); POP(sou_l)) {
214  vertex v = VERTEX(CAR( sou_l ));
215  int dep = stco_common_loops_of_statements(stco_map,
216  adg_vertex_to_statement( v ), dest_st);
219  ADD_ELEMENT_TO_LIST(sou_lll, LEAF_LABEL, lel);
220  debug(9,"adg_dataflowgraph", "\nPossible source : stat %d at depth %d\n",
222  }
225  /* Explode candidates for each depth and then,
226  * build the candidate list cand_l by decreasing order.
227  */
228  max_depth = 0;
229  for(prov_l = sou_lll; !ENDP(prov_l); POP(prov_l)) {
230  int dep2 = leaf_label_depth(LEAF_LABEL(CAR( prov_l )));
231  if( dep2 > max_depth ) max_depth = dep2;
232  }
233  for(prov_i = max_depth; prov_i >= 0; prov_i-- ) {
234  prov_l = sou_lll;
235  for(; !ENDP(prov_l); POP(prov_l) ) {
236  leaf_label prov_lel = LEAF_LABEL(CAR(prov_l));
237  int dd = leaf_label_depth( prov_lel );
238  int nb = leaf_label_statement( prov_lel );
239  if( prov_i <= dd )
240  ADD_ELEMENT_TO_LIST(cand_l, LEAF_LABEL,make_leaf_label( nb, prov_i ));
241  }
242  }
243  max_depth = 0; /* we will reuse it after */
246  /* We run over all possible candidates
247  * and compute to see how it could contribute to the source
248  */
249  for(; !ENDP( cand_l ); POP(cand_l) ) {
250  vertex sou_v;
251  int sou_order, sou_d;
252  leaf_label sou_lel;
253  predicate sou_pred = NULL;
254  list sou_lcl = NULL, sou_args = NIL;
255  Psysteme sou_ps = SC_RN;
256  statement sou_s;
257  static_control sou_stco;
258  list sou_psl;
259  list sou_loops;
260  list ent_l = NULL, renamed_l = NULL, merged_l = NULL;
261  list prov_l1 = NIL, prov_l2 = NIL;
262  Psysteme prov_ps = SC_RN;
263  Psysteme loc_context = SC_RN;
264  Pvecteur prov_pv = NULL;
265  quast prov_q = NULL, sou_q = NULL;
266  Pposs_source poss = NULL;
267  quast *local_source = NULL;
268  Ppath local_path;
271  /* Get possible source vertex and informations linked to it */
272  sou_lel = LEAF_LABEL(CAR( cand_l ));
273  sou_v = adg_number_to_vertex( dup_dg, leaf_label_statement(sou_lel) );
274  sou_s = adg_vertex_to_statement( sou_v );
275  sou_d = leaf_label_depth( sou_lel );
276  sou_order = statement_ordering( sou_s );
277  sou_stco = (static_control) GET_STATEMENT_MAPPING( stco_map, sou_s );
278  sou_psl = static_control_params( sou_stco );
279  sou_loops = static_control_loops(sou_stco);
280  max_depth = adg_number_of_same_loops(sou_loops, dest_loops );
281  sou_lcl = adg_get_loop_indices( sou_loops );
284  /* If this candidate is not possible, see the next.
285  * Two cases : candidate and destination are in the
286  * same deepest loop and dest is before candidate ;
287  * or candidate is not valid with the present source.
288  */
289  if ((sou_d == max_depth) && adg_is_textualy_after_p(sou_s, dest_st)) continue;
290  poss = adg_path_possible_source(&source, sou_v, sou_d, pa_full(), TAKE_LAST);
291  local_path = (Ppath) poss->pat;
292  /* Not a possible source => get the next candidate */
293  if (pa_empty_p( local_path )) continue;
295  if PA_UNDEFINED_P(local_path) prov_ps = SC_UNDEFINED;
296  else prov_ps = local_path->psys;
297  local_source = (quast*) (poss->qua);
298  loc_context = sc_append(sc_dup(prov_ps), dest_context);
299  prov_ps = SC_UNDEFINED; /* will be reuse ? */
301  /* For debug purpose */
302  if (get_debug_level() > 3) {
303  fprintf(stderr, "\nPossible Source Statement (ordering %d) ",sou_order);
304  fprintf(stderr, "at depth %d :\n", sou_d);
305  print_statement( sou_s );
306  }
309  /* Get the f(u) = g(b) psystem
310  * We first duplicate arguments expressions,
311  * then we rename entities that are at
312  * a deeper depth than sou_d and forward
313  * subsitute those new entities in the
314  * expressions
315  */
318  statement_instruction(sou_s) )))) )));
319  if(gen_length(sou_args) != gen_length(dest_args)) {
320  pips_internal_error("No coherence between the source array and destination array !");
321  }
324  /* Rename entities at rank > sou_d
325  * and update Gforward_substitute_table
326  */
327  for(prov_i=0; prov_i < sou_d; prov_i++) POP(sou_lcl);
329  renamed_l = adg_rename_entities(sou_lcl, Gforward_substitute_table);
332  /* Make corresponding indices equal in source and dest
333  * F(u) = g(b) and put it in sou_ps.
334  */
335  prov_l1 = dest_args;
336  for(prov_l2=sou_args;!ENDP(prov_l2);POP(prov_l2)){
337  expression sou_e = NULL, dest_e = NULL;
338  Pvecteur pvec = NULL;
339  Psysteme pss = NULL;
341  dest_e = EXPRESSION(CAR(prov_l1));
342  POP( prov_l1 );
343  sou_e = copy_expression( EXPRESSION(CAR(prov_l2)));
346  pvec = vect_substract(EXPRESSION_PVECTEUR(sou_e),
348  if (pvec != NULL) {
350  sou_ps = sc_append(sou_ps, sc_dup(pss));
351  }
352  }
355  /* Build the sequencing predicate */
356  if ( (sou_d >= 0) && (sou_d < max_depth) ) {
357  entity indice1 = ENTITY( gen_nth(sou_d,dest_lcl) );
358  entity indice2 = ENTITY( gen_nth(sou_d,dest_lcl) );
360  if (renamed_l != NIL) indice1 = ENTITY(CAR(renamed_l));
361  /* compute indice1 + indice2 + 1 */
362  prov_pv = vect_add( vect_new(TCST, VALUE_ONE),
364  vect_new((Variable) indice2, VALUE_ONE)) );
365  sou_ps = sc_append(sou_ps,
367  }
369  /* append at the end p.s. of source to those of dest.
370  * Concatenate the three lists to build Psys.
371  * according to the order :
372  * source-variables,sink-variables,struc.params
373  */
374  merged_l = adg_merge_entities_lists(dest_psl,sou_psl);
375  ent_l = gen_append( renamed_l, gen_append( dest_lcl, merged_l ) );
379  /* Build source Psysteme (IF and DO contraints).
380  * Build the context and rename variables .
381  */
382  /* Get predicate that comes from an IF statement */
383  sou_pred = dfg_vertex_label_exec_domain(
384  vertex_vertex_label( sou_v ));
385  if (sou_pred != predicate_undefined) prov_ps = adg_sc_dup(predicate_system(sou_pred));
386  /* Get predicate that comes from enclosing DO */
387  prov_pr = adg_get_predicate_of_loops( sou_loops );
388  if (prov_pr != predicate_undefined) {
389  prov_ps = sc_append( prov_ps, predicate_system( prov_pr ) );
390  }
391  /* Rename entities in the source context system */
392  HASH_MAP( k, v, {
393  char* vval = (char *) reference_variable(
395  sc_variable_rename(prov_ps, (Variable) k, (Variable) vval);
400  /* Append sous_ps (F(u) = g(b) and seq. predicate)
401  * with prov_ps (IF and DO constraints).
402  */
403  sou_ps = adg_suppress_2nd_in_1st_ps( sc_append(sou_ps, prov_ps), loc_context);
404  if ((sou_ps != NULL) && !my_sc_faisabilite( sou_ps )) continue;
406  /* Compute the new candidate source.
407  * We try to call PIP only if necesary.
408  */
409  if (get_debug_level() > 4) {
410  fprintf(stderr, "\nSource Psysteme :\n");
411  fprint_psysteme(stderr, sou_ps);
412  if (sou_ps != SC_UNDEFINED) pu_vect_fprint(stderr, sou_ps->base);
414  fprintf(stderr, "\nContext Psysteme :\n");
415  fprint_psysteme(stderr, loc_context);
416  if (loc_context != SC_RN) pu_vect_fprint(stderr,loc_context->base);
417  }
418  /* If there is no condition on source...*/
419  if (sou_ps == SC_UNDEFINED) {
422  }
423  else if (gen_length(renamed_l) == 0) {
424  prov_ps = sc_append( sc_dup(sou_ps), loc_context );
425  if( (prov_ps == NULL) || my_sc_faisabilite(prov_ps)) {
430  prov_q, quast_undefined)
431  ), NIL );
432  }
433  else sou_q = quast_undefined;
434  }
435  else {
436  Pvecteur pv_unknowns;
438  /* Order the psysteme according to ent_l */
439  sort_psysteme( sou_ps, adg_list_to_vect(ent_l, true) );
440  pv_unknowns = list_to_base(renamed_l);
441  sou_q = pip_integer_max(sou_ps, loc_context, pv_unknowns);
442  my_pip_count++;
443  if (get_debug_level() > 4) imprime_special_quast( stderr, sou_q );
444  sou_q = adg_compact_quast( sou_q );
445  }
446  adg_enrichir( sou_q, sou_lel );
447  if (get_debug_level() > 4) {
448  fprintf(stderr, "\nPresent source quast :\n");
449  imprime_special_quast( stderr, sou_q );
450  }
453  /* Find the new source and simplify it */
454  adg_path_max_source(local_source, &sou_q, local_path, dest_psl, TAKE_LAST );
456  if (get_debug_level() > 4) {
457  fprintf(stderr, "\n Updated Source :\n");
458  imprime_special_quast( stderr, source );
459  }
460  }
463  /* Fill "quast_undefined" part of the source
464  * with ENTRY node.
465  */
466  adg_fill_with_quast( &source, entry_q );
469  /* Build the new Data Flow Graph with the new source*/
470  if (get_debug_level() > 2) {
471  fprintf(stderr, "\n ------ Final Source ------\n");
472  imprime_special_quast( stderr, source );
473  }
475  adg_update_dfg( source,
476  effect_any_reference( dest_read_eff ),
477  ret_dest_ver,
478  pa_full(),
479  dest_context,
480  dest_test_context,
481  dup_dg,
482  &ret_verl );
483  }
484  }
486  ret_graph = make_graph( ret_verl );
487  debug(1, "adg_dataflowgraph", "end \n");
488  return( ret_graph );
490 }
492 /*=======================================================================*/
493 /* void array_dfg( (char*) module_name ) AL 93/06/29
494  *
495  * It computes the array data flow graph
496  * using Feautrier's algorithm. This kind of graph detects the real
497  * dependances between arrays. It could be computed on a static control
498  * program. The original code is prepared by the static_controlize
499  * package. See its comments for more details.
500  */
501 boolean array_dfg( mod_name )
502 char* mod_name;
503 {
504  extern int Gcount_re;
505  extern int Gcount_ie;
506  graph dg = NULL, rev_dg = NULL, wr_dg = NULL;
507  graph dup_dg = NULL, ret_dfg = NULL;
508  entity ent = NULL;
509  statement mod_stat = NULL;
510  static_control stco = NULL;
511  string ss = NULL; /* summary or not ? */
512  bool SUMMARY = false;
514  /* Initialize debugging functions */
515  debug_on("ARRAY_DFG_DEBUG_LEVEL");
516  if (get_debug_level() > 0)
517  user_log("\n\n *** COMPUTE ARRAY DATA FLOW GRAPH for %s\n",mod_name);
520  my_pip_count = 0;
521  my_fai_count = 0;
523  /* Initialization of the pass */
524  Gcount_re = 0;
525  Gcount_ie = 0;
526  ent = local_name_to_top_level_entity( mod_name );
527  set_current_module_entity(ent); /* set current_module_entity to ent ... */
529  mod_stat = (statement) db_get_memory_resource(DBR_CODE, mod_name, true);
530  Gstco_map = (statement_mapping) db_get_memory_resource(DBR_STATIC_CONTROL,
531  mod_name, true);
533  /* If the input program is not a static_control one, return */
535  if ( !static_control_yes( stco )) {
536  pips_user_error("\n"
538  " This is not a static control program !");
539  }
542  db_get_memory_resource(DBR_PROPER_EFFECTS, mod_name, true));
544  /* What will we compute ? */
545  SUMMARY = ((ss = getenv("SUMMARY")) != NULL)? atoi(ss) : false;
548  /* We need the dependance graph for a first source approximation.
549  * The graph is first reversed to have the possible source statement.
550  * Then we take only the WR dependances.
551  * At the end : duplicate nodes "a la Redon" for IF statement.
552  */
553  dg = (graph) db_get_memory_resource( DBR_DG, mod_name, true );
554  rev_dg = adg_reverse_graph( dg );
555  wr_dg = adg_only_call_WR_dependence( rev_dg );
556  dup_dg = adg_dup_disjunctive_nodes( wr_dg, Gstco_map );
558  /* We reorder the statement number linked to each vertex
559  * in order to distinguich duplicated vertices
560  */
563  /* We compute the core of the pass */
564  if (!SUMMARY)
565  { ret_dfg = adg_dataflowgraph( mod_stat, Gstco_map, dup_dg );}
566  else ret_dfg = adg_dataflowgraph_with_extremities(mod_stat, Gstco_map, dup_dg);
569  /* End of the program */
570  if (get_debug_level() > 0) fprint_dfg(stderr, ret_dfg);
571  if (get_debug_level() > 8) fprint_dfg(stderr, adg_pure_dfg(ret_dfg));
573  DB_PUT_MEMORY_RESOURCE( DBR_ADFG, strdup(mod_name), ret_dfg);
575  if (get_debug_level() > 0) {
576  printf("\n PIP CALLS : %d\n", my_pip_count);
577  printf("\n FAI CALLS : %d\n", my_fai_count);
578  }
580  if (get_debug_level() > 0) user_log("\n\n *** ARRAY_DFG done\n");
581  debug_off();
587  return(true);
588 }
590 /*=======================================================================*/
void user_log(const char *format,...)
Definition: message.c:234
graph make_graph(list a)
Definition: graph.c:56
vertex make_vertex(vertex_label a1, list a2)
Definition: graph.c:140
leaf_label make_leaf_label(intptr_t a1, intptr_t a2)
Definition: paf_ri.c:306
quast_value make_quast_value(enum quast_value_utype tag, void *val)
Definition: paf_ri.c:565
quast make_quast(quast_value a1, list a2)
Definition: paf_ri.c:516
conditional make_conditional(predicate a1, quast a2, quast a3)
Definition: paf_ri.c:138
quast_leaf make_quast_leaf(list a1, leaf_label a2)
Definition: paf_ri.c:474
dfg_vertex_label make_dfg_vertex_label(intptr_t a1, predicate a2, sccflags a3)
Definition: paf_ri.c:264
predicate make_predicate(Psysteme a1)
Definition: ri.c:1820
expression copy_expression(expression p)
Definition: ri.c:850
graph adg_dup_disjunctive_nodes(graph g, statement_mapping stco_map)
Definition: adg_graph.c:581
list adg_write_reference_list(vertex ver, effect reff)
Definition: adg_graph.c:688
int adg_number_to_ordering(int in_nb)
Definition: adg_graph.c:227
statement adg_vertex_to_statement(vertex in_ver)
Definition: adg_graph.c:266
vertex adg_number_to_vertex(graph in_dfg, int in_nb)
Definition: adg_graph.c:239
list read_reference_list(vertex ver, list ent_l1, list ent_l2)
Definition: adg_graph.c:748
graph adg_pure_dfg(graph in_gr)
Definition: adg_graph.c:56
graph adg_only_call_WR_dependence(graph g)
Definition: adg_graph.c:784
void adg_reorder_statement_number(graph in_dfg)
Definition: adg_graph.c:318
graph adg_reverse_graph(graph g)
Definition: adg_graph.c:1047
void adg_update_dfg(quast in_sou, reference in_ref, vertex in_dest, Ppath in_pa, Psysteme in_context, Psysteme in_test, graph in_gr, list *in_lp)
Definition: adg_graph.c:386
vertex adg_same_dfg_vertex_number(list in_l, int in_i)
Definition: adg_graph.c:358
predicate adg_get_predicate_of_loops(list loops)
Definition: adg_predicate.c:55
void fprint_dfg(FILE *fp, graph obj)
void imprime_special_quast(FILE *fp, quast qu)
graph adg_dataflowgraph_with_extremities(statement mod_stat, statement_mapping stco_map, graph dup_dg)
Definition: adg_summary.c:230
list adg_merge_entities_lists(list l1, list l2)
Definition: adg_utils.c:1093
statement adg_number_to_statement(int in_nb)
Definition: adg_utils.c:461
quast adg_path_max_source(quast *tsou, quast *tsou2, Ppath in_pa, list psl, boolean take_last)
Definition: adg_utils.c:726
quast adg_compact_quast(quast in_q)
Definition: adg_utils.c:129
Pvecteur adg_list_to_vect(list in_list, bool with_tcst)
Definition: adg_utils.c:865
void adg_fill_with_quast(quast *in_pq, quast in_q)
Definition: adg_utils.c:52
int adg_number_of_same_loops(list in_l1, list in_l2)
Definition: adg_utils.c:438
void adg_sc_update_base(Psysteme *in_pps)
Definition: adg_utils.c:384
list adg_decreasing_stat_order_sort(list in_list)
Definition: adg_utils.c:1028
bool adg_is_textualy_after_p(statement in_s1, statement in_s2)
Definition: adg_utils.c:373
Psysteme adg_sc_dup(Psysteme in_ps)
Definition: adg_utils.c:331
Pposs_source adg_path_possible_source(quast *in_tsou, vertex in_ver, int in_dep, Ppath in_pa, bool take_last)
Definition: adg_utils.c:929
list adg_get_loop_indices(list ll)
Definition: adg_utils.c:1186
void adg_enrichir(quast in_qu, leaf_label in_ll)
Definition: adg_utils.c:474
list adg_rename_entities(list le, hash_table fst)
Definition: adg_utils.c:1125
Psysteme adg_suppress_2nd_in_1st_ps(Psysteme in_ps1, Psysteme in_ps2)
Definition: adg_utils.c:403
#define VALUE_ONE
#define TAKE_LAST
int my_fai_count
Definition: array_dfg.c:51
graph adg_dataflowgraph(statement mod_stat, statement_mapping stco_map, graph dup_dg)
Definition: array_dfg.c:70
int Gcount_re
External variables.
Definition: array_dfg.c:45
bool my_sc_faisabilite(Psysteme in_ps)
Definition: array_dfg.c:55
hash_table Gvertex_number_to_statement
Global variables.
Definition: adg_graph.c:42
list Gstructural_parameters
Definition: array_dfg.c:48
boolean array_dfg(char *mod_name)
Definition: array_dfg.c:501
statement_mapping Gstco_map
Definition: array_dfg.c:47
static hash_table Gforward_substitute_table
Definition: array_dfg.c:53
int my_pip_count
Definition: array_dfg.c:50
int Gcount_ie
Definition: array_dfg.c:46
static graph dg
dg is the dependency graph ; FIXME : should not be static global ?
Definition: chains.c:124
struct _newgen_struct_statement_ * statement
Definition: cloning.h:21
Pcontrainte contrainte_make(Pvecteur pv)
Pcontrainte contrainte_make(Pvecteur pv): allocation et initialisation d'une contrainte avec un vecte...
Definition: alloc.c:73
#define sccflags_undefined
Definition: dg.h:247
void reset_proper_rw_effects(void)
void set_proper_rw_effects(statement_effects)
#define effect_any_reference(e)
FI: cannot be used as a left hand side.
#define SUMMARY
#define EFFECT(x)
Definition: effects.h:608
Definition: genread_lex.c:1029
#define vertex_undefined
Definition: graph.h:128
struct _newgen_struct_graph_ * graph
Definition: graph.h:31
#define vertex_vertex_label(x)
Definition: graph.h:152
#define vertex_successors(x)
Definition: graph.h:154
#define graph_vertices(x)
Definition: graph.h:82
#define graph_undefined
Definition: graph.h:60
#define VERTEX(x)
Definition: graph.h:122
void reset_current_module_entity(void)
Reset the current module entity.
Definition: static.c:97
void reset_current_module_statement(void)
Reset the current module statement.
Definition: static.c:221
entity set_current_module_entity(entity)
Definition: static.c:66
#define ENDP(l)
Test if a list is empty.
Definition: newgen_list.h:66
#define POP(l)
Modify a list pointer to point on the next element of the list.
Definition: newgen_list.h:59
#define NIL
The empty list (nil in Lisp)
Definition: newgen_list.h:47
size_t gen_length(const list l)
Definition: list.c:150
#define CONS(_t_, _i_, _l_)
List element cell constructor (insert an element at the beginning of a list)
Definition: newgen_list.h:150
#define CAR(pcons)
Get the value of the first element of a list.
Definition: newgen_list.h:92
list gen_append(list l1, const list l2)
Definition: list.c:471
gen_chunk gen_nth(int n, const list l)
to be used as ENTITY(gen_nth(3, l))...
Definition: list.c:710
string db_get_memory_resource(const char *rname, const char *oname, bool pure)
Return the pointer to the resource, whatever it is.
Definition: database.c:755
#define DB_PUT_MEMORY_RESOURCE(res_name, own_name, res_val)
conform to old interface.
Definition: pipsdbm-local.h:66
hash_table hash_table_make(hash_key_type key_type, size_t size)
Definition: hash.c:294
void hash_put(hash_table htp, const void *key, const void *val)
This functions stores a couple (key,val) in the hash table pointed to by htp.
Definition: hash.c:364
void hash_table_free(hash_table htp)
this function deletes a hash table that is no longer useful.
Definition: hash.c:327
#define ADD_ELEMENT_TO_LIST(_list, _type, _element)
Definition: icfg-local.h:50
static statement mod_stat
We want to keep track of the current statement inside the recurse.
Definition: impact_check.c:41
#define debug_on(env)
Definition: misc-local.h:157
#define pips_internal_error
Definition: misc-local.h:149
#define debug_off()
Definition: misc-local.h:160
#define pips_user_error
Definition: misc-local.h:147
int get_debug_level(void)
GET_DEBUG_LEVEL returns the current debugging level.
Definition: debug.c:67
void debug(const int the_expected_debug_level, const char *calling_function_name, const char *a_message_format,...)
Definition: debug.c:189
Pbase list_to_base(list l)
Pbase list_to_base(list l): returns the Pbase that contains the variables of list "l",...
#define GET_STATEMENT_MAPPING(map, stat)
Definition: newgen-local.h:49
hash_table statement_mapping
these macros are obsolete! newgen functions (->) should be used instead
Definition: newgen-local.h:42
#define HASH_MAP(k, v, code, ht)
Definition: newgen_hash.h:60
@ hash_pointer
Definition: newgen_hash.h:32
int stco_common_loops_of_statements(statement_mapping, statement, statement)
AP, sep 25th 1995 : I have added a function from static_controlise/utils.c.
Definition: utils.c:2497
void pu_vect_fprint(FILE *, Pvecteur)
Definition: print.c:446
void fprint_psysteme(FILE *, Psysteme)
Definition: print.c:302
#define static_control_loops(x)
Definition: paf_ri.h:757
#define quast_undefined
Definition: paf_ri.h:603
struct _newgen_struct_static_control_ * static_control
Definition: paf_ri.h:184
#define leaf_label_statement(x)
Definition: paf_ri.h:451
@ is_quast_value_quast_leaf
Definition: paf_ri.h:654
@ is_quast_value_conditional
Definition: paf_ri.h:655
#define static_control_params(x)
Definition: paf_ri.h:755
#define static_control_yes(x)
Definition: paf_ri.h:753
#define dfg_vertex_label_statement(x)
Definition: paf_ri.h:413
#define quast_leaf_undefined
Definition: paf_ri.h:567
#define leaf_label_depth(x)
Definition: paf_ri.h:453
#define dfg_vertex_label_exec_domain(x)
Definition: paf_ri.h:415
#define LEAF_LABEL(x)
Definition: paf_ri.h:421
Ppath pa_full()
Ppath pa_full() AL 18/11/93 Returns full space path : pa_full = pa_new()
Definition: path.c:117
bool pa_empty_p(Ppath in_pa)
pa_empty_p( (Ppath) in_pa ) AL 18/11/93 Returns True if in_pa = (1*TCST = 0) ^ (NIL)
Definition: path.c:141
quast pip_integer_max(Psysteme ps_dep, Psysteme ps_context, Pvecteur pv_unknowns)
Definition: pip.c:637
void sort_psysteme(Psysteme ps, Pvecteur pv)
Definition: pip.c:729
#define print_effects(e)
Definition: print.c:334
void print_statement(statement)
Print a statement on stderr.
Definition: statement.c:98
entity local_name_to_top_level_entity(const char *n)
This function try to find a top-level entity from a local name.
Definition: entity.c:1450
#define syntax_reference(x)
Definition: ri.h:2730
#define reference_variable(x)
Definition: ri.h:2326
#define ENTITY(x)
Definition: ri.h:2755
#define statement_ordering(x)
Definition: ri.h:2454
#define predicate_undefined_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:2047
#define EXPRESSION(x)
Definition: ri.h:1217
#define predicate_undefined
Definition: ri.h:2046
#define reference_indices(x)
Definition: ri.h:2328
#define statement_instruction(x)
Definition: ri.h:2458
#define instruction_call(x)
Definition: ri.h:1529
#define call_arguments(x)
Definition: ri.h:711
#define statement_number(x)
Definition: ri.h:2452
#define expression_syntax(x)
Definition: ri.h:1247
#define predicate_system(x)
Definition: ri.h:2069
Psysteme sc_make(Pcontrainte leg, Pcontrainte lineg)
Psysteme sc_make(Pcontrainte leg, Pcontrainte lineg): allocation et initialisation d'un systeme d'equ...
Definition: sc.c:78
Psysteme sc_variable_rename(Psysteme s, Variable v_old, Variable v_new)
Psysteme sc_variable_rename(Psysteme s, Variable v_old, Variable v_new): reecriture du systeme s remp...
Definition: sc.c:157
Psysteme sc_dup(Psysteme ps)
Psysteme sc_dup(Psysteme ps): should becomes a link.
Definition: sc_alloc.c:176
bool sc_rational_feasibility_ofl_ctrl(Psysteme sc, int ofl_ctrl, bool ofl_res)
Psysteme sc_append(Psysteme s1, Psysteme s2)
Psysteme sc_append(Psysteme s1, Psysteme s2): calcul de l'intersection des polyedres definis par s1 e...
int fprintf()
test sc_min : ce test s'appelle par : programme fichier1.data fichier2.data ...
char * strdup()
int printf()
void forward_substitute_in_exp(expression *, hash_table)
Definition: utils.c:1148
Psysteme psys
Definition: union-local.h:19
Structure for return of a possible source.
Pbase base
Definition: sc-local.h:75
le type des coefficients dans les vecteurs: Value est defini dans le package arithmetique
Definition: vecteur-local.h:89
The structure used to build lists in NewGen.
Definition: newgen_list.h:41
#define PA_UNDEFINED_P(pa)
Definition: union-local.h:110
struct Spath * Ppath
#define TCST
#define NO_OFL_CTRL
void * Variable
arithmetique is a requirement for vecteur, but I do not want to inforce it in all pips files....
Definition: vecteur-local.h:60
Pvecteur vect_new(Variable var, Value coeff)
Pvecteur vect_new(Variable var,Value coeff): allocation d'un vecteur colineaire au vecteur de base va...
Definition: alloc.c:110
Pvecteur vect_add(Pvecteur v1, Pvecteur v2)
package vecteur - operations binaires
Definition: binaires.c:53
Pvecteur vect_substract(Pvecteur v1, Pvecteur v2)
Pvecteur vect_substract(Pvecteur v1, Pvecteur v2): allocation d'un vecteur v dont la valeur est la di...
Definition: binaires.c:75