Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
3  $Id: reader.c 23065 2016-03-02 09:05:50Z coelho $
5  Copyright 1989-2016 MINES ParisTech
7  This file is part of PIPS.
9  PIPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12  any later version.
14  PIPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
15  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
20  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21  along with PIPS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
23 */
24 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
25  #include "pips_config.h"
26 #endif
28 #include <stdio.h>
29 #include <stdlib.h>
30 #include <string.h>
31 #include <ctype.h>
33 #include "genC.h"
34 #include "parser_private.h"
35 #include "linear.h"
36 #include "ri.h"
38 #include "misc.h"
39 #include "ri-util.h"
41 #include "syntax.h"
43 /*
44  * Fortran est un langage un peu ancien (je ne dirais pas "tres ancien" car
45  * nous avons, lui et moi, le meme age) dans lequel les blancs ne sont pas
46  * significatifs, et dans lequel il n'y a pas de mot clefs reserves. Cela a
47  * pour consequence que l'analyse lexicale de Fortran est delicate, et ne peut
48  * etre effectuee avec lex. Plus exactement, il semble que les nouvelles
49  * versions de lex, avec 'look-ahead', permette d'analyser Fortran, mais je
50  * n'ai pas explore cette voie.
51  *
52  * J'ai prefere utiliser lex en lui fournissant une fonction 'getc' qui
53  * permette de lever les difficultes liees a Fortran.
54  *
55  * La nouvelle fonction getc fonctionne de la facon suivante. Getc lit d'un
56  * seul coup toutes les lignes d'une instruction Fortran, c'est a dire la
57  * ligne initiale et les 19 eventuelles lignes de continuation, et les stocke
58  * dans le buffer 'Stmt'. Au vol, getc repere le label, enleve tous les
59  * blancs, detecte les caracteres entre simples quotes, et met a jour 4
60  * variables externes, qui representent pour l'instruction courante la
61  * premiere et la derniere ligne commentaire, et la premiere et la derniere
62  * ligne source. Ensuite, le contenu du buffer Stmt est analyse pour y
63  * detecter les mot clefs, c'est a dire traiter les cas des instructions IF,
64  * ELSEIF, ASSIGN, DO, des declaratives IMPLICIT et FUNCTION, et des
65  * operateurs '.XX.' (.EQ., .NEQV., ...).
66  *
67  * Lorsqu'un mot clef est detecte, il est mis en minuscules dans le texte
68  * source, sauf la premiere lettre qui reste en majuscule. Ainsi, lex peut
69  * faire la difference entre le mot clef 'Assign' et l'identificateur
70  * 'ASSIGN'. Grace a la premiere lettre, lex peut detecter deux mots clef
71  * successifs, meme sans blanc pour les separer, comme dans
72  * 'IntegerFunctionASSIGN(X)'.
73  *
74  * Lorsqu'un operateur .XX. est detecte, il est remplace dans le source
75  * par '%XX%'. Ainsi, lex peut faire la difference entre une constante
76  * reelle et un operateur, comme dans '(X+1.%EQ%5)'. It used to be '_' but
77  * the underscore is replaced by percent to allow safely underscore in
78  * identifiers.
79  *
80  * Nullary operators .TRUE. and .FALSE. are also converted but are later
81  * seen as constants instead.
82  *
83  * Remi Triolet
84  *
85  * Modifications:
86  *
87  * - the double quote character is not part of Fortran character set; it
88  * should not appear, even in comments or formats (Francois Irigoin)
89  *
90  * - comments were associated with the wrong statement; iPrevComm and
91  * PrevComm were added to keep the right comment; syntax-local.h
92  * and statement.c were modified (Francois Irigoin)
93  *
94  * - ReadLine: there was no check for comment buffer overflow
95  * (Francois Irigoin, 12 February 1992)
96  *
97  * - replaced calls to Warning() by calls to pips_error() in CheckParenthesis
98  * to track a bug (Francois Irigoin, 21 February 1992)
99  * (Francois Irigoin, 7 June 1995)
100  *
101  * - toupper moved from GetChar into ReadLine to keep lower case letters
102  * in character strings and comments; tex_util/print.c had to be changed
103  * too to avoid putting everything in upper case at prettyprint type;
104  * statement.c was also modified to put the declaration part in upper
105  * case as before while keeping comments in their original case
106  * (Function check_first_statement). See minuscule.f in Validation
107  * (Francois Irigoin, 7 June 1995)
108  *
109  * - double quotes can be used instead of simple quotes for character
110  * string constants (Francois Irigoin, 11 novembre 1996)
111  *
112  * - empty and invisible lines made of TAB and SPACE characters are preserved
113  * as comments in the executable part as they are in the declaration part
114  * (Francois Irigoin, 25 juillet 1997).
116  */
118 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
119 /*
120  * macros
121  */
122 #define IS_QUOTED(c) (c>=256)
123 #define QUOTE(c) (c+256)
124 #define UNQUOTE(c) (IS_QUOTED(c) ? (c)-256 : (c))
126 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
127 /*
128  * definitions
129  */
130 #define LOCAL static
132 #define UNDEF -2
134 #define FIRST_LINE 100
135 #define CONTINUATION_LINE 101
136 #define EOF_LINE 102
138 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
139 /*
140  * declarations de variables externes locales
141  */
143 /*********************************************************** COMMENT BUFFERS */
145 /* Comm contains the comments for the current statement in ReadStmt().
146  * PrevComm contains the comments for the previous statement in ReadStmt(),
147  * which is currently being parsed.
148  * CurrComm contains the comments attached to the current line in ReadLine()
149  */
151 #define INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE (128)
152 char * Comm = NULL, * PrevComm = NULL, * CurrComm;
153 int iComm = 0, iPrevComm = 0, iCurrComm = 0;
154 static int CommSize = 0;
155 static int EofSeen = false;
157 /* lazy initialization of the comment buffer
158  */
159 static void
161 {
162  if (CommSize!=0) return; /* if needed */
163  pips_debug(9, "allocating comment buffers\n");
165  Comm = (char*) malloc(CommSize);
166  PrevComm = (char*) malloc(CommSize);
167  CurrComm = (char*) malloc(CommSize);
168  pips_assert("malloc ok", Comm && PrevComm && CurrComm);
169 }
171 static void
173 {
174  pips_debug(9, "resizing comment buffers\n");
175  pips_assert("comment buffer is initialized", CommSize>0);
176  CommSize*=2;
177  Comm = (char*) realloc(Comm, CommSize);
178  PrevComm = (char*) realloc(PrevComm, CommSize);
179  CurrComm = (char*) realloc(CurrComm, CommSize);
180  pips_assert("realloc ok", Comm && PrevComm && CurrComm);
181 }
184 /*********************************************************** GETCHAR BUFFER */
186 static int * getchar_buffer = NULL;
187 static int getchar_buffer_size = 0; /* number of elements in the array */
189 static void
191 {
192  if (getchar_buffer_size!=0) return; /* if needed */
193  pips_debug(9, "allocating getchar buffer\n");
195  getchar_buffer = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*getchar_buffer_size);
196  pips_assert("malloc ok", getchar_buffer);
197 }
199 static void
201 {
202  pips_debug(9, "resizing getchar buffer\n");
203  pips_assert("buffer initialized", getchar_buffer_size>0);
205  getchar_buffer = (int*) realloc(getchar_buffer,
206  sizeof(int)*getchar_buffer_size);
207  pips_assert("realloc ok", getchar_buffer);
208 }
211 static int i_getchar = UNDEF, l_getchar = UNDEF;
214 /*************************************************************** STMT BUFFER */
216 /* le buffer contenant le statement courant, l'indice courant et la longueur.
217  */
218 static int * stmt_buffer = NULL;
219 static size_t stmt_buffer_size = 0;
221 static void
223 {
224  if (stmt_buffer_size!=0) return; /* if needed */
225  pips_debug(9, "allocating stmt buffer\n");
227  stmt_buffer = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*stmt_buffer_size);
228  pips_assert("malloc ok", stmt_buffer);
229 }
231 static void
233 {
234  pips_debug(9, "resizing stmt buffer\n");
235  pips_assert("buffer initialized", stmt_buffer_size>0);
236  stmt_buffer_size*=2;
237  stmt_buffer = (int*) realloc(stmt_buffer, sizeof(int)*stmt_buffer_size);
238  pips_assert("realloc ok", stmt_buffer);
239 }
241 /* indexes in the buffer...
242  */
243 static size_t iStmt = 0, lStmt = 0;
244 #define SIZE_UNDEF ((size_t) UNDEF)
246 /*************************************************************** LINE BUFFER */
248 /* le buffer contenant la ligne que l'on doit lire en avance pour se rendre
249  * compte qu'on a finit de lire un statement, l'indice courant et la longueur.
250  */
251 static int * line_buffer = NULL;
252 static int line_buffer_size = 0;
254 static void
256 {
257  if (line_buffer_size!=0) return; /* if needed */
258  pips_debug(9, "allocating line buffer\n");
260  line_buffer = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*line_buffer_size);
261  pips_assert("malloc ok", line_buffer);
262 }
264 static void
266 {
267  pips_debug(9, "resizing line buffer\n");
268  pips_assert("buffer initialized", line_buffer_size>0);
269  line_buffer_size*=2;
270  line_buffer = (int*) realloc(line_buffer, sizeof(int)*line_buffer_size);
271  pips_assert("realloc ok", line_buffer);
272 }
274 static int iLine = 0, lLine = 0;
277 {
278  size_t i=0, j=0, column=6;
279  char * tmp = (char*) malloc(lStmt+200), * ndecls, * odecls;
282  for (; i<lStmt; i++, j++, column++)
283  {
284  if (column==71)
285  {
286  tmp[j++] = '\n';
287  tmp[j++] = ' ';
288  tmp[j++] = ' ';
289  tmp[j++] = ' ';
290  tmp[j++] = ' ';
291  tmp[j++] = ' ';
292  tmp[j++] = 'x';
293  tmp[j++] = ' ';
294  tmp[j++] = ' ';
295  tmp[j++] = ' ';
296  tmp[j++] = ' ';
297  tmp[j++] = ' ';
298  column = 10;
299  }
300  tmp[j] = (char) stmt_buffer[i]; /* int[] */
301  }
302  stmt_buffer[i]='\0';
303  tmp[j] = '\0';
305  odecls = code_decls_text(c);
306  ndecls = strdup(concatenate(odecls, "! moved up...\n DATA ",
307  tmp+4, 0));
308  free(odecls);
309  free(tmp);
310  code_decls_text(c) = ndecls;
311 }
314 {
315  iLine = 0, lLine = 0;
316  iStmt = 0, lStmt = 0;
317  iCurrComm = 0;
318  iComm = 0;
319  iPrevComm = 0;
321  EofSeen = false;
322 }
324 /*
325  * Une variable pour traiter les quotes. Petit automate a 3 etats:
326  * NONINQUOTES on est a l'exterieur de quotes
327  * INQUOTES on etait dans l'etat NONINQUOTES et on a vu une quote
328  * INQUOTEQUOTE on etait dans l'etat INQUOTES et on a vu un quote
329  *
331  * ^ x
332  * | |
333  * \ v
334  * NONINQUOTES -----'----> INQUOTES -------'-----> INQUOTEQUOTE
335  * | ^ ^ | ^ ^ | |
336  * | | | | | | | |
337  * +-x-+ | +-x-+ +--------'-------+ |
338  * | |
339  * +----------------------x-------------------------+
340  *
341  * x est un caractere quelconque different de '
342  *
343  * Modifications:
344  * - la quote peut-etre simple-quote ou double-quote pour faire plaisir a
345  * Fabien Coelho.
346  * L'information est stockee lors de la rentree dans une constante chaine
347  * de caracteres (variable QuoteChar).
348  * - ajout de l'etat INQUOTEBACKSLASH pour traiter les extensions
349  * non normalisees similaires aux chaines C
350  *
351  * Notes:
352  * - il faut rester compatible avec l'analyseur lexical scanner.l
353  * - les declarations sont relues par un autre analyseur pour en garder
354  * le texte et rester fidele au source
355  */
356 static int EtatQuotes;
357 #define NONINQUOTES 1
358 #define INQUOTES 2
359 #define INQUOTEQUOTE 3
362 /*
363  * Numero de ligne et de colonne du fichier d'entree courant.
364  */
367 /*
368  * Line number of the statement in ReadStmt(),
369  * which is currently being parsed.
370  */
374 /*
375  * Y a t il un '=' ou un ',' non parenthese ?
376  */
379 /* La table des operateurs du type '.XX.'.
380  */
381 static char * OperateurPoints[] = {
382  ".NOT.",
383  ".AND.",
384  ".OR.",
385  ".EQV.",
386  ".NEQV.",
387  ".LT.",
388  ".LE.",
389  ".EQ.",
390  ".NE.",
391  ".GT.",
392  ".GE.",
393  ".TRUE.",
394  ".FALSE.",
395  ".INOUT.",
396  ".IN.",
397  ".OUT.",
398  NULL
399 };
401 /*
402  * La table keywtbl contient tous les keywords de la grammaire Fortran. Elle
403  * est fabriquee automatiquement a partir du fichier f77keywords et mise dans
404  * le fichier keywtbl.h. Le champ 'keywstr' est le nom du mot clef, et le
405  * champ 'keywval est sa valeur numerique pour echange entre le scanner et le
406  * parser.
407  */
408 struct Skeyword {
409  char * keywstr;
410  int keywval;
411 };
413 #include "keywtbl.h"
415 /* Une table pour accelerer les recherche des keywords. keywidx[X] indique le
416  * rang dans keywtbl du premier mot clef commencant par X.
417  */
418 static int keywidx[26];
420 /* Variables qui serviront a mettre a jour les numeros de la premiere et de la
421  * derniere ligne de commentaire, et les numeros de la premiere et de la
422  * derniere ligne du statement.
423  */
425 static char tmp_lab_I[6];
427 /* memoization des properties */
429 #include "properties.h"
431 static bool parser_warn_for_columns_73_80 = true;
433 void
435 {
437  get_bool_property("PARSER_WARN_FOR_COLUMNS_73_80");
439 }
442 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
443 /*
444  * declarations de vraies variables externes
445  */
447 /*
448  * les numeros de la premiere et de la derniere ligne de commentaire, les
449  * numeros de la premiere et de la derniere ligne du statement, et le label du
450  * statement.
451  */
453 extern char lab_I[];
455 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
456 /*
457  * declarations de fonctions externes
458  */
460 void CheckParenthesis();
461 void FindIf();
462 void FindAutre();
463 void FindPoints();
465 int
466 syn_wrap(void)
467 {
468  return(1);
469 }
471 /* La fonction a appeler pour l'analyse d'un nouveau fichier.
472  */
473 void
475 {
476  register int i;
477  static int FirstCall = true;
478  char letcour, *keywcour;
481  if (FirstCall) {
482  FirstCall = false;
484  /* on initialise la table keywidx */
485  for (i = 0; i < 26; i += 1)
486  keywidx[i] = UNDEF;
488  /* on met a jour la table keywidx en fonction des keywords */
489  letcour = ' ';
490  i = 0;
491  while ((keywcour = keywtbl[i].keywstr) != NULL) {
492  if (keywcour[0] != letcour) {
493  /* premier keyword commencant par keywcour[0] */
494  keywidx[(int) keywcour[0]-'A'] = i;
495  letcour = keywcour[0];
496  }
497  i += 1;
498  }
499  }
501  /* on initialise les variables externes locales et non locales */
502  LineNumber = 1;
503  Column = 1;
504  StmtLineNumber = 1;
506  iStmt = lStmt = SIZE_UNDEF;
507  iLine = lLine = UNDEF;
508 }
510 /* Fonction appelee par sslex sur la reduction de la regle de reconnaissance
511  * des mot clefs. Elle recherche si le mot 's' est un mot clef, retourne sa
512  * valeur si oui, et indique une erreur si non.
513  */
514 int
515 IsCapKeyword(char * s)
516 {
517  register int i, c;
518  char *kwcour, *t;
519  char buffer[32];
521  debug(9, "IsCapKeyword", "%s\n", s);
523  pips_assert("not too long keyword", strlen(s)<32);
525  /* la chaine s est mise en majuscules */
526  t = buffer;
527  while ( (c = *s++) ) {
528  if (islower(c))
529  c = toupper(c);
530  *t++ = c;
531  }
532  *t = '\0';
534  i = keywidx[(int) buffer[0]-'A'];
536  if (i != UNDEF) {
537  while ((kwcour = keywtbl[i].keywstr)!=0 && kwcour[0]==buffer[0]) {
538  if (strcmp(buffer, kwcour) == 0) {
539  debug(9, "IsCapKeyword", "%s %d\n", kwcour, i);
540  return(keywtbl[i].keywval);
541  }
543  i += 1;
544  }
545  }
547  user_warning("IsCapKeyword", "[scanner] keyword expected near %s\n",
548  buffer);
549  ParserError("IsCapKeyword", "Missing keyword.\n");
551  return(-1); /* just to avoid a gcc warning */
553 }
555 /* Routine de lecture pour l'analyseur lexical, lex ou flex */
556 int
557 PipsGetc(FILE * fp)
558 {
559  int eof = false;
560  int c;
562  if (iStmt == SIZE_UNDEF || iStmt >= lStmt) {
563  /*
564  * le statement est vide. On lit et traite le suivant.
565  */
566  if (ReadStmt(fp) == EOF) {
567  eof = true;
568  }
569  else {
570  /*
571  * verifie les parentheses et on recherche les '=' et
572  * les ',' de profondeur zero.
573  */
576  /*
577  * on recherche les operateurs du genre .eq.
578  */
579  FindPoints();
581  if (!FindDo()) {
582  if (!FindImplicit()) {
583  if (!FindIfArith()) {
584  FindIf();
586  if (!FindAssign()) {
587  FindAutre();
588  }
589  }
590  }
591  }
593  iStmt = 0;
594  }
595  }
597  c = stmt_buffer[iStmt++];
598  return((eof) ? EOF : UNQUOTE(c));
599 }
601 /* Routine de lecture physique
602  *
603  * In case an error occurs, buffer must be emptied.
604  * Since i_getchar and l_getchar
605  * cannot be touched by the error handling routine, changes of fp are tracked
606  * in GetChar() and dynamically tested. Kludge suggested by Fabien Coelho to
607  * avoid adding more global variables. (FI)
608  *
609  * Empty (or rather invisible) lines made of TAB and SPACE characters are
610  * replaced by the string "\n".
611  */
613 int
614 GetChar(FILE * fp)
615 {
616  int c = UNDEF;
617  static int col = 0;
618  static FILE * previous_fp = NULL;
622  /* This section (probably) is made obsolete by the new function
623  * parser_reset_all_reader_buffers(). The user_warning() is replaced
624  * by a pips_error(). Test: Cachan/bug10
625  */
626  if( previous_fp != fp ) {
627  /* If a file has just been opened */
628  if( i_getchar < l_getchar ) {
629  /* if the buffer is not empty, which may never occur if
630  * previous_fp == NULL, perform a buffer reset
631  */
633  pips_internal_error("Unexpected buffer reset."
634  "A parser error must have occured previously.\n");
635  }
636  previous_fp = fp;
637  }
639  /* A whole input line is read to process TABs and empty lines */
640  while (i_getchar >= l_getchar && c != EOF) {
641  int EmptyBuffer = true;
642  int LineTooLong = false;
643  bool first_column = true;
644  bool in_comment = false;
646  i_getchar = l_getchar = 0;
648  while ((c = getc(fp)) != '\n' && c != EOF) {
650  if (l_getchar>getchar_buffer_size-20) /* large for expansion */
653  if(first_column) {
654  in_comment = (strchr(START_COMMENT_LINE, (char) c)!= NULL);
655  first_column = false;
656  }
658  /* Fortran has a limited character set. See standard section 3.1.
659  This cannot be handled here as you do not know if you are
660  in a string constant or not. You cannot convert the double
661  quote into a simple quote because you may generate an illegal
662  string constant. Maybe the best would be to uncomment the
663  next test. FI, 21 February 1992
664  if( c == '\"')
665  FatalError("GetChar","Illegal double quote character");
666  " */
667  /* FI: let's delay and do it in ReadLine:
668  * if (islower(c)) c = toupper(c);
669  */
671  if (c == '\t') {
672  int i;
673  int nspace = 8-col%8;
674  /* for (i = 0; i < (8-Column%8); i++) { */
675  for (i = 0; i < nspace; i++) {
676  col += 1;
677  getchar_buffer[l_getchar++] = ' ';
678  }
679  } else if (c == '\r') {
680  /* Ignore carriage returns introduced by VMS, MSDOS or MACOS...*/
681  ;
682  }
683  else {
684  col += 1;
685  if(col > 72 && !LineTooLong && !in_comment &&
686  parser_warn_for_columns_73_80 && !(c==' ' || c=='\t')) {
687  user_warning("GetChar",
688  "Line %d truncated, col=%d and l_getchar=%d\n",
690  LineTooLong = true;
691  }
692  /* buffer[l_getchar++] = (col > 72) ? ' ' : c; */
693  /* buffer[l_getchar++] = (col > 72) ? '\n' : c; */
694  if(col <= 72 || in_comment) {
695  /* last columns cannot be copied because we might be
696  * inside a character string
697  */
698  getchar_buffer[l_getchar++] = c;
699  }
700  if (c != ' ')
701  EmptyBuffer = false;
702  }
703  }
705  if (c == EOF) {
706  if (!EmptyBuffer) {
707  user_warning("GetChar",
708  "incomplete last line !!!\n");
709  c = '\n';
710  }
711  }
712  else {
713  if (EmptyBuffer) {
714  /* i_getchar = l_getchar = UNDEF; */
715  debug(8, "GetChar", "An empty line has been detected\n");
716  i_getchar = l_getchar = 0;
717  getchar_buffer[l_getchar++] = '\n';
718  col = 0;
719  /* LineNumber += 1; */
720  }
721  else {
722  col = 0;
723  getchar_buffer[l_getchar++] = '\n';
724  }
725  }
726  ifdebug(8) {
727  int i;
729  if(l_getchar==UNDEF) {
730  debug(8, "GetChar",
731  "Input line after tab expansion is empty:\n");
732  }
733  else {
734  debug(8, "GetChar",
735  "Input line after tab expansion l_getchar=%d, col=%d:\n",
736  l_getchar, col);
737  }
738  for (i=0; i < l_getchar; i++) {
739  (void) putc((char) getchar_buffer[i], stderr);
740  }
741  if(l_getchar<=0) {
742  (void) putc('\n', stderr);
743  }
744  }
745  }
747  if (c != EOF) {
748  if ((c = getchar_buffer[i_getchar++]) == '\n') {
749  Column = 1;
750  LineNumber += 1;
751  }
752  else {
753  Column += 1;
754  }
755  }
757  return(c);
758 }
760 /* All physical lines of a statement are put together in a unique buffer
761  * called "line_buffer". Each character in each physical line is retrieved with
762  * GetChar().
763  */
764 int
765 ReadLine(FILE * fp)
766 {
767  static char QuoteChar = '\000';
768  int TypeOfLine;
769  int i, c;
770  char label[6];
771  int ilabel = 0;
773  /* on entre dans ReadLine avec Column = 1 */
774  pips_assert("ReadLine", Column == 1);
778  /* Read all comment lines you can */
779  while (strchr(START_COMMENT_LINE,(c = GetChar(fp))) != NULL) {
780  if (tmp_b_C == UNDEF)
781  tmp_b_C = (c=='\n')?LineNumber-1:LineNumber;
783  ifdebug(8) {
784  if(c=='\n')
785  debug(8, "ReadLine",
786  "Empty comment line detected at line %d "
787  "for comment starting at line %d\n",
788  LineNumber-1, tmp_b_C);
789  }
791  while(c!=EOF) {
792  if (iCurrComm >= CommSize-2)
794  CurrComm[iCurrComm++] = c;
795  if(c=='\n') break;
796  c = GetChar(fp);
797  }
798  }
800  CurrComm[iCurrComm] = '\0';
802  pips_debug(7, "comment CurrComm: (%d) --%s--\n", iCurrComm, CurrComm);
804  if (c != EOF) {
805  /* Read label */
806  for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
807  if (c != ' ') {
808  if (isdigit(c)) {
809  label[ilabel++] = c;
810  }
811  else {
812  pips_user_warning("Unexpected character '%c' (0x%x)\n",
813  c, (int) c);
814  ParserError("ReadLine",
815  "non numeric character in label!\n");
816  }
817  }
818  c = GetChar(fp);
819  }
821  if (ilabel > 0) {
822  label[ilabel] = '\0';
823  strcpy(tmp_lab_I, label);
824  }
825  else
826  strcpy(tmp_lab_I, "");
828  /* Check continuation character */
829  TypeOfLine = (c != ' ' && c!= '0') ? CONTINUATION_LINE : FIRST_LINE;
831  /* Keep track of the first and last comment lines and of the first and
832  * last statement lines. These two intervals may intersect.
833  *
834  * Append current comment CurrComm to Comm if it is a continuation. Save Comm
835  * in PrevComm and CurrComm in Comm if it is a first statement line.
836  */
837  if (TypeOfLine == FIRST_LINE) {
838  if(iComm!=0) {
839  Comm[iComm] = '\0';
840  (void) strcpy(PrevComm, Comm);
841  Comm[0] = '\0';
842  }
843  else {
844  PrevComm[0] = '\0';
845  }
846  iPrevComm = iComm;
848  (void) strcpy(Comm, CurrComm);
849  iComm = iCurrComm;
850  iCurrComm = 0;
851  CurrComm[0] = '\0';
853  if (tmp_b_C != UNDEF)
854  tmp_e_C = LineNumber - 1;
856  }
857  else if (TypeOfLine == CONTINUATION_LINE){
858  if (iCurrComm+iComm >= CommSize-2)
860  (void) strcat(Comm, CurrComm);
861  iComm += iCurrComm;
862  iCurrComm = 0;
863  CurrComm[0] = '\0';
865  /* FI: this is all wrong */
866  /* Why destroy comments because there are continuation lines? */
867  /* tmp_b_C = tmp_e_C = UNDEF; */
868  }
870  pips_debug(7, "comment Comm: (%d) --%s--\n", iComm, Comm);
871  pips_debug(7, "comment PrevComm: (%d) --%s--\n", iPrevComm, PrevComm);
873  /* Read the rest of the line, skipping SPACEs but handling string constants */
875  while ((c = GetChar(fp)) != '\n') {
876  if (c == '\'' || c == '"') {
877  if (EtatQuotes == INQUOTES) {
878  if(c == QuoteChar)
880  else {
881  if (EtatQuotes == INQUOTEQUOTE)
883  }
884  }
885  else if(EtatQuotes == INQUOTEBACKSLASH)
887  else {
889  QuoteChar = c;
890  }
891  }
892  else {
893  if (EtatQuotes == INQUOTEQUOTE)
895  else if(EtatQuotes == INQUOTES && c == '\\')
897  else if(EtatQuotes == INQUOTEBACKSLASH)
899  }
901  if (lLine>line_buffer_size-5)
904  if (EtatQuotes == NONINQUOTES) {
905  if (c != ' ') {
906  line_buffer[lLine++] = islower(c)? toupper(c) : c;
907  }
908  }
909  else {
910  line_buffer[lLine++] = QUOTE(c);
911  }
913  }
915  if (EtatQuotes == INQUOTEQUOTE)
917  }
918  else {
919  TypeOfLine = EOF_LINE;
920  if (tmp_b_C != UNDEF)
921  tmp_e_C = LineNumber - 1;
924  if(iComm!=0) {
925  Comm[iComm] = '\0';
926  (void) strcpy(PrevComm, Comm);
927  Comm[0] = '\0';
928  }
929  else {
930  PrevComm[0] = '\0';
931  }
932  iPrevComm = iComm;
933  }
935  pips_debug(9, "Aggregation of continuation lines: '%s'\n", (char*)line_buffer);
937  return(TypeOfLine);
938 }
940 /* regroupement des lignes du statement en une unique ligne sans continuation */
941 int
942 ReadStmt(FILE * fp)
943 {
944  int TypeOfLine;
945  int result;
949  if (EofSeen == true) {
950  /*
951  * on a rencontre EOF, et on a deja purge le dernier
952  * statement. On arrete.
953  */
954  EofSeen = false;
955  result = EOF;
956  }
957  else {
958  /*
959  * on a deja lu la 1ere ligne sauf au moment de l'initialisation
960  */
961  if (lLine == UNDEF) {
962  lLine = 0;
964  tmp_b_I = tmp_e_I = UNDEF;
965  tmp_b_C = tmp_e_C = UNDEF;
967  if ((TypeOfLine = ReadLine(fp)) == CONTINUATION_LINE) {
968  ParserError("ReadStmt",
969  "[scanner] incorrect continuation line as first line\n");
970  }
971  else if (TypeOfLine == FIRST_LINE) {
972  /* It would be nice to move the current comments from
973  * Comm to PrevComm, but it is just too late because of
974  * the repeat until control structure down: ReadLine()
975  * has already been called and read the first line of
976  * the next statement. Hence, CurrComm is needed.
977  */
978  }
979  else if (TypeOfLine == EOF_LINE) {
980  result = EOF;
981  }
982  }
984  line_b_I = tmp_b_I;
985  line_b_C = tmp_b_C;
986  strcpy(lab_I, tmp_lab_I);
988  lStmt = 0;
989  /* Memorize the line number before to find next Statement*/
991  do {
992  iLine = 0;
993  while (iLine < lLine) {
994  if (lStmt>stmt_buffer_size-20)
997  }
998  lLine = 0;
1000  /* Update the current final lines for instruction and comments */
1001  line_e_I = tmp_e_I;
1002  line_e_C = tmp_e_C;
1004  /* Initialize temporary beginning and end line numbers */
1005  tmp_b_I = tmp_e_I = UNDEF;
1006  tmp_b_C = tmp_e_C = UNDEF;
1008  } while ((TypeOfLine = ReadLine(fp)) == CONTINUATION_LINE) ;
1010  stmt_buffer[lStmt++] = '\n';
1011  iStmt = 0;
1013  line_e_I = (tmp_b_C == UNDEF) ? tmp_b_I-1 : tmp_b_C-1;
1015  if (TypeOfLine == EOF_LINE)
1016  EofSeen = true;
1018  result = 1;
1020  ifdebug(7) {
1021  size_t i;
1022  pips_debug(7, "stmt: (%td)\n", lStmt);
1023  for(i=0; i<lStmt; i++)
1024  putc((int) stmt_buffer[i], stderr);
1025  }
1026  }
1028  return(result);
1029 }
1031 void
1033 {
1034  register size_t i;
1035  int parenthese = 0;
1037  ProfZeroVirg = ProfZeroEgal = false;
1039  for (i = 0; i < lStmt; i++) {
1040  if (!IS_QUOTED(stmt_buffer[i])) {
1041  if (parenthese == 0) {
1042  if (stmt_buffer[i] == ',')
1043  ProfZeroVirg = true;
1044  else if (stmt_buffer[i] == '=')
1045  ProfZeroEgal = true;
1046  }
1047  if(stmt_buffer[i] == '(') parenthese ++;
1048  if(stmt_buffer[i] == ')') parenthese --;
1049  }
1050  }
1051  if(parenthese < 0) {
1052  for (i=0; i < lStmt; i++)
1053  (void) putc((char) stmt_buffer[i], stderr);
1054  /* Warning("CheckParenthesis", */
1055  ParserError("CheckParenthesis",
1056  "unbalanced paranthesis (too many ')')\n"
1057  "Due to line truncation at column 72?\n");
1058  }
1059  if(parenthese > 0) {
1060  for (i=0; i < lStmt; i++)
1061  (void) putc((char) stmt_buffer[i], stderr);
1062  ParserError("CheckParenthesis",
1063  "unbalanced paranthesis (too many '(')\n"
1064  "Due to line truncation at column 72?\n");
1065  }
1066 }
1068 /* This function is redundant with FindDo() but much easier to
1069  * understand. I leave it as documentation. FI.
1070  */
1072 int
1074 {
1075  int result = false;
1077  if (!ProfZeroEgal && StmtEqualString("DOWHILE", iStmt)) {
1078  (void) CapitalizeStmt("DO", iStmt);
1079  (void) CapitalizeStmt("WHILE", iStmt+2);
1080  result = true;
1081  }
1083  return(result);
1084 }
1086 int
1087 FindDo(void)
1088 {
1089  int result = false;
1091  if(StmtEqualString("DO", iStmt)) {
1092  if (ProfZeroVirg && ProfZeroEgal) {
1093  (void) CapitalizeStmt("DO", iStmt);
1094  result = true;
1095  }
1096  else if (!ProfZeroVirg && !ProfZeroEgal) {
1097  /* Let's skip a loop label to look for a while construct */
1098  int i = iStmt+2;
1099  while (isdigit(stmt_buffer[i]))
1100  i++;
1102  if (StmtEqualString("WHILE", i)) {
1103  (void) CapitalizeStmt("DO", iStmt);
1104  (void) CapitalizeStmt("WHILE", i);
1105  result = true;
1106  }
1107  }
1108  }
1110  return(result);
1111 }
1113 int
1115 {
1116  int result = false;
1118  if (!ProfZeroEgal && StmtEqualString("IMPLICIT", iStmt)) {
1119  iStmt = CapitalizeStmt("IMPLICIT", iStmt);
1120  while (iStmt < lStmt) {
1121  iStmt = NeedKeyword();
1122  if ((iStmt = FindProfZero((int) ',')) == SIZE_UNDEF)
1123  iStmt = lStmt;
1124  else
1125  iStmt += 1;
1126  }
1127  result = true;
1128  }
1130  return(result);
1131 }
1133 int
1135 {
1136  int result = false;
1138  if (StmtEqualString("IF(", iStmt)) {
1139  int i = FindMatchingPar(iStmt+2)+1;
1140  if ('0' <= stmt_buffer[i] && stmt_buffer[i] <= '9') {
1141  (void) CapitalizeStmt("IF", iStmt);
1142  result = true;
1143  }
1144  }
1146  return(result);
1147 }
1149 void
1150 FindIf(void)
1151 {
1152  if (StmtEqualString("IF(", iStmt)) {
1153  int i = FindMatchingPar(iStmt+2)+1;
1154  if (stmt_buffer[i] != '=') {
1155  (void) CapitalizeStmt("IF", iStmt);
1156  iStmt = i;
1157  }
1158  }
1159  else if (StmtEqualString("ELSEIF(", iStmt)) {
1160  int i = FindMatchingPar(iStmt+6)+1;
1161  if (stmt_buffer[i] != '=') {
1162  (void) CapitalizeStmt("ELSEIF", iStmt);
1163  iStmt = i;
1164  }
1165  }
1166 }
1168 void
1170 {
1171  if (!ProfZeroEgal) {
1172  int i = NeedKeyword();
1174  /*
1175  * on detecte le cas tordu: INTEGER FUNCTION(...) ou encore
1176  * plus tordu: CHARACTER*89 FUNCTION(...)
1177  */
1178  if (StmtEqualString("Integer", iStmt) ||
1179  StmtEqualString("Real", iStmt) ||
1180  StmtEqualString("Character", iStmt) ||
1181  StmtEqualString("Complex", iStmt) ||
1182  StmtEqualString("Doubleprecision", iStmt) ||
1183  StmtEqualString("Logical", iStmt)) {
1184  if (stmt_buffer[i] == '*' && isdigit(stmt_buffer[i+1])) {
1185  i += 2;
1186  while (isdigit(stmt_buffer[i]))
1187  i++;
1188  }
1189  if (StmtEqualString("FUNCTION", i)) {
1190  (void) CapitalizeStmt("FUNCTION", i);
1191  }
1192  }
1193  }
1194 }
1196 int
1198 {
1199  int result = false;
1201  if (!ProfZeroEgal && StmtEqualString("ASSIGN", iStmt)) {
1202  register size_t i = iStmt+6;
1204  if (isdigit(stmt_buffer[i])) {
1205  while (i < lStmt && isdigit(stmt_buffer[i]))
1206  i++;
1208  if (StmtEqualString("TO", i)) {
1209  (void) CapitalizeStmt("ASSIGN", iStmt);
1210  (void) CapitalizeStmt("TO", i);
1211  result = true;
1212  }
1213  }
1214  }
1216  return(result);
1217 }
1219 void
1221 {
1222  register size_t i = iStmt;
1224  while (i < lStmt) {
1225  if (stmt_buffer[i] == '.' && isalpha(stmt_buffer[i+1])) {
1226  register int j = 0;
1228  while (OperateurPoints[j] != NULL) {
1229  if (StmtEqualString(OperateurPoints[j], i)) {
1230  stmt_buffer[i] = '%';
1231  i += strlen(OperateurPoints[j]);
1232  stmt_buffer[i-1] = '%';
1233  break;
1234  }
1235  j += 1;
1236  }
1238  if (OperateurPoints[j] == NULL)
1239  i += 2;
1240  }
1241  else {
1242  i += 1;
1243  }
1244  }
1245 }
1247 size_t
1249 {
1250  register size_t i;
1251  int parenthese = 0;
1253  for (i = iStmt; i < lStmt; i++) {
1254  if (!IS_QUOTED(stmt_buffer[i])) {
1255  if (parenthese == 0 && stmt_buffer[i] == c)
1256  break;
1258  if(stmt_buffer[i] == '(') parenthese ++;
1259  if(stmt_buffer[i] == ')') parenthese --;
1260  }
1261  }
1263  return (i == lStmt) ? SIZE_UNDEF : i;
1264 }
1266 size_t
1268 {
1269  int parenthese;
1271  pips_assert("FindMatchingPar",
1272  stmt_buffer[i] == '(' && !IS_QUOTED(stmt_buffer[i]));
1274  i += 1;
1275  parenthese = 1;
1277  while (i < lStmt && parenthese > 0) {
1278  if (!IS_QUOTED(stmt_buffer[i])) {
1279  if(stmt_buffer[i] == '(') parenthese ++;
1280  if(stmt_buffer[i] == ')') parenthese --;
1281  }
1282  i += 1;
1283  }
1285  return (i == lStmt) ? SIZE_UNDEF : i-1;
1286 }
1288 // ??? should be a bool?
1289 int
1290 StmtEqualString(char *s, int i)
1291 {
1292  int result = false;
1294  if (strlen(s) <= lStmt-i) {
1295  while (*s)
1296  if (*s != stmt_buffer[i++])
1297  break;
1298  else
1299  s++;
1301  result = (*s) ? false : i;
1302  }
1304  return result;
1305 }
1307 int
1308 CapitalizeStmt(char s[], int i)
1309 {
1310  int l = i+strlen(s);
1312  if ((size_t) l <= lStmt) {
1313  /* la 1ere lettre n'est pas modifiee */
1314  i += 1;
1315  while (i < l) {
1316  stmt_buffer[i] = tolower(stmt_buffer[i]);
1317  i += 1;
1318  }
1319  }
1320  else {
1321  ParserError("CapitalizeStmt",
1322  "[scanner] internal error in CapitalizeStmt\n");
1323  }
1325  return(i);
1326 }
1328 int
1330 {
1331  register int i, j;
1332  char * kwcour;
1334  i = keywidx[(int) stmt_buffer[iStmt]-'A'];
1336  if (i != UNDEF) {
1337  while ((kwcour = keywtbl[i].keywstr)!=0 &&
1338  kwcour[0]==stmt_buffer[iStmt]) {
1339  if (StmtEqualString(kwcour, iStmt) != false) {
1340  j = CapitalizeStmt(kwcour, iStmt);
1341  return(j);
1342  }
1343  i += 1;
1344  }
1345  }
1347  ParserError("NeedKeyword", "[scanner] keyword expected\n");
1349  return(-1); /* just to avoid a gcc warning */
1351  /*NOTREACHED*/
1352 }
1355 {
1356  int i;
1357  FILE * syn_in = NULL;
1359  /* Preprocessed statement: Spaces have been eliminated as well as
1360  continuation lines, keyword have been emphasized and variables
1361  capitalized. */
1362  /*
1363  for(i=0; i<lStmt; i++)
1364  fprintf(stderr, "%c", (char) stmt_buffer[i]);
1365  fprintf(stderr,"\n");
1366  */
1368  syn_in = safe_fopen(CurrentFN, "r");
1370  /* Skip the initial lines */
1372  /* line_b_I, line_e_I */
1373  i = 1;
1374  while(i<line_b_I) {
1375  int c;
1376  if((c = getc(syn_in))==(int) '\n') i++;
1377  pips_assert("The end of file cannot be reached", c!=EOF);
1378  }
1380  /* Copy the data lines */
1381  while(i<=line_e_I) {
1382  int c;
1383  if((c = getc(syn_in))==(int) '\n') i++;
1384  pips_assert("The end of file cannot be reached", c!=EOF);
1385  putc(c, stderr);
1386  }
1389 }
1391 /*return the line number of the statement being parsed*/
1393  return StmtLineNumber - 1;
1394 }
void const char const char const int
FILE * safe_fopen(const char *filename, const char *what)
Definition: file.c:67
int safe_fclose(FILE *stream, const char *filename)
Definition: file.c:77
bool get_bool_property(const string)
FC 2015-07-20: yuk, moved out to prevent an include cycle dependency include "properties....
void * malloc(YYSIZE_T)
void free(void *)
entity get_current_module_entity(void)
Get the entity of the current module.
Definition: static.c:85
static struct Skeyword keywtbl[]
Definition: keywtbl.h:33
#define pips_debug
these macros use the GNU extensions that allow variadic macros, including with an empty list.
Definition: misc-local.h:145
#define pips_user_warning
Definition: misc-local.h:146
#define pips_assert(what, predicate)
common macros, two flavors depending on NDEBUG
Definition: misc-local.h:172
#define pips_internal_error
Definition: misc-local.h:149
#define user_warning(fn,...)
Definition: misc-local.h:262
void debug(const int the_expected_debug_level, const char *calling_function_name, const char *a_message_format,...)
Definition: debug.c:189
string concatenate(const char *,...)
Return the concatenation of the given strings.
Definition: string.c:183
#define false
Definition: newgen_types.h:80
int FindIfArith(void)
Definition: reader.c:1134
#define FIRST_LINE
Definition: reader.c:134
char * Comm
Definition: reader.c:152
int PipsGetc(FILE *fp)
Routine de lecture pour l'analyseur lexical, lex ou flex.
Definition: reader.c:557
static int * getchar_buffer
Definition: reader.c:186
char * CurrComm
Definition: reader.c:152
static int tmp_e_I
Definition: reader.c:424
int line_e_C
Definition: reader.c:452
void FindPoints()
Definition: reader.c:1220
int IsCapKeyword(char *s)
Fonction appelee par sslex sur la reduction de la regle de reconnaissance des mot clefs.
Definition: reader.c:515
static void init_line_buffer(void)
Definition: reader.c:255
static size_t iStmt
indexes in the buffer...
Definition: reader.c:243
static int tmp_e_C
Definition: reader.c:424
int ReadLine(FILE *fp)
All physical lines of a statement are put together in a unique buffer called "line_buffer".
Definition: reader.c:765
Definition: reader.c:135
static bool parser_warn_for_columns_73_80
memoization des properties
Definition: reader.c:431
Comm contains the comments for the current statement in ReadStmt().
Definition: reader.c:151
static void init_comment_buffers(void)
lazy initialization of the comment buffer
Definition: reader.c:160
char * PrevComm
Definition: reader.c:152
LOCAL int ProfZeroEgal
Definition: reader.c:377
void dump_current_statement()
Definition: reader.c:1354
#define LOCAL
Definition: reader.c:130
Definition: reader.c:360
void CheckParenthesis()
Definition: reader.c:1032
static int line_buffer_size
Definition: reader.c:252
int line_e_I
Definition: reader.c:452
int line_b_C
Definition: reader.c:452
static char * OperateurPoints[]
La table des operateurs du type '.XX.
Definition: reader.c:381
int line_b_I
Indicates where the current instruction (in fact statement) starts and ends in the input file and giv...
Definition: parser.c:68
int NeedKeyword(void)
Definition: reader.c:1329
static int iLine
Definition: reader.c:274
#define EOF_LINE
Definition: reader.c:136
static void resize_comment_buffers(void)
Definition: reader.c:172
static char tmp_lab_I[6]
Definition: reader.c:425
int iCurrComm
Definition: reader.c:153
static int keywidx[26]
Une table pour accelerer les recherche des keywords.
Definition: reader.c:418
LOCAL int ProfZeroVirg
Definition: reader.c:377
size_t FindMatchingPar(size_t i)
Definition: reader.c:1267
static int l_getchar
Definition: reader.c:211
void FindAutre()
Definition: reader.c:1169
char lab_I[]
Definition: parser.c:69
static int tmp_b_I
Variables qui serviront a mettre a jour les numeros de la premiere et de la derniere ligne de comment...
Definition: reader.c:424
static int lLine
Definition: reader.c:274
static int * stmt_buffer
le buffer contenant le statement courant, l'indice courant et la longueur.
Definition: reader.c:218
void parser_reset_all_reader_buffers(void)
Definition: reader.c:313
static size_t lStmt
Definition: reader.c:243
Definition: reader.c:357
LOCAL int LineNumber
Definition: reader.c:365
static int CommSize
Definition: reader.c:154
LOCAL int Column
Definition: reader.c:365
int FindAssign(void)
Definition: reader.c:1197
int FindImplicit(void)
Definition: reader.c:1114
#define QUOTE(c)
Definition: reader.c:123
#define INQUOTES
Definition: reader.c:358
#define SIZE_UNDEF
Definition: reader.c:244
static size_t stmt_buffer_size
Definition: reader.c:219
int get_statement_number()
eturn the line number of the statement being parsed
Definition: reader.c:1392
void ScanNewFile(void)
La fonction a appeler pour l'analyse d'un nouveau fichier.
Definition: reader.c:474
static int EofSeen
Definition: reader.c:155
static int tmp_b_C
Definition: reader.c:424
int CapitalizeStmt(char s[], int i)
Definition: reader.c:1308
static int i_getchar
Definition: reader.c:211
static void init_getchar_buffer(void)
number of elements in the array
Definition: reader.c:190
int FindDo(void)
Definition: reader.c:1087
int syn_wrap(void)
Definition: reader.c:466
int StmtEqualString(char *s, int i)
Definition: reader.c:1290
#define UNQUOTE(c)
Definition: reader.c:124
void append_data_current_stmt_buffer_to_declarations(void)
Definition: reader.c:276
static void init_stmt_buffer(void)
Definition: reader.c:222
int ReadStmt(FILE *fp)
regroupement des lignes du statement en une unique ligne sans continuation
Definition: reader.c:942
#define UNDEF
Definition: reader.c:132
int iPrevComm
Definition: reader.c:153
void init_parser_reader_properties()
Definition: reader.c:434
int FindDoWhile(void)
This function is redundant with FindDo() but much easier to understand.
Definition: reader.c:1073
static void resize_getchar_buffer(void)
Definition: reader.c:200
int GetChar(FILE *fp)
Routine de lecture physique.
Definition: reader.c:614
int iComm
Definition: reader.c:153
static int * line_buffer
le buffer contenant la ligne que l'on doit lire en avance pour se rendre compte qu'on a finit de lire...
Definition: reader.c:251
void FindIf()
Definition: reader.c:1150
static void resize_line_buffer(void)
Definition: reader.c:265
static void resize_stmt_buffer(void)
Definition: reader.c:232
static int EtatQuotes
Definition: reader.c:356
#define IS_QUOTED(c)
Definition: reader.c:122
static int getchar_buffer_size
Definition: reader.c:187
LOCAL int StmtLineNumber
Definition: reader.c:371
Definition: reader.c:359
size_t FindProfZero(int c)
Definition: reader.c:1248
code EntityCode(entity e)
this function checks that e has an initial value code.
Definition: entity.c:301
#define code_decls_text(x)
Definition: ri.h:786
char * strdup()
#define ifdebug(n)
Definition: sg.c:47
static string buffer
Definition: string.c:113
int keywval
Definition: reader.c:410
char * keywstr
Definition: reader.c:409
FILE * syn_in
lex yacc interface
Definition: syntax.h:325
Legal characters to start a comment line.
Definition: syntax-local.h:30
char * CurrentFN
Pre-parser for Fortran syntax idiosyncrasy.
Definition: parser.c:49
bool ParserError(const char *f, const char *m)
Definition: parser.c:116