xml_prettyprinter.c File Reference
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "genC.h"
#include "linear.h"
#include "pipsdbm.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "properties.h"
#include "text.h"
#include "effects.h"
#include "ri.h"
#include "ri-util.h"
#include "text-util.h"
#include "control.h"
#include "effects-util.h"
#include "transformer.h"
#include "prettyprint.h"
#include "dg.h"
#include "graph.h"
#include "rice.h"
#include "ricedg.h"
#include "effects-convex.h"
#include "effects-generic.h"
#include "effects-simple.h"
#include "complexity_ri.h"
#include "complexity.h"
#include "semantics.h"
#include "modeling.h"
+ Include dependency graph for xml_prettyprinter.c:

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  expression_ctxt
struct  Spattern
struct  callst
struct  alias_in_args


#define DEBUG_XML   1
#define COMMA   ","
#define EMPTY   ""
#define NL   "\n"
#define TAB   " "
#define SEMICOLON   ";" NL
#define SPACE   " "
#define OPENBRACKET   "["
#define CLOSEBRACKET   "]"
#define OPENPAREN   "("
#define CLOSEPAREN   ")"
#define OPENBRACE   "{"
#define CLOSEBRACE   "}"
#define OPENANGLE   "<"
#define CLOSEANGLE   ">"
#define SLASH   "/"
#define SHARPDEF   "#define"
#define COMMENT   "//" SPACE
#define QUOTE   "\""
#define XML_TASK_PREFIX   "T_"
#define XML_MOTIF_PREFIX   "M_"
#define XML_ARRAY_PREFIX   "A_"
#define XML_RL   NL,TAB,TAB
#define code_is_a_box   0
#define code_is_a_te   1
#define code_is_a_main   2
#define USER_MAIN   "main"
#define BL   " "
#define TB1   "\t"
#define MEM_PREFIX   "-MEM:"
#define current_module_is_a_function()    (entity_function_p(get_current_module_entity()))
#define RESULT_NAME   "result"
#define ITEM_NOT_IN_ARRAY   -1
#define XML_ARRAY_PREFIX   "A_"
#define MONMAX(a, b)   ((a<b)?b:a)


typedef dg_arc_label arc_label
typedef dg_vertex_label vertex_label
typedef struct Spattern Spattern
typedef struct SpatternPpattern
typedef struct callst callst
typedef struct callstPcallst


static void def_to_task_init (void)
static void def_to_task_set (entity_to_entity mapping)
static void def_to_task_reset (void)
static void def_to_task_store (entity var, entity fun)
static entity def_to_task_get (entity var)
static bool variable_p (entity e)
static string xml_entity_local_name (entity var)
static string xml_expression (expression)
 forward declaration More...
static string xml_reference_with_explicit_motif (reference r)
 Attention with Fortran: the indices are reversed. More...
static int gen_array_index (gen_array_t ar, string item)
static string xml_dim_string (list ldim, string name)
static string this_entity_xmldeclaration (entity var)
static string xml_declarations_with_explicit_motif (entity module, bool(*consider_this_entity)(entity), string separator, bool lastsep)
static string xml_array_in_task (reference r, bool first, int task_number)
static string xml_call_from_assignation (call c, int task_number, bool *input_provided)
static void xml_call_from_indice (call c, string *offset_array, string paving_array[], string fitting_array[])
static string xml_call_from_loopnest (call c, int task_number)
static call sequence_call (sequence seq)
static loop sequence_loop (sequence seq)
static call xml_loop_from_loop (loop l, string *result, int task_number)
static string xml_loop_from_sequence (loop l, int task_number)
 We enter a loop nest. More...
static string xml_statement_from_sequence (statement s, int task_number)
 We are here at the highest level of statements. More...
static string xml_sequence_from_task (sequence seq)
 Concatentates each task to the final result. More...
static string xml_tasks_with_motif (statement stat)
 Manages tasks. More...
static string xml_code_string (entity module, statement stat)
 Creates string for xml pretty printer. More...
bool print_xml_code_with_explicit_motif (const char *module_name)
 Initiates xml pretty print modules. More...
static bool print_full_name_p ()
 ======================================================= More...
static bool print_name_1_level_p ()
static void xml_declarations (entity module, string_buffer result)
static void push_current_statement (statement s, nest_context_p nest)
static void pop_current_statement (statement s __attribute__((unused)), nest_context_p nest)
static void push_loop (loop l, nest_context_p nest)
static void pop_loop (_UNUSED_ loop l, nest_context_p nest)
static void push_if (_UNUSED_ test l, nest_context_p nest)
static void pop_if (test l __attribute__((unused)), nest_context_p nest)
static void search_1r_function_call (call c)
static bool call_selection (call c, nest_context_p nest __attribute__((unused)))
static void store_call_context (call c __attribute__((unused)), nest_context_p nest)
static bool push_test (test t __attribute__((unused)), nest_context_p nest __attribute__((unused)))
static void pop_test (test t __attribute__((unused)), nest_context_p nest __attribute__((unused)))
static void search_nested_loops_and_calls (statement stmp, nest_context_p nest)
static void __attribute__ ((unused))
static expression expression_plusplus (expression e)
static void xml_loop (stack st, string_buffer result)
static void xml_reference (int taskNumber __attribute__((unused)), reference r, bool wmode, string_buffer result)
static void find_motif (Psysteme ps, Pvecteur nested_indices, int dim, int nb_dim __attribute__((unused)), Pcontrainte *bound_inf, Pcontrainte *bound_sup, Pcontrainte *iterator, int *motif_up_bound, int *lowerbound, int *upperbound)
static void xml_tiling (int taskNumber, reference ref, region reg, stack indices, string_buffer result)
static void xml_references (int taskNumber, list l_regions, stack indices, string_buffer result)
static void xml_data (int taskNumber, statement s, stack indices, string_buffer result)
static string task_complexity (statement s)
static void xml_task (int taskNumber, nest_context_p nest, string_buffer result)
static void xml_tasks (statement stat, string_buffer result)
static string xml_code (entity module, statement stat)
 Creates string for xml pretty printer. More...
static bool valid_specification_p (entity module __attribute__((unused)), statement stat __attribute__((unused)))
bool print_xml_code (const char *module_name)
 Initiates xml pretty print modules. More...
static string vect_to_string (Pvecteur pv)
static void type_and_size_of_var (entity var, const char **datatype, int *size)
 UNUSED static bool vect_one_p(Pvecteur v) { return (!VECTEUR_NUL_P(v) && vect_size(v) == 1 && vect_coeff(TCST, v) ==1); }. More...
static void add_margin (int gm, string_buffer sb_result)
static void string_buffer_append_word (string str, string_buffer sb_result)
static void string_buffer_append_symbolic (string str, string_buffer sb_result)
static void two_string_buffer_append_symbolic (string str1, string str2, string_buffer sb_result)
static void string_buffer_append_numeric (string str, string_buffer sb_result)
static void find_loops_and_calls_in_box (statement stmp, nest_context_p nest)
static void xml_Library (string_buffer sb_result)
static void xml_Returns (string_buffer sb_result __attribute__((unused)))
static void xml_Timecosts (string_buffer sb_result __attribute__((unused)))
static void xml_AccessFunction (string_buffer sb_result __attribute__((unused)))
static void xml_Regions (string_buffer sb_result __attribute__((unused)))
static void xml_CodeSize (string_buffer sb_result)
static bool entity_xml_parameter_p (entity e)
static void choose_pattern (Ppattern *patt)
static void find_pattern (Psysteme ps, Pvecteur paving_indices, Pvecteur formal_parameters, int dim, Ppattern *patt)
static void xml_Pattern_Paving (region reg, entity var, bool effet_read, Pvecteur formal_parameters, Pvecteur paving_indices, string_buffer sb_result)
static void vars_read_and_written (list effects_list, Pvecteur *vr, Pvecteur *vw)
 UNUSED static void array_vars_read_or_written(list effects_list, Pvecteur *vl) { Pvecteur vin=VECTEUR_NUL; Pvecteur vout = VECTEUR_NUL; list pc; for (pc= effects_list;pc != NIL; pc = CDR(pc)){ effect e = EFFECT(CAR(pc)); reference r = effect_any_reference(e); if (store_effect_p(e) && array_entity_p(reference_variable(r))) { entity v = reference_variable(r); if (effect_read_p(e)) vect_add_elem(&vin,v,1); else vect_add_elem(&vout,v,1); } } vin = base_normalize(vin); vout = base_normalize(vout); vl = vect_substract(vin,vout); vl= base_normalize(*vl); vect_rm(vin); vect_rm(vout); }. More...
static void xml_Region_Range (region reg, string_buffer sb_result)
static bool region_range_nul_p (region reg, Variable phi)
 tatic bool string_in_list_p(string ts,list lr){ bool trouve=false; MAPL(tt, {trouve= trouve || strcmp(STRING(CAR(tt)),ts) == 0;}, lr); return trouve; } More...
char * str_sub (const char *s, int start, int end)
char * pointer_to_initial_name (char *ts, _UNUSED_ char *ste)
static const char * words_points_to_reference (reference rv, bool suffix_only_p, region reg)
static void xml_Full_Type (type pt, int max_step, string_buffer type_result)
static void xml_Type_Entity (entity vv, string_buffer type_buffer)
static void xml_Region_Parameter (list pattern_region, string_buffer sb_result)
static int find_effect_actions_for_entity (list leff, effect *effr, effect *effw, entity e)
static void same_entities (reference r, expression_ctxt *ctxt)
static bool entity_in_expression_p (expression exp, entity e)
static void xml_ParameterUseToArrayBound (entity var, string_buffer sb_result)
static bool same_callst_p (Pcallst c1, Pcallst c2)
static void update_def_into_tasks_table (entity v, Pcallst c1)
static void add_def_into_tasks_table (entity v, Pcallst c1)
static void xml_TaskReturnParameter (entity function, _UNUSED_ int statnb, string_buffer sb_result)
static void xml_TaskParameter (bool assign_function, _UNUSED_ entity function, int statnb, bool is_not_main_p, entity var, Pvecteur formal_parameters, list pattern_region, Pvecteur paving_indices, string_buffer sb_result, string_buffer buffer_assign)
static void cumul_and_update_effects_of_statement (statement s)
static void cumul_effects_of_statement (statement s)
static void xml_TaskParameters (statement stat, bool assign_function, int code_tag, entity module, list pattern_region, Pvecteur paving_indices, string_buffer sb_result)
bool eval_linear_expression (expression exp, transformer ps, int *val, int *min, int *max)
static void xml_Bounds (expression elow, expression eup, transformer t, _UNUSED_ Psysteme prec, bool formal_p, string_buffer sb_result)
 UNUSED static bool eval_linear_expression2( expression exp, Psysteme ps, int *val, int *min, int *max) { normalized norm= normalized_undefined; Pvecteur vexp,pv; bool result = true,result_exact = true,min_exact=true,max_exact=true; val = 0; min=0; max=0;. More...
static void xml_Bounds_and_Stride (expression elow, expression eup, expression stride, transformer t, Psysteme prec, bool formal_p, string_buffer sb_result)
static void find_memory_comment_on_array (statement s)
static string memory_location_for_array_p (const char *sa)
static void xml_Array (entity var, transformer t, Psysteme prec, bool formal_p, string_buffer sb_result)
static void xml_Scalar (entity var, _UNUSED_ Psysteme prec, string_buffer sb_result)
static void xml_GlobalVariables (transformer t, Psysteme prec, bool printp, string_buffer sb_result)
static void store_local_array_declaration (statement s)
static void xml_LocalVariables (entity module, transformer t, Psysteme prec, string_buffer sb_result)
static void xml_FormalVariables (entity module, transformer t, Psysteme prec, string_buffer sb_result)
static bool pragma_motif_p (statement s)
static void motif_in_statement (statement s)
static void box_in_statement (statement s)
 currently unused static void motif_in_statement2(statement s) { string comm = statement_comments(s); if (!string_undefined_p(comm) && strstr(comm,"MOTIF")!=NULL) motif_in_statement_p= true; } More...
static bool string_parameter_p (entity e)
static void xml_Loop (statement s, string_buffer sb_result)
static void xml_Loops (stack st, bool call_external_loop_p, list *pattern_region, Pvecteur *paving_indices, Pvecteur *pattern_indices, bool motif_in_te_p, string_buffer sb_result)
static transformer first_precondition_of_module (const char *module_name __attribute__((unused)), Psysteme *ps)
static void matrix_init (Pmatrix mat, int n, int m)
static void xml_Matrix (Pmatrix mat, int n, int m, string_buffer sb_result)
static int int_compare (void const *a, void const *b)
static void tri_abc (int a[12], int dim, int result[12])
static void xml_Transposed_Matrix2D (Pmatrix mat)
static void xml_Transposed_Matrix3_5D (Pmatrix mat, int a[12], int ArrayDim1, _UNUSED_ int ArrayDim2)
static expression skip_cast_expression (expression exp)
static expression skip_field_and_cast_expression (expression exp)
static expression skip_cast_and_addop_expression (expression exp)
static void xml_Transposition (statement s, call c, int d, string_buffer sb_result, int version)
static void xml_Task (const char *module_name, int code_tag, string_buffer sb_result)
static void xml_Connection (list ActualArrayInd, int ActualArrayDim, int FormalArrayDim, string_buffer sb_result)
static void xml_LoopOffset (list ActualArrayInd, int ActualArrayDim, Pvecteur loop_indices, string_buffer sb_result)
static void xml_ConstOffset (list ActualArrayInd, int ActualArrayDim, string_buffer sb_result)
static int check_alias_args (reference r, alias_in_args *p)
static bool aliasing_p (call c, reference refname)
static void xml_Argument (statement s, entity function, int statnb, bool assign_func, expression exp0, entity FormalName, Pvecteur loop_indices, transformer t, _UNUSED_ Psysteme prec, string_buffer sb_result)
static void xml_AssignArgument (_UNUSED_ statement s, entity function, int statnb, bool assign_func, expression exp, entity FormalName, Pvecteur loop_indices, transformer t, _UNUSED_ Psysteme prec, string_buffer sb_result)
static void xml_Arguments (statement s, entity function, int statnb, bool assign_func, Pvecteur loop_indices, transformer t, Psysteme prec, string_buffer sb_result)
static void statement_in_truebranch (statement s)
static bool logic_condition_filter (statement s1, statement sx, entity *cond, expression *lhs, expression *rhs)
static void dependencies_filter (statement s1, int *k1)
static bool indice_p (stack indices, entity v)
static void xml_Chain_Graph (entity module, statement mod_stat, graph mod_graph, nest_context_p nest, string_buffer sb_result)
static void xml_Chains (entity module, const char *mod_name, statement mod_stat, nest_context_p nest, string_buffer sb_result)
static void print_call_precondition (Psysteme prec, string_buffer sb_result)
static void xml_Call (entity module, int code_tag, int taskNumber, nest_context_p nest, string_buffer sb_result)
static void xml_Compute_and_Need (entity func, list effects_list, Pvecteur vargs, string_buffer sb_result)
static int find_code_status (const char *module_name)
static void xml_Boxes (const char *module_name, int code_tag, string_buffer sb_result)
static void xml_Application (const char *module_name, int code_tag, string_buffer sb_result)
static bool generic_print_xml_application (const char *module_name, bool is_app)
bool print_xml_application_with_points_to (const char *module_name)
bool print_xml_application (const char *module_name)
bool print_xml_application_main (const char *module_name)
bool print_xml_application_main_with_points_to (const char *module_name)


static gen_array_t extern_indices_array
 array containing extern loop indices names More...
static gen_array_t intern_indices_array
 array containing intern loop indices (name : "M_") More...
static gen_array_t extern_upperbounds_array
 array containing extern upperbounds More...
static gen_array_t intern_upperbounds_array
 array containing intern upperbounds More...
static gen_array_t tasks_names
 array containing the tasks names More...
static const char * global_module_name
static hash_table hash_entity_def_into_tasks = hash_table_undefined
static int global_margin =0
static bool fortran_appli = true
static bool box_in_statement_p = false
static bool motif_in_statement_p = false
static bool statement_in_truebranch_p = false
static list cumulated_list = NIL
static statement test_statement_of_reference
static list local_declaration_list = NIL
static call encapsulated_call = call_undefined
static string array_location_string
static string array_mem_string
static Pvecteur global_application_variables = VECTEUR_NUL
static Pvecteur local_application_variables = VECTEUR_NUL
static entity_to_entity def_to_task_mapping = entity_to_entity_undefined
static gen_array_t array_names
static gen_array_t array_dims

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ BL

#define BL   " "

Definition at line 116 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.


#define CLOSEANGLE   ">"

Definition at line 85 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.


#define CLOSEBRACE   "}"

Definition at line 82 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.


#define CLOSEBRACKET   "]"

Definition at line 76 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.


#define CLOSEPAREN   ")"

Definition at line 79 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

◆ code_is_a_box

#define code_is_a_box   0

Definition at line 99 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

◆ code_is_a_main

#define code_is_a_main   2

Definition at line 101 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

◆ code_is_a_te

#define code_is_a_te   1

Definition at line 100 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.


#define COMMA   ","

Definition at line 68 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.


#define COMMENT   "//" SPACE

Definition at line 89 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

◆ current_module_is_a_function

#define current_module_is_a_function ( )     (entity_function_p(get_current_module_entity()))

Definition at line 184 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.


#define DEBUG_XML   1

Definition at line 30 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.


#define EMPTY   ""

Definition at line 69 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.


#define ITEM_NOT_IN_ARRAY   -1

Definition at line 296 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.


#define MEM_PREFIX   "-MEM:"

Definition at line 133 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.


#define MONMAX (   a,
)    ((a<b)?b:a)

◆ NL

#define NL   "\n"

Definition at line 70 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.


#define OPENANGLE   "<"

Definition at line 84 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.


#define OPENBRACE   "{"

Definition at line 81 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.


#define OPENBRACKET   "["

Definition at line 75 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.


#define OPENPAREN   "("

Definition at line 78 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.


#define QUOTE   "\""

Definition at line 90 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.


#define RESULT_NAME   "result"

Definition at line 195 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.


#define SEMICOLON   ";" NL

Definition at line 72 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.


#define SHARPDEF   "#define"

Definition at line 88 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.


#define SLASH   "/"

Definition at line 86 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.


#define SPACE   " "

Definition at line 73 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.


#define TAB   " "

Definition at line 71 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

◆ TB1

#define TB1   "\t"

Definition at line 117 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.


#define USER_MAIN   "main"

Definition at line 102 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.


#define XML_ARRAY_PREFIX   "A_"

Definition at line 559 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.


#define XML_ARRAY_PREFIX   "A_"

Definition at line 559 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.


#define XML_MOTIF_PREFIX   "M_"

Definition at line 94 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.


#define XML_RL   NL,TAB,TAB

Definition at line 97 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.


#define XML_TASK_PREFIX   "T_"

Definition at line 93 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

Typedef Documentation

◆ arc_label

Definition at line 54 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

◆ callst

typedef struct callst callst

◆ Pcallst

typedef struct callst * Pcallst

◆ Ppattern

typedef struct Spattern * Ppattern

◆ Spattern

typedef struct Spattern Spattern

◆ vertex_label

Definition at line 55 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

Function Documentation

◆ __attribute__()

static void __attribute__ ( (unused)  )

print_statement(s); stack_map( st, print_statement);

Definition at line 1392 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1393 {
1394  int j;
1395  int numberOfTasks=(int) gen_array_nitems(nest->nested_call);
1396  for (j = 0; j<numberOfTasks; j++)
1397  {
1398  //statement s = gen_array_item(nest->nested_call,j);
1399  //stack st = gen_array_item(nest->nested_loops,j);
1400  /* print_statement(s);
1401  stack_map( st, print_statement);*/
1402  }
1403 }
void const char const char const int
size_t gen_array_nitems(const gen_array_t a)
Definition: array.c:131

References gen_array_nitems(), int, and nest_context_t::nested_call.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ add_def_into_tasks_table()

static void add_def_into_tasks_table ( entity  v,
Pcallst  c1 

Definition at line 3178 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

3179 {
3180  Pcallst ldef = (Pcallst) hash_get(hash_entity_def_into_tasks,(char *) v);
3181  if (ldef == (Pcallst) HASH_UNDEFINED_VALUE) {
3182  hash_put(hash_entity_def_into_tasks,(char *) v,(char *)c1);
3183  }
3184 }
void * hash_get(const hash_table htp, const void *key)
this function retrieves in the hash table pointed to by htp the couple whose key is equal to key.
Definition: hash.c:449
void hash_put(hash_table htp, const void *key, const void *val)
This functions stores a couple (key,val) in the hash table pointed to by htp.
Definition: hash.c:364
value returned by hash_get() when the key is not found; could also be called HASH_KEY_NOT_FOUND,...
Definition: newgen_hash.h:56
static hash_table hash_entity_def_into_tasks
struct callst * Pcallst

References hash_entity_def_into_tasks, hash_get(), hash_put(), and HASH_UNDEFINED_VALUE.

Referenced by cumul_and_update_effects_of_statement().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ add_margin()

static void add_margin ( int  gm,
string_buffer  sb_result 

Definition at line 1981 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1981  {
1982  int i;
1983  for (i=1;i<=gm;i++)
1984  string_buffer_append(sb_result, " ");
1985 }
void string_buffer_append(string_buffer, const string)
append string s (if non empty) to string buffer sb, the duplication is done if needed according to th...

References string_buffer_append().

Referenced by print_call_precondition(), string_buffer_append_numeric(), string_buffer_append_symbolic(), string_buffer_append_word(), two_string_buffer_append_symbolic(), xml_Application(), xml_Argument(), xml_Array(), xml_AssignArgument(), xml_Bounds(), xml_Boxes(), xml_Call(), xml_Chain_Graph(), xml_Compute_and_Need(), xml_Full_Type(), xml_Loop(), xml_Matrix(), xml_ParameterUseToArrayBound(), xml_Pattern_Paving(), xml_Region_Parameter(), xml_Scalar(), xml_Task(), xml_TaskParameter(), xml_TaskReturnParameter(), xml_Transposition(), and xml_Type_Entity().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ aliasing_p()

static bool aliasing_p ( call  c,
reference  refname 

Definition at line 4519 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

4520 {
4521  alias_in_args p = { refname, 0 };
4522  list largs = call_arguments(c);
4523  FOREACH(EXPRESSION, exp, largs) {
4525  }
4526  return p.alias_arg_p > 1;
4527 }
#define gen_context_recurse(start, ctxt, domain_number, flt, rwt)
Definition: genC.h:285
void gen_null2(__attribute__((unused)) void *u1, __attribute__((unused)) void *u2)
idem with 2 args, to please overpeaky compiler checks
Definition: genClib.c:2758
#define FOREACH(_fe_CASTER, _fe_item, _fe_list)
Apply/map an instruction block on all the elements of a list.
Definition: newgen_list.h:179
#define EXPRESSION(x)
Definition: ri.h:1217
#define reference_domain
Definition: ri.h:338
#define call_arguments(x)
Definition: ri.h:711
The structure used to build lists in NewGen.
Definition: newgen_list.h:41
#define exp
Avoid some warnings from "gcc -Wshadow".
Definition: vasnprintf.c:207
static int check_alias_args(reference r, alias_in_args *p)

References alias_in_args::alias_arg_p, call_arguments, check_alias_args(), exp, EXPRESSION, FOREACH, gen_context_recurse, gen_null2(), and reference_domain.

Referenced by xml_Argument().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ box_in_statement()

static void box_in_statement ( statement  s)

currently unused static void motif_in_statement2(statement s) { string comm = statement_comments(s); if (!string_undefined_p(comm) && strstr(comm,"MOTIF")!=NULL) motif_in_statement_p= true; }

Definition at line 3989 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

3990 {
3991  string comm = statement_comments(s);
3992  if (!string_undefined_p(comm) && strstr(comm,"BOX")!=NULL)
3993  box_in_statement_p= true;
3994 }
#define string_undefined_p(s)
Definition: newgen_types.h:41
#define statement_comments(x)
Definition: ri.h:2456
static bool box_in_statement_p

References box_in_statement_p, statement_comments, and string_undefined_p.

Referenced by find_code_status().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ call_selection()

static bool call_selection ( call  c,
nest_context_p nest   __attribute__(unused) 

CA il faut implemeter un choix judicieux ... distribution ou encapsulation

pour le moment distribution systematique de tout call

il faut recuperer les appels de fonction value_code_p(entity_initial(f)

Definition at line 1338 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1339 {
1340  /* CA il faut implemeter un choix judicieux ... distribution ou encapsulation*/
1341  /* pour le moment distribution systematique de tout call */
1342  /* il faut recuperer les appels de fonction value_code_p(entity_initial(f)*/
1343  entity f = call_function(c);
1345  return true;
1346  else return false;
1347 }
int f(int off1, int off2, int n, float r[n], float a[n], float b[n])
Definition: offsets.c:15
#define ENTITY_ASSIGN_P(e)
bool entity_subroutine_p(entity e)
Definition: entity.c:737
bool entity_function_p(entity e)
Definition: entity.c:724
#define call_function(x)
Definition: ri.h:709

References call_function, ENTITY_ASSIGN_P, entity_function_p(), entity_subroutine_p(), and f().

Referenced by find_loops_and_calls_in_box(), and search_nested_loops_and_calls().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ check_alias_args()

static int check_alias_args ( reference  r,
alias_in_args p 

Definition at line 4513 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

4514 {
4515  p->alias_arg_p +=(reference_equal_p(r,p->rf))? 1:0;
4516  return p->alias_arg_p;
4517 }
bool reference_equal_p(reference r1, reference r2)
Definition: expression.c:1500

References alias_in_args::alias_arg_p, reference_equal_p(), and alias_in_args::rf.

Referenced by aliasing_p().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ choose_pattern()

static void choose_pattern ( Ppattern patt)

Definition at line 2107 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

2108 {
2109  Ppattern patt1= NULL,
2110  pattn= NULL,
2111  pattc1= NULL,
2112  pattcx= NULL,
2113  pattcp= NULL;
2114  Pvecteur pv;
2115  for(patt1 = *patt; patt1 !=NULL; patt1=patt1->next) {
2116  if (vect_size(patt1->diff) ==1) {
2117  if (vect_dimension(patt1->diff)==0) // borne constante numerique
2118  pattn = patt1;
2119  else { // borne constante symbolique
2120  for (pv = patt1->diff;pv!=NULL;pv=pv->succ) {
2121  if (pv->var!= TCST) {
2122  if (pv->val ==1)
2123  pattc1=patt1;
2124  else pattcx = patt1;
2125  }
2126  }
2127  }
2128  }
2129  else pattcp = patt1;
2130  }
2131  if (pattn!=NULL ) *patt=pattn;
2132  else if (pattc1!= NULL) *patt=pattc1;
2133  else if (pattcx!=NULL ) *patt=pattcx;
2134  else *patt=pattcp;
2135 }
int vect_dimension(Pvecteur v)
int vect_dimension(Pvecteur v): calcul du nombre de composantes non nulles et non constantes d'un vec...
Definition: reductions.c:64
int vect_size(Pvecteur v)
package vecteur - reductions
Definition: reductions.c:47
struct Spattern * next
le type des coefficients dans les vecteurs: Value est defini dans le package arithmetique
Definition: vecteur-local.h:89
Value val
Definition: vecteur-local.h:91
Variable var
Definition: vecteur-local.h:90
struct Svecteur * succ
Definition: vecteur-local.h:92
#define TCST

References Spattern::diff, Spattern::next, Svecteur::succ, TCST, Svecteur::val, Svecteur::var, vect_dimension(), and vect_size().

Referenced by find_pattern().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cumul_and_update_effects_of_statement()

static void cumul_and_update_effects_of_statement ( statement  s)

Definition at line 3357 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

3357  {
3359  if (!ENDP(l) && !list_undefined_p(l)) {
3362  for (list pc = l; pc != NIL; pc = CDR(pc)) {
3363  effect e = EFFECT(CAR(pc));
3365  action ac = effect_action(e);
3366  entity v = reference_variable(r);
3367  if (store_effect_p(e)
3368  && !effects_package_entity_p(v) && !std_file_entity_p(v) //&& !variable_heap_p(v)
3369  && action_write_p(ac) &&
3371  {
3372  Pcallst cst1 = (callst *)malloc(sizeof(callst));
3373  cst1->func = entity_undefined;
3374  cst1->stat_nb = statement_number(s);
3375  cst1->succ = (Pcallst)NULL;
3376  add_def_into_tasks_table(v, cst1);
3377  }
3378  }
3379  }
3380  }
3381 }
list load_proper_rw_effects_list(statement)
#define effect_any_reference(e)
FI: cannot be used as a left hand side.
bool store_effect_p(effect)
Definition: effects.c:1062
#define effect_action(x)
Definition: effects.h:642
#define action_write_p(x)
Definition: effects.h:314
#define EFFECT(x)
Definition: effects.h:608
void * malloc(YYSIZE_T)
#define ENDP(l)
Test if a list is empty.
Definition: newgen_list.h:66
#define list_undefined_p(c)
Return if a list is undefined.
Definition: newgen_list.h:75
#define NIL
The empty list (nil in Lisp)
Definition: newgen_list.h:47
#define CAR(pcons)
Get the value of the first element of a list.
Definition: newgen_list.h:92
#define CDR(pcons)
Get the list less its first element.
Definition: newgen_list.h:111
list gen_append(list l1, const list l2)
Definition: list.c:471
bool std_file_entity_p(entity e)
Definition: entity.c:1232
bool effects_package_entity_p(entity e)
Definition: entity.c:1181
bool top_level_entity_p(entity e)
Check if the scope of entity e is global.
Definition: entity.c:1130
bool entity_static_variable_p(entity)
return true if the entity is declared with the keyword static
Definition: variable.c:1146
#define reference_variable(x)
Definition: ri.h:2326
#define entity_undefined
Definition: ri.h:2761
#define statement_number(x)
Definition: ri.h:2452
struct callst * succ
static void add_def_into_tasks_table(entity v, Pcallst c1)
static list cumulated_list

References action_write_p, add_def_into_tasks_table(), CAR, CDR, cumulated_list, EFFECT, effect_action, effect_any_reference, effects_package_entity_p(), ENDP, entity_static_variable_p(), entity_undefined, callst::func, gen_append(), list_undefined_p, load_proper_rw_effects_list(), malloc(), NIL, reference_variable, callst::stat_nb, statement_number, std_file_entity_p(), store_effect_p(), callst::succ, and top_level_entity_p().

Referenced by xml_Chain_Graph().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cumul_effects_of_statement()

static void cumul_effects_of_statement ( statement  s)

Definition at line 3383 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

3384 {
3386  if (!ENDP(l) && !list_undefined_p(l))
3389 }

References cumulated_list, ENDP, gen_append(), list_undefined_p, and load_proper_rw_effects_list().

Referenced by xml_Application(), and xml_GlobalVariables().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ def_to_task_get()

static entity def_to_task_get ( entity  var)

Definition at line 176 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

177 {
180 }
bool bound_entity_to_entity_p(entity_to_entity f, entity k)
Definition: ri.c:734
entity apply_entity_to_entity(entity_to_entity f, entity k)
Definition: ri.c:722
static entity_to_entity def_to_task_mapping

References apply_entity_to_entity(), bound_entity_to_entity_p(), and def_to_task_mapping.

Referenced by xml_Compute_and_Need().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ def_to_task_init()

static void def_to_task_init ( void  )

Definition at line 147 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

148 {
149  pips_assert("def_to_task_mapping is undefined",
152 }
entity_to_entity make_entity_to_entity(void)
Definition: ri.c:719
#define pips_assert(what, predicate)
common macros, two flavors depending on NDEBUG
Definition: misc-local.h:172
#define entity_to_entity_undefined_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:1085

References def_to_task_mapping, entity_to_entity_undefined_p, make_entity_to_entity(), and pips_assert.

Referenced by generic_print_xml_application().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ def_to_task_reset()

static void def_to_task_reset ( void  )

Definition at line 161 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

162 {
163  pips_assert("def_to_task_mapping is defined",
166 }
#define entity_to_entity_undefined
Definition: ri.h:1084

References def_to_task_mapping, entity_to_entity_undefined, entity_to_entity_undefined_p, and pips_assert.

Referenced by generic_print_xml_application().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ def_to_task_set()

static void def_to_task_set ( entity_to_entity  mapping)

Definition at line 154 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

155 {
156  pips_assert("def_to_task_mapping is undefined",
158  def_to_task_mapping = mapping;
159 }

References def_to_task_mapping, entity_to_entity_undefined_p, and pips_assert.

Referenced by generic_print_xml_application().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ def_to_task_store()

static void def_to_task_store ( entity  var,
entity  fun 

Definition at line 168 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

169 {
172  else
174 }
void update_entity_to_entity(entity_to_entity f, entity k, entity v)
Definition: ri.c:725
void extend_entity_to_entity(entity_to_entity f, entity k, entity v)
Definition: ri.c:728

References bound_entity_to_entity_p(), def_to_task_mapping, extend_entity_to_entity(), and update_entity_to_entity().

Referenced by xml_Chain_Graph(), and xml_Compute_and_Need().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dependencies_filter()

static void dependencies_filter ( statement  s1,
int k1 

Definition at line 4897 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

4898 {
4899  entity func1=entity_undefined;
4900  instruction inst;
4901  // Filtering function call and another function call or a declaration or a conditional
4903  *k1=2;
4904  else {
4905  inst = statement_instruction(s1);
4906  switch(instruction_tag(inst)) {
4907  case is_instruction_call : {
4909  // call_func_p1=((ENTITY_ASSIGN_P(func1)) ||entity_subroutine_p(func1)|| entity_function_p(func1));
4910  *k1= ENTITY_ASSIGN_P(func1)? 0 : 1;
4911  break;
4912  }
4913  case is_instruction_test : {
4914  *k1=3;
4915  break;
4916  }
4917  default:break;
4918  }
4919  }
4920 }
bool declaration_statement_p(statement)
Had to be optimized according to Beatrice Creusillet.
Definition: statement.c:224
@ is_instruction_test
Definition: ri.h:1470
@ is_instruction_call
Definition: ri.h:1474
#define instruction_tag(x)
Definition: ri.h:1511
#define statement_instruction(x)
Definition: ri.h:2458
#define instruction_call(x)
Definition: ri.h:1529
Definition: set.c:247
static int k1

References call_function, declaration_statement_p(), ENTITY_ASSIGN_P, entity_undefined, instruction_call, instruction_tag, is_instruction_call, is_instruction_test, k1, s1, and statement_instruction.

Referenced by xml_Chain_Graph().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ entity_in_expression_p()

static bool entity_in_expression_p ( expression  exp,
entity  e 

Definition at line 3101 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

3102 {
3104  expression_ctxt ctxt = { e, false };
3106  return ctxt.entity_in_p;
3107 }
bool gen_true2(__attribute__((unused)) gen_chunk *u1, __attribute__((unused)) void *u2)
Definition: genClib.c:2785
static void same_entities(reference r, expression_ctxt *ctxt)

References expression_ctxt::entity_in_p, exp, gen_context_recurse, gen_true2(), reference_domain, and same_entities().

Referenced by xml_ParameterUseToArrayBound().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ entity_xml_parameter_p()

static bool entity_xml_parameter_p ( entity  e)

Definition at line 2079 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

2080 {
2081  const char* s = entity_local_name(e);
2082  bool b=false;
2083  if (strstr(s,"PARAM")!=NULL || strstr(s,"param")!=NULL) b = true;
2084  return (b);
2085 }
const char * entity_local_name(entity e)
entity_local_name modified so that it does not core when used in vect_fprint, since someone thought t...
Definition: entity.c:453

References entity_local_name().

Referenced by xml_Array(), xml_Region_Parameter(), xml_Scalar(), and xml_TaskParameter().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ eval_linear_expression()

bool eval_linear_expression ( expression  exp,
transformer  ps,
int val,
int min,
int max 

printf("Eval expression :\n"); print_expression(exp); Psysteme prec = sc_dup((Psysteme) predicate_system(transformer_relation(ps))); printf("In context :\n"); sc_print(prec, (get_variable_name_t) entity_local_name);


Definition at line 3469 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

3471 {
3472  bool result=true;
3473  *val = 0;
3474  *min=0;
3475  *max=0;
3476  /* printf("Eval expression :\n");
3477  print_expression(exp);
3478  Psysteme prec = sc_dup((Psysteme) predicate_system(transformer_relation(ps)));
3479  printf("In context :\n");
3480  sc_print(prec, (get_variable_name_t) entity_local_name);
3481  */
3483  if (!transformer_undefined_p(ps) && transformer_is_rn_p(ps)) {
3484  *min=INT_MIN,*max =INT_MAX;
3485  return(false);
3486  }
3488  // Should be part of semantics/utils.c FI
3492  if (integer_type_p(et)) {
3494  // DEBUG - printf("Min = %d, Max = %d \n", *min,*max);
3495  }
3496  else result = false;
3497  free_transformer(psr);
3499  if (*max<*min) {
3500  *min=INT_MIN,*max =INT_MAX;
3501  result= false;
3502  }
3503  else if (*max==*min && result) {
3504  *val = *min;
3505  }
3506  return (result);
3507 }
void free_transformer(transformer p)
Definition: ri.c:2616
bool transformer_is_rn_p(transformer t)
Check that transformer t is the canonical representation of the whole afine space defined by its basi...
Definition: basic.c:183
#define min(a, b)
#define max(a, b)
type expression_to_type(expression)
For an array declared as int a[10][20], the type returned for a[i] is int [20].
Definition: type.c:2486
bool integer_type_p(type)
Definition: type.c:3298
type compute_basic_concrete_type(type)
computes a new type which is the basic concrete type of the input type (this new type is not stored i...
Definition: type.c:3556
#define transformer_undefined_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:2848
void integer_expression_and_precondition_to_integer_interval(expression, transformer, int *, int *)
Could be used for bool expressions too? Extended to any kind of expression?
Definition: utils.c:386
transformer transformer_range(transformer tf)
Return the range of relation tf in a newly allocated transformer.
Definition: transformer.c:714
void set_analyzed_types(void)
Definition: value.c:271
void reset_analyzed_types(void)
Definition: value.c:289

References compute_basic_concrete_type(), exp, expression_to_type(), free_transformer(), integer_expression_and_precondition_to_integer_interval(), integer_type_p(), max, min, reset_analyzed_types(), set_analyzed_types(), transformer_is_rn_p(), transformer_range(), and transformer_undefined_p.

Referenced by xml_Argument(), xml_AssignArgument(), xml_Bounds(), and xml_Bounds_and_Stride().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ expression_plusplus()

static expression expression_plusplus ( expression  e)

Definition at line 1406 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1407 {
1408  expression new_e;
1409  if (expression_constant_p(e)) {
1410  new_e = int_to_expression(1+ expression_to_int(e));
1411  }
1412  else {
1414  new_e = make_call_expression(add_ent,
1416  }
1417  return new_e;
1418 }
#define CONS(_t_, _i_, _l_)
List element cell constructor (insert an element at the beginning of a list)
Definition: newgen_list.h:150
bool expression_constant_p(expression)
HPFC module by Fabien COELHO.
Definition: expression.c:2453
entity entity_intrinsic(const char *name)
FI: I do not understand this function name (see next one!).
Definition: entity.c:1292
int expression_to_int(expression exp)
Definition: expression.c:2205
expression make_call_expression(entity e, list l)
Build an expression that call an function entity with an argument list.
Definition: expression.c:321
expression int_to_expression(_int i)
transform an int into an expression and generate the corresponding entity if necessary; it is not cle...
Definition: expression.c:1188

References CONS, entity_intrinsic(), EXPRESSION, expression_constant_p(), expression_to_int(), int_to_expression(), make_call_expression(), NIL, and PLUS_OPERATOR_NAME.

Referenced by xml_loop().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ find_code_status()

static int find_code_status ( const char *  module_name)

Definition at line 5922 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

5923 {
5924  statement stat=(statement) db_get_memory_resource(DBR_CODE,
5925  module_name, true);
5926  bool wmotif = false;
5927  bool wbox = false;
5928  motif_in_statement_p = false;
5930  wmotif = motif_in_statement_p;
5931  box_in_statement_p = false;
5933  wbox = box_in_statement_p;
5935  if (same_string_p(module_name, get_string_property("XML_APPLICATION_MAIN")))
5936  return code_is_a_main;
5937  else {
5938  if (wmotif && !wbox)
5939  return code_is_a_te;
5940  else
5941  return code_is_a_box;
5942  }
5943 }
struct _newgen_struct_statement_ * statement
Definition: cloning.h:21
const char * module_name(const char *s)
Return the module part of an entity name.
Definition: entity_names.c:296
char * get_string_property(const char *)
#define gen_recurse(start, domain_number, flt, rwt)
Definition: genC.h:283
bool gen_true(__attribute__((unused)) gen_chunk *unused)
Return true and ignore the argument.
Definition: genClib.c:2780
string db_get_memory_resource(const char *rname, const char *oname, bool pure)
Return the pointer to the resource, whatever it is.
Definition: database.c:755
#define same_string_p(s1, s2)
#define statement_domain
Definition: ri.h:362
#define code_is_a_main
static void motif_in_statement(statement s)
static bool motif_in_statement_p
#define code_is_a_te
static void box_in_statement(statement s)
currently unused static void motif_in_statement2(statement s) { string comm = statement_comments(s); ...
#define code_is_a_box

References box_in_statement(), box_in_statement_p, code_is_a_box, code_is_a_main, code_is_a_te, db_get_memory_resource(), gen_recurse, gen_true(), get_string_property(), module_name(), motif_in_statement(), motif_in_statement_p, same_string_p, and statement_domain.

Referenced by generic_print_xml_application().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ find_effect_actions_for_entity()

static int find_effect_actions_for_entity ( list  leff,
effect effr,
effect effw,
entity  e 

Definition at line 3071 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

3073 {
3074  // return effet_rwb = 1 for Read, 2 for Write, 3 for Read/Write
3075  int effet_rwb=0;
3076  list lr = NIL;
3077  bool er = false;
3078  bool ew = false;
3079  //fprintf(stdout,"DEBUG - Effects for var =%s\n",entity_user_name(e));
3080  //print_effects(leff);
3081  for ( lr = leff; !ENDP(lr); lr = CDR(lr)) {
3082  effect eff= EFFECT(CAR(lr));
3085  if (store_effect_p(eff) && same_entity_p(v,e) && !environment_effect_p(eff)) {
3086  if (action_read_p(effect_action(eff)))
3087  er = true, *effr =eff;
3088  else ew = true, *effw=eff;
3089  }
3090  }
3091  effet_rwb = (er?1:0) +(ew?2:0);
3092  return (effet_rwb);
3093 }
static reference ref
Current stmt (an integer)
Definition: adg_read_paf.c:163
bool environment_effect_p(effect)
Definition: effects.c:1071
#define action_read_p(x)
Definition: effects.h:311
bool same_entity_p(entity e1, entity e2)
predicates on entities
Definition: entity.c:1321

References action_read_p, CAR, CDR, EFFECT, effect_action, effect_any_reference, ENDP, environment_effect_p(), NIL, ref, reference_variable, same_entity_p(), and store_effect_p().

Referenced by xml_Argument(), and xml_TaskParameter().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ find_loops_and_calls_in_box()

static void find_loops_and_calls_in_box ( statement  stmp,
nest_context_p  nest 

Definition at line 2030 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

2031 {
2036  NULL);
2037 }
void gen_context_multi_recurse(void *o, void *context,...)
Multi-recursion with context function visitor.
Definition: genClib.c:3373
#define test_domain
Definition: ri.h:418
#define loop_domain
Definition: ri.h:218
#define call_domain
Definition: ri.h:58
static void push_if(_UNUSED_ test l, nest_context_p nest)
static void push_current_statement(statement s, nest_context_p nest)
static void store_call_context(call c __attribute__((unused)), nest_context_p nest)
static void pop_current_statement(statement s __attribute__((unused)), nest_context_p nest)
static void pop_loop(_UNUSED_ loop l, nest_context_p nest)
static bool call_selection(call c, nest_context_p nest __attribute__((unused)))
static void pop_if(test l __attribute__((unused)), nest_context_p nest)
static void push_loop(loop l, nest_context_p nest)

References call_domain, call_selection(), gen_context_multi_recurse(), loop_domain, pop_current_statement(), pop_if(), pop_loop(), push_current_statement(), push_if(), push_loop(), statement_domain, store_call_context(), and test_domain.

Referenced by xml_Boxes(), and xml_Task().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ find_memory_comment_on_array()

static void find_memory_comment_on_array ( statement  s)

Definition at line 3674 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

3675 {
3676  string comm = statement_comments(s);
3677  string result = NULL;
3679  if (!string_undefined_p(comm)
3680  && (result=strstr(comm,array_mem_string))!=NULL)
3681  array_location_string = result;
3682 }
static string array_mem_string
static string array_location_string

References array_location_string, array_mem_string, statement_comments, and string_undefined_p.

Referenced by memory_location_for_array_p().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ find_motif()

static void find_motif ( Psysteme  ps,
Pvecteur  nested_indices,
int  dim,
int nb_dim   __attribute__(unused),
Pcontrainte bound_inf,
Pcontrainte bound_sup,
Pcontrainte iterator,
int motif_up_bound,
int lowerbound,
int upperbound 

elimination des variables autres de les phi et les indices de boucles englobants copie de la base + mise a zero des indices englobants + projection selon les elem de ce vecteur

printf("Base des variables :\n"); vect_print(vars_to_eliminate, entity_local_name);

printf("Elimination des variables :\n"); vect_print(vars_to_eliminate, entity_local_name);

printf("Tri de la contrainte :\n"); vect_print(c->vecteur, entity_local_name);

printf(" bornes inf avec indices de boucles englobants :\n"); vect_print(bounds[upper][nb_indices+1]->vecteur, entity_local_name);

printf(" bornes inf avec indices de boucles englobants :\n"); vect_print(bounds[lower][nb_indices+1]->vecteur, entity_local_name);

printf(" indices contenus dans la contrainte :\n"); vect_print(bounds[ind][nb_indices+1]->vecteur, entity_local_name);

printf("Nb borne inf = %d, Nb borne sup = %d ;\n",nb_lower,nb_upper);

case with 1 loop index in the loop bound constraints

printf("Tests de la negation des contraintes :\n"); vect_print(cl->vecteur, entity_local_name); vect_print(cu->vecteur, entity_local_name);

case where loop bounds are numeric

Only bounds with several loop indices

printf("PB - Only bounds with several loop indices\n");

Definition at line 1461 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1462 {
1463  Variable phi;
1464  Value v;
1465  Pvecteur pi;
1466  Pcontrainte c, next, cl, cu, cl_dup, cu_dup,lind, lind_dup,
1467  list_cl=NULL,
1468  list_cu=NULL,
1469  list_ind=NULL;
1470  int lower =1;
1471  int upper =2;
1472  int ind =3;
1473  Pcontrainte bounds[4][4];
1474  int nb_bounds =0;
1475  int nb_lower = 0;
1476  int nb_upper = 0;
1477  int nb_indices=0;
1478  int i,j;
1479  Pbase vars_to_eliminate = BASE_NULLE;
1481  for (i=1; i<=3;i++)
1482  for (j=1; j<=3;j++)
1483  bounds[i][j]=CONTRAINTE_UNDEFINED;
1485  phi = (Variable) make_phi_entity(dim);
1486  /* elimination des variables autres de les phi et les indices de boucles englobants
1487  copie de la base + mise a zero des indices englobants + projection selon les elem de ce vecteur*/
1489  if (!SC_EMPTY_P(ps)) {
1490  vars_to_eliminate = vect_copy(ps->base);
1491  /* printf("Base des variables :\n");
1492  vect_print(vars_to_eliminate, entity_local_name);
1493  */
1494  vect_erase_var(&vars_to_eliminate, phi);
1495  for (pi = nested_indices; !VECTEUR_NUL_P(pi); pi = pi->succ)
1496  vect_erase_var(&vars_to_eliminate, var_of(pi));
1498  /* printf("Elimination des variables :\n");
1499  vect_print(vars_to_eliminate, entity_local_name);
1500  */
1502  sc_projection_along_variables_ofl_ctrl(&ps,vars_to_eliminate , NO_OFL_CTRL);
1504  for(c = sc_inegalites(ps), next=(c==NULL ? NULL : c->succ);
1505  c!=NULL;
1506  c=next, next=(c==NULL ? NULL : c->succ))
1507  {
1508  Pvecteur indices_in_vecteur = VECTEUR_NUL;
1509  /* printf("Tri de la contrainte :\n");
1510  vect_print(c->vecteur, entity_local_name);
1511  */
1512  v = vect_coeff(phi, c->vecteur);
1513  for (pi = nested_indices; !VECTEUR_NUL_P(pi); pi = pi->succ)
1514  {
1515  int coeff_index = vect_coeff(var_of(pi),c->vecteur);
1516  if (coeff_index)
1517  vect_add_elem(&indices_in_vecteur,var_of(pi), coeff_index);
1518  }
1520  nb_indices=vect_size(indices_in_vecteur);
1521  nb_indices = (nb_indices >2) ? 2 : nb_indices;
1523  if (value_pos_p(v)) {
1524  c->succ = bounds[upper][nb_indices+1];
1525  bounds[upper][nb_indices+1] = c;
1526  /* printf(" bornes inf avec indices de boucles englobants :\n");
1527  vect_print(bounds[upper][nb_indices+1]->vecteur, entity_local_name); */
1528  nb_upper ++;
1529  }
1530  else if (value_neg_p(v)) {
1531  c->succ = bounds[lower][nb_indices+1];
1532  bounds[lower][nb_indices+1] = c;
1533  /* printf(" bornes inf avec indices de boucles englobants :\n");
1534  vect_print(bounds[lower][nb_indices+1]->vecteur, entity_local_name);*/
1535  lind = contrainte_make(indices_in_vecteur);
1536  lind->succ = bounds[ind][nb_indices+1];
1537  bounds[ind][nb_indices+1] = lind;
1538  /* printf(" indices contenus dans la contrainte :\n");
1539  vect_print(bounds[ind][nb_indices+1]->vecteur, entity_local_name); */
1540  nb_lower ++;
1541  }
1542  }
1543  /* printf("Nb borne inf = %d, Nb borne sup = %d ;\n",nb_lower,nb_upper); */
1545  if (!CONTRAINTE_UNDEFINED_P(bounds[lower][2])) {
1546  /* case with 1 loop index in the loop bound constraints */
1547  for(cl = bounds[lower][2], lind= bounds[ind][2]; cl !=NULL; cl=cl->succ,lind=lind->succ) {
1548  for(cu = bounds[upper][2]; cu !=NULL; cu =cu->succ) {
1549  /* printf("Tests de la negation des contraintes :\n");
1550  vect_print(cl->vecteur, entity_local_name);
1551  vect_print(cu->vecteur, entity_local_name); */
1552  if (vect_opposite_except(cl->vecteur,cu->vecteur,TCST)){
1553  cl_dup = contrainte_dup(cl);
1554  cl_dup->succ = list_cl, list_cl=cl_dup;
1555  cu_dup = contrainte_dup(cu);
1556  cu_dup->succ = list_cu, list_cu=cu_dup;
1557  lind_dup = contrainte_dup(lind);
1558  lind_dup->succ = list_ind, list_ind = lind_dup;
1559  nb_bounds ++;
1560  }
1561  }
1562  }
1563  *bound_inf= list_cl;
1564  *bound_sup = list_cu;
1565  *iterator = list_ind;
1566  *motif_up_bound =- vect_coeff(TCST,list_cl->vecteur) - vect_coeff(TCST,list_cu->vecteur) +1;
1567  *lowerbound = vect_coeff(TCST,list_cl->vecteur);
1568  *upperbound = vect_coeff(TCST,list_cu->vecteur)+1;
1569  }
1570  else if (!CONTRAINTE_UNDEFINED_P(bounds[lower][1]) && !CONTRAINTE_UNDEFINED_P(bounds[upper][1])) {
1571  /* case where loop bounds are numeric */
1572  *bound_inf= bounds[lower][1];
1573  *bound_sup = bounds[upper][1];
1574  *iterator = bounds[ind][1];
1575  *motif_up_bound = - vect_coeff(TCST,bounds[lower][1]->vecteur)
1576  - vect_coeff(TCST,bounds[upper][1]->vecteur)+1;
1577  *upperbound = vect_coeff(TCST,bounds[upper][1]->vecteur)+1;
1578  *lowerbound = vect_coeff(TCST,bounds[lower][1]->vecteur);
1579  } else {
1580  /* Only bounds with several loop indices */
1581  /* printf("PB - Only bounds with several loop indices\n"); */
1582  *bound_inf= CONTRAINTE_UNDEFINED;
1583  *bound_sup = CONTRAINTE_UNDEFINED;
1584  *iterator = CONTRAINTE_UNDEFINED;
1585  *motif_up_bound = 1;
1586  *upperbound = 1;
1587  *lowerbound = 0;
1588  }
1589  }
1590  vect_rm( vars_to_eliminate);
1591 }
#define value_pos_p(val)
int Value
#define value_neg_p(val)
Pcontrainte contrainte_make(Pvecteur pv)
Pcontrainte contrainte_make(Pvecteur pv): allocation et initialisation d'une contrainte avec un vecte...
Definition: alloc.c:73
Pcontrainte contrainte_dup(Pcontrainte c_in)
Pcontrainte contrainte_dup(Pcontrainte c_in): allocation d'une contrainte c_out prenant la valeur de ...
Definition: alloc.c:132
entity make_phi_entity(int)
static int upperbound(Pproblem XX, struct rproblem *RR, int iv, int rvar, float epss)
static int cutbounds(Pproblem XX,struct rproblem *RR,int iv, int rvar,float epss)
Definition: isolve.c:1685
bool vect_opposite_except(Pvecteur v1, Pvecteur v2, Variable var)
bool vect_opposite_except(Pvecteur v1, Pvecteur v2, Variable var): test a egalite des projections sel...
Definition: reductions.c:399
Pvecteur vecteur
struct Scontrainte * succ
Pbase base
Definition: sc-local.h:75
#define NO_OFL_CTRL
#define VECTEUR_NUL_P(v)
void * Variable
arithmetique is a requirement for vecteur, but I do not want to inforce it in all pips files....
Definition: vecteur-local.h:60
#define var_of(varval)
#define BASE_NULLE
Pbase vect_copy(Pvecteur b)
direct duplication.
Definition: alloc.c:240
void vect_rm(Pvecteur v)
void vect_rm(Pvecteur v): desallocation des couples de v;
Definition: alloc.c:78
void vect_erase_var(Pvecteur *ppv, Variable v)
void vect_erase_var(Pvecteur * ppv, Variable v): projection du vecteur *ppv selon la direction v (i....
Definition: unaires.c:106
void vect_add_elem(Pvecteur *pvect, Variable var, Value val)
void vect_add_elem(Pvecteur * pvect, Variable var, Value val): addition d'un vecteur colineaire au ve...
Definition: unaires.c:72
Value vect_coeff(Variable var, Pvecteur vect)
Variable vect_coeff(Variable var, Pvecteur vect): coefficient de coordonnee var du vecteur vect —> So...
Definition: unaires.c:228

References Ssysteme::base, BASE_NULLE, contrainte_dup(), contrainte_make(), CONTRAINTE_UNDEFINED, CONTRAINTE_UNDEFINED_P, make_phi_entity(), NO_OFL_CTRL, Scontrainte::succ, Svecteur::succ, TCST, upperbound(), value_neg_p, value_pos_p, var_of, vect_add_elem(), vect_coeff(), vect_copy(), vect_erase_var(), vect_opposite_except(), vect_rm(), vect_size(), Scontrainte::vecteur, VECTEUR_NUL, and VECTEUR_NUL_P.

Referenced by xml_tiling().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ find_pattern()

static void find_pattern ( Psysteme  ps,
Pvecteur  paving_indices,
Pvecteur  formal_parameters,
int  dim,
Ppattern patt 

Liste des variables a eliminer autres de les phi et les indices de boucles englobants et les parametres formels de la fonction. copie de la base + mise a zero des indices englobants

  • projection selon les elem de ce vecteur

on classe toutes les contraintes ayant plus de 2 indices de boucles externes ensemble

case with 1 loop index in the loop bound constraints than 0

DEBUG printf("Liste des contraintes ajoutees PHI-%d: \n",dim); for (pt=*patt; pt != NULL; pt=pt->next) { vect_fprint(stdout, pt->diff, (char * (*)(Variable)) entity_local_name); vect_fprint(stdout, pt->lower, (char * (*)(Variable)) entity_local_name); vect_fprint(stdout, pt->upper, (char * (*)(Variable)) entity_local_name); vect_fprint(stdout, pt->lind, (char * (*)(Variable)) entity_local_name); fprintf(stdout,"mult = %d\n", pt->cl_coeff); }

DEBUG pt =*patt; if (patt != NULL && pt != NULL) { printf("Pattern choisi : \n"); vect_fprint(stdout, pt->diff, (char * (*)(Variable)) entity_local_name); vect_fprint(stdout, pt->lower, (char * (*)(Variable)) entity_local_name); vect_fprint(stdout, pt->upper, (char * (*)(Variable)) entity_local_name); vect_fprint(stdout, pt->lind, (char * (*)(Variable)) entity_local_name); fprintf(stdout,"mult = %d\n", pt->cl_coeff); }

Definition at line 2139 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

2140 {
2141  Variable phi;
2142  Value v;
2143  Pvecteur pi;
2144  Pcontrainte c, next, cl, cu, lind;
2145  *patt = NULL;
2146  int lower =1;
2147  int upper =2;
2148  int ind =3;
2149  Pcontrainte bounds[4][4];
2150  int nb_bounds =0;
2151  int nb_lower = 0;
2152  int nb_upper = 0;
2153  int nb_indices=0;
2154  int i,j;
2155  Pbase vars_to_eliminate = BASE_NULLE;
2156  Pvecteur vdiff = VECTEUR_NUL,
2157  diff2 = VECTEUR_NUL;
2158  // DEBUG Ppattern pt= NULL;
2159  Ppattern patt1=NULL;
2160  int mult=1;
2161  for (i=1; i<=3;i++)
2162  for (j=1; j<=3;j++)
2163  bounds[i][j]=CONTRAINTE_UNDEFINED;
2165  phi = (Variable) make_phi_entity(dim);
2167  /* Liste des variables a eliminer autres de les phi et les indices de boucles englobants
2168  et les parametres formels de la fonction.
2169  copie de la base + mise a zero des indices englobants
2170  + projection selon les elem de ce vecteur
2171  */
2172  if (!SC_EMPTY_P(ps)) {
2174  Psysteme ps_dup=sc_dup(ps);
2175  vars_to_eliminate = vect_copy(ps->base);
2176  vect_erase_var(&vars_to_eliminate, phi);
2178  //printf("paving_indices:\n");
2179  //vect_fprint(stdout,paving_indices,(char * (*)(Variable)) entity_local_name);
2181  for (pi = paving_indices; !VECTEUR_NUL_P(pi); pi = pi->succ)
2182  vect_erase_var(&vars_to_eliminate, var_of(pi));
2183  //printf("formal_parameters:\n");
2184  // vect_fprint(stdout,formal_parameters,(char * (*)(Variable)) entity_local_name);
2186  for (pi = formal_parameters; !VECTEUR_NUL_P(pi); pi = pi->succ)
2187  vect_erase_var(&vars_to_eliminate, var_of(pi));
2188  //printf("vars_to_eliminate:\n");
2189  //vect_fprint(stdout,vars_to_eliminate,(char * (*)(Variable)) entity_local_name);
2191  sc_projection_along_variables_ofl_ctrl(&ps_dup,vars_to_eliminate , NO_OFL_CTRL);
2193  //printf("Systeme a partir duquel on genere les contraintes du motif:\n");
2194  //sc_fprint(stdout,ps,entity_local_name);
2196  for(c = sc_inegalites(ps_dup), next=(c==NULL ? NULL : c->succ);
2197  c!=NULL;
2198  c=next, next=(c==NULL ? NULL : c->succ))
2199  {
2200  Pvecteur indices_in_vecteur = VECTEUR_NUL;
2201  vdiff = VECTEUR_NUL;
2202  v = vect_coeff(phi, c->vecteur);
2203  for (pi = paving_indices; !VECTEUR_NUL_P(pi); pi = pi->succ)
2204  {
2205  int coeff_index = vect_coeff(var_of(pi),c->vecteur);
2206  if (coeff_index)
2207  vect_add_elem(&indices_in_vecteur,var_of(pi), coeff_index);
2208  }
2209  /* on classe toutes les contraintes ayant plus de 2 indices de boucles
2210  externes ensemble */
2211  nb_indices=vect_size(indices_in_vecteur);
2212  nb_indices = (nb_indices >2) ? 2 : nb_indices;
2214  if (value_pos_p(v)) {
2215  c->succ = bounds[upper][nb_indices+1];
2216  bounds[upper][nb_indices+1] = c;
2218  // printf(" bornes sup avec indices de boucles englobants :\n");
2219  // vect_print(bounds[upper][nb_indices+1]->vecteur, (char * (*)(Variable)) entity_local_name);
2220  nb_upper ++;
2221  }
2222  else if (value_neg_p(v)) {
2223  c->succ = bounds[lower][nb_indices+1];
2224  bounds[lower][nb_indices+1] = c;
2225  // printf(" bornes inf avec indices de boucles englobants :\n");
2226  // vect_print(bounds[lower][nb_indices+1]->vecteur, (char * (*)(Variable)) entity_local_name);
2227  lind = contrainte_make(indices_in_vecteur);
2228  lind->succ = bounds[ind][nb_indices+1];
2229  bounds[ind][nb_indices+1] = lind;
2230  // printf(" indices contenus dans la contrainte :\n");
2231  // vect_print(bounds[ind][nb_indices+1]->vecteur, (char * (*)(Variable)) entity_local_name);
2232  nb_lower ++;
2233  }
2234  }
2235  // printf("Nb borne inf = %d, Nb borne sup = %d pour dimension %d;\n",nb_lower,nb_upper,dim);
2238  for (int nb_ind=2; nb_ind>=1; nb_ind--){
2239  /* case with 1 loop index in the loop bound constraints than 0 */
2240  if (!CONTRAINTE_UNDEFINED_P(bounds[lower][nb_ind])) {
2241  for(cl = bounds[lower][nb_ind], lind= bounds[ind][nb_ind]; cl !=NULL; cl=cl->succ,lind=lind->succ) {
2242  for(cu = bounds[upper][nb_ind]; cu !=NULL; cu =cu->succ) {
2243  Value cv1 = vect_coeff(phi, cl->vecteur);
2244  Value cv2 = vect_coeff(phi, cu->vecteur);
2245  if (value_abs(cv1)==value_abs(cv2)) {
2246  vdiff = vect_add(cu->vecteur,cl->vecteur);
2247  mult=value_abs(cv1);
2248  }
2249  else {
2250  vdiff = vect_cl2(value_abs(cv1),cu->vecteur,value_abs(cv2),cl->vecteur);
2251  mult=(int) value_abs(cv1 * cv2);
2252  }
2253  vect_chg_sgn(vdiff);
2255  // le +1 est ajoute dans l'expression apres division lorsque mult!=1
2256  if (mult==1)
2257  vect_add_elem(&vdiff,TCST,1);
2258  // pattern = contrainte_make(vect_dup(vdiff));
2260  diff2=vect_dup(vdiff);
2261  for (pi = formal_parameters; !VECTEUR_NUL_P(pi); pi = pi->succ)
2262  vect_erase_var(&vdiff, var_of(pi));
2264  if (vect_dimension(vdiff)==0) {
2265  patt1= (Ppattern) malloc(sizeof(Spattern));
2266  patt1->diff = vect_dup(diff2);
2267  patt1->lower = vect_dup(cl->vecteur);
2268  patt1->upper = vect_dup(cu->vecteur);
2269  patt1->lind = vect_dup(lind->vecteur);
2270  patt1->cl_coeff=mult;
2271  patt1->unitp=(vect_dimension(diff2)==0 && vect_coeff(TCST, diff2)==1)?true:false;
2273  vect_chg_sgn(patt1->upper);
2274  for (pi = lind->vecteur; !VECTEUR_NUL_P(pi); pi = pi->succ) {
2275  vect_erase_var(&(patt1->lower), var_of(pi));
2276  vect_erase_var(&(patt1->upper), var_of(pi));
2277  }
2278  vect_erase_var(&(patt1->lower), phi);
2279  vect_erase_var(&(patt1->upper),phi);
2280  patt1->next = *patt, *patt=patt1;
2281  nb_bounds ++;
2282  }
2283  vect_rm(vdiff);
2284  vect_rm(diff2);
2285  }
2286  }
2287  }
2288  }
2289  /* DEBUG
2290  printf("Liste des contraintes ajoutees PHI-%d: \n",dim);
2291  for (pt=*patt; pt != NULL; pt=pt->next) {
2292  vect_fprint(stdout, pt->diff, (char * (*)(Variable)) entity_local_name);
2293  vect_fprint(stdout, pt->lower, (char * (*)(Variable)) entity_local_name);
2294  vect_fprint(stdout, pt->upper, (char * (*)(Variable)) entity_local_name);
2295  vect_fprint(stdout, pt->lind, (char * (*)(Variable)) entity_local_name);
2296  fprintf(stdout,"mult = %d\n", pt->cl_coeff);
2297  } */
2299  choose_pattern(patt);
2300  /* DEBUG
2301  pt =*patt;
2302  if (patt != NULL && pt != NULL) {
2303  printf("Pattern choisi : \n");
2304  vect_fprint(stdout, pt->diff, (char * (*)(Variable)) entity_local_name);
2305  vect_fprint(stdout, pt->lower, (char * (*)(Variable)) entity_local_name);
2306  vect_fprint(stdout, pt->upper, (char * (*)(Variable)) entity_local_name);
2307  vect_fprint(stdout, pt->lind, (char * (*)(Variable)) entity_local_name);
2308  fprintf(stdout,"mult = %d\n", pt->cl_coeff);
2309  } */
2311  base_rm( vars_to_eliminate);
2312  sc_rm(ps_dup);
2313  }
2314 }
#define value_abs(val)
void sc_rm(Psysteme ps)
void sc_rm(Psysteme ps): liberation de l'espace memoire occupe par le systeme de contraintes ps;
Definition: sc_alloc.c:277
Psysteme sc_dup(Psysteme ps)
Psysteme sc_dup(Psysteme ps): should becomes a link.
Definition: sc_alloc.c:176
void vect_chg_sgn(Pvecteur v)
void vect_chg_sgn(Pvecteur v): multiplie v par -1
Definition: scalaires.c:151
Pvecteur upper
Pvecteur lower
#define base_rm(b)
Pvecteur vect_dup(Pvecteur v_in)
Pvecteur vect_dup(Pvecteur v_in): duplication du vecteur v_in; allocation de et copie dans v_out;.
Definition: alloc.c:51
Pvecteur vect_cl2(Value x1, Pvecteur v1, Value x2, Pvecteur v2)
Definition: binaires.c:247
Pvecteur vect_add(Pvecteur v1, Pvecteur v2)
package vecteur - operations binaires
Definition: binaires.c:53
struct Spattern * Ppattern
static void choose_pattern(Ppattern *patt)

References Ssysteme::base, BASE_NULLE, base_rm, choose_pattern(), Spattern::cl_coeff, contrainte_make(), CONTRAINTE_UNDEFINED, CONTRAINTE_UNDEFINED_P, Spattern::diff, int, Spattern::lind, Spattern::lower, make_phi_entity(), malloc(), Spattern::next, NO_OFL_CTRL, sc_dup(), sc_rm(), Scontrainte::succ, Svecteur::succ, TCST, Spattern::unitp, Spattern::upper, value_abs, value_neg_p, value_pos_p, var_of, vect_add(), vect_add_elem(), vect_chg_sgn(), vect_cl2(), vect_coeff(), vect_copy(), vect_dimension(), vect_dup(), vect_erase_var(), vect_rm(), vect_size(), Scontrainte::vecteur, VECTEUR_NUL, and VECTEUR_NUL_P.

Referenced by xml_Pattern_Paving().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ first_precondition_of_module()

static transformer first_precondition_of_module ( const char *module_name   __attribute__(unused),
Psysteme ps 

Definition at line 4090 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

4091 {
4094  instruction inst = statement_instruction(st1);
4096  *ps= SC_UNDEFINED;
4097  switch instruction_tag(inst)
4098  {
4101  if (sts !=NULL)
4102  fst = STATEMENT(CAR(sts));
4103  break;
4104  }
4106  default:
4107  fst = st1;
4108  }
4109  if ( fst!= statement_undefined) {
4112  }
4113  return t;
4114 }
statement get_current_module_statement(void)
Get the current module statement.
Definition: static.c:208
#define transformer_undefined
Definition: ri.h:2847
@ is_instruction_sequence
Definition: ri.h:1469
#define transformer_relation(x)
Definition: ri.h:2873
#define sequence_statements(x)
Definition: ri.h:2360
#define instruction_sequence(x)
Definition: ri.h:1514
struct _newgen_struct_transformer_ * transformer
Definition: ri.h:431
#define predicate_system(x)
Definition: ri.h:2069
#define statement_undefined
Definition: ri.h:2419
#define STATEMENT(x)
Definition: ri.h:2413
transformer load_statement_precondition(statement)

References CAR, get_current_module_statement(), instruction_sequence, instruction_tag, is_instruction_sequence, load_statement_precondition(), predicate_system, sc_dup(), sequence_statements, STATEMENT, statement_instruction, statement_undefined, transformer_relation, and transformer_undefined.

Referenced by xml_Application(), xml_Boxes(), and xml_Task().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gen_array_index()

static int gen_array_index ( gen_array_t  ar,
string  item 

Definition at line 298 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

298  {
299  int i;
301  for(i = 0; i<(int) gen_array_nitems(ar); i++){
302  if(gen_array_item(ar, i) != NULL){
303  if(same_string_p(item, *((string *)(gen_array_item(ar, i))))){
304  return i;
305  }
306  }
307  }
308  return ITEM_NOT_IN_ARRAY;
309 }
void * gen_array_item(const gen_array_t a, size_t i)
Definition: array.c:143

References gen_array_item(), gen_array_nitems(), int, ITEM_NOT_IN_ARRAY, and same_string_p.

Referenced by xml_array_in_task(), xml_call_from_assignation(), xml_call_from_indice(), and xml_call_from_loopnest().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ generic_print_xml_application()

static bool generic_print_xml_application ( const char *  module_name,
bool  is_app 

Get the READ and WRITE regions of the module

Definition at line 6118 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

6119 {
6120  FILE * out;
6121  entity module;
6122  string dir, filename;
6123  statement stat;
6124  string_buffer sb_result = string_buffer_make(true);
6125  int code_tag;
6126  string resource = is_app? DBR_SPEAR_APP_FILE : DBR_SPEAR_CODE_FILE;
6128  // globals...
6132  string xml = db_build_file_resource_name
6133  (resource, module_name, is_app? ".app.xml": ".xml");
6135  filename = strdup(concatenate(dir, "/", xml, NULL));
6136  stat = (statement) db_get_memory_resource(DBR_CODE, module_name, true);
6140  if(statement_undefined_p(stat)) {
6141  pips_internal_error("No statement for module %s", module_name);
6142  }
6144  db_get_memory_resource(DBR_PROPER_EFFECTS,
6145  module_name,true));
6147  db_get_memory_resource(DBR_CUMULATED_EFFECTS,
6148  module_name,true));
6149  init_cost_table();
6150  // set_complexity_map( (statement_mapping)
6151  // db_get_memory_resource(DBR_COMPLEXITIES, module_name, true));
6153  /* Get the READ and WRITE regions of the module */
6155  db_get_memory_resource(DBR_REGIONS, module_name, true));
6158  db_get_memory_resource(DBR_PRECONDITIONS,
6159  module_name,
6160  true));
6165  out = safe_fopen(filename, "w");
6166  code_tag = find_code_status(module_name);
6167  fprintf(out,"%s<!-- XML prettyprint for %s \"%s\" --> \n",
6168  is_app? "": " ",
6169  is_app? "application": code_tag == code_is_a_te? "task": "box",
6170  module_name);
6172  if (is_app)
6174  db_get_memory_resource(DBR_TASK_VARIABLE_CHANGED_BY,
6175  module_name, true));
6176  else
6177  def_to_task_init();
6181  if (is_app)
6182  {
6183  pips_assert("application is a main", code_tag == code_is_a_main);
6184  xml_Application(module_name, code_tag, sb_result);
6185  }
6186  else
6187  {
6188  switch (code_tag)
6189  {
6190  case code_is_a_main:
6191  case code_is_a_box:
6192  // xml_Boxes(module_name, code_is_a_main, sb_result);
6193  xml_Boxes(module_name, code_tag, sb_result);
6194  break;
6195  case code_is_a_te:
6196  xml_Task(module_name, code_tag, sb_result);
6197  break;
6198  default:
6199  pips_internal_error("unexpected kind of code for xml_prettyprinter");
6200  }
6201  }
6203  pips_debug(1, "End XML prettyprinter for %s\n", module_name);
6204  debug_off();
6206  string sr = string_buffer_to_string(sb_result);
6207  fputs(sr, out);
6208  free(sr);
6209  safe_fclose(out, filename);
6211  string_buffer_free(&sb_result);
6213  free(dir);
6214  free(filename);
6217  if (!is_app)
6227  reset_rw_effects();
6231  return true;
6232 }
static FILE * out
Definition: alias_check.c:128
void init_cost_table()
Completes the intrinsic cost table with the costs read from the files specified in the "COMPLEXITY_CO...
Definition: comp_util.c:519
void reset_complexity_map(void)
void set_rw_effects(statement_effects)
void reset_proper_rw_effects(void)
void set_proper_rw_effects(statement_effects)
void set_cumulated_rw_effects(statement_effects)
void reset_cumulated_rw_effects(void)
void reset_rw_effects(void)
FILE * safe_fopen(const char *filename, const char *what)
Definition: file.c:67
int safe_fclose(FILE *stream, const char *filename)
Definition: file.c:77
void free(void *)
void reset_current_module_entity(void)
Reset the current module entity.
Definition: static.c:97
void reset_current_module_statement(void)
Reset the current module statement.
Definition: static.c:221
statement set_current_module_statement(statement)
Set the current module statement.
Definition: static.c:165
entity set_current_module_entity(entity)
Definition: static.c:66
entity get_current_module_entity(void)
Get the entity of the current module.
Definition: static.c:85
#define DB_PUT_MEMORY_RESOURCE(res_name, own_name, res_val)
conform to old interface.
Definition: pipsdbm-local.h:66
Put a file resource into the current workspace database.
Definition: pipsdbm-local.h:85
hash_table hash_table_make(hash_key_type key_type, size_t size)
Definition: hash.c:294
void hash_table_free(hash_table htp)
this function deletes a hash table that is no longer useful.
Definition: hash.c:327
string db_build_file_resource_name(const char *rname, const char *oname, const char *suffix)
returns an allocated file name for a file resource.
Definition: lowlevel.c:169
#define debug_on(env)
Definition: misc-local.h:157
#define pips_debug
these macros use the GNU extensions that allow variadic macros, including with an empty list.
Definition: misc-local.h:145
#define pips_internal_error
Definition: misc-local.h:149
#define debug_off()
Definition: misc-local.h:160
string concatenate(const char *,...)
Return the concatenation of the given strings.
Definition: string.c:183
@ hash_pointer
Definition: newgen_hash.h:32
string string_buffer_to_string(const string_buffer)
return malloc'ed string from string buffer sb
void string_buffer_free(string_buffer *)
free string buffer structure, also free string contents according to the dup field
Definition: string_buffer.c:82
string_buffer string_buffer_make(bool dup)
allocate a new string buffer
Definition: string_buffer.c:58
static char * module
Definition: pips.c:74
string db_get_current_workspace_directory(void)
Definition: workspace.c:96
entity module_name_to_entity(const char *mn)
This is an alias for local_name_to_top_level_entity.
Definition: entity.c:1479
bool fortran_module_p(entity m)
Test if a module is in Fortran.
Definition: entity.c:2799
void free_statement_global_stack(void)
Definition: static.c:358
void make_statement_global_stack(void)
Definition: static.c:318
#define statement_undefined_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:2420
int fprintf()
test sc_min : ce test s'appelle par : programme fichier1.data fichier2.data ...
char * strdup()
void module_to_value_mappings(entity m)
void module_to_value_mappings(entity m): build hash tables between variables and values (old,...
Definition: mappings.c:624
void reset_precondition_map(void)
void set_precondition_map(statement_mapping)
internally defined structure.
Definition: string_buffer.c:47
void free_value_mappings(void)
Normal call to free the mappings.
Definition: value.c:1212
static bool fortran_appli
static void xml_Boxes(const char *module_name, int code_tag, string_buffer sb_result)
static void xml_Application(const char *module_name, int code_tag, string_buffer sb_result)
static int find_code_status(const char *module_name)
static void def_to_task_init(void)
static void xml_Task(const char *module_name, int code_tag, string_buffer sb_result)
static void def_to_task_set(entity_to_entity mapping)
static void def_to_task_reset(void)

References code_is_a_box, code_is_a_main, code_is_a_te, concatenate(), db_build_file_resource_name(), db_get_current_workspace_directory(), db_get_memory_resource(), DB_PUT_FILE_RESOURCE, DB_PUT_MEMORY_RESOURCE, debug_off, debug_on, def_to_task_init(), def_to_task_mapping, def_to_task_reset(), def_to_task_set(), find_code_status(), fortran_appli, fortran_module_p(), fprintf(), free(), free_statement_global_stack(), free_value_mappings(), get_current_module_entity(), hash_entity_def_into_tasks, hash_pointer, hash_table_free(), hash_table_make(), init_cost_table(), make_statement_global_stack(), module, module_name(), module_name_to_entity(), module_to_value_mappings(), out, pips_assert, pips_debug, pips_internal_error, reset_complexity_map(), reset_cumulated_rw_effects(), reset_current_module_entity(), reset_current_module_statement(), reset_precondition_map(), reset_proper_rw_effects(), reset_rw_effects(), safe_fclose(), safe_fopen(), set_cumulated_rw_effects(), set_current_module_entity(), set_current_module_statement(), set_precondition_map(), set_proper_rw_effects(), set_rw_effects(), statement_undefined_p, strdup(), string_buffer_free(), string_buffer_make(), string_buffer_to_string(), xml_Application(), xml_Boxes(), and xml_Task().

Referenced by print_xml_application(), print_xml_application_main(), print_xml_application_main_with_points_to(), and print_xml_application_with_points_to().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ indice_p()

static bool indice_p ( stack  indices,
entity  v 

Definition at line 4922 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

4923 {
4924  bool result=false;
4925  STACK_MAP_X(index,entity,
4926  {
4927  if (same_entity_p(index ,v)) result=true;
4928  }, indices,1);
4929  return result;
4930 }
static list indices
Definition: icm.c:204
#define STACK_MAP_X(_item, _itemtype, _code, _stack, _downwards)
not needed
Definition: newgen_stack.h:104

References indices, same_entity_p(), and STACK_MAP_X.

Referenced by xml_Chain_Graph().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ int_compare()

static int int_compare ( void const *  a,
void const *  b 

Definition at line 4162 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

4163 {
4164  int const*pa=a;
4165  int const*pb=b;
4166  return(*pb-*pa);
4167 }

Referenced by tri_abc().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ logic_condition_filter()

static bool logic_condition_filter ( statement  s1,
statement  sx,
entity cond,
expression lhs,
expression rhs 

Definition at line 4867 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

4868 {
4874  *cond=call_function(oper);
4876  list largs_oper= call_arguments(oper);
4877  if (gen_length(largs_oper)>=2) {
4878  *lhs = EXPRESSION(CAR(largs_oper));
4879  *rhs = EXPRESSION(CAR(CDR(largs_oper)));
4880  return true;
4881  }
4882  else
4883  spear_warning(s1,"Change the test or Encapsulate it into a function",
4884  "NON BINARY OPERATORS in conditional are not accepted outside task");
4885  }
4886  else spear_warning(s1,"Change the test or Encapsulate it into a function",
4887  "NON LOGICAL OPERATORS in conditional are not accepted outside task");
4888  }
4889  else
4890  spear_warning(s1,"Change the test or Encapsulate it into a function",
4891  "The conditional is not a LOGICAL TEST");
4892  }
4893  return false;
4894 }
size_t gen_length(const list l)
Definition: list.c:150
#define spear_warning(...)
Attention : This definition is different with the Fortran Standard where the logical operators are th...
#define syntax_call_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:2734
#define syntax_call(x)
Definition: ri.h:2736
#define test_condition(x)
Definition: ri.h:2833
#define instruction_test_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:1515
#define instruction_test(x)
Definition: ri.h:1517
#define expression_syntax(x)
Definition: ri.h:1247

References call_arguments, call_function, CAR, CDR, ENTITY_LOGICAL_OPERATOR_P, exp, EXPRESSION, expression_syntax, gen_length(), instruction_test, instruction_test_p, s1, spear_warning, statement_instruction, statement_undefined_p, syntax_call, syntax_call_p, and test_condition.

Referenced by xml_Call(), and xml_Chain_Graph().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ matrix_init()

static void matrix_init ( Pmatrix  mat,
int  n,
int  m 

Definition at line 4117 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

4118 {
4119  int i,j;
4120  for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {
4121  for (j=1;j<=m;j++) {
4122  MATRIX_ELEM(mat,i,j)=0;
4123  }
4124  }
4125 }
#define MATRIX_ELEM(matrix, i, j)
Macros d'acces aux elements d'une matrice.
Definition: matrix-local.h:80

References MATRIX_ELEM.

Referenced by xml_Connection(), xml_ConstOffset(), xml_LoopOffset(), and xml_Transposition().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ memory_location_for_array_p()

static string memory_location_for_array_p ( const char *  sa)

Definition at line 3684 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

3685 {
3687  string result=NULL;
3688  int n=0;
3690  array_location_string = NULL;
3691  array_mem_string = (char *)malloc(strlen(sa)+5+1);
3692  (void) strcpy(array_mem_string, sa);
3693  (void) strcat(array_mem_string,MEM_PREFIX);
3695  if (array_location_string != NULL) {
3696  n= strcspn(array_location_string+strlen(sa)+5,":\n");
3697  result=(char *)malloc(n+1);
3698  strncpy(result,array_location_string+strlen(sa)+5,n);
3699  result[n]=(char) 0;
3700  }
3702  return (result);
3703 }
#define MEM_PREFIX
static void find_memory_comment_on_array(statement s)

References array_location_string, array_mem_string, find_memory_comment_on_array(), free(), gen_recurse, gen_true(), get_current_module_statement(), malloc(), MEM_PREFIX, and statement_domain.

Referenced by xml_Array().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ motif_in_statement()

static void motif_in_statement ( statement  s)

Definition at line 3977 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

3978 {
3979  if (pragma_motif_p(s)) motif_in_statement_p= true;
3980 }
static bool pragma_motif_p(statement s)

References motif_in_statement_p, and pragma_motif_p().

Referenced by find_code_status(), xml_Loops(), and xml_Task().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pointer_to_initial_name()

char* pointer_to_initial_name ( char *  ts,
_UNUSED_ char *  ste 

Prefix extraction int nbpref= strcspn(ste, ts); string pref_ts= malloc (sizeof (char) * (nbpref+1)); pref_ts = strncpy(pref_ts,ste,(int)nbpref); pref_ts[nbpref]='\0'; fprintf(stdout,"Prefix for %s in %s is %s\n",ts, ste,pref_ts );

Search entity to determine its type string newst = malloc (sizeof (char) * (nbpref+strlen(initial_ts))); newst = strcat(pref_ts,initial_ts); entity newent=gen_find_entity(newst);

Definition at line 2690 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

2691 {
2692  string ts_tmp = ts;
2693  string initial_ts =ts;
2694  /* Prefix extraction
2695  int nbpref= strcspn(ste, ts);
2696  string pref_ts= malloc (sizeof (char) * (nbpref+1));
2697  pref_ts = strncpy(pref_ts,ste,(int)nbpref);
2698  pref_ts[nbpref]='\0';
2699  fprintf(stdout,"Prefix for %s in %s is %s\n",ts, ste,pref_ts );
2700  */
2701  bool reduction_p=true;
2702  // Remove "_" on either side of intial entity name ts in case of pointer
2703  while (reduction_p && strchr(ts_tmp,'_')==ts_tmp)
2704  {
2705  string end_ts=strrchr(ts,'_');
2706  if (strlen(ts_tmp)-strlen(end_ts)-1>0)
2707  initial_ts = str_sub (ts,1,strlen(ts_tmp)-strlen(end_ts)-1);
2708  else reduction_p=false;
2709  ts_tmp=initial_ts;
2710  }
2712  /* Search entity to determine its type
2713  string newst = malloc (sizeof (char) * (nbpref+strlen(initial_ts)));
2714  newst = strcat(pref_ts,initial_ts);
2715  entity newent=gen_find_entity(newst);
2716  */
2717  return(initial_ts);
2718 }
static bool reduction_p(set reductions_l[STEP_UNDEF_REDUCE], entity e)
char * str_sub(const char *s, int start, int end)

References reduction_p(), and str_sub().

Referenced by words_points_to_reference().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pop_current_statement()

static void pop_current_statement ( statement s   __attribute__(unused),
nest_context_p  nest 

if (debug) print_statement(s);

Definition at line 1287 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1289 {
1290  /* if (debug) print_statement(s);*/
1291  stack_pop(nest->current_stat);
1292 }
void * stack_pop(stack)
POPs one item from stack s.
Definition: stack.c:399

References nest_context_t::current_stat, and stack_pop().

Referenced by find_loops_and_calls_in_box(), and search_nested_loops_and_calls().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pop_if()

static void pop_if ( test l   __attribute__(unused),
nest_context_p  nest 

Definition at line 1319 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1321 {
1322  stack_pop(nest->testif);
1324 }

References stack_pop(), and nest_context_t::testif.

Referenced by find_loops_and_calls_in_box().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pop_loop()

static void pop_loop ( _UNUSED_ loop  l,
nest_context_p  nest 

Definition at line 1304 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1305 {
1306  stack_pop(nest->loops_for_call);
1307  stack_pop(nest->loop_indices);
1308 }
stack loops_for_call
Definition: modeling-local.h:5

References nest_context_t::loop_indices, nest_context_t::loops_for_call, and stack_pop().

Referenced by find_loops_and_calls_in_box(), and search_nested_loops_and_calls().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pop_test()

static void pop_test ( test t   __attribute__(unused),
nest_context_p nest   __attribute__(unused) 

encapsulation de l'ensemble des instructions appartenant au test

Definition at line 1374 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1376 {
1377  /* encapsulation de l'ensemble des instructions appartenant au test*/
1378 }

Referenced by search_nested_loops_and_calls().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pragma_motif_p()

static bool pragma_motif_p ( statement  s)

Definition at line 3959 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

3960 {
3962  list exl=extensions_extension(es);
3963  string name="MOTIF";
3964  bool result=false;
3965  FOREACH(EXTENSION, ex, exl){
3966  if (extension_pragma_p(ex)) {
3967  pragma p = extension_pragma(ex);
3968  if(pragma_string_p(p)) {
3969  if(same_string_p(pragma_string(p),name))
3970  result= true;
3971  }
3972  }
3973  }
3974  return result;
3975 }
#define extension_pragma_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:1293
#define pragma_string(x)
Definition: ri.h:2033
#define pragma_string_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:2031
#define extension_pragma(x)
Definition: ri.h:1295
#define EXTENSION(x)
Definition: ri.h:1253
#define statement_extensions(x)
Definition: ri.h:2464
#define extensions_extension(x)
Definition: ri.h:1330

References EXTENSION, extension_pragma, extension_pragma_p, extensions_extension, FOREACH, pragma_string, pragma_string_p, same_string_p, and statement_extensions.

Referenced by motif_in_statement(), and xml_Loops().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ print_call_precondition()

static void print_call_precondition ( Psysteme  prec,
string_buffer  sb_result 

Definition at line 5609 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

5610 {
5611  // fprintf(stdout,"DEBUG - preconditions\n");
5612  // sc_fprint(stdout,prec, (get_variable_name_t) entity_local_name);
5614  Pcontrainte pc;
5615  Pvecteur pv;
5617  string_buffer_append_word("CallPreconditions", sb_result);
5618  global_margin++;
5619  for (pc = prec->egalites; pc!=NULL; pc=pc->succ) {
5620  pv = contrainte_vecteur(pc);
5621  if (vect_size(pv)<=2 && vect_dimension(pv)==1){
5622  Pvecteur pv2=vect_copy(pv);
5623  int coeff = - vect_coeff(TCST,pv2);
5624  vect_chg_coeff(&pv2,TCST,0);
5625  if (!VECTEUR_UNDEFINED_P(pv2) && !VECTEUR_NUL_P(pv2)) {
5626  entity etmp = (entity) pv2->var;
5627  if (!old_value_entity_p(etmp)) {
5628  entity ve=(entity) pv2->var;
5631  entity v = reference_variable(r);
5632  region reg = region_undefined;
5633  add_margin(global_margin, sb_result);
5634  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
5636  "Precondition Param=", QUOTE,entity_user_name(v), QUOTE,
5637  " Field=", QUOTE, words_points_to_reference(r,true,reg), QUOTE,
5638  " Numeric=", QUOTE, int2a(coeff), QUOTE, SLASH, CLOSEANGLE, NL, NULL));
5639  }
5640  else {
5641  add_margin(global_margin, sb_result);
5642  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
5644  "Precondition Param=", QUOTE,entity_user_name(ve), QUOTE,
5645  " Numeric=", QUOTE, int2a(coeff), QUOTE,SLASH, CLOSEANGLE, NL, NULL));
5646  }
5647  }
5648  }
5649  vect_rm(pv2);
5650  }
5651  }
5652  for (pc = prec->inegalites; pc!=NULL; pc=pc->succ) {
5653  pv = contrainte_vecteur(pc);
5654  if (vect_size(pv)<=2 && vect_dimension(pv)==1) {
5655  Pvecteur pv2 = vect_copy(pv);
5656  int coeff = - vect_coeff(TCST,pv2);
5657  vect_chg_coeff(&pv2,TCST,0);
5658  if (!VECTEUR_UNDEFINED_P(pv2) && !VECTEUR_NUL_P(pv2)) {
5659  entity etmp = (entity) pv2->var;
5660  if (!old_value_entity_p(etmp)) {
5661  entity ve = value_to_variable(etmp);
5662  int val = pv2->val;
5665  entity v = reference_variable(r);
5666  region reg = region_undefined;
5667  add_margin(global_margin, sb_result);
5668  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
5670  "Precondition Param=", QUOTE,entity_user_name(v), QUOTE,
5671  " Field=", QUOTE, words_points_to_reference(r,true,reg), QUOTE,
5672  (val<=0) ? " MinNumeric=":" MaxNumeric=", QUOTE, int2a(coeff), QUOTE, SLASH,CLOSEANGLE, NL, NULL));
5673  }
5674  else {
5675  add_margin(global_margin, sb_result);
5676  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
5678  "Precondition Param=", QUOTE,entity_user_name(ve), QUOTE,
5679  (val<=0)?" MinNumeric=":" MaxNumeric=", QUOTE, int2a(coeff), QUOTE, SLASH,CLOSEANGLE, NL, NULL));
5681  }
5682  }
5683  }
5684  }
5685  }
5686  global_margin--;
5687  string_buffer_append_word("/CallPreconditions", sb_result);
5688 }
struct _newgen_struct_entity_ * entity
Definition: abc_private.h:14
#define contrainte_vecteur(c)
passage au champ vecteur d'une contrainte "a la Newgen"
#define region_undefined
#define region
simulation of the type region
Definition: genread_lex.c:1029
const char * entity_user_name(entity e)
Since entity_local_name may contain PIPS special characters such as prefixes (label,...
Definition: entity.c:487
#define value_undefined_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:3017
#define value_reference(x)
Definition: ri.h:3085
#define value_reference_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:3083
#define entity_initial(x)
Definition: ri.h:2796
Pcontrainte inegalites
Definition: sc-local.h:71
Pcontrainte egalites
Definition: sc-local.h:70
char * int2a(int)
Definition: util.c:42
bool old_value_entity_p(entity)
Definition: value.c:936
entity value_to_variable(entity)
Get the primitive variable associated to any value involved in a transformer.
Definition: value.c:1624
void vect_chg_coeff(Pvecteur *ppv, Variable var, Value val)
void vect_chg_coeff(Pvecteur *ppv, Variable var, Value val): mise de la coordonnee var du vecteur *pp...
Definition: unaires.c:143
static void string_buffer_append_word(string str, string_buffer sb_result)
#define NL
#define SLASH
#define QUOTE
static void add_margin(int gm, string_buffer sb_result)
static int global_margin
static const char * words_points_to_reference(reference rv, bool suffix_only_p, region reg)

References add_margin(), CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), contrainte_vecteur, Ssysteme::egalites, entity_initial, entity_user_name(), global_margin, if(), Ssysteme::inegalites, int2a(), NL, old_value_entity_p(), OPENANGLE, QUOTE, reference_variable, region, region_undefined, SLASH, string_buffer_append(), string_buffer_append_word(), Scontrainte::succ, TCST, Svecteur::val, value_reference, value_reference_p, value_to_variable(), value_undefined_p, Svecteur::var, vect_chg_coeff(), vect_coeff(), vect_copy(), vect_dimension(), vect_rm(), vect_size(), VECTEUR_NUL_P, VECTEUR_UNDEFINED_P, and words_points_to_reference().

Referenced by xml_Call().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ print_full_name_p()

static bool print_full_name_p ( )


Definition at line 1214 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1215 {
1216  return false;
1217 }

Referenced by xml_Region_Parameter(), and xml_TaskParameter().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ print_name_1_level_p()

static bool print_name_1_level_p ( )

Definition at line 1221 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1222 {
1223  return true;
1224 }

Referenced by xml_Chain_Graph().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ print_xml_application()

bool print_xml_application ( const char *  module_name)

Definition at line 6243 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

6244 {
6245  bool result = generic_print_xml_application(module_name, false);
6246  return result;
6247 }
static bool generic_print_xml_application(const char *module_name, bool is_app)

References generic_print_xml_application(), and module_name().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ print_xml_application_main()

bool print_xml_application_main ( const char *  module_name)

Definition at line 6249 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

6250 {
6251  bool result = generic_print_xml_application(module_name, true);
6252  return result;
6253 }

References generic_print_xml_application(), and module_name().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ print_xml_application_main_with_points_to()

bool print_xml_application_main_with_points_to ( const char *  module_name)

Definition at line 6254 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

6255 {
6257  db_get_memory_resource(DBR_POINTS_TO, module_name, true) );
6258  bool result = generic_print_xml_application(module_name, true);
6259  reset_pt_to_list();
6260  return result;
6261 }
void set_pt_to_list(statement_points_to)
void reset_pt_to_list(void)

References db_get_memory_resource(), generic_print_xml_application(), module_name(), reset_pt_to_list(), and set_pt_to_list().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ print_xml_application_with_points_to()

bool print_xml_application_with_points_to ( const char *  module_name)

Definition at line 6234 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

6235 {
6237  db_get_memory_resource(DBR_POINTS_TO, module_name, true) );
6238  bool result = generic_print_xml_application(module_name, false);
6239  reset_pt_to_list();
6240  return result;
6241 }

References db_get_memory_resource(), generic_print_xml_application(), module_name(), reset_pt_to_list(), and set_pt_to_list().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ print_xml_code()

bool print_xml_code ( const char *  module_name)

Initiates xml pretty print modules.

Get the READ and WRITE regions of the module

save to file


Definition at line 1888 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1889 {
1890  FILE * out;
1891  string ppt;
1893  string xml = db_build_file_resource_name(DBR_XML_PRINTED_FILE,
1894  module_name, ".xml");
1895  string dir = db_get_current_workspace_directory();
1896  string filename = strdup(concatenate(dir, "/", xml, NULL));
1897  statement stat=(statement) db_get_memory_resource(DBR_CODE,
1898  module_name, true);
1900  init_cost_table();
1901  /* Get the READ and WRITE regions of the module */
1903  db_get_memory_resource(DBR_REGIONS, module_name, true));
1906  db_get_memory_resource(DBR_COMPLEXITIES, module_name, true));
1908  if(statement_undefined_p(stat))
1909  {
1910  pips_internal_error("No statement for module %s", module_name);
1911  }
1916  pips_debug(1, "Spec validation before xml prettyprinter for %s\n",
1917  entity_name(module));
1918  if (valid_specification_p(module,stat)){
1919  pips_debug(1, "Spec is valid\n");
1920  pips_debug(1, "Begin XML prettyprinter for %s\n", entity_name(module));
1921  ppt = xml_code(module, stat);
1922  pips_debug(1, "end\n");
1923  debug_off();
1924  /* save to file */
1925  out = safe_fopen(filename, "w");
1926  fprintf(out,"%s",ppt);
1927  safe_fclose(out, filename);
1928  free(ppt);
1929  }
1931  free(dir);
1932  free(filename);
1939  reset_rw_effects();
1940  return true;
1941 }
void set_complexity_map(statement_mapping)
#define entity_name(x)
Definition: ri.h:2790
static bool valid_specification_p(entity module __attribute__((unused)), statement stat __attribute__((unused)))
static string xml_code(entity module, statement stat)
Creates string for xml pretty printer.

References concatenate(), db_build_file_resource_name(), db_get_current_workspace_directory(), db_get_memory_resource(), DB_PUT_FILE_RESOURCE, debug_off, debug_on, entity_name, fprintf(), free(), init_cost_table(), module, module_name(), module_name_to_entity(), out, pips_debug, pips_internal_error, reset_complexity_map(), reset_current_module_entity(), reset_current_module_statement(), reset_rw_effects(), safe_fclose(), safe_fopen(), set_complexity_map(), set_current_module_entity(), set_current_module_statement(), set_rw_effects(), statement_undefined_p, strdup(), valid_specification_p(), and xml_code().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ print_xml_code_with_explicit_motif()

bool print_xml_code_with_explicit_motif ( const char *  module_name)

Initiates xml pretty print modules.


save to file


Definition at line 1162 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1163 {
1164  FILE * out;
1165  string ppt, xml, dir, filename;
1166  entity module;
1167  statement stat;
1170  xml = db_build_file_resource_name(DBR_XML_PRINTED_FILE, module_name, ".xml");
1175  filename = strdup(concatenate(dir, "/", xml, NULL));
1176  stat = (statement) db_get_memory_resource(DBR_CODE, module_name, true);
1178  if(statement_undefined_p(stat))
1179  {
1180  pips_internal_error("No statement for module %s", module_name);
1181  }
1186  pips_debug(1, "Begin Claire prettyprinter for %s\n", entity_name(module));
1187  ppt = xml_code_string(module, stat);
1188  pips_debug(1, "end\n");
1189  debug_off();
1191  /* save to file */
1192  out = safe_fopen(filename, "w");
1193  fprintf(out, "%s", ppt);
1194  safe_fclose(out, filename);
1196  free(ppt);
1197  free(dir);
1198  free(filename);
1205  return true;
1206 }
gen_array_t gen_array_make(size_t size)
Definition: array.c:40
static string xml_code_string(entity module, statement stat)
Creates string for xml pretty printer.
static gen_array_t array_names
static const char * global_module_name
static gen_array_t array_dims

References array_dims, array_names, concatenate(), db_build_file_resource_name(), db_get_current_workspace_directory(), db_get_memory_resource(), DB_PUT_FILE_RESOURCE, debug_off, debug_on, entity_name, fprintf(), free(), gen_array_make(), global_module_name, module, module_name(), module_name_to_entity(), out, pips_debug, pips_internal_error, reset_current_module_entity(), reset_current_module_statement(), safe_fclose(), safe_fopen(), set_current_module_entity(), set_current_module_statement(), statement_undefined_p, strdup(), and xml_code_string().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ push_current_statement()

static void push_current_statement ( statement  s,
nest_context_p  nest 

Definition at line 1281 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1282 {
1283  stack_push(s , nest->current_stat);
1284 }
void stack_push(void *, stack)
stack use
Definition: stack.c:373

References nest_context_t::current_stat, and stack_push().

Referenced by find_loops_and_calls_in_box(), and search_nested_loops_and_calls().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ push_if()

static void push_if ( _UNUSED_ test  l,
nest_context_p  nest 

on sauve le statement associe au test

Definition at line 1311 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1312 {
1313  /* on sauve le statement associe au test */
1315  stack_push(sl , nest->testif);
1316 }
void * stack_head(const stack)
returns the item on top of stack s
Definition: stack.c:420

References nest_context_t::current_stat, stack_head(), stack_push(), and nest_context_t::testif.

Referenced by find_loops_and_calls_in_box().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ push_loop()

static void push_loop ( loop  l,
nest_context_p  nest 

on sauve le statement associe a la boucle courante

Definition at line 1295 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1296 {
1297  /* on sauve le statement associe a la boucle courante */
1299  stack_push(sl , nest->loops_for_call);
1300  stack_push(loop_index(l) , nest->loop_indices);
1301 }
#define loop_index(x)
Definition: ri.h:1640

References nest_context_t::current_stat, loop_index, nest_context_t::loop_indices, nest_context_t::loops_for_call, stack_head(), and stack_push().

Referenced by find_loops_and_calls_in_box(), and search_nested_loops_and_calls().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ push_test()

static bool push_test ( test t   __attribute__(unused),
nest_context_p nest   __attribute__(unused) 

encapsulation de l'ensemble des instructions appartenant au test

Definition at line 1366 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1368 {
1369  /* encapsulation de l'ensemble des instructions appartenant au test*/
1370  return true;
1371 }

Referenced by search_nested_loops_and_calls().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ region_range_nul_p()

static bool region_range_nul_p ( region  reg,
Variable  phi 

tatic bool string_in_list_p(string ts,list lr){ bool trouve=false; MAPL(tt, {trouve= trouve || strcmp(STRING(CAR(tt)),ts) == 0;}, lr); return trouve; }

Definition at line 2650 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

2651 {
2652  Pcontrainte pc;
2653  bool result=false;
2654  if(reg != region_undefined) {
2656  entity vreg = reference_variable(ref);
2659  Psysteme ps_reg = sc_dup(region_system(reg));
2660  if (!SC_UNDEFINED_P(ps_reg)) {
2661  for(pc = sc_egalites(ps_reg); pc!=NULL;pc= pc->succ) {
2662  if (vect_coeff(phi, pc->vecteur) && (vect_size(pc->vecteur)==1 ))
2663  result=true;
2664  }
2665  }
2666  }
2667  }
2668  }
2669  return result;
2670 }
#define region_system(reg)
bool array_entity_p(entity e)
Definition: entity.c:793
#define type_variable(x)
Definition: ri.h:2949
#define variable_dimensions(x)
Definition: ri.h:3122
#define entity_type(x)
Definition: ri.h:2792

References array_entity_p(), effect_any_reference, entity_type, gen_length(), ref, reference_variable, region_system, region_undefined, sc_dup(), Scontrainte::succ, type_variable, variable_dimensions, vect_coeff(), vect_size(), and Scontrainte::vecteur.

Referenced by words_points_to_reference().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ same_callst_p()

static bool same_callst_p ( Pcallst  c1,
Pcallst  c2 

Definition at line 3154 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

3155 {
3156  return(same_entity_p(c1->func,c2->func) && (c1->stat_nb ==c2->stat_nb));
3157 }

References callst::func, same_entity_p(), and callst::stat_nb.

Referenced by update_def_into_tasks_table().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ same_entities()

static void same_entities ( reference  r,
expression_ctxt ctxt 

Definition at line 3095 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

3096 {
3097  if (same_entity_p(reference_variable(r),ctxt->e))
3098  ctxt->entity_in_p = true;
3099 }

References expression_ctxt::e, expression_ctxt::entity_in_p, reference_variable, and same_entity_p().

Referenced by entity_in_expression_p().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ search_1r_function_call()

static void search_1r_function_call ( call  c)

Definition at line 1330 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1331 {
1332  entity f = call_function(c);
1335  encapsulated_call =c;
1336 }
#define call_undefined
Definition: ri.h:685
static call encapsulated_call

References call_function, call_undefined, encapsulated_call, ENTITY_ASSIGN_P, entity_function_p(), entity_subroutine_p(), and f().

Referenced by xml_Argument(), xml_Arguments(), xml_Call(), xml_Chain_Graph(), and xml_TaskParameters().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ search_nested_loops_and_calls()

static void search_nested_loops_and_calls ( statement  stmp,
nest_context_p  nest 

Definition at line 1383 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1384 {
1389  NULL);
1390 }
static void pop_test(test t __attribute__((unused)), nest_context_p nest __attribute__((unused)))
static bool push_test(test t __attribute__((unused)), nest_context_p nest __attribute__((unused)))

References call_domain, call_selection(), gen_context_multi_recurse(), loop_domain, pop_current_statement(), pop_loop(), pop_test(), push_current_statement(), push_loop(), push_test(), statement_domain, store_call_context(), and test_domain.

Referenced by xml_tasks().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sequence_call()

static call sequence_call ( sequence  seq)

meaningful call

number of calls

Definition at line 838 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

839 {
840  call mc = call_undefined; /* meaningful call */
841  int nc = 0; /* number of calls */
843  MAP(STATEMENT, s, {
844  if(continue_statement_p(s))
845  ;
846  else if(statement_call_p(s)) {
848  nc++;
849  }
850  else {
851  nc = 0;
852  break;
853  }
854  }, sequence_statements(seq));
856  if(nc!=1)
857  mc = call_undefined;
859  return mc;
860 }
#define MAP(_map_CASTER, _map_item, _map_code, _map_list)
Apply/map an instruction block on all the elements of a list (old fashioned)
Definition: newgen_list.h:226
bool statement_call_p(statement)
Definition: statement.c:364
bool continue_statement_p(statement)
Test if a statement is a CONTINUE, that is the FORTRAN nop, the ";" in C or the "pass" in Python....
Definition: statement.c:203

References call_undefined, continue_statement_p(), instruction_call, MAP, sequence_statements, STATEMENT, statement_call_p(), and statement_instruction.

Referenced by xml_loop_from_loop(), and xml_loop_from_sequence().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sequence_loop()

static loop sequence_loop ( sequence  seq)

meaningful loop

number of loops

Definition at line 862 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

863 {
864  loop ml = loop_undefined; /* meaningful loop */
865  int nl = 0; /* number of loops */
867  MAP(STATEMENT, s, {
868  if(continue_statement_p(s))
869  ;
870  else if(statement_loop_p(s)) {
872  nl++;
873  }
874  else {
875  nl = 0;
876  break;
877  }
878  }, sequence_statements(seq));
880  if(nl!=1)
881  ml = loop_undefined;
883  return ml;
884 }
bool statement_loop_p(statement)
Definition: statement.c:349
#define loop_undefined
Definition: ri.h:1612
#define instruction_loop(x)
Definition: ri.h:1520

References continue_statement_p(), instruction_loop, loop_undefined, MAP, sequence_statements, STATEMENT, statement_instruction, and statement_loop_p().

Referenced by xml_loop_from_loop(), and xml_loop_from_sequence().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ skip_cast_and_addop_expression()

static expression skip_cast_and_addop_expression ( expression  exp)

Definition at line 4228 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

4229 {
4230  expression exp1=exp;
4233  if (syntax_call_p(expression_syntax(exp1))) {
4234  call cl = syntax_call(expression_syntax(exp1));
4235  const char *fun = entity_local_name(call_function(cl));
4236  if (strcmp(fun, ADDRESS_OF_OPERATOR_NAME) == 0) {
4237  exp1 = EXPRESSION(CAR(call_arguments(cl)));
4238  }
4239  }
4240  return exp1;
4241 }
#define syntax_cast(x)
Definition: ri.h:2739
#define cast_expression(x)
Definition: ri.h:747
#define syntax_cast_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:2737

References ADDRESS_OF_OPERATOR_NAME, call_arguments, call_function, CAR, cast_expression, entity_local_name(), exp, EXPRESSION, expression_syntax, syntax_call, syntax_call_p, syntax_cast, and syntax_cast_p.

Referenced by xml_Argument().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ skip_cast_expression()

static expression skip_cast_expression ( expression  exp)

Definition at line 4210 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

4211 {
4212  expression exp1=exp;
4215  return exp1;
4216 }

References cast_expression, exp, expression_syntax, syntax_cast, and syntax_cast_p.

Referenced by xml_Argument().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ skip_field_and_cast_expression()

static expression skip_field_and_cast_expression ( expression  exp)

Definition at line 4218 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

4219 {
4220  expression exp1=exp;
4221  if (expression_field_p(exp))
4223  if (syntax_cast_p(expression_syntax(exp1)))
4225  return exp1;
4226 }
bool expression_field_p(expression e)
The expression is of kind "s.a", where "s" is a struct and a "a" field.
Definition: expression.c:491
call expression_call(expression e)
Definition: expression.c:445

References call_arguments, CAR, cast_expression, exp, EXPRESSION, expression_call(), expression_field_p(), expression_syntax, syntax_cast, and syntax_cast_p.

Referenced by xml_Call(), and xml_Transposition().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ statement_in_truebranch()

static void statement_in_truebranch ( statement  s)

Definition at line 4860 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

4861 {
4864 }
static statement test_statement_of_reference
static bool statement_in_truebranch_p

References statement_in_truebranch_p, statement_number, and test_statement_of_reference.

Referenced by xml_Call(), and xml_Chain_Graph().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ store_call_context()

static void store_call_context ( call c   __attribute__(unused),
nest_context_p  nest 

on sauve le statement associe au call

Definition at line 1349 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1350  {
1351  /* on sauve le statement associe au call */
1352  statement statc = (statement)stack_head(nest->current_stat);
1353  // if (instruction_call_p(statement_instruction(statc))) {
1354  stack sl = stack_copy(nest->loops_for_call);
1355  stack si = stack_copy(nest->loop_indices);
1356  stack statif = stack_copy(nest->testif);
1358  gen_array_append(nest->nested_loops, sl);
1359  gen_array_append(nest->nested_call, statc);
1360  gen_array_append(nest->nested_if, statif);
1361  // }
1362 }
void gen_array_append(gen_array_t a, void *what)
Definition: array.c:105
stack stack_copy(const stack)
duplicate a stack with its contents.
Definition: stack.c:267
the stack head
Definition: stack.c:62
gen_array_t nested_loop_indices
gen_array_t nested_call
gen_array_t nested_if
gen_array_t nested_loops
Definition: modeling-local.h:9

References nest_context_t::current_stat, gen_array_append(), nest_context_t::loop_indices, nest_context_t::loops_for_call, nest_context_t::nested_call, nest_context_t::nested_if, nest_context_t::nested_loop_indices, nest_context_t::nested_loops, stack_copy(), stack_head(), and nest_context_t::testif.

Referenced by find_loops_and_calls_in_box(), and search_nested_loops_and_calls().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ store_local_array_declaration()

static void store_local_array_declaration ( statement  s)

Definition at line 3874 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

3875 {
3876  list ls;
3877  if (declaration_statement_p(s)) {
3878  ls=statement_declarations(s);
3880  }
3881 }
#define statement_declarations(x)
Definition: ri.h:2460
static list local_declaration_list

References declaration_statement_p(), gen_append(), local_declaration_list, and statement_declarations.

Referenced by xml_LocalVariables().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ str_sub()

char* str_sub ( const char *  s,
int  start,
int  end 

Definition at line 2673 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

2674 {
2675  char *new_s = NULL;
2676  if (s != NULL && start <= end)
2677  {
2678  new_s = malloc (sizeof (*new_s) * (end - start + 2));
2679  if (new_s != NULL) {
2680  int i;
2681  for (i = start; i <= end; i++) {
2682  new_s[i-start] = s[i];
2683  }
2684  new_s[i-start] = '\0';
2685  }
2686  }
2687  return new_s;
2688 }
static char start[1024]
The name of the variable from which to start counting domain numbers.
Definition: genLisp.c:55
char end
Definition: gtk_status.c:82

References end, malloc(), and start.

Referenced by pointer_to_initial_name().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ string_buffer_append_numeric()

static void string_buffer_append_numeric ( string  str,
string_buffer  sb_result 

Definition at line 2018 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

2018  {
2019  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
2020  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
2021  concatenate(OPENANGLE,"Numeric",CLOSEANGLE,
2022  str,
2024  NL, NULL));
2025 }

References add_margin(), CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), global_margin, NL, OPENANGLE, and string_buffer_append().

Referenced by xml_Argument(), xml_AssignArgument(), xml_Bounds(), xml_Bounds_and_Stride(), and xml_Pattern_Paving().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ string_buffer_append_symbolic()

static void string_buffer_append_symbolic ( string  str,
string_buffer  sb_result 

Definition at line 1997 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1997  {
1998  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
1999  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
2000  concatenate(OPENANGLE, "Symbolic", CLOSEANGLE, NULL));
2001  string_buffer_append_xml_text(sb_result, str, false);
2002  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
2003  concatenate(OPENANGLE,"/Symbolic",CLOSEANGLE,
2004  NL, NULL));
2005 }
void string_buffer_append_xml_text(string_buffer, const string, bool)
append a string with XML escapes

References add_margin(), CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), global_margin, NL, OPENANGLE, string_buffer_append(), and string_buffer_append_xml_text().

Referenced by xml_Bounds(), xml_Bounds_and_Stride(), and xml_Pattern_Paving().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ string_buffer_append_word()

◆ string_parameter_p()

static bool string_parameter_p ( entity  e)

Definition at line 3996 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

3997 {
3998  const char * comm = entity_user_name(e);
3999  if (!string_undefined_p(comm) && strstr(comm,"\"")!=NULL)
4000  return (true);
4001  else return (false);
4002 }

References entity_user_name(), and string_undefined_p.

Referenced by xml_Chain_Graph(), and xml_Compute_and_Need().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ task_complexity()

static string task_complexity ( statement  s)

Definition at line 1778 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1779 {
1780  complexity stat_comp = load_statement_complexity(s);
1781  string r;
1782  if(stat_comp != (complexity) HASH_UNDEFINED_VALUE && !complexity_zero_p(stat_comp)) {
1783  cons *pc = CHAIN_SWORD(NIL, complexity_sprint(stat_comp, false,
1784  true));
1785  r = words_to_string(pc);
1786  }
1787  else r = int2a(1);
1788  return (r);
1789 }
bool complexity_zero_p(complexity comp)
zero complexity check.
Definition: comp_math.c:244
char * complexity_sprint(complexity comp, bool print_stats_p, bool print_local_names_p)
Definition: comp_util.c:175
complexity load_statement_complexity(statement)
#define CHAIN_SWORD(l, s)
string words_to_string(cons *lw)
Definition: print.c:211

References CHAIN_SWORD, complexity_sprint(), complexity_zero_p(), HASH_UNDEFINED_VALUE, int2a(), load_statement_complexity(), NIL, and words_to_string().

Referenced by xml_task().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ this_entity_xmldeclaration()

static string this_entity_xmldeclaration ( entity  var)

Many possible combinations

Definition at line 364 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

365 {
366  string result = strdup("");
367  string name = strdup(concatenate("A_", entity_local_name(var), NULL));
368  type t = entity_type(var);
369  pips_debug(2,"Entity name : %s\n",entity_name(var));
370  /* Many possible combinations */
372  if (strstr(name,TYPEDEF_PREFIX) != NULL)
373  pips_user_error("Structs not supported\n");
375  switch (type_tag(t)) {
376  case is_type_variable:
377  {
378  variable v = type_variable(t);
379  string sd;
380  sd = strdup(xml_dim_string(variable_dimensions(v), name));
381  result = strdup(concatenate(result, sd, NULL));
382  break;
383  }
384  case is_type_struct:
385  {
386  pips_user_error("Struct not allowed\n");
387  break;
388  }
389  case is_type_union:
390  {
391  pips_user_error("Union not allowed\n");
392  break;
393  }
394  case is_type_enum:
395  {
396  pips_user_error("Enum not allowed\n");
397  break;
398  }
399  default:
400  pips_user_error("Something not allowed here\n");
401  }
403  return result;
404 }
#define pips_user_error
Definition: misc-local.h:147
Definition: naming-local.h:62
#define type_tag(x)
Definition: ri.h:2940
@ is_type_enum
Definition: ri.h:2907
@ is_type_variable
Definition: ri.h:2900
@ is_type_union
Definition: ri.h:2906
@ is_type_struct
Definition: ri.h:2905
static string xml_dim_string(list ldim, string name)

References concatenate(), entity_local_name(), entity_name, entity_type, is_type_enum, is_type_struct, is_type_union, is_type_variable, pips_debug, pips_user_error, strdup(), type_tag, type_variable, TYPEDEF_PREFIX, variable_dimensions, and xml_dim_string().

Referenced by xml_declarations_with_explicit_motif().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tri_abc()

static void tri_abc ( int  a[12],
int  dim,
int  result[12] 

Definition at line 4169 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

4170 {
4171  int a_copy[12];
4172  int i;
4173  memcpy(a_copy,a,(2*dim+1)*sizeof(int));
4174  qsort(&a_copy[1],dim,sizeof(int), int_compare);
4175  qsort(&a_copy[1+dim],dim,sizeof(int), int_compare);
4176  for (int k=0;k<=1;k++)
4177  for ( i=1; i<=dim; i++) {
4178  for (int j=1; j<=dim; j++)
4179  if (a_copy[i+dim*k]==a[j+dim*k])
4180  result[i+dim*k]=j;
4181  }
4182 }
static int int_compare(void const *a, void const *b)

References int_compare().

Referenced by xml_Transposed_Matrix3_5D().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ two_string_buffer_append_symbolic()

static void two_string_buffer_append_symbolic ( string  str1,
string  str2,
string_buffer  sb_result 

Definition at line 2007 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

2007  {
2008  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
2009  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
2010  concatenate(OPENANGLE,"Symbolic",CLOSEANGLE, NULL));
2011  string_buffer_append_xml_text(sb_result,str1,false);
2012  string_buffer_append_xml_text(sb_result,str2,false);
2013  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
2014  concatenate(OPENANGLE,"/Symbolic",CLOSEANGLE,
2015  NL, NULL));
2016 }

References add_margin(), CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), global_margin, NL, OPENANGLE, string_buffer_append(), and string_buffer_append_xml_text().

Referenced by xml_Pattern_Paving().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ type_and_size_of_var()

static void type_and_size_of_var ( entity  var,
const char **  datatype,
int size 

UNUSED static bool vect_one_p(Pvecteur v) { return (!VECTEUR_NUL_P(v) && vect_size(v) == 1 && vect_coeff(TCST, v) ==1); }.

UNUSED static bool vect_zero_p(Pvecteur v) { return (VECTEUR_NUL_P(v) || (!VECTEUR_NUL_P(v) && vect_size(v) == 1 && value_zero_p(vect_coeff(TCST, v)))); }

Definition at line 1965 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1966 {
1967  // type t = ultimate_type(entity_type(var));
1968  type t = entity_type(var);
1969  if (type_variable_p(t)) {
1971  int e = SizeOfElements(b);
1972  if (e==-1)
1973  *size = 9999;
1974  else
1975  *size = e;
1976  *datatype =basic_to_string(b);
1977  }
1978 }
string basic_to_string(basic)
Definition: type.c:87
_int SizeOfElements(basic)
This function returns the length in bytes of the Fortran or C type represented by a basic,...
Definition: size.c:297
#define type_variable_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:2947
#define variable_basic(x)
Definition: ri.h:3120

References basic_to_string(), entity_type, SizeOfElements(), type_variable, type_variable_p, and variable_basic.

Referenced by xml_Array(), xml_Scalar(), and xml_TaskParameter().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ update_def_into_tasks_table()

static void update_def_into_tasks_table ( entity  v,
Pcallst  c1 

Definition at line 3159 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

3160 {
3161  Pcallst ll= NULL,lc2;
3162  bool found=false;
3163  Pcallst ldef = (Pcallst) hash_get(hash_entity_def_into_tasks,(char *) v);
3164  if (ldef != (Pcallst) HASH_UNDEFINED_VALUE) {
3165  for(lc2=ldef;lc2 !=(Pcallst) HASH_UNDEFINED_VALUE && lc2 !=(Pcallst) NULL && !found; lc2=lc2->succ)
3166  {
3167  if (same_callst_p(c1,lc2))
3168  found=true;
3169  }
3170  if (!found)
3171  c1->succ=ldef, ll=c1;
3172  else ll =ldef;
3173  }
3174  else ll=c1;
3176  hash_put(hash_entity_def_into_tasks,(char *) v,(char *)ll);
3177 }
void * hash_del(hash_table htp, const void *key)
this function removes from the hash table pointed to by htp the couple whose key is equal to key.
Definition: hash.c:439
static bool same_callst_p(Pcallst c1, Pcallst c2)

References hash_del(), hash_entity_def_into_tasks, hash_get(), hash_put(), HASH_UNDEFINED_VALUE, same_callst_p(), and callst::succ.

Referenced by xml_Argument(), xml_AssignArgument(), and xml_TaskParameter().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ valid_specification_p()

static bool valid_specification_p ( entity module   __attribute__(unused),
statement stat   __attribute__(unused) 

Definition at line 1878 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1880 { return true;
1881 }

Referenced by print_xml_code().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ variable_p()

static bool variable_p ( entity  e)

Definition at line 187 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

188 {
189  storage s = entity_storage(e);
190  return type_variable_p(entity_type(e)) &&
191  (storage_ram_p(s) || storage_return_p(s));
192 }
#define entity_storage(x)
Definition: ri.h:2794
#define storage_ram_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:2519
#define storage_return_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:2516

References entity_storage, entity_type, storage_ram_p, storage_return_p, and type_variable_p.

Referenced by xml_code_string(), and xml_declarations().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ vars_read_and_written()

static void vars_read_and_written ( list  effects_list,
Pvecteur vr,
Pvecteur vw 

UNUSED static void array_vars_read_or_written(list effects_list, Pvecteur *vl) { Pvecteur vin=VECTEUR_NUL; Pvecteur vout = VECTEUR_NUL; list pc; for (pc= effects_list;pc != NIL; pc = CDR(pc)){ effect e = EFFECT(CAR(pc)); reference r = effect_any_reference(e); if (store_effect_p(e) && array_entity_p(reference_variable(r))) { entity v = reference_variable(r); if (effect_read_p(e)) vect_add_elem(&vin,v,1); else vect_add_elem(&vout,v,1); } } vin = base_normalize(vin); vout = base_normalize(vout); vl = vect_substract(vin,vout); vl= base_normalize(*vl); vect_rm(vin); vect_rm(vout); }.

Definition at line 2526 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

2527 {
2528  list pc;
2529  for (pc= effects_list;pc != NIL; pc = CDR(pc)){
2530  effect e = EFFECT(CAR(pc));
2531  if (e!=(effect) 0 && effect_cell(e)!=0 && !effect_undefined_p(e) && store_effect_p(e)) {
2533  entity v = reference_variable(r);
2534  if (effect_read_p(e))
2535  vect_add_elem(vr,v,1);
2536  else vect_add_elem(vw,v,1);
2537  }
2538  }
2539  *vr = base_normalize(*vr);
2540  *vw = base_normalize(*vw);
2541 }
Pbase base_normalize(Pbase b)
Definition: base.c:594
#define effect_read_p(eff)
#define effect_scalar_p(eff) entity_scalar_p(effect_entity(eff))
#define effect_undefined_p(x)
Definition: effects.h:615
#define effect_cell(x)
Definition: effects.h:640

References base_normalize(), CAR, CDR, EFFECT, effect_any_reference, effect_cell, effect_read_p, effect_undefined_p, NIL, reference_variable, store_effect_p(), and vect_add_elem().

Referenced by xml_Chain_Graph(), and xml_Compute_and_Need().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ vect_to_string()

static string vect_to_string ( Pvecteur  pv)

Definition at line 1948 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1948  {
1950 }
string expression_to_string(expression e)
Definition: expression.c:77
expression make_vecteur_expression(Pvecteur pv)
make expression for vector (Pvecteur)
Definition: expression.c:1650

References expression_to_string(), and make_vecteur_expression().

Referenced by xml_Pattern_Paving(), and xml_Region_Range().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ words_points_to_reference()

static const char* words_points_to_reference ( reference  rv,
bool  suffix_only_p,
region  reg 

Definition at line 2720 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

2721 {
2722  list pc = NIL;
2723  list pc1=NIL;
2724  int i;
2725  bool bp=false;
2726  entity vv = reference_variable(rv);
2728  list lr=reference_indices(rv);
2730  if (!suffix_only_p) {
2731  // Translate temporary constant entity name into user entity name
2732  string full_name= (string) entity_user_name(vv);
2733  string initial_name = pointer_to_initial_name(full_name,(string)entity_name(vv));
2734  pc = CHAIN_SWORD(pc, initial_name);
2735  }
2736  while(lr != NIL) {
2737  switch (type_tag(ct)) {
2738  case is_type_variable: {
2740  variable vt = type_variable(ct);
2741  basic bt = variable_basic(vt);
2742  list lt = variable_dimensions(vt);
2744  if (array_type_p(ct)) {
2745  expression ll = EXPRESSION(CAR(lr));
2749  if (gen_length(lt) ==1 && !region_undefined_p(reg) && !entity_undefined_p(re) && region_range_nul_p(reg,(Variable)re)) {
2750  if (CDR(lr)!=NIL) {
2751  pc = CHAIN_SWORD(pc,"->");
2752  bp=true;
2753  }
2754  else {
2755  pc1=NIL;
2756  pc1 = CHAIN_SWORD(pc1,"*");
2757  gen_nconc(pc1,pc);
2758  pc=pc1;
2759  }
2760  lr=CDR(lr);
2761  }
2762  else {
2763  for (i= 1; i<= (int) gen_length(lt) && lr!=NIL; i++) {
2764  pc = CHAIN_SWORD(pc,"[*]");
2765  lr=CDR(lr);
2766  }
2767  }
2768  }
2770  if (lr!=NIL) {
2771  if(basic_typedef_p(bt)) {
2772  entity e = basic_typedef(bt);
2774  }
2775  else if(basic_pointer_p(bt)) {
2776  pc = CHAIN_SWORD(pc, "->");
2777  lr=CDR(lr); // equivalent to [0]
2779  bp=true;
2780  }
2781  else if(basic_derived_p(bt)) {
2783  }
2784  else { // int, float, logical, overload, complex, string, bit ==> nothing to do
2785  if (lr ==NIL)
2786  printf(" additional basic type, PB \n");
2787  else {
2788  lr=CDR(lr);
2789  }
2790  }
2791  }
2792  break;
2793  }
2795  case is_type_struct: {
2796  if (!bp) pc = CHAIN_SWORD(pc, ".");
2797  bp=false;
2798  list fe = type_struct(ct); // list of type entities in struct
2799  expression exp= EXPRESSION(CAR(lr));
2801  if (syntax_reference_p(se)) {
2803  FOREACH(ENTITY, fee, fe){
2804  if (same_entity_p(fee,re))
2806  }
2808  lr = CDR(lr);
2809  }
2810  else printf("pb avec le STRUCT\n");
2811  break;
2812  }
2813  case is_type_union: {
2814  if (!bp) pc = CHAIN_SWORD(pc, ".");
2815  bp=false;
2816  list fe = type_union(ct); // list of type entities in union
2817  expression exp= EXPRESSION(CAR(lr));
2819  if (syntax_reference_p(se)) {
2821  FOREACH(ENTITY, fee, fe){
2822  if (same_entity_p(fee,re))
2824  }
2825  pc = CHAIN_SWORD(pc, "{");
2827  pc = CHAIN_SWORD(pc, "}");
2828  lr = CDR(lr);
2829  }
2830  else printf("pb avec le UNION\n");
2831  break;
2832  }
2833  case is_type_enum: {
2834  if (!bp) pc = CHAIN_SWORD(pc, ".");
2835  bp=false;
2836  list fe = type_enum(ct); // list of type entities in union
2837  expression exp= EXPRESSION(CAR(lr));
2839  if (syntax_reference_p(se)) {
2841  FOREACH(ENTITY, fee, fe){
2842  if (same_entity_p(fee,re))
2844  }
2845  pc = CHAIN_SWORD(pc, "{");
2847  pc = CHAIN_SWORD(pc, "}");
2848  lr = CDR(lr);
2849  }
2850  else printf("pb avec le ENUM\n");
2851  break;
2852  }
2853  default: // void(not here), unknown(not here), varargs (to be added?), functional (not here), statement(not here), area (not here)
2854  {
2855  printf("Not implemented\n");
2857  lr = CDR(lr);
2858  }
2859  }
2860  }
2861  return(strdup(list_to_string(pc)));
2862 }
string list_to_string(list l)
Return the malloc()ed version of the concatenation of all the strings in the list.
Definition: args.c:74
#define region_undefined_p(reg)
list gen_nconc(list cp1, list cp2)
physically concatenates CP1 and CP2 but do not duplicates the elements
Definition: list.c:344
#define full_name(dir, name)
Definition: compile.c:414
char * string
Definition: newgen_types.h:39
bool array_type_p(type)
Definition: type.c:2942
type entity_basic_concrete_type(entity)
retrieves or computes and then returns the basic concrete type of an entity
Definition: type.c:3677
#define type_struct(x)
Definition: ri.h:2964
#define basic_pointer(x)
Definition: ri.h:637
#define syntax_reference_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:2728
#define syntax_reference(x)
Definition: ri.h:2730
#define basic_derived(x)
Definition: ri.h:640
#define basic_typedef_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:641
#define ENTITY(x)
Definition: ri.h:2755
#define basic_pointer_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:635
#define basic_derived_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:638
#define basic_typedef(x)
Definition: ri.h:643
#define entity_undefined_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:2762
#define type_enum(x)
Definition: ri.h:2970
#define reference_indices(x)
Definition: ri.h:2328
#define type_union(x)
Definition: ri.h:2967
int printf()
static bool region_range_nul_p(region reg, Variable phi)
tatic bool string_in_list_p(string ts,list lr){ bool trouve=false; MAPL(tt, {trouve= trouve || strcmp...
char * pointer_to_initial_name(char *ts, _UNUSED_ char *ste)

References array_type_p(), basic_derived, basic_derived_p, basic_pointer, basic_pointer_p, basic_typedef, basic_typedef_p, CAR, CDR, CHAIN_SWORD, compute_basic_concrete_type(), ENTITY, entity_basic_concrete_type(), entity_name, entity_type, entity_undefined, entity_undefined_p, entity_user_name(), exp, EXPRESSION, expression_syntax, expression_to_string(), FOREACH, full_name, gen_length(), gen_nconc(), int, is_type_enum, is_type_struct, is_type_union, is_type_variable, list_to_string(), NIL, pointer_to_initial_name(), printf(), reference_indices, reference_variable, region_range_nul_p(), region_undefined_p, same_entity_p(), strdup(), syntax_reference, syntax_reference_p, type_enum, type_struct, type_tag, type_union, type_variable, variable_basic, and variable_dimensions.

Referenced by print_call_precondition(), xml_Chain_Graph(), xml_Region_Parameter(), and xml_TaskParameter().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_AccessFunction()

static void xml_AccessFunction ( string_buffer sb_result   __attribute__(unused))

Definition at line 2059 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

2060 {
2061  //string_buffer_append_word("AccessFunction",sb_result);
2062  //string_buffer_append_word("/AccessFunction",sb_result);
2063 }

Referenced by xml_Pattern_Paving().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Application()

static void xml_Application ( const char *  module_name,
int  code_tag,
string_buffer  sb_result 

Definition at line 6049 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

6053 {
6056  Psysteme prec = SC_UNDEFINED;
6058  Pvecteur vargs = VECTEUR_NUL;
6060  pips_assert("code is a main", code_tag == code_is_a_main);
6062  global_margin = 0;
6063  // <Application ...>
6064  string_buffer_append(sb_result, concatenate(
6065  OPENANGLE, "Application Name=", QUOTE, get_current_module_name(), QUOTE, BL,
6066  "Language=",QUOTE, (fortran_appli)? "FORTRAN": "C", QUOTE, BL,
6067  "PassingMode=", QUOTE,(fortran_appli)? "BYREFERENCE": "BYVALUE", QUOTE,
6070  global_margin ++;
6072  // IncludedFiles will be written here
6073  add_margin(global_margin, sb_result);
6074  string_buffer_append(sb_result, "<!-- Included Files -->" NL);
6076  // <GlobalVariables>...</GlobalVariables>
6077  xml_GlobalVariables( t, prec, true, sb_result);
6079  // Box/Task will be written here
6080  add_margin(global_margin, sb_result);
6081  string_buffer_append(sb_result, "<!-- Main Box -->" NL);
6083  // <ApplicationGraph>
6084  add_margin(global_margin, sb_result);
6085  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
6087  "ApplicationGraph Name=", QUOTE, module_name, QUOTE,
6090  // <TaskRef>
6091  global_margin ++;
6092  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
6093  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
6095  "TaskRef Name=", QUOTE,entity_user_name(module), QUOTE,
6098  cumulated_list = NIL;
6100  xml_Compute_and_Need(module,cumulated_list, vargs, sb_result);
6102  // </TaskRef>
6103  string_buffer_append_word("/TaskRef", sb_result);
6104  global_margin --;
6106  // </ApplicationGraph>
6107  string_buffer_append_word("/ApplicationGraph", sb_result);
6108  global_margin --;
6110  // </Application>
6111  string_buffer_append_word("/Application", sb_result);
6113  sc_free(prec);
6114 }
const char * get_current_module_name(void)
Get the name of the current module.
Definition: static.c:121
Psysteme sc_free(Psysteme in_ps)
Psysteme sc_free( in_ps ) AL 30/05/94 Free of in_ps.
Definition: sc_list.c:112
static transformer first_precondition_of_module(const char *module_name __attribute__((unused)), Psysteme *ps)
static void xml_Compute_and_Need(entity func, list effects_list, Pvecteur vargs, string_buffer sb_result)
#define BL
static void xml_GlobalVariables(transformer t, Psysteme prec, bool printp, string_buffer sb_result)
static void cumul_effects_of_statement(statement s)

References add_margin(), BL, CLOSEANGLE, code_is_a_main, concatenate(), cumul_effects_of_statement(), cumulated_list, entity_user_name(), first_precondition_of_module(), fortran_appli, gen_recurse, gen_true(), get_current_module_name(), get_current_module_statement(), global_margin, module, module_name(), module_name_to_entity(), NIL, NL, OPENANGLE, pips_assert, QUOTE, sc_free(), statement_domain, string_buffer_append(), string_buffer_append_word(), VECTEUR_NUL, xml_Compute_and_Need(), and xml_GlobalVariables().

Referenced by generic_print_xml_application().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Argument()

static void xml_Argument ( statement  s,
entity  function,
int  statnb,
bool  assign_func,
expression  exp0,
entity  FormalName,
Pvecteur  loop_indices,
transformer  t,
_UNUSED_ Psysteme  prec,
string_buffer  sb_result 

Scalar Argument

if (strncmp(aan, "\"", 1) == 0) quote_p = ""; else quote_p = QUOTE;

Array Argument

Save information to generate Task Graph

Definition at line 4529 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

4533 {
4534  list call_effect = load_proper_rw_effects_list(s);
4535  entity ActualName = entity_undefined;
4536  reference ActualRef = reference_undefined;
4537  syntax sr;
4539  ;
4540  intptr_t iexp;
4541  int rw_ef = 0;
4542  string aan = "";
4543  // string quote_p = "";
4544  int valr = 0, min = 0, max = 0;
4547  //skip field, cast and address operator
4548  //expression exp2 = skip_field_and_cast_and_addop_expression(exp0);
4549  expression exp2 = skip_cast_expression(exp0);
4550  expression exp=exp1;
4552  sr = expression_syntax(exp);
4553  if (syntax_reference_p(sr)) {
4554  ActualRef = syntax_reference(sr);
4555  ActualName = reference_variable(ActualRef);
4556  //aan = strdup(entity_user_name(ActualName));
4557  aan = expression_to_string(exp2);
4558  rw_ef = find_effect_actions_for_entity(call_effect, &efr, &efw, ActualName);
4560  if (rw_ef == 3) { // Aliasing checking
4561  // First, search the Call
4562  call c = call_undefined;
4565  } else {
4568  c = encapsulated_call;
4569  }
4570  if (c == call_undefined)
4571  pips_internal_error("Unexpected call in statement number %d \n",(int) statement_number(s));
4573  if (aliasing_p(c, ActualRef))
4574  spear_warning(s, "Check the IN PLACE condition",
4575  "Array %s is read and written into the same function and "
4576  "appears twice as actual argument in the Call",
4577  entity_user_name(ActualName));
4578  }
4579  } else {
4580  // Actual Parameter could be an expression
4581  aan = words_to_string(Words_Syntax(sr));
4582  rw_ef = 1;
4583  }
4584  string_buffer_append_word("Argument", sb_result);
4585  if (!array_argument_p(exp)) { /* Scalar Argument */
4586  bool tb = true;
4587  global_margin++;
4588  add_margin(global_margin, sb_result);
4589  /* if (strncmp(aan, "\"", 1) == 0)
4590  quote_p = "";
4591  else
4592  quote_p = QUOTE;*/
4594  if (!assign_func) {
4595  string_buffer_append( sb_result,
4597  "ScalarArgument ActualName=", QUOTE, NULL));
4598  string_buffer_append_xml_text(sb_result,aan,false);
4599  string_buffer_append( sb_result,
4600  concatenate(QUOTE, BL,
4601  "FormalName=", QUOTE,
4602  (!entity_undefined_p(FormalName)) ? entity_user_name(FormalName) : "LocalExpression",
4603  QUOTE, BL,
4604  "AccessMode=", QUOTE,
4605  (rw_ef >= 2) ? ((rw_ef == 2) ? "DEF" : "DEF_USE") : "USE",
4607  }
4609  else {
4610  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
4612  "ScalarArgument ActualName=", QUOTE, NULL));
4613  string_buffer_append_xml_text(sb_result,aan,false);
4614  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
4615  concatenate(QUOTE, BL,
4616  "AccessMode=", QUOTE,
4617  (rw_ef >= 2) ? ((rw_ef == 2) ? "DEF" : "DEF_USE") : "USE",
4619  }
4620  if (expression_integer_value(exp, &iexp))
4621  string_buffer_append_numeric(int2a(iexp), sb_result);
4622  else if (value_constant_p(EvalExpression(exp))) {
4623  string exps = expression_to_string(exp);
4624  string_buffer_append_numeric(exps, sb_result);
4625  }
4626  else if ((tb = eval_linear_expression(exp1,t, &valr, &min, &max)) == true) {
4627  if (valr==min && valr==max)
4628  string_buffer_append_numeric(int2a(valr), sb_result);
4629  else {
4630  if (min != INT_MIN) {
4631  add_margin(global_margin, sb_result);
4632  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
4634  "MinNumeric", CLOSEANGLE, int2a(min), OPENANGLE,
4635  "/MinNumeric",
4637  }
4638  if (max != INT_MAX) {
4639  add_margin(global_margin, sb_result);
4640  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
4642  "MaxNumeric", CLOSEANGLE, int2a(max), OPENANGLE,
4643  "/MaxNumeric",
4645  }
4646  }
4647  }
4648  string_buffer_append_word("/ScalarArgument", sb_result);
4649  global_margin--;
4650  if (rw_ef >= 2) {
4651  Pcallst cst1 = (callst *)malloc(sizeof(callst));
4652  cst1->func = function;
4653  cst1->stat_nb = statnb;
4654  cst1->succ = (Pcallst)NULL;
4655  update_def_into_tasks_table(ActualName, cst1);
4656  }
4657  } else { /* Array Argument */
4658  int ActualArrayDim = variable_entity_dimension(ActualName);
4659  char *SActualArrayDim = strdup(i2a(ActualArrayDim));
4660  int FormalArrayDim = (entity_undefined_p(FormalName))
4661  ? 0
4662  : variable_entity_dimension(FormalName);
4663  list ActualArrayInd = reference_indices(ActualRef);
4665  global_margin++;
4666  add_margin(global_margin, sb_result);
4667  if (!assign_func) {
4668  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
4670  "ArrayArgument ActualName=", QUOTE,NULL));
4671  string_buffer_append_xml_text(sb_result, (string) entity_user_name(ActualName),false);
4672  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
4673  concatenate(QUOTE, BL,
4674  //Give Array access function indices "ArrayArgument ActualName=", QUOTE, expression_to_string(exp2), QUOTE, BL,
4675  "ActualDim=", QUOTE, SActualArrayDim, QUOTE, BL,
4676  "FormalName=", QUOTE,
4677  (!entity_undefined_p(FormalName)) ? entity_user_name(FormalName) : "LocalExpression",
4678  QUOTE, BL,
4679  "FormalDim=", QUOTE, i2a(FormalArrayDim), QUOTE, BL,
4680  "AccessMode=", QUOTE,
4681  (rw_ef >= 2) ? ((rw_ef == 2) ? "DEF" : "DEF_USE") : "USE",
4683  }
4684  else {
4685  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
4687  "ArrayArgument ActualName=", QUOTE, NULL));
4688  string_buffer_append_xml_text(sb_result, (string) entity_user_name(ActualName),false);
4689  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
4690  concatenate(QUOTE, BL,
4691  // Give Array access function indices "ArrayArgument ActualName=", QUOTE, expression_to_string(exp2), QUOTE, BL,
4692  "ActualDim=", QUOTE, SActualArrayDim, QUOTE, BL,
4693  "AccessMode=", QUOTE, (rw_ef >= 2) ? ((rw_ef == 2) ? "DEF" : "DEF_USE") : "USE",
4695  }
4696  /* Save information to generate Task Graph */
4697  if (rw_ef >= 2) {
4698  Pcallst cst1 = (callst *)malloc(sizeof(callst));
4699  cst1->func = function;
4700  cst1->stat_nb = statnb;
4701  cst1->succ = (Pcallst)NULL;
4702  update_def_into_tasks_table(ActualName, cst1);
4703  }
4704  free(SActualArrayDim);
4705  xml_Connection(ActualArrayInd, ActualArrayDim, FormalArrayDim, sb_result);
4706  xml_LoopOffset(ActualArrayInd, ActualArrayDim, loop_indices, sb_result);
4707  xml_ConstOffset(ActualArrayInd, ActualArrayDim, sb_result);
4708  global_margin--;
4709  string_buffer_append_word("/ArrayArgument", sb_result);
4710  }
4711  string_buffer_append_word("/Argument", sb_result);
4712  (void) pop_statement_global_stack();
4713 }
#define effect_undefined
Definition: effects.h:614
char * i2a(int)
I2A (Integer TO Ascii) yields a string for a given Integer.
Definition: string.c:121
list Words_Syntax(syntax obj)
Definition: misc.c:2664
value EvalExpression(expression e)
Evaluate statically an expression.
Definition: eval.c:108
bool expression_integer_value(expression e, intptr_t *pval)
Definition: eval.c:792
bool array_argument_p(expression e)
Definition: expression.c:513
statement pop_statement_global_stack(void)
Definition: static.c:352
void push_statement_on_statement_global_stack(statement)
Definition: static.c:333
int variable_entity_dimension(entity)
variable_entity_dimension(entity v): returns the dimension of variable v; scalar have dimension 0.
Definition: variable.c:1293
#define reference_undefined
Definition: ri.h:2302
#define value_constant_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:3071
#define instruction_call_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:1527
#define intptr_t
Definition: stdint.in.h:294
static void xml_Connection(list ActualArrayInd, int ActualArrayDim, int FormalArrayDim, string_buffer sb_result)
static void xml_ConstOffset(list ActualArrayInd, int ActualArrayDim, string_buffer sb_result)
static void xml_LoopOffset(list ActualArrayInd, int ActualArrayDim, Pvecteur loop_indices, string_buffer sb_result)
static expression skip_cast_and_addop_expression(expression exp)
static int find_effect_actions_for_entity(list leff, effect *effr, effect *effw, entity e)
static void string_buffer_append_numeric(string str, string_buffer sb_result)
static void update_def_into_tasks_table(entity v, Pcallst c1)
static expression skip_cast_expression(expression exp)
bool eval_linear_expression(expression exp, transformer ps, int *val, int *min, int *max)
static void search_1r_function_call(call c)
static bool aliasing_p(call c, reference refname)

References add_margin(), aliasing_p(), array_argument_p(), BL, call_domain, call_undefined, CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), effect_undefined, encapsulated_call, entity_undefined, entity_undefined_p, entity_user_name(), eval_linear_expression(), EvalExpression(), exp, expression_integer_value(), expression_syntax, expression_to_string(), find_effect_actions_for_entity(), free(), callst::func, gen_recurse, gen_true(), global_margin, i2a(), instruction_call, instruction_call_p, int2a(), intptr_t, load_proper_rw_effects_list(), malloc(), max, min, NL, OPENANGLE, pips_internal_error, pop_statement_global_stack(), push_statement_on_statement_global_stack(), QUOTE, reference_indices, reference_undefined, reference_variable, search_1r_function_call(), skip_cast_and_addop_expression(), skip_cast_expression(), spear_warning, callst::stat_nb, statement_instruction, statement_number, strdup(), string_buffer_append(), string_buffer_append_numeric(), string_buffer_append_word(), string_buffer_append_xml_text(), callst::succ, syntax_reference, syntax_reference_p, update_def_into_tasks_table(), value_constant_p, variable_entity_dimension(), Words_Syntax(), words_to_string(), xml_Connection(), xml_ConstOffset(), and xml_LoopOffset().

Referenced by xml_Arguments().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Arguments()

static void xml_Arguments ( statement  s,
entity  function,
int  statnb,
bool  assign_func,
Pvecteur  loop_indices,
transformer  t,
Psysteme  prec,
string_buffer  sb_result 

Definition at line 4806 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

4807 {
4808  entity FormalName= entity_undefined;
4809  intptr_t ith=0;
4810  call c = call_undefined, rhs_call= call_undefined;
4811  entity rhs_func=entity_undefined;
4812  expression lhs_exp;
4813  bool func_as_rhs_of_assign =false;
4817  }
4818  else {
4821  c =encapsulated_call;
4822  }
4823  if (c==call_undefined)
4824  pips_internal_error("Unexpected call in statement number %d \n",(int) statement_number(s));
4826  if (ENTITY_ASSIGN_P(function)) {
4827  list largs = call_arguments(c);
4828  if(gen_length(largs)==2) {
4829  POP(largs);
4830  expression rhs_exp = EXPRESSION(CAR(largs));
4831  syntax sr = expression_syntax(rhs_exp);
4832  if(syntax_call_p(sr)) {
4833  rhs_call = syntax_call(sr);
4834  rhs_func=call_function(rhs_call);
4835  func_as_rhs_of_assign = (entity_subroutine_p(rhs_func)|| entity_function_p(rhs_func)|| (io_intrinsic_p(rhs_func)));
4836  }
4837  }
4838  }
4839  string_buffer_append_word("Arguments",sb_result);
4840  global_margin++;
4841  call final_call = (func_as_rhs_of_assign)? rhs_call:c;
4842  entity final_func = (func_as_rhs_of_assign)? rhs_func:function;
4843  bool asb = (!assign_func || (assign_func && func_as_rhs_of_assign && !io_intrinsic_p(rhs_func)));
4844  FOREACH(EXPRESSION,exp,call_arguments(final_call)){
4845  ith ++;
4846  if (asb)
4847  FormalName = find_ith_formal_parameter(call_function(final_call),ith);
4848  else FormalName = entity_undefined;
4849  xml_Argument(s,final_func,statnb, (assign_func && !func_as_rhs_of_assign),exp,FormalName, loop_indices,t,prec,sb_result);
4850  }
4851  if (func_as_rhs_of_assign) {
4852  lhs_exp=EXPRESSION(CAR(call_arguments(c)));
4853  FormalName = reference_variable(syntax_reference(expression_syntax(lhs_exp)));
4854  xml_AssignArgument(s,final_func,statnb, assign_func,lhs_exp,FormalName, loop_indices,t, prec,sb_result);
4855  }
4856  global_margin--;
4857  string_buffer_append_word("/Arguments",sb_result);
4858 }
#define POP(l)
Modify a list pointer to point on the next element of the list.
Definition: newgen_list.h:59
bool io_intrinsic_p(entity e)
rue is a statement s is an io intrinsic
Definition: entity.c:1655
entity find_ith_formal_parameter(entity the_fnct, int rank)
This function gives back the ith formal parameter, which is found in the declarations of a call or a ...
Definition: entity.c:1863
static void xml_Argument(statement s, entity function, int statnb, bool assign_func, expression exp0, entity FormalName, Pvecteur loop_indices, transformer t, _UNUSED_ Psysteme prec, string_buffer sb_result)
static void xml_AssignArgument(_UNUSED_ statement s, entity function, int statnb, bool assign_func, expression exp, entity FormalName, Pvecteur loop_indices, transformer t, _UNUSED_ Psysteme prec, string_buffer sb_result)

References call_arguments, call_domain, call_function, call_undefined, CAR, encapsulated_call, ENTITY_ASSIGN_P, entity_function_p(), entity_subroutine_p(), entity_undefined, exp, EXPRESSION, expression_syntax, find_ith_formal_parameter(), FOREACH, gen_length(), gen_recurse, gen_true(), global_margin, instruction_call, instruction_call_p, intptr_t, io_intrinsic_p(), pips_internal_error, POP, reference_variable, search_1r_function_call(), statement_instruction, statement_number, string_buffer_append_word(), syntax_call, syntax_call_p, syntax_reference, xml_Argument(), and xml_AssignArgument().

Referenced by xml_Call().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Array()

static void xml_Array ( entity  var,
transformer  t,
Psysteme  prec,
bool  formal_p,
string_buffer  sb_result 


Print XML Array Memory Location


Print XML Array Bound

Print XML Array LAYOUT

Definition at line 3706 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

3707 {
3708  const char* datatype ="";
3710  int i,j, size =0;
3711  int nb_dim = (int) gen_length(ldim);
3712  char* layout_up[nb_dim];
3713  char *layout_low[nb_dim];
3714  int no_dim=0;
3716  string spec_location = memory_location_for_array_p(entity_user_name(var));
3718  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
3719  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
3720  concatenate(OPENANGLE, "Array Name=",QUOTE,NULL));
3721  string_buffer_append_xml_text(sb_result,(string) entity_user_name(var),false);
3722  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
3723  concatenate(QUOTE, BL,
3724  "Type=", QUOTE,(entity_xml_parameter_p(var))? "CONTROL":"DATA",QUOTE,BL,
3725  "Allocation=", QUOTE,
3726  (heap_area_p(var) || stack_area_p(var)) ? "DYNAMIC": "STATIC", QUOTE,BL,
3727  "Kind=", QUOTE, "VARIABLE",QUOTE,
3730  /* Print XML Array DATA TYPE and DATA SIZE */
3731  type_and_size_of_var(var, &datatype,&size);
3732  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
3733  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
3735  "DataType Type=",QUOTE,datatype,QUOTE, BL,
3736  "Size=",QUOTE, int2a(size), QUOTE, "/"
3738  /* Print XML Array Memory Location */
3739  if (spec_location!=NULL) {
3740  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
3741  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
3743  "ArrayLocation",CLOSEANGLE, spec_location,OPENANGLE,
3744  "/ArrayLocation",CLOSEANGLE,
3745  NL, NULL));
3746  }
3747  /* Print XML Array DIMENSION */
3749  if((int) gen_length(ldim) >0) {
3750  string_buffer_append_word("Dimensions",sb_result);
3752  for (ld = ldim ; !ENDP(ld); ld = CDR(ld)) {
3753  expression elow = dimension_lower(DIMENSION(CAR(ld)));
3755  global_margin++;
3756  string_buffer_append_word("Dimension",sb_result);
3757  /* Print XML Array Bound */
3758  global_margin++;
3759  xml_Bounds(elow,eup,t,prec, formal_p, sb_result);
3760  global_margin--;
3761  string_buffer_append_word("/Dimension",sb_result);
3762  global_margin--;
3763  layout_low[no_dim] = expression_to_string(elow);
3764  layout_up[no_dim] = expression_to_string(eup);
3765  no_dim++;
3766  }
3767  }
3769  string_buffer_append_word("/Dimensions",sb_result);
3771  /* Print XML Array LAYOUT */
3772  string_buffer_append_word("Layout",sb_result);
3773  global_margin++;
3774  for (i =0; i<= no_dim-1; i++) {
3775  string_buffer_append_word("DimLayout",sb_result);
3776  global_margin++;
3777  string_buffer_append_word("Symbolic",sb_result);
3778  if (i==no_dim-1) {
3779  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
3780  string_buffer_append(sb_result,concatenate("1",NL,NULL));
3781  }
3782  else {
3783  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
3784  for (j=no_dim-1; j>=i+1; j--)
3785  {
3786  if (strcmp(layout_low[j],"0")==0)
3787  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
3788  concatenate("(",layout_up[j],"+1)",NULL));
3789  else
3790  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
3791  concatenate("(",layout_up[j],"-",
3792  layout_low[j],"+1)",NULL));
3793  if (j==i+1)
3794  string_buffer_append(sb_result,NL);
3795  }
3796  }
3797  string_buffer_append_word("/Symbolic",sb_result);
3798  global_margin--;
3799  string_buffer_append_word("/DimLayout",sb_result);
3800  }
3801  global_margin--;
3802  string_buffer_append_word("/Layout",sb_result);
3803  string_buffer_append_word("/Array",sb_result);
3804 }
bool stack_area_p(entity aire)
Definition: area.c:104
bool heap_area_p(entity aire)
Definition: area.c:86
#define dimension_lower(x)
Definition: ri.h:980
#define dimension_upper(x)
Definition: ri.h:982
static void type_and_size_of_var(entity var, const char **datatype, int *size)
UNUSED static bool vect_one_p(Pvecteur v) { return (!VECTEUR_NUL_P(v) && vect_size(v) == 1 && vect_co...
static string memory_location_for_array_p(const char *sa)
static void xml_Bounds(expression elow, expression eup, transformer t, _UNUSED_ Psysteme prec, bool formal_p, string_buffer sb_result)
UNUSED static bool eval_linear_expression2( expression exp, Psysteme ps, int *val,...
static bool entity_xml_parameter_p(entity e)

References add_margin(), BL, CAR, CDR, CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), DIMENSION, dimension_lower, dimension_upper, ENDP, entity_type, entity_user_name(), entity_xml_parameter_p(), expression_to_string(), gen_length(), global_margin, heap_area_p(), int, int2a(), memory_location_for_array_p(), NL, OPENANGLE, QUOTE, stack_area_p(), string_buffer_append(), string_buffer_append_word(), string_buffer_append_xml_text(), type_and_size_of_var(), type_variable, variable_dimensions, and xml_Bounds().

Referenced by xml_FormalVariables(), xml_GlobalVariables(), and xml_LocalVariables().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_array_in_task()

static string xml_array_in_task ( reference  r,
bool  first,
int  task_number 

XML name of the referenced array

iterator for dimensions of array

number of external loops

number of dimensions of referenced array

(int *) (gen_array_item(array_dims, gen_array_index(array_names, varname))));

number of internal loops

list of offsets for XML code

paving matrix for XML code 1st coeff: array dimension (row index) 2nd coeff: iteration dimension (column index)

fitting matrix for XML code 1st coeff: array dimension 2nd coeff: iteration dimension

initialization of the arrays

XML reference header

Fill in paving, fitting and offset matrices from index expressions.

generate offset list in XML code

fitting header

XML column-major storage of fitting matrix

Generation of paving XML code

Definition of the inner loop nest

FI->IH: if some columns are removed, the effective depth is unkown and must be computed here

result = strdup(concatenate(result, "inLoopNest = LOOPNEST(deep = ", int2a(MONMAX(gen_array_nitems(intern_indices_array), 1)), ",", NL, TAB, TAB, TAB, NULL));

see comment just below about null fitting matrices.

3 cases :

  • the fitting matrix is null : must generate a (0,0) loop with dummy index
  • some fitting matrix column is null : do not generate anything
  • some fitting matrix column is not null : generate the corresponding loop bound and index name

Complete XML reference

Definition at line 561 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

561  {
562  /* XML name of the referenced array */
563  string varname = strdup(concatenate(XML_ARRAY_PREFIX,
565  NULL));
566  /* iterator for dimensions of array */
567  int indice_nr = 0;
569  string result = "";
570  /* number of external loops*/
571  int extern_nb = gen_array_nitems(extern_indices_array);
573  /* number of dimensions of referenced array */
574  int index_of_array = gen_length(indices); /*((int *) (gen_array_item(array_dims, gen_array_index(array_names, varname))));*/
576  /* number of internal loops*/
577  int intern_nb = gen_array_nitems(intern_indices_array);
579  /* list of offsets for XML code */
580  string offset_array[index_of_array];
581  /* paving matrix for XML code
582  1st coeff: array dimension (row index)
583  2nd coeff: iteration dimension (column index) */
584  string paving_array[index_of_array][extern_nb];
586  /* fitting matrix for XML code
587  1st coeff: array dimension
588  2nd coeff: iteration dimension*/
589  string fitting_array[index_of_array][intern_nb];
590  int i;
591  int j;
592  int depth = 0;
594  bool null_fitting_p = true;
595  string internal_index_declarations = strdup("");
596  string fitting_declaration = strdup("");
597  string fitting_declaration2 = strdup("");
599  /* initialization of the arrays */
600  for (i=0; i<index_of_array; i++)
601  offset_array[i] = "0";
603  for (i=0; i<index_of_array ; i++)
604  for (j=0; j<extern_nb; j++)
605  paving_array[i][j] = "0";
607  for (i=0; i<index_of_array ; i++)
608  for (j=0; j<intern_nb; j++)
609  fitting_array[i][j] = "0";
611  /* XML reference header */
612  result = strdup(concatenate(result, "DATA(name = symbol!(\"", "T_", int2a(task_number),
613  "\" /+ \"", varname, "\"),", NL, TAB, TAB, NULL));
615  result = strdup(concatenate(result, "darray = ", varname, "," NL, TAB, TAB, "accessMode = ", (first?"Wmode,":"Rmode,"),
616  NL, TAB, TAB, "offset = list<VARTYPE>(", NULL));
618  /* Fill in paving, fitting and offset matrices from index expressions. */
619  MAP(EXPRESSION, ind, {
620  syntax sind = expression_syntax(ind);
621  int iterator_nr;
622  switch(syntax_tag(sind)){
623  case is_syntax_reference:{
626  paving_array[indice_nr][iterator_nr] = strdup("1");
627  }
629  fitting_array[indice_nr][iterator_nr] = strdup("1");
630  }
632  break;
633  }
634  case is_syntax_call:{
635  call c = syntax_call(sind);
636  xml_call_from_indice(c, &(offset_array[indice_nr]), paving_array[indice_nr], fitting_array[indice_nr]);
637  break;
638  }
639  default:{
640  pips_user_error("Only call and reference allowed in indices.\n");
641  break;
642  }
643  }
644  indice_nr++;
645  }, indices);
648  /* generate offset list in XML code */
649  for(i=0; i<index_of_array - 1; i++){
650  result=strdup(concatenate(result, "vartype!(", offset_array[i],"), ", NULL));
651  }
652  result = strdup(concatenate(result, "vartype!(", offset_array[i], "))," NL, NULL));
654  /* fitting header */
655  result = strdup(concatenate(result, TAB, TAB, "fitting = list<list[VARTYPE]>(", NULL));
657  /* XML column-major storage of fitting matrix */
658  for(i=0;i<intern_nb; i++){
659  bool is_null_p = true;
660  for(j = 0; j<index_of_array; j++){
661  is_null_p = is_null_p && (same_string_p(fitting_array[j][i], "0"));
662  }
663  if(!is_null_p){
664  null_fitting_p = false;
665  fitting_declaration = strdup(concatenate(fitting_declaration, "list(", NULL));
666  for(j = 0; j<index_of_array-1; j++){
667  fitting_declaration = strdup(concatenate(fitting_declaration, "vartype!(", fitting_array[j][i], "), ", NULL));
668  }
669  fitting_declaration = strdup(concatenate(fitting_declaration,
670  "vartype!(",
671  fitting_array[j][i],
672  ")), ",
673  NULL));
674  }
675  }
677  if(!null_fitting_p){
678  fitting_declaration2 =
679  strdup(concatenate(gen_strndup0(fitting_declaration,
680  strlen(fitting_declaration) - 2),
681  "),", NL, TAB, TAB, TAB, NULL));
682  result = strdup(concatenate(result, fitting_declaration2, NULL));
683  }
685  if(null_fitting_p){
686  result = strdup(concatenate(result, "list()),", NL, TAB, TAB, NULL));
687  }
689  null_fitting_p = true;
690  /* Generation of paving XML code*/
691  result = strdup(concatenate(result, TAB, TAB, "paving = list<list[VARTYPE]>(", NULL));
693  for(i=0;i<extern_nb-1; i++){
694  result = strdup(concatenate(result, "list(", NULL));
695  for(j = 0; j<index_of_array-1; j++){
696  result = strdup(concatenate(result, "vartype!(", paving_array[j][i], "), ", NULL));
697  }
698  result = strdup(concatenate(result, "vartype!(", paving_array[j][i], ")),", NL, TAB, TAB, TAB, NULL));
699  }
700  result = strdup(concatenate(result, "list(", NULL));
701  for(j = 0; j<index_of_array-1; j++){
702  result = strdup(concatenate(result, "vartype!(", paving_array[j][i], "), ", NULL));
703  }
704  result = strdup(concatenate(result, "vartype!(", paving_array[j][i], "))),", NL, TAB, TAB, NULL));
706 #define MONMAX(a, b) ((a<b)?b:a)
708  /* Definition of the inner loop nest */
709  /* FI->IH: if some columns are removed, the effective depth is unkown and must be computed here */
710  /* result = strdup(concatenate(result, "inLoopNest = LOOPNEST(deep = ", int2a(MONMAX(gen_array_nitems(intern_indices_array), 1)), ",", NL, TAB, TAB, TAB, NULL)); */
712  for (j = 0; j<intern_nb; j++){
713  bool is_null_p = true;
714  for(i = 0; i < index_of_array; i++){
715  is_null_p = is_null_p && (same_string_p(fitting_array[i][j], "0"));
716  }
717  if(!is_null_p){
718  depth++;
719  }
720  }
721  if(depth==0) depth = 1; /* see comment just below about null fitting matrices. */
722  result = strdup(concatenate(result, "inLoopNest = LOOPNEST(deep = ", i2a(depth), ",", NL, TAB, TAB, TAB, NULL));
723  result = strdup(concatenate(result, "upperBound = list<VARTYPE>(", NULL));
725  /* 3 cases :
726  - the fitting matrix is null : must generate a (0,0) loop with dummy index
727  - some fitting matrix column is null : do not generate anything
728  - some fitting matrix column is not null : generate the corresponding loop bound and index name
729  */
731  for (j = 0; j<intern_nb; j++){
732  bool is_null_p = true;
733  for(i = 0; i < index_of_array; i++){
734  is_null_p = is_null_p && (same_string_p(fitting_array[i][j], "0"));
735  }
736  if(!is_null_p){
737  null_fitting_p = false;
738  result = strdup(concatenate(result,
739  "vartype!(",
740  *((string *)(gen_array_item(intern_upperbounds_array, j))),
741  "), ",
742  NULL));
743  internal_index_declarations =
744  strdup(concatenate(internal_index_declarations,
745  QUOTE,
746  *((string *)(gen_array_item(intern_indices_array, j))),
747  QUOTE,
748  ", ",
749  NULL));
750  }
751  }
752  if(!null_fitting_p)
753  {
754  result = strdup(concatenate(gen_strndup0(result, strlen(result) - 2),
755  "),", NULL));
756  internal_index_declarations =
757  strdup(concatenate(gen_strndup0(internal_index_declarations,
758  strlen(internal_index_declarations) -2),
759  ")", NULL));
760  }
764  if(null_fitting_p){
765  result = strdup(concatenate(result, "vartype!(1)),", NL, TAB, TAB, TAB, "names = list<string>(\"M_I\")", NULL));
766  }
767  else{
768  result = strdup(concatenate(result, NL, TAB, "names = list<string>(", internal_index_declarations, NULL));
769  }
771  /* Complete XML reference */
772  result = strdup(concatenate(result, "))", (first?")":","), NL, NULL));
773  return result;
774 }
string gen_strndup0(string, size_t)
Like strdup() but copy at most n characters.
Definition: string.c:83
#define syntax_tag(x)
Definition: ri.h:2727
@ is_syntax_call
Definition: ri.h:2693
@ is_syntax_reference
Definition: ri.h:2691
static int depth
la sequence de nids
static int gen_array_index(gen_array_t ar, string item)
static gen_array_t extern_indices_array
array containing extern loop indices names
static string xml_entity_local_name(entity var)
static gen_array_t intern_indices_array
array containing intern loop indices (name : "M_")
static void xml_call_from_indice(call c, string *offset_array, string paving_array[], string fitting_array[])
#define TAB
static gen_array_t intern_upperbounds_array
array containing intern upperbounds

References concatenate(), depth, EXPRESSION, expression_syntax, extern_indices_array, gen_array_index(), gen_array_item(), gen_array_nitems(), gen_length(), gen_strndup0(), i2a(), indices, int2a(), intern_indices_array, intern_upperbounds_array, is_syntax_call, is_syntax_reference, ITEM_NOT_IN_ARRAY, MAP, NL, pips_user_error, QUOTE, ref, reference_indices, reference_variable, same_string_p, strdup(), syntax_call, syntax_reference, syntax_tag, TAB, XML_ARRAY_PREFIX, xml_call_from_indice(), and xml_entity_local_name().

Referenced by xml_call_from_assignation(), and xml_call_from_loopnest().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_AssignArgument()

static void xml_AssignArgument ( _UNUSED_ statement  s,
entity  function,
int  statnb,
bool  assign_func,
expression  exp,
entity  FormalName,
Pvecteur  loop_indices,
transformer  t,
_UNUSED_ Psysteme  prec,
string_buffer  sb_result 

Scalar Argument

if (strncmp(aan, "\"", 1) == 0) quote_p = ""; else quote_p = QUOTE;

Array Argument

Save information to generate Task Graph

Definition at line 4715 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

4719 {
4720  entity ActualName = entity_undefined;
4721  reference ActualRef = reference_undefined;
4722  syntax sr;
4723  intptr_t iexp;
4724  int rw_ef = 0;
4725  string aan = "";
4726  // string quote_p = "";
4727  int valr = 0, min = 0, max = 0;
4729  sr = expression_syntax(exp);
4730  if (syntax_reference_p(sr)) {
4731  ActualRef = syntax_reference(sr);
4732  ActualName = reference_variable(ActualRef);
4733  aan = strdup(entity_user_name(ActualName));
4734  rw_ef = 2;
4735  } else
4736  printf("PB traduction AssignParameter\n");
4737  string_buffer_append_word("AssignArgument", sb_result);
4738  if (!array_argument_p(exp)) { /* Scalar Argument */
4739  global_margin++;
4740  add_margin(global_margin, sb_result);
4741  /* if (strncmp(aan, "\"", 1) == 0)
4742  quote_p = "";
4743  else
4744  quote_p = QUOTE;
4745  */
4746  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
4748  "ScalarArgument ActualName=", QUOTE, NULL));
4749  string_buffer_append_xml_text(sb_result, aan, false);
4750  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
4751  concatenate(QUOTE, BL,
4752  "AccessMode=", QUOTE, "DEF", QUOTE,
4754  if (expression_integer_value(exp, &iexp))
4755  string_buffer_append_numeric(int2a(iexp), sb_result);
4756  else if (value_constant_p(EvalExpression(exp))) {
4757  string exps = expression_to_string(exp);
4758  string_buffer_append_numeric(exps, sb_result);
4759  } else if (eval_linear_expression(exp, t, &valr, &min, &max)) {
4760  if (valr==min && valr==max)
4761  string_buffer_append_numeric(int2a(valr), sb_result);
4762  }
4763  string_buffer_append_word("/ScalarArgument", sb_result);
4764  global_margin--;
4765  Pcallst cst1 = (callst *)malloc(sizeof(callst));
4766  cst1->func = function;
4767  cst1->stat_nb = statnb;
4768  cst1->succ = (Pcallst)NULL;
4769  update_def_into_tasks_table(ActualName, cst1);
4770  } else { /* Array Argument */
4771  int ActualArrayDim = variable_entity_dimension(ActualName);
4772  char *SActualArrayDim = strdup(i2a(ActualArrayDim));
4773  int FormalArrayDim = (entity_undefined_p(FormalName))
4774  ? 0
4775  : variable_entity_dimension(FormalName);
4776  list ActualArrayInd = reference_indices(ActualRef);
4777  global_margin++;
4778  add_margin(global_margin, sb_result);
4779  string_buffer_append( sb_result,
4781  "ArrayArgument ActualName=", QUOTE, NULL));
4782  string_buffer_append_xml_text( sb_result, (string) entity_user_name(ActualName), false);
4783  string_buffer_append( sb_result,
4784  concatenate(QUOTE, BL,
4785  "ActualDim=", QUOTE, SActualArrayDim, QUOTE, BL,
4786  "AccessMode=", QUOTE, (rw_ef >= 2) ? ((rw_ef == 2) ? "DEF" : "DEF_USE") : "USE", QUOTE,
4789  /* Save information to generate Task Graph */
4790  Pcallst cst1 = (callst *)malloc(sizeof(callst));
4791  cst1->func = function;
4792  cst1->stat_nb = statnb;
4793  cst1->succ = (Pcallst)NULL;
4794  update_def_into_tasks_table(ActualName, cst1);
4795  free(SActualArrayDim);
4796  if (!assign_func)
4797  xml_Connection(ActualArrayInd, ActualArrayDim, FormalArrayDim, sb_result);
4798  xml_LoopOffset(ActualArrayInd, ActualArrayDim, loop_indices, sb_result);
4799  xml_ConstOffset(ActualArrayInd, ActualArrayDim, sb_result);
4800  global_margin--;
4801  string_buffer_append_word("/ArrayArgument", sb_result);
4802  }
4803  string_buffer_append_word("/AssignArgument", sb_result);
4804 }

References add_margin(), array_argument_p(), BL, CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), entity_undefined, entity_undefined_p, entity_user_name(), eval_linear_expression(), EvalExpression(), exp, expression_integer_value(), expression_syntax, expression_to_string(), free(), callst::func, global_margin, i2a(), int2a(), intptr_t, malloc(), max, min, NL, OPENANGLE, printf(), QUOTE, reference_indices, reference_undefined, reference_variable, callst::stat_nb, strdup(), string_buffer_append(), string_buffer_append_numeric(), string_buffer_append_word(), string_buffer_append_xml_text(), callst::succ, syntax_reference, syntax_reference_p, update_def_into_tasks_table(), value_constant_p, variable_entity_dimension(), xml_Connection(), xml_ConstOffset(), and xml_LoopOffset().

Referenced by xml_Arguments().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Bounds()

static void xml_Bounds ( expression  elow,
expression  eup,
transformer  t,
_UNUSED_ Psysteme  prec,
bool  formal_p,
string_buffer  sb_result 

UNUSED static bool eval_linear_expression2( expression exp, Psysteme ps, int *val, int *min, int *max) { normalized norm= normalized_undefined; Pvecteur vexp,pv; bool result = true,result_exact = true,min_exact=true,max_exact=true; val = 0; min=0; max=0;.

fprintf(stdout,"Expression a evaluer : %s",words_to_string(words_expression(exp,NIL)));

if (expression_normalized(exp) == normalized_undefined) expression_normalized(exp)= NormalizeExpression(exp); norm = expression_normalized(exp); if (normalized_linear_p(norm) && !SC_UNDEFINED_P(ps)) { vexp = (Pvecteur)normalized_linear(norm); for (pv= vexp; pv != VECTEUR_NUL; pv=pv->succ) { Variable v = var_of(pv); if (v==TCST) { val += vect_coeff(TCST,vexp); min += vect_coeff(TCST,vexp); max += vect_coeff(TCST,vexp); } else { if(base_contains_variable_p(sc_base(ps), v)) { Value min1, max1; Psysteme ps1 = sc_dup(ps); bool feasible = sc_minmax_of_variable2(ps1, (Variable)v, &min1, &max1); if (feasible) { if (value_eq(min1,max1)) { val += vect_coeff(v,vexp) *min1; min+= vect_coeff(v,vexp) *min1; max+= vect_coeff(v,vexp) *max1; } else { result_exact=false; bool pb = (vect_coeff(v,vexp)>0); if (pb) { if (*min!=INT_MIN && min1!=INT_MIN && min1!=VALUE_MIN) min+= vect_coeff(v,vexp) *min1; else min_exact=false; if (*max!=INT_MAX && max1!=INT_MAX && max1!=VALUE_MAX) max+= vect_coeff(v,vexp) *max1; else max_exact=false; } else { if (*max!=INT_MIN && min1!=INT_MIN && min1!=VALUE_MIN) max+= vect_coeff(v,vexp) *min1; else max_exact=false; if (*min!=INT_MAX && max1!=INT_MAX && max1!=VALUE_MAX) min+= vect_coeff(v,vexp) *max1; else min_exact=false; } } } else // fprintf(stdout,"le systeme est non faisable\n"); result = false,min_exact=false,max_exact=false; } // sc_free(ps1); le systeme est desalloue par sc_minmax_of_variable else result = false,min_exact=false,max_exact=false; } } } else // fprintf(stdout,"Ce n'est pas une expression lineaire\n"); result = false,min_exact=false,max_exact=false; if (!result) *min=INT_MIN,*max =INT_MAX; if (!min_exact) *min=INT_MIN; if (!max_exact) *max=INT_MAX; if (!result_exact) result=false; fprintf(stdout,"Valeur trouvee : %d \n",*val); return result; }



Definition at line 3585 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

3586  {
3587  intptr_t low, up;
3588  int valr = 0;
3589  int min = 0, max = 0;
3590  bool tb = true;
3591  /* Print XML Array LOWER BOUND */
3592  string_buffer_append_word("LowerBound", sb_result);
3593  global_margin++;
3595  if (expression_integer_value(elow, &low))
3596  string_buffer_append_numeric(int2a(low), sb_result);
3597  else if (!formal_p && (tb = eval_linear_expression(elow, t, &valr, &min, &max)) == true) {
3598  if (valr == min && valr == max)
3599  string_buffer_append_numeric(int2a(valr), sb_result);
3600  else {
3601  if (min != INT_MIN) {
3602  add_margin(global_margin, sb_result);
3603  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
3605  "MinNumeric", CLOSEANGLE, int2a(min), OPENANGLE,
3606  "/MinNumeric",
3608  }
3609  if (max != INT_MAX) {
3610  add_margin(global_margin, sb_result);
3611  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
3613  "MaxNumeric", CLOSEANGLE, int2a(max), OPENANGLE,
3614  "/MaxNumeric",
3616  }
3617  }
3618  }
3619  global_margin--;
3620  string_buffer_append_word("/LowerBound", sb_result);
3622  /* Print XML Array UPPER BOUND */
3623  string_buffer_append_word("UpperBound", sb_result);
3624  global_margin++;
3626  if (expression_integer_value(eup, &up))
3627  string_buffer_append_numeric(int2a(up), sb_result);
3628  else if (!formal_p && (tb = eval_linear_expression(eup, t, &valr, &min, &max)) == true) {
3629  if (valr == min && valr == max)
3630  string_buffer_append_numeric(int2a(valr), sb_result);
3631  else {
3632  if (min != INT_MIN) {
3633  add_margin(global_margin, sb_result);
3634  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
3636  "MinNumeric", CLOSEANGLE, int2a(min), OPENANGLE,
3637  "/MinNumeric",
3639  }
3640  if (max != INT_MAX) {
3641  add_margin(global_margin, sb_result);
3642  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
3644  "MaxNumeric", CLOSEANGLE, int2a(max), OPENANGLE,
3645  "/MaxNumeric",
3647  }
3648  }
3649  }
3650  global_margin--;
3651  string_buffer_append_word("/UpperBound", sb_result);
3652 }
static void string_buffer_append_symbolic(string str, string_buffer sb_result)

References add_margin(), CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), eval_linear_expression(), expression_integer_value(), expression_to_string(), global_margin, int2a(), intptr_t, max, min, NL, OPENANGLE, string_buffer_append(), string_buffer_append_numeric(), string_buffer_append_symbolic(), and string_buffer_append_word().

Referenced by xml_Array(), and xml_Bounds_and_Stride().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Bounds_and_Stride()

static void xml_Bounds_and_Stride ( expression  elow,
expression  eup,
expression  stride,
transformer  t,
Psysteme  prec,
bool  formal_p,
string_buffer  sb_result 

Definition at line 3653 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

3655 {
3656  intptr_t inc;
3657  int valr =0,min=0,max=0;
3658  xml_Bounds(elow, eup,t,prec,formal_p, sb_result);
3659  string_buffer_append_word("Stride",sb_result);
3660  global_margin++;
3662  sb_result);
3663  if (expression_integer_value(stride, &inc))
3664  string_buffer_append_numeric(int2a(inc),sb_result);
3665  else if (eval_linear_expression(stride,t,&valr,&min,&max)) {
3666  if (valr==min && valr==max)
3667  string_buffer_append_numeric(int2a(valr),sb_result);
3668  }
3669  global_margin--;
3670  string_buffer_append_word("/Stride",sb_result);
3672 }

References eval_linear_expression(), expression_integer_value(), expression_to_string(), global_margin, int2a(), intptr_t, max, min, string_buffer_append_numeric(), string_buffer_append_symbolic(), string_buffer_append_word(), and xml_Bounds().

Referenced by xml_Loop().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Boxes()

static void xml_Boxes ( const char *  module_name,
int  code_tag,
string_buffer  sb_result 


for validation


Search calls in Box


string_buffer_append_word("Tasks",sb_result); insert_xml_callees(module_name); string_buffer_append_word("/Tasks",sb_result);

Definition at line 5945 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

5946 {
5949  string_buffer type_buffer = string_buffer_make(true);
5950  string string_types;
5951  Psysteme prec = SC_UNDEFINED;
5953  nest_context_t nest;
5954  int st_nb1=0, st_sauv=0;
5955  Pvecteur pv=VECTEUR_NUL;
5960  nest.testif = stack_make(statement_domain,0,0);
5961  nest.nested_if= gen_array_make(0);
5962  nest.nested_loops= gen_array_make(0);
5964  nest.nested_call= gen_array_make(0);
5966  global_margin++;
5967  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
5968  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
5970  "Box Name=", QUOTE,module_name,QUOTE,
5972  global_margin++;
5975  if (!entity_main_module_p(module)) {
5976  xml_GlobalVariables(t,prec,true,sb_result);
5977  xml_LocalVariables(module,t,prec,sb_result);
5978  xml_FormalVariables(module,t,prec,sb_result);
5979  }
5980  else {
5981  xml_GlobalVariables(t,prec,false,sb_result);
5982  //string_buffer_append_word("GlobalVariables/",sb_result);
5983  xml_LocalVariables(module,t,prec,sb_result);
5984  string_buffer_append_word("FormalVariables/",sb_result);
5985  }
5987  /*CA*/
5990  string_buffer_append_word("GlobalReferencedTypes",type_buffer);
5991  global_margin++;
5992  for (pv = global_application_variables;pv!=NULL;pv=pv->succ) {
5993  xml_Type_Entity((entity)pv->var,type_buffer);
5994  }
5995  /* for validation */
5996  global_margin--;
5997  string_buffer_append_word("/GlobalReferencedTypes",type_buffer);
5998  string_buffer_append_word("LocalReferencedTypes",type_buffer);
5999  global_margin++;
6001  for (pv = local_application_variables;pv!=NULL;pv=pv->succ) {
6002  xml_Type_Entity((entity)pv->var,type_buffer);
6003  }
6004  global_margin--;
6005  string_buffer_append_word("/LocalReferencedTypes",type_buffer);
6006  string_types =string_buffer_to_string(type_buffer);
6007  string_buffer_append(sb_result,string_types);
6008  free(string_types);
6010  /*CA*/
6011  /* Search calls in Box */
6012  find_loops_and_calls_in_box(stat,&nest);
6013  int nb_call = (int)gen_array_nitems(nest.nested_call);
6014  for (int callnumber = 0; callnumber<nb_call; callnumber++) {
6015  statement st= gen_array_item(nest.nested_call,callnumber);
6016  st_nb1 = statement_number(st);
6017  // to deal with nested calls in the same instruction
6018  if (callnumber==0 || st_nb1!=st_sauv)
6019  xml_Call(module, code_tag, callnumber, &nest,sb_result);
6020  st_sauv=st_nb1;
6021  }
6023  // xml_BoxGraph(module,&nest,sb_result);
6024  xml_Chains(module, module_name,stat,&nest,sb_result);
6025  global_margin--;
6026  string_buffer_append_word("/Box",sb_result);
6029  *
6030  * string_buffer_append_word("Tasks",sb_result);
6031  * insert_xml_callees(module_name);
6032  * string_buffer_append_word("/Tasks",sb_result);
6033  */
6035  global_margin--;
6039  gen_array_free(nest.nested_if);
6040  stack_free(&(nest.testif));
6041  stack_free(&(nest.loops_for_call));
6042  stack_free(&(nest.loop_indices));
6043  stack_free(&(nest.current_stat));
6045  sc_free(prec);
6046 }
void gen_array_free(gen_array_t a)
Definition: array.c:70
void stack_free(stack *)
type, bucket_size, policy
Definition: stack.c:292
stack stack_make(int, int, int)
Definition: stack.c:246
bool entity_main_module_p(entity e)
Definition: entity.c:700
#define entity_domain
Definition: ri.h:410
Warning! Do not modify this file that is automatically generated!
Definition: modeling-local.h:4
static Pvecteur global_application_variables
static void xml_FormalVariables(entity module, transformer t, Psysteme prec, string_buffer sb_result)
static void find_loops_and_calls_in_box(statement stmp, nest_context_p nest)
static void xml_Type_Entity(entity vv, string_buffer type_buffer)
static void xml_Chains(entity module, const char *mod_name, statement mod_stat, nest_context_p nest, string_buffer sb_result)
static Pvecteur local_application_variables
static void xml_Call(entity module, int code_tag, int taskNumber, nest_context_p nest, string_buffer sb_result)
static void xml_LocalVariables(entity module, transformer t, Psysteme prec, string_buffer sb_result)

References add_margin(), CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), nest_context_t::current_stat, entity_domain, entity_main_module_p(), find_loops_and_calls_in_box(), first_precondition_of_module(), free(), gen_array_free(), gen_array_item(), gen_array_make(), gen_array_nitems(), get_current_module_statement(), global_application_variables, global_margin, int, local_application_variables, nest_context_t::loop_indices, nest_context_t::loops_for_call, module, module_name(), module_name_to_entity(), nest_context_t::nested_call, nest_context_t::nested_if, nest_context_t::nested_loop_indices, nest_context_t::nested_loops, NL, OPENANGLE, pop_statement_global_stack(), push_statement_on_statement_global_stack(), QUOTE, sc_free(), stack_free(), stack_make(), statement_domain, statement_number, string_buffer_append(), string_buffer_append_word(), string_buffer_make(), string_buffer_to_string(), Svecteur::succ, TCST, nest_context_t::testif, Svecteur::var, vect_erase_var(), VECTEUR_NUL, xml_Call(), xml_Chains(), xml_FormalVariables(), xml_GlobalVariables(), xml_LocalVariables(), and xml_Type_Entity().

Referenced by generic_print_xml_application().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Call()

static void xml_Call ( entity  module,
int  code_tag,
int  taskNumber,
nest_context_p  nest,
string_buffer  sb_result 

Definition at line 5690 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

5691 {
5692  statement s = gen_array_item(nest->nested_call,taskNumber);
5694  // if (instruction_call_p(statement_instruction(s))) {
5695  stack st = gen_array_item(nest->nested_loops,taskNumber);
5696  stack statif = gen_array_item(nest->nested_if,taskNumber);
5699  call c = call_undefined;
5700  list pattern_region=NIL;
5701  Pvecteur paving_indices = VECTEUR_NUL;
5703  bool motif_in_te_p=false;
5704  bool func_as_rhs_of_assign =false;
5705  int nb_cond=0;
5706  entity cond, encapsulated_func,func ;
5707  expression lhs,rhs;
5711  }
5712  else {
5715  c =encapsulated_call;
5716  }
5717  if (c==call_undefined)
5718  pips_internal_error("Unexpected call in statement number %d \n",(int) statement_number(s));
5720  //used by statement_in_truebranch
5722  func= call_function(c);
5723  const char * strtmp = entity_user_name(func);
5726  pattern_region =load_proper_rw_effects_list(s);
5727  }
5728  else
5729  pattern_region = regions_dup(load_statement_local_regions(s));
5731  if (ENTITY_ASSIGN_P(func)) {
5732  list largs = call_arguments(c);
5733  expression lhs_exp = EXPRESSION(CAR(largs));
5734  lhs_exp = skip_field_and_cast_expression(lhs_exp);
5735  if (array_argument_p(lhs_exp)) // lhs not scalar
5736  spear_warning(s,"Please use only scalar variable on the left hand side of assignements not included in a MOTIF",
5737  "Non scalar variable as LHS part of a LocalAssignment");
5739  FOREACH(EXPRESSION,expt,POP(largs)){
5741  if (array_argument_p(arg_exp)) // rhs not scalar
5742  spear_warning(s,"Please use only scalar variable on the right hand side of assignements not included in a MOTIF",
5743  "Non scalar variable as RHS part of a LocalAssignment");
5744  }
5745  largs = call_arguments(c);
5746  if(gen_length(largs)>2)
5747  spear_warning(s,"Please use only one varaible on the right hand side of assignements not included in a MOTIF",
5748  "More than 1 variable as RHS part of a LocalAssignment");
5750  if(gen_length(largs)==2) {
5751  POP(largs);
5752  expression rhs_exp = EXPRESSION(CAR(largs));
5753  syntax sr = expression_syntax(rhs_exp);
5754  if(syntax_call_p(sr)) {
5755  call rhs_call = syntax_call(sr);
5756  encapsulated_func=call_function(rhs_call);
5757  func_as_rhs_of_assign = (entity_subroutine_p(encapsulated_func)|| entity_function_p(encapsulated_func));
5758  }
5759  //spear_warning(s,"Please encapsulate assignments into TASK or into the existing MOTIF","LocalAssignment detected");
5760  }
5761  }
5762  if (statif != STACK_NULL) {
5763  STACK_MAP_X(sx, statement,
5764  { if (logic_condition_filter(s,sx,&cond,&lhs,&rhs)) {
5770  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
5772  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
5774  "CallCondition Branch=",
5775  QUOTE, (statement_in_truebranch_p ? "TRUE":"FALSE"),
5776  QUOTE, BL,
5777  "Test=", QUOTE, NULL));
5778  string_buffer_append_xml_text(sb_result,(string)entity_user_name(cond),false);
5779  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
5780  concatenate(QUOTE, BL,
5781  "LHS=",QUOTE, NULL));
5783  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
5784  concatenate(QUOTE, BL, "RHS=",QUOTE, NULL));
5785  string_buffer_append_xml_text(sb_result, expression_to_string(rhs), false);
5786  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
5788  "StNumber=",QUOTE,int2a(statement_number(sx)),QUOTE,
5790  // For special character : string_buffer_append_xml_text(buffer_cond,exps,false);
5791  global_margin++;nb_cond++;
5792  (void) pop_statement_global_stack();
5793  }
5794  },
5795  statif, 0);
5796  }
5797  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
5798  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
5800  "Call Name=",
5801  QUOTE,
5802  ENTITY_ASSIGN_P(func) ? (
5803  (func_as_rhs_of_assign) ? entity_user_name(encapsulated_func):
5804  "LocalAssignment")
5805  : entity_user_name(func),
5806  QUOTE,BL,
5807  "StNumber=",QUOTE,int2a(statement_number(s)),QUOTE,
5809  global_margin++;
5810  print_call_precondition(prec, sb_result);
5811  // only detect Opengpu 2D and 3D 4D and 5D cornerturns
5812  if (strstr(strtmp,"cornerturn_5D")!=NULL)
5813  xml_Transposition(s,c,5,sb_result,0);
5814  else if (strstr(strtmp,"cornerturn_4D")!=NULL)
5815  xml_Transposition(s,c,4,sb_result,0);
5816  else if (strstr(strtmp,"cornerturn_3D")!=NULL)
5817  xml_Transposition(s,c,3,sb_result,0);
5818  else
5819  if (strstr(strtmp,"cornerturn_2D")!=NULL)
5820  xml_Transposition(s,c,2,sb_result,0);
5822  if (strstr(strtmp,"transpose_5D")!=NULL)
5823  xml_Transposition(s,c,5,sb_result,1);
5824  else if (strstr(strtmp,"transpose_4D")!=NULL)
5825  xml_Transposition(s,c,4,sb_result,1);
5826  else if (strstr(strtmp,"transpose_3D")!=NULL)
5827  xml_Transposition(s,c,3,sb_result,1);
5828  else
5829  if (strstr(strtmp,"transpose_2D")!=NULL)
5830  xml_Transposition(s,c,2,sb_result,1);
5831  xml_Region_Parameter(pattern_region, sb_result);
5832  xml_Loops(st,true,&pattern_region,&paving_indices, &pattern_indices,motif_in_te_p, sb_result);
5833  if (ENTITY_ASSIGN_P(func) && !func_as_rhs_of_assign)
5834  xml_TaskParameters(s,true,code_tag, module,pattern_region,paving_indices,sb_result);
5835  else // it may be an assignment but with a (non intrinsic) function at the RHS
5836  xml_Arguments(s,func,statement_number(s),ENTITY_ASSIGN_P(func), paving_indices, t, prec,sb_result);
5837  global_margin--;
5838  string_buffer_append_word("/Call",sb_result);
5840  if (statif != STACK_NULL) {
5841  for (int tp=1;tp<=nb_cond;tp++) {
5842  global_margin--;
5843  string_buffer_append_word("/CallCondition",sb_result);
5844  }
5845  }
5847  sc_free(prec);
5848 }
list regions_dup(list)
list load_statement_local_regions(statement)
#define STACK_NULL
defines for empty values
Definition: newgen_stack.h:52
#define pattern_indices(x)
Definition: reduction.h:135
#define test_true(x)
Definition: ri.h:2835
static void xml_Arguments(statement s, entity function, int statnb, bool assign_func, Pvecteur loop_indices, transformer t, Psysteme prec, string_buffer sb_result)
static void xml_Loops(stack st, bool call_external_loop_p, list *pattern_region, Pvecteur *paving_indices, Pvecteur *pattern_indices, bool motif_in_te_p, string_buffer sb_result)
static expression skip_field_and_cast_expression(expression exp)
static bool logic_condition_filter(statement s1, statement sx, entity *cond, expression *lhs, expression *rhs)
static void xml_Transposition(statement s, call c, int d, string_buffer sb_result, int version)
static void xml_Region_Parameter(list pattern_region, string_buffer sb_result)
static void xml_TaskParameters(statement stat, bool assign_function, int code_tag, entity module, list pattern_region, Pvecteur paving_indices, string_buffer sb_result)
static void print_call_precondition(Psysteme prec, string_buffer sb_result)
static void statement_in_truebranch(statement s)

References add_margin(), array_argument_p(), BL, call_arguments, call_domain, call_function, call_undefined, CAR, CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), encapsulated_call, ENTITY_ASSIGN_P, entity_function_p(), entity_subroutine_p(), entity_user_name(), EXPRESSION, expression_syntax, expression_to_string(), FOREACH, gen_array_item(), gen_length(), gen_recurse, gen_true(), global_margin, instruction_call, instruction_call_p, instruction_test, int2a(), load_proper_rw_effects_list(), load_statement_local_regions(), load_statement_precondition(), logic_condition_filter(), module, nest_context_t::nested_call, nest_context_t::nested_if, nest_context_t::nested_loops, NIL, NL, OPENANGLE, pattern_indices, pips_internal_error, POP, pop_statement_global_stack(), predicate_system, print_call_precondition(), push_statement_on_statement_global_stack(), QUOTE, regions_dup(), sc_dup(), sc_free(), search_1r_function_call(), skip_field_and_cast_expression(), spear_warning, STACK_MAP_X, STACK_NULL, statement_domain, statement_in_truebranch(), statement_in_truebranch_p, statement_instruction, statement_number, statement_undefined_p, string_buffer_append(), string_buffer_append_word(), string_buffer_append_xml_text(), syntax_call, syntax_call_p, test_statement_of_reference, test_true, transformer_relation, VECTEUR_NUL, xml_Arguments(), xml_Loops(), xml_Region_Parameter(), xml_TaskParameters(), and xml_Transposition().

Referenced by xml_Boxes().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_call_from_assignation()

static string xml_call_from_assignation ( call  c,
int  task_number,
bool input_provided 

All arguments of this call are in Rmode (inputs of the task)

This function is called recursively

Definition at line 438 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

438  {
439  /* All arguments of this call are in Rmode (inputs of the task) */
440  /* This function is called recursively */
442  syntax syn;
443  string result = "";
445  MAP(EXPRESSION, expr, {
446  syn = expression_syntax(expr);
447  switch(syntax_tag(syn)){
448  case is_syntax_call:{
449  result = strdup(concatenate(result, xml_call_from_assignation(syntax_call(syn), task_number, input_provided), NULL));
450  break;
451  }
452  case is_syntax_reference:{
455  string varname = strdup(concatenate("A_", svar, NULL));
456  free(svar);
458  result = strdup(concatenate(result, xml_array_in_task(ref, false, task_number), NULL));
459  *input_provided = true;
460  }
461  break;
462  }
463  default:{
464  pips_user_error("only call and references allowed here\n");
465  }
466  }
467  }, arguments);
468  return result;
469 }
static string xml_array_in_task(reference r, bool first, int task_number)
static string xml_call_from_assignation(call c, int task_number, bool *input_provided)

References array_names, call_arguments, concatenate(), EXPRESSION, expression_syntax, free(), gen_array_index(), is_syntax_call, is_syntax_reference, ITEM_NOT_IN_ARRAY, MAP, pips_user_error, ref, reference_variable, strdup(), syntax_call, syntax_reference, syntax_tag, xml_array_in_task(), and xml_entity_local_name().

Referenced by xml_call_from_loopnest().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_call_from_indice()

static void xml_call_from_indice ( call  c,
string offset_array,
string  paving_array[],
string  fitting_array[] 

Definition at line 471 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

471  {
472  entity called = call_function(c);
473  string funname = xml_entity_local_name(called);
475  syntax args[2];
476  int i = 0;
477  int iterator_nr;
478  if(gen_length(arguments)==2){
479  if(same_string_p(funname, "+") || same_string_p(funname, "-") || same_string_p(funname, "*")){
480  MAP(EXPRESSION, arg, {
481  args[i] = expression_syntax(arg);
482  i++;
483  }, arguments);
484  if(same_string_p(funname, "+")){
485  if(syntax_tag(args[0]) == is_syntax_call){
486  xml_call_from_indice(syntax_call(args[0]), offset_array, paving_array, fitting_array);
487  }
488  if(syntax_tag(args[1]) == is_syntax_call){
489  xml_call_from_indice(syntax_call(args[1]), offset_array, paving_array, fitting_array);
490  }
491  if(syntax_tag(args[0]) == is_syntax_reference){
492  reference ref = syntax_reference(args[0]);
494  paving_array[iterator_nr] = strdup("1");
495  }
497  fitting_array[iterator_nr] = strdup("1");
498  }
499  }
500  if(syntax_tag(args[1]) == is_syntax_reference){
501  reference ref = syntax_reference(args[1]);
503  paving_array[iterator_nr] = strdup("1");
504  }
506  fitting_array[iterator_nr] = strdup("1");
507  }
508  }
509  }
510  else if(same_string_p(funname, "-")){
511  if(syntax_tag(args[1]) == is_syntax_call && gen_length(call_arguments(syntax_call(args[1])))==0){
512  if(syntax_tag(args[0]) == is_syntax_reference){
513  reference ref = syntax_reference(args[0]);
515  paving_array[iterator_nr] = strdup("1");
516  }
518  fitting_array[iterator_nr] = strdup("1");
519  }
520  }
521  if(syntax_tag(args[0]) == is_syntax_call){
522  xml_call_from_indice(syntax_call(args[0]), offset_array, paving_array, fitting_array);
523  }
524  xml_call_from_indice(syntax_call(args[1]), offset_array, paving_array, fitting_array);
525  }
526  else {
527  pips_user_error("APOTRES doesn't allow negative coefficients in paving and fitting matrices\n");
528  }
529  }
530  else if(same_string_p(funname, "*")){
531  if(syntax_tag(args[0]) != is_syntax_call || syntax_tag(args[1]) != is_syntax_reference || gen_length(call_arguments(syntax_call(args[0])))!=0 ){
532  pips_user_error("Only scalar * reference are allowed here. Please develop expressions.\n");
533  }
534  else {
537  string mult = strdup(xml_entity_local_name(call_function(syntax_call(args[0]))));
538  if(extern_nr != ITEM_NOT_IN_ARRAY){
539  paving_array[extern_nr] = mult;
540  }
541  else if(intern_nr != ITEM_NOT_IN_ARRAY){
542  fitting_array[intern_nr] = strdup(mult);
543  }
544  }
545  }
546  }
547  else{
548  pips_user_error("only linear expression of indices allowed\n");
549  }
550  }
551  else if(gen_length(arguments) == 0){
552  *offset_array = funname;
553  }
554  else{
555  pips_user_error("only +, -, * and constants allowed\n");
556  }
557 }

References call_arguments, call_function, EXPRESSION, expression_syntax, extern_indices_array, gen_array_index(), gen_length(), intern_indices_array, is_syntax_call, is_syntax_reference, ITEM_NOT_IN_ARRAY, MAP, pips_user_error, ref, reference_variable, same_string_p, strdup(), syntax_call, syntax_reference, syntax_tag, and xml_entity_local_name().

Referenced by xml_array_in_task().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_call_from_loopnest()

static string xml_call_from_loopnest ( call  c,
int  task_number 

Definition at line 776 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

776  {
777  entity called = call_function(c);
779  syntax s;
780  string result = "";
781  string first_result = "";
782  bool first = true;
783  bool input_provided = false, output_provided = false;
784  string name = strdup(xml_entity_local_name(called));
786  if(!same_string_p(name, "="))
787  pips_user_error("Only assignation allowed here.\n");
790  s = expression_syntax(e);
791  switch(syntax_tag(s)){
792  case is_syntax_call:{
793  if(first)
794  pips_user_error("Call not allowed in left-hand side argument of assignation.\n");
795  else
796  result = strdup(concatenate(result, xml_call_from_assignation(syntax_call(s), task_number, &input_provided), NULL));
797  break;
798  }
799  case is_syntax_reference:
800  {
802  string varname = strdup(concatenate("A_",
805  {
806  if(first){
807  first_result = xml_array_in_task(r, first, task_number);
808  output_provided = true;
809  }
810  else{
811  result = strdup(concatenate(result,
812  xml_array_in_task(r, first, task_number), NULL));
813  input_provided = true;
814  }
815  }
816  break;
817  }
818  default:
819  pips_internal_error("unhandled case");
820  }
821  first = false;
822  }
824  if(!input_provided){
825  result = strdup(concatenate("data = list<DATA>(dummyDATA, ", result, first_result, NULL));
826  }
827  else{
828  result = strdup(concatenate("data = list<DATA>(", result, first_result, NULL));
829  }
830  if(!output_provided){
831  result = strdup(concatenate(result, " dummyDATA)", NULL));
832  }
833  result = strdup(concatenate(result, TAB, ")", NL, NULL));
834  return result;
835 }

References array_names, call_arguments, call_function, concatenate(), EXPRESSION, expression_syntax, FOREACH, gen_array_index(), is_syntax_call, is_syntax_reference, ITEM_NOT_IN_ARRAY, NL, pips_internal_error, pips_user_error, reference_variable, same_string_p, strdup(), syntax_call, syntax_reference, syntax_tag, TAB, xml_array_in_task(), xml_call_from_assignation(), and xml_entity_local_name().

Referenced by xml_loop_from_sequence().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Chain_Graph()

static void xml_Chain_Graph ( entity  module,
statement  mod_stat,
graph  mod_graph,
nest_context_p  nest,
string_buffer  sb_result 

Definition at line 4932 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

4934 {
4935  cons *pv1, *ps, *pc;
4936  string_buffer buff_computed_by_func1 = string_buffer_make(true);
4937  string_buffer buff_needed_from_func1 = string_buffer_make(true);
4938  string_buffer buff_cumul_needed = string_buffer_make(true);
4939  string_buffer buffer_cond = string_buffer_make(true);
4940  string string_temp, stn1="", stn2="";
4941  bool new_temp=false, empty_buff_computed_by_func1=true,new_cond=false;
4942  bool new_temp2=false, empty_buff_needed_from_func1=true;
4943  bool empty_buff_cumul_needed=true;
4944  int taskNumber=0;
4945  stack statif=STACK_NULL;
4946  entity func1=entity_undefined;
4947  entity func2=entity_undefined;
4948  entity cond;
4949  expression lhs,rhs;
4950  statement sc;
4951  int nb_cond=0;
4952  int stat_kind1=-1,stat_kind2=-1;
4954  list cumulated_effects_list=NIL, local_effects=NIL;
4955  string st_nb1, st_nb2;
4956  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
4957  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
4959  "BoxGraph Name=", QUOTE,entity_user_name(module), QUOTE,
4961  global_margin++;
4963  // COMPUTATION of the cumulated proper effects for the 2 following lists of NEEDS and COMPUTES
4964  cumulated_list = NIL;
4966  cumulated_effects_list= cumulated_list;
4967  vars_read_and_written(cumulated_effects_list,&vr,&vw);
4969  ifdebug(8) {
4971  }
4973  for ( pv1 = graph_vertices(mod_graph); !ENDP(pv1); pv1 = CDR(pv1) ) {
4974  vertex v1 = VERTEX(CAR(pv1));
4976  Pvecteur vread_func1= vect_new(TCST,1);
4977  Pvecteur vwritten_func1 = vect_new(TCST,1); // only 1 "xml COMPUTES information" per reference for each call statement S1
4978  Pvecteur vread_in_condition= vect_new(TCST,1);
4979  buffer_cond = string_buffer_make(true);
4980  buff_computed_by_func1 = string_buffer_make(true);
4982  new_temp=false;
4983  taskNumber=-1;
4984  new_cond=false;
4985  func1=entity_undefined;
4986  statif = STACK_NULL;
4988  // Recovery of conditions on/in statement s1, if any
4989  for (int callnumber = 0; callnumber<(int)gen_array_nitems(nest->nested_call); callnumber++) {
4990  statement s3 = gen_array_item(nest->nested_call,callnumber);
4991  if (statement_number(s3) == statement_number(s1))
4992  taskNumber=callnumber;
4993  }
4994  if (taskNumber>=0) {
4995  sc = gen_array_item(nest->nested_call,taskNumber);
4996  indices = gen_array_item(nest->nested_loop_indices,taskNumber);
4997  local_effects=regions_dup(load_statement_local_regions(sc));
4998  statif = gen_array_item(nest->nested_if,taskNumber);
4999  }
5000  // Conditional information around the dependencies
5001  if (statif != STACK_NULL) {
5003  nb_cond=0; // to restore alignment
5004  global_margin++;
5005  STACK_MAP_X(sx, statement,
5006  { if (logic_condition_filter(s1,sx,&cond,&lhs,&rhs)) {
5012  add_margin(global_margin,buffer_cond);
5013  //DEBUG - printf("Condition Branch=%s Test=\n", (statement_in_truebranch_p ? "TRUE":"FALSE"),(string)entity_user_name(cond));
5014  string_buffer_append(buffer_cond,
5016  "Condition Branch=",
5017  QUOTE, (statement_in_truebranch_p ? "TRUE":"FALSE"),
5018  QUOTE, BL,
5019  "Test=", QUOTE, NULL));
5020  string_buffer_append_xml_text(buffer_cond,(string)entity_user_name(cond),false);
5021  string_buffer_append(buffer_cond,
5022  concatenate(QUOTE, BL,
5023  "LHS=",QUOTE, expression_to_string(lhs), QUOTE, BL,
5024  "RHS=",QUOTE, expression_to_string(rhs), QUOTE, BL,
5025  "StNumber=",QUOTE,int2a(statement_number(sx)),QUOTE,
5027  // For special character : string_buffer_append_xml_text(buffer_cond,exps,false);
5028  global_margin++;nb_cond++;
5030  { // usefull to add the READ effects on variables referenced into condition
5032  if (!ENDP(l) && !list_undefined_p(l)) {
5034  for (list pc = l; pc != NIL; pc = CDR(pc)) {
5035  effect e = EFFECT(CAR(pc));
5037  action ac = effect_action(e);
5038  entity v = reference_variable(r);
5039  if (store_effect_p(e)
5041  // local effect = read and no written effect in the function
5042  && action_read_p(ac) && vect_coeff(v,vw)==0 &&
5044  vect_add_elem(&vread_in_condition,(Variable)v,statement_number(sx));
5045  }
5046  }
5047  }
5048  }
5050  (void) pop_statement_global_stack();
5051  }
5052  },
5053  statif, 0);
5054  global_margin--;
5055  if (nb_cond>0) new_cond=true;
5056  }
5058  // Scan dependences from Call statement S1 to all Call Statement S2
5059  for ( ps = vertex_successors(v1); !ENDP(ps); ps = CDR(ps) ) {
5060  successor su = SUCCESSOR(CAR(ps));
5061  vertex v2 = successor_vertex(su);
5062  statement s2 = vertex_to_statement( v2 );
5064  list cl = dg_arc_label_conflicts(dal);
5065  int nb_conflicts = gen_length(cl);
5066  vread_func1 = vect_new(TCST,1);
5067  buff_needed_from_func1 = string_buffer_make(true);
5068  new_temp2=false;
5069  empty_buff_needed_from_func1=true;
5070  if(get_bool_property("PRETTYPRINT_MEMORY_EFFECTS_ONLY")) {
5071  FOREACH(CONFLICT, c, cl) {
5072  effect efsrc = conflict_source(c);
5073  if(!store_effect_p(efsrc))
5074  nb_conflicts--;
5075  }
5076  }
5077  if(nb_conflicts==0)
5078  continue;
5079  if ( nb_conflicts > 1 ) { //SORT
5080  gen_array_t conflicts_array = gen_array_make( 20 );
5081  list_to_array( dg_arc_label_conflicts(dal), conflicts_array );
5082  qsort( gen_array_pointer( conflicts_array ),
5083  gen_array_nitems( conflicts_array ),
5084  sizeof(void *),
5086  list conflicts_list = NIL;
5087  GEN_ARRAY_FOREACH(conflict, s, conflicts_array)
5088  conflicts_list = CONS(conflict, s, conflicts_list);
5089  gen_array_free(conflicts_array);
5090  dg_arc_label_conflicts(dal)=conflicts_list;
5091  }
5093  stat_kind1=-1, stat_kind2=-1;
5094  dependencies_filter(s1,&stat_kind1);
5095  dependencies_filter(s2,&stat_kind2);
5096  if ((( 0<=stat_kind1 && stat_kind1 <=1)
5097  && ( 0<=stat_kind2 && stat_kind2 <=1) && !(statement_number(s2) == statement_number(s1)))
5098  || ((stat_kind1==2 || stat_kind1==3) && ( 0<=stat_kind2 && stat_kind2 <=1) )
5099  || ((stat_kind2==2 || stat_kind2==3) && ( 0<=stat_kind1 && stat_kind1 <=1))) {
5100  st_nb1=int2a(statement_number(s1));
5101  st_nb2=int2a(statement_number(s2));
5102  // DEBUG - printf( "\t\tdependence %s - %s between %s and %s \n",stn1,stn2, st_nb1,st_nb2 );
5103  switch(stat_kind1) {
5104  case 1: {
5106  stn1 = strdup(entity_user_name(func1));
5107  break;
5108  }
5109  case 2: {
5110  stn1 = strdup("DeclarationInstruction");
5111  break;
5112  }
5113  case 0: {
5115  syntax sr = expression_syntax(rhs_exp);
5116  if(syntax_call_p(sr)) {
5117  call rhs_call = syntax_call(sr);
5118  func2=call_function(rhs_call);
5119  if ((entity_subroutine_p(func2)|| entity_function_p(func2)))
5120  stn1= (string) entity_local_name(call_function(rhs_call));
5121  else
5122  stn1 = strdup("LocalAssignment");
5123  }
5124  else
5125  stn1 = strdup("LocalAssignment");
5126  break;
5127  }
5128  case 3: {
5129  stn1 = strdup("TestInstruction");
5130  break;
5131  }
5132  default:
5133  break;
5134  }
5135  switch(stat_kind2) {
5136  case 1: {
5138  stn2 = strdup(entity_user_name(func2));
5139  break;
5140  }
5141  case 2: {
5142  stn2 = strdup("DeclarationInstruction");
5143  break;
5144  }
5145  case 0: {
5147  syntax sr = expression_syntax(rhs_exp);
5148  if(syntax_call_p(sr)) {
5149  call rhs_call = syntax_call(sr);
5150  func2=call_function(rhs_call);
5151  if ((entity_subroutine_p(func2)|| entity_function_p(func2)))
5152  stn2= (string) entity_local_name(call_function(rhs_call));
5153  else
5154  stn2 = strdup("LocalAssignment");
5155  }
5156  else
5157  stn2 = strdup("LocalAssignment");
5158  break;
5159  break;
5160  }
5161  case 3: {
5162  stn2 = strdup("TestInstruction");
5163  break;
5164  }
5165  default:
5166  break;
5167  }
5168  // Create the header for dependencies for TASKREF func1
5169  if (!new_temp){
5170  global_margin ++;
5171  add_margin(global_margin,buff_computed_by_func1);
5172  string_buffer_append(buff_computed_by_func1,
5174  (stat_kind1>=0 && stat_kind1<=1)?"TaskRef Name=" :"Instruction Name=",QUOTE,stn1,QUOTE, BL,
5175  "StNumber=",QUOTE,st_nb1,QUOTE,
5177  NULL));
5178  new_temp=true;
5179  empty_buff_computed_by_func1=true;
5180  }
5181  if (!new_temp2){
5182  add_margin(global_margin,buff_needed_from_func1);
5183  string_buffer_append(buff_needed_from_func1,
5185  (stat_kind2>=0 && stat_kind2<=1)?"TaskRef Name=" :"Instruction Name=",QUOTE,stn2,QUOTE, BL,
5186  "StNumber=",QUOTE,st_nb2,QUOTE,
5188  NULL));
5189  new_temp2=true;
5190  empty_buff_needed_from_func1=true;
5191  }
5192  // Scan all dependences from Call statement S1 to Call Statement S2
5193  for ( pc = dg_arc_label_conflicts(dal); !ENDP(pc); pc = CDR(pc) ) {
5194  conflict c = CONFLICT(CAR(pc));
5195  effect efsrc = conflict_source(c);
5196  effect efsrs = conflict_sink(c);
5197  action acc = effect_action(efsrc);
5198  action acs = effect_action(efsrs);
5199  reference rc = effect_any_reference(efsrc);
5200  reference rs = effect_any_reference(efsrs);
5201  entity vc = reference_variable(rc);
5202  entity vs = reference_variable(rs);
5204  // DEBUG-
5205  // if (( 0<=stat_kind1 && stat_kind1 <=3) && ( 0<=stat_kind2 && stat_kind2 <=3))
5206  // printf( "\t\tdependence %s (%s)- %s(%s) for %s - %s \n",stn1,st_nb1,stn2,st_nb2, entity_user_name(vc), entity_user_name(vs) );
5208  if (store_effect_p(efsrc)
5211  && !string_parameter_p(vs) && !string_parameter_p(vc)
5212  // && !variable_heap_p(vc) && !variable_heap_p(vs)
5213  ) {
5215  if (action_write_p(acc) && action_read_p(acs) && vect_coeff(vc,vwritten_func1)==0
5216  ) {
5217  //DEBUG- printf( "\t\t%s COMPUTES %s read by %s(%s)\n",stn1, entity_user_name(vc),stn2,st_nb2 );
5218  global_margin++;
5219  add_margin(global_margin,buff_computed_by_func1);
5220  string_buffer_append(buff_computed_by_func1,
5222  "Computes ",(array_entity_p(vc))?"ArrayName=": "ScalarName=",
5223  QUOTE,NULL));
5224  string_buffer_append_xml_text(buff_computed_by_func1,
5225  (string) ((print_name_1_level_p() || reference_undefined_p(rc))?
5227  false);
5228  string_buffer_append(buff_computed_by_func1,
5229  concatenate(QUOTE, BL,
5230  "ReadBy=",QUOTE,stn2,QUOTE, BL,
5231  "StNumber=",QUOTE,st_nb2,QUOTE,
5232  "/",CLOSEANGLE,NL,
5233  NULL));
5234  global_margin--;
5235  empty_buff_computed_by_func1=false;
5236  vect_add_elem(&vwritten_func1,(Variable)vc,1);
5237  vect_add_elem(&written_cumul,(Variable)vc,1);
5238  }
5239  if (action_write_p(acc) && action_read_p(acs)) {
5240  if (vect_coeff(vc,vread_func1)==0 ) {
5241  //DEBUG- printf( "\t\t%s NEEDS %s DefinedBy by %s (%s)\n",stn2, entity_user_name(vc),stn1, st_nb1);
5243  global_margin++;
5244  add_margin(global_margin,buff_needed_from_func1);
5245  string_buffer_append(buff_needed_from_func1,
5247  "Needs ",(array_entity_p(vc))?"ArrayName=": "ScalarName=",
5248  QUOTE, NULL));
5249  string_buffer_append_xml_text(buff_needed_from_func1,
5250  (string) ((print_name_1_level_p() || reference_undefined_p(rc)) ?
5252  false);
5253  string_buffer_append(buff_needed_from_func1,
5254  concatenate(QUOTE, BL,
5255  "DefinedBy=",QUOTE,stn1,QUOTE,BL,
5256  "StNumber=",QUOTE,st_nb1,QUOTE,
5258  global_margin--;
5259  empty_buff_needed_from_func1=false;
5260  if (!entity_undefined_p(func1))
5261  def_to_task_store(vc, func1);
5262  vect_add_elem(&vread_func1,(Variable)vc,1);
5263  }
5264  }
5266  if (action_write_p(acc) && action_write_p(acs) && !same_string_p(stn1,stn2))
5267  spear_warning(s1,"Check the dependencies before mapping",
5268  "Elements of Array %s written into two different functions %s and %s",
5272  // ADD R-W Dependances
5273  if (action_write_p(acs) && action_read_p(acc)) {
5274  //DEBUG- printf( "\t\t%s COMPUTES %s read by %s(%s)\n",stn1, entity_user_name(vc),stn2,st_nb2 );
5275  global_margin++;
5276  add_margin(global_margin,buff_computed_by_func1);
5277  string_buffer_append(buff_computed_by_func1,
5279  "Reads ",(array_entity_p(vc))?"ArrayName=": "ScalarName=",
5280  QUOTE,NULL));
5281  string_buffer_append_xml_text(buff_computed_by_func1,
5282  (string) ((print_name_1_level_p() || reference_undefined_p(rc))?
5284  false);
5285  string_buffer_append(buff_computed_by_func1,
5286  concatenate(QUOTE, BL,
5287  "WrittenAfterBy=",QUOTE,stn2,QUOTE, BL,
5288  "StNumber=",QUOTE,st_nb2,QUOTE,
5289  "/",CLOSEANGLE,NL,
5290  NULL));
5291  global_margin--;
5292  empty_buff_computed_by_func1=false;
5293  }
5294  }
5295  } // end scanning dependencies
5296  } // end dependency filter
5298  if (new_temp2) {
5299  string_buffer_append_word((stat_kind2>=0 && stat_kind2<=1)?"/TaskRef":"/Instruction",buff_needed_from_func1);
5300  if (!empty_buff_needed_from_func1) {
5301  string_temp =string_buffer_to_string(buff_needed_from_func1);
5302  string_buffer_append(buff_cumul_needed,string_temp);
5303  empty_buff_cumul_needed=false;
5304  string_buffer_free(&buff_needed_from_func1);
5305  }
5306  new_temp2=false;
5307  empty_buff_needed_from_func1=true;
5308  }
5309  } // end scan func2
5311  if (new_temp) {
5312  string_buffer_append_word((stat_kind1>=0 && stat_kind1<=1)?"/TaskRef":"/Instruction",buff_computed_by_func1);
5313  global_margin--;
5314  }
5315  if (new_cond && !new_temp) {
5316  global_margin--;
5317  }
5318  if (!empty_buff_computed_by_func1) {
5319  if (statif != STACK_NULL) {
5320  for (int tp=1;tp<=nb_cond;tp++) {
5321  string_buffer_append_word("/Condition",buff_computed_by_func1);
5322  global_margin--;
5323  }
5324  string_temp =string_buffer_to_string(buffer_cond);
5325  string_buffer_append(sb_result,string_temp);
5326  }
5327  string_temp =string_buffer_to_string(buff_computed_by_func1);
5328  string_buffer_append(sb_result,string_temp);
5330  string_temp=NULL;
5331  new_temp=false;
5332  empty_buff_computed_by_func1=true;
5333  }
5334  else {
5335  string_buffer_free(&buff_computed_by_func1);
5336  // string_buffer_free(&buffer_cond);
5337  }
5339  // Add Read effects on variable written outside the function and Read by the local statement (in local_effects=local regions)
5340  if (taskNumber>=0) {
5341  call c1=call_undefined;
5344  }
5345  else { // The call is encapsulated
5348  c1 =encapsulated_call;
5349  }
5350  if (c1!=call_undefined) {
5351  // pips_internal_error("Unexpected call in statement number %d \n",(int) statement_number(s1));
5353  sc = gen_array_item(nest->nested_call,taskNumber);
5354  indices = gen_array_item(nest->nested_loop_indices,taskNumber);
5355  statif = gen_array_item(nest->nested_if,taskNumber);
5358  func1 = call_function(c1);
5359  const char *temp = (ENTITY_ASSIGN_P(func1))?"LocalAssignment":entity_user_name(func1);
5360  stn1 = strdup(temp);
5361  st_nb1=int2a(statement_number(s1));
5362  for (pc= local_effects;!ENDP(pc); pc = CDR(pc)){
5363  effect e2 = EFFECT(CAR(pc));
5365  action ac2 = effect_action(e2);
5366  entity v2 = reference_variable(r2);
5368  bool b=(t!=(Pcallst) HASH_UNDEFINED_VALUE);
5370  if ( store_effect_p(e2) && action_read_p(ac2)
5372  // variable written outside the function
5373  && (vect_coeff(v2,vwritten_func1)==0 || (vect_coeff(v2,vwritten_func1)!=0 &&b ))
5374  // only if not yet mentioned in the dependencies list or in the local_effects list
5375  && vect_coeff(v2,vread_func1)==0
5377  && vect_coeff(v2,written_cumul)==0 && !(indice_p(indices,v2))
5378  && !string_parameter_p(v2)// && (b && t->stat_nb<statement_number(s1))
5379  ) {
5381  // Conditional information around the dependencies
5382  string_temp =string_buffer_to_string(buffer_cond);
5383  string_buffer_append(sb_result,string_temp);
5386  global_margin++;
5387  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
5388  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
5390  "TaskRef Name=",QUOTE, stn1,QUOTE, BL,
5391  "StNumber=",QUOTE,st_nb1,QUOTE,
5393  NULL));
5394  global_margin++;
5395  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
5396  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
5398  "Needs ",(array_entity_p(v2))?"ArrayName=": "ScalarName=",
5399  QUOTE, NULL));
5401  (string) ((print_name_1_level_p() || reference_undefined_p(r2))?
5403  false);
5404  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
5405  concatenate(QUOTE, BL,
5406  "DefinedBy=",QUOTE,
5407  //(b && t->stat_nb<statement_number(s1))?
5408  // - v2 has been updated into a non-call instruction or into a call nested into other instructions.
5409  // - v2 has been updated IN_PLACE
5410  // - v2 has been updated into a callee
5411  // ((t->stat_nb<statement_number(s1)) ? entity_user_name(t->func):"IN_PLACE"):
5412  //((t->stat_nb==statement_number(s1)) ?"IN_PLACE":
5413  //(!(entity_undefined_p(t->func)) ? entity_user_name(t->func) : "NestedCall")
5414  //)
5415  //:
5417  "StNumber=",QUOTE,(b)?int2a(t->stat_nb):int2a(0),QUOTE,
5420  vect_add_elem(&vread_func1,(Variable)v2,1);
5421  global_margin--;
5422  string_buffer_append_word("/TaskRef",sb_result);
5423  global_margin--;
5425  if (statif != STACK_NULL) {
5426  for (int tp=1;tp<=nb_cond;tp++) {
5427  string_buffer_append_word("/Condition",sb_result);
5428  global_margin--;
5429  }
5430  }
5431  }
5432  }
5433  }
5434  {//begin
5435  vect_chg_coeff(&vread_in_condition, TCST,0);
5436  for (Pvecteur pv= vread_in_condition;!VECTEUR_UNDEFINED_P(pv); pv = pv->succ){
5437  entity ent = (entity)pv->var;
5438  global_margin++;
5439  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
5440  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
5442  "Instruction Name=",QUOTE, "TestInstruction",QUOTE, BL,
5443  "StNumber=",QUOTE,int2a(pv->val),QUOTE,
5445  NULL));
5446  global_margin++;
5447  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
5448  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
5450  "Needs ","ScalarName=",
5451  QUOTE, NULL));
5453  (string) entity_user_name(ent),
5454  false);
5455  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
5456  concatenate(QUOTE, BL,
5457  "DefinedBy=",QUOTE,
5459  //BL, "StNumber=",QUOTE,int2a(0),QUOTE,
5462  global_margin--;
5463  string_buffer_append_word("/Instruction",sb_result);
5464  global_margin--;
5467  }
5468  }//end
5469  vect_rm(vread_func1);
5470  vect_rm(vwritten_func1);
5471  vect_rm(vread_in_condition);
5472  string_buffer_free(&buffer_cond);
5473  }
5474  } // end toutes les func1
5475  if (!empty_buff_cumul_needed) {
5476  string_temp =string_buffer_to_string(buff_cumul_needed);
5477  string_buffer_append(sb_result,string_temp);
5478  string_buffer_free(&buff_cumul_needed);
5479  }
5480  // ADD Write effects on variables that are not used in the function
5481  //printf("ADD Write effects on variables that are not used in the function\n");
5483  for (pc= cumulated_effects_list;pc != NIL; pc = CDR(pc)){
5484  effect e = EFFECT(CAR(pc));
5486  action ac = effect_action(e);
5487  entity v = reference_variable(r);
5488  if ( store_effect_p(e)
5490  &&!action_read_p(ac) && vect_coeff(v,vw) // Write effects in the cumulated effects list
5492  && vect_coeff(v,written_cumul)==0) {
5493  Pcallst ct2,ct1=hash_get(hash_entity_def_into_tasks,(char *) v);
5494  for(ct2=ct1;ct2 !=(Pcallst) HASH_UNDEFINED_VALUE && ct2 !=(Pcallst) NULL; ct2=ct2->succ)
5495  {
5496  print_reference(r);
5497  string temp =strdup(int2a(ct2->stat_nb));
5499  {
5500  taskNumber=-1;
5501  statif = STACK_NULL;
5502  for (int callnumber = 0; callnumber<(int)gen_array_nitems(nest->nested_call); callnumber++) {
5503  statement s3 = gen_array_item(nest->nested_call,callnumber);
5504  if (statement_number(s3) == ct2->stat_nb)
5505  taskNumber=callnumber;
5506  }
5507  if (taskNumber>=0) {
5508  sc = gen_array_item(nest->nested_call,taskNumber);
5509  statif = gen_array_item(nest->nested_if,taskNumber);
5510  }
5511  // Conditional information around the dependencies
5512  if (statif != STACK_NULL) {
5514  nb_cond=0; // to restore alignment
5515  global_margin++;
5516  STACK_MAP_X(sx, statement,
5517  { if (logic_condition_filter(sc,sx,&cond,&lhs,&rhs)) {
5523  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
5524  //DEBUG - printf("Condition Branch=%s Test=\n", (statement_in_truebranch_p ? "TRUE":"FALSE"),(string)entity_user_name(cond));
5525  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
5527  "Condition Branch=",
5528  QUOTE, (statement_in_truebranch_p ? "TRUE":"FALSE"),
5529  QUOTE, BL,
5530  "Test=", QUOTE, NULL));
5531  string_buffer_append_xml_text(sb_result,(string)entity_user_name(cond),false);
5532  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
5533  concatenate(QUOTE, BL, "LHS=",QUOTE, NULL));
5534  string_buffer_append_xml_text(sb_result,expression_to_string(lhs), false);
5535  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
5536  concatenate(QUOTE, BL, "RHS=",QUOTE, NULL));
5537  string_buffer_append_xml_text(sb_result,expression_to_string(rhs), false);
5538  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
5539  concatenate(QUOTE, BL,
5540  "StNumber=",QUOTE,int2a(statement_number(sx)),QUOTE,
5542  // For special character : string_buffer_append_xml_text(buffer_cond,exps,false);
5543  global_margin++;nb_cond++;
5544  (void) pop_statement_global_stack();
5545  }
5546  },
5547  statif, 0);
5548  global_margin--;
5549  if (nb_cond>0) new_cond=true;
5550  }
5552  {
5553  global_margin++;
5554  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
5555  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
5556  concatenate(OPENANGLE,"TaskRef Name=",QUOTE,
5557  (!entity_undefined_p(ct2->func)) ?
5558  (ENTITY_ASSIGN_P(ct2->func)?"LocalAssignment":entity_user_name(ct2->func)):
5559  // Variable assigned in an instruction that is not a Call; in a loop, a nested call,...
5560  "NestedCall", QUOTE,
5561  BL,"StNumber=",QUOTE,temp,QUOTE,
5563  NULL));
5564  global_margin++;
5565  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
5566  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
5568  "Computes ",(array_entity_p(v))?"ArrayName=": "ScalarName=",
5569  QUOTE,NULL));
5571  (string) ((print_name_1_level_p() || reference_undefined_p(r))?
5573  false);
5574  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
5575  concatenate(QUOTE,"/", CLOSEANGLE,NL, NULL));
5576  vect_add_elem(&written_cumul,(Variable)v,1);
5577  global_margin--;
5578  string_buffer_append_word("/TaskRef",sb_result);
5579  global_margin--;
5580  }
5581  if (statif != STACK_NULL) {
5582  for (int tp=1;tp<=nb_cond;tp++) {
5583  string_buffer_append_word("/Condition",sb_result);
5584  global_margin--;
5585  }
5586  }
5587  }
5588  }
5589  }
5590  }
5591  global_margin--;
5592  string_buffer_append_word("/BoxGraph",sb_result);
5593  vect_rm(written_cumul);
5594  vect_rm(vr);
5595  vect_rm(vw);
5596 }
void list_to_array(list l, gen_array_t a)
Definition: args.c:38
void ** gen_array_pointer(const gen_array_t a)
Definition: array.c:125
struct _newgen_struct_dg_arc_label_ * dg_arc_label
Definition: dg.h:60
#define conflict_sink(x)
Definition: dg.h:167
#define CONFLICT(x)
Definition: dg.h:134
#define dg_arc_label_conflicts(x)
Definition: dg.h:201
#define conflict_source(x)
Definition: dg.h:165
bool get_bool_property(const string)
FC 2015-07-20: yuk, moved out to prevent an include cycle dependency include "properties....
#define successor_vertex(x)
Definition: graph.h:118
#define successor_arc_label(x)
Definition: graph.h:116
#define vertex_successors(x)
Definition: graph.h:154
#define SUCCESSOR(x)
Definition: graph.h:86
#define graph_vertices(x)
Definition: graph.h:82
#define VERTEX(x)
Definition: graph.h:122
void gen_sort_list(list l, gen_cmp_func_t compare)
Sorts a list of gen_chunks in place, to avoid allocations...
Definition: list.c:796
statement vertex_to_statement(vertex v)
Vertex_to_statement looks for the statement that is pointed to by vertex v.
Definition: util.c:45
static statement mod_stat
We want to keep track of the current statement inside the recurse.
Definition: impact_check.c:41
#define GEN_ARRAY_FOREACH(type, s, array)
Definition: newgen_array.h:50
int(* gen_cmp_func_t)(const void *, const void *)
Definition: newgen_types.h:114
void print_ordering_to_statement(void)
Dump the ordering with the corresponding statement address.
Definition: ordering.c:71
void print_reference(reference r)
Definition: expression.c:142
bool variable_heap_p(entity)
Definition: variable.c:1600
#define reference_undefined_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:2303
int vertex_sort_callback(const vertex *, const vertex *)
This is a callback for qsort function, it compares two vertex.
Definition: util.c:105
int successor_sort_callback(const successor *, const successor *)
This is a callback for qsort function, it compares two successor.
Definition: util.c:116
int conflicts_sort_callback(conflict *, conflict *)
This is a callback for qsort function, it compares two conflicts.
Definition: util.c:126
#define ifdebug(n)
Definition: sg.c:47
Pvecteur vect_new(Variable var, Value coeff)
Pvecteur vect_new(Variable var,Value coeff): allocation d'un vecteur colineaire au vecteur de base va...
Definition: alloc.c:110
static void def_to_task_store(entity var, entity fun)
static bool string_parameter_p(entity e)
static bool print_name_1_level_p()
static void dependencies_filter(statement s1, int *k1)
static bool indice_p(stack indices, entity v)
static void cumul_and_update_effects_of_statement(statement s)
static void vars_read_and_written(list effects_list, Pvecteur *vr, Pvecteur *vw)
UNUSED static void array_vars_read_or_written(list effects_list, Pvecteur *vl) { Pvecteur vin=VECTEUR...

References action_read_p, action_write_p, add_margin(), array_entity_p(), BL, call_arguments, call_domain, call_function, call_undefined, CAR, CDR, CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), CONFLICT, conflict_sink, conflict_source, conflicts_sort_callback(), CONS, cumul_and_update_effects_of_statement(), cumulated_list, def_to_task_store(), dependencies_filter(), dg_arc_label_conflicts, EFFECT, effect_action, effect_any_reference, effects_package_entity_p(), encapsulated_call, ENDP, ENTITY_ASSIGN_P, entity_function_p(), entity_local_name(), entity_static_variable_p(), entity_subroutine_p(), entity_undefined, entity_undefined_p, entity_user_name(), EXPRESSION, expression_syntax, expression_to_string(), FOREACH, callst::func, GEN_ARRAY_FOREACH, gen_array_free(), gen_array_item(), gen_array_make(), gen_array_nitems(), gen_array_pointer(), gen_length(), gen_recurse, gen_sort_list(), gen_true(), get_bool_property(), global_margin, graph_vertices, hash_entity_def_into_tasks, hash_get(), HASH_UNDEFINED_VALUE, ifdebug, indice_p(), indices, instruction_call, instruction_call_p, instruction_test, int, int2a(), list_to_array(), list_undefined_p, load_proper_rw_effects_list(), load_statement_local_regions(), logic_condition_filter(), mod_stat, module, nest_context_t::nested_call, nest_context_t::nested_if, nest_context_t::nested_loop_indices, NIL, NL, OPENANGLE, pop_statement_global_stack(), print_name_1_level_p(), print_ordering_to_statement(), print_reference(), push_statement_on_statement_global_stack(), QUOTE, reference_undefined_p, reference_variable, region_undefined, regions_dup(), s1, same_string_p, search_1r_function_call(), spear_warning, STACK_MAP_X, STACK_NULL, callst::stat_nb, statement_domain, statement_in_truebranch(), statement_in_truebranch_p, statement_instruction, statement_number, statement_undefined_p, std_file_entity_p(), store_effect_p(), strdup(), string_buffer_append(), string_buffer_append_word(), string_buffer_append_xml_text(), string_buffer_free(), string_buffer_make(), string_buffer_to_string(), string_parameter_p(), callst::succ, SUCCESSOR, successor_arc_label, successor_sort_callback(), successor_vertex, syntax_call, syntax_call_p, TCST, test_statement_of_reference, test_true, top_level_entity_p(), variable_heap_p(), vars_read_and_written(), vect_add_elem(), vect_chg_coeff(), vect_coeff(), vect_new(), vect_rm(), VECTEUR_UNDEFINED, VECTEUR_UNDEFINED_P, VERTEX, vertex_sort_callback(), vertex_successors, vertex_to_statement(), and words_points_to_reference().

Referenced by xml_Chains().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Chains()

static void xml_Chains ( entity  module,
const char *  mod_name,
statement  mod_stat,
nest_context_p  nest,
string_buffer  sb_result 

Definition at line 5598 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

5599 {
5601  dg = (graph) db_get_memory_resource(DBR_DG, mod_name, true);
5602  xml_Chain_Graph(module,mod_stat,dg,nest,sb_result);
5603  // reset_current_module_statement();
5604  // reset_current_module_entity();
5606 }
static graph dg
dg is the dependency graph ; FIXME : should not be static global ?
Definition: chains.c:124
struct _newgen_struct_graph_ * graph
Definition: graph.h:31
hash_table set_ordering_to_statement(statement s)
To be used instead of initialize_ordering_to_statement() to make sure that the hash table ots is in s...
Definition: ordering.c:172
void reset_ordering_to_statement(void)
Reset the mapping from ordering to statement.
Definition: ordering.c:185
static void xml_Chain_Graph(entity module, statement mod_stat, graph mod_graph, nest_context_p nest, string_buffer sb_result)

References db_get_memory_resource(), dg, mod_stat, module, reset_ordering_to_statement(), set_ordering_to_statement(), and xml_Chain_Graph().

Referenced by xml_Boxes().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_code()

static string xml_code ( entity  module,
statement  stat 

Creates string for xml pretty printer.

This string divides in declarations (array decl.) and tasks which are loopnests with an instruction at the core.

ifdebug(2) { printf("%s", result2); }

Definition at line 1860 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1861 {
1862  string_buffer result=string_buffer_make(true);
1863  string result2;
1866  xml_declarations(module,result);
1867  xml_tasks(stat,result);
1869  string_buffer_append(result,concatenate(OPENANGLE, SLASH, "module", CLOSEANGLE, NL, NULL ));
1870  result2=string_buffer_to_string(result);
1871  /* ifdebug(2)
1872  {
1873  printf("%s", result2);
1874  } */
1875  return result2;
1876 }
static void xml_declarations(entity module, string_buffer result)
static void xml_tasks(statement stat, string_buffer result)

References CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), get_current_module_name(), module, NL, OPENANGLE, QUOTE, SLASH, string_buffer_append(), string_buffer_make(), string_buffer_to_string(), xml_declarations(), and xml_tasks().

Referenced by print_xml_code().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_code_string()

static string xml_code_string ( entity  module,
statement  stat 

Creates string for xml pretty printer.

This string divides in declarations (array decl.) and tasks which are loopnest with an instruction at the core.

Definition at line 1135 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1136 {
1137  string decls="", tasks="", result="";
1139  ifdebug(2)
1140  {
1141  printf("Module statement: \n");
1142  print_statement(stat);
1143  printf("and declarations: \n");
1145  }
1148  tasks = xml_tasks_with_motif(stat);
1149  result = strdup(concatenate(decls, NL, tasks, NL, NULL));
1150  ifdebug(2)
1151  {
1152  printf("%s", result);
1153  }
1154  return result;
1155 }
void print_statement(statement)
Print a statement on stderr.
Definition: statement.c:98
void print_entities(list l)
Definition: entity.c:167
static bool variable_p(entity e)
static string xml_declarations_with_explicit_motif(entity module, bool(*consider_this_entity)(entity), string separator, bool lastsep)
static string xml_tasks_with_motif(statement stat)
Manages tasks.

References concatenate(), ifdebug, module, NL, print_entities(), print_statement(), printf(), statement_declarations, strdup(), variable_p(), xml_declarations_with_explicit_motif(), and xml_tasks_with_motif().

Referenced by print_xml_code_with_explicit_motif().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_CodeSize()

static void xml_CodeSize ( string_buffer  sb_result)

Definition at line 2071 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

2072 {
2073  string_buffer_append_word("CodeSize",sb_result);
2074  string_buffer_append_word("/CodeSize",sb_result);
2075 }

References string_buffer_append_word().

Referenced by xml_Task().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Compute_and_Need()

static void xml_Compute_and_Need ( entity  func,
list  effects_list,
Pvecteur  vargs,
string_buffer  sb_result 

Definition at line 5850 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

5852 {
5853  string_buffer buffer_needs = string_buffer_make(true);
5854  string string_needs = "";
5855  Pvecteur vr = VECTEUR_NUL,vw = VECTEUR_NUL;
5856  list pc;
5857  Pvecteur va2 = vect_dup(vargs);
5859  vars_read_and_written(effects_list,&vr,&vw);
5861  for (pc= effects_list;pc != NIL; pc = CDR(pc)){
5862  effect e = EFFECT(CAR(pc));
5864  action ac = effect_action(e);
5865  entity v = reference_variable(r);
5866  // get last function which modified v, if any...
5867  entity t = def_to_task_get(v);
5868  if ( store_effect_p(e)
5870  // To avoid the multiple references to the same user array (Array of struct, Read-Written arrays, ..)
5871  && action_read_p(ac) && vect_coeff(v,vr) && ((vect_coeff(v,vw) && (t != NULL)) || !vect_coeff(v,vw) )
5872  // to avoid private variables
5874  && !string_parameter_p(v)) {
5875  vect_chg_coeff(&vr,v,0);
5876  global_margin++;
5877  add_margin(global_margin,buffer_needs);
5878  string_buffer_append(buffer_needs,
5880  "Needs ",(array_entity_p(v))?"ArrayName=": "ScalarName=",
5881  QUOTE,NULL));
5882  string_buffer_append_xml_text(buffer_needs,(string) entity_user_name(v),false);
5883  string_buffer_append(buffer_needs,
5884  concatenate(QUOTE, BL,
5885  "DefinedBy=",QUOTE,
5886  (t != NULL) ? entity_local_name(t): "IN_VALUE",QUOTE,"/",
5888  global_margin--;
5889  }
5890  }
5891  for (pc= effects_list;pc != NIL; pc = CDR(pc)){
5892  effect e = EFFECT(CAR(pc));
5894  action ac = effect_action(e);
5895  entity v = reference_variable(r);
5897  // to avoid private variables and the multiple references to the same user array (Array of struct, ..)
5898  &&!action_read_p(ac) && vect_coeff(v,vw)
5899  && !(entity_static_variable_p(v) && !top_level_entity_p(v))) {
5900  vect_chg_coeff(&vw,v,0);
5901  global_margin++;
5902  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
5903  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
5905  "Computes ",(array_entity_p(v))?"ArrayName=": "ScalarName=",
5906  QUOTE,NULL));
5907  string_buffer_append_xml_text(sb_result,(string) entity_user_name(v),false);
5908  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
5909  concatenate(QUOTE,"/", CLOSEANGLE,NL,NULL));
5910  def_to_task_store(v, func);
5911  global_margin--;
5912  }
5913  }
5915  vect_rm(va2);
5916  string_needs =string_buffer_to_string(buffer_needs);
5917  string_buffer_append(sb_result,string_needs);
5918  free(string_needs);
5919  string_needs=NULL;
5920 }
static entity def_to_task_get(entity var)

References action_read_p, add_margin(), array_entity_p(), BL, CAR, CDR, CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), def_to_task_get(), def_to_task_store(), EFFECT, effect_action, effect_any_reference, effects_package_entity_p(), entity_local_name(), entity_static_variable_p(), entity_user_name(), free(), global_margin, NIL, NL, OPENANGLE, QUOTE, reference_variable, std_file_entity_p(), store_effect_p(), string_buffer_append(), string_buffer_append_xml_text(), string_buffer_make(), string_buffer_to_string(), string_parameter_p(), top_level_entity_p(), variable_heap_p(), vars_read_and_written(), vect_chg_coeff(), vect_coeff(), vect_dup(), vect_rm(), and VECTEUR_NUL.

Referenced by xml_Application().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Connection()

static void xml_Connection ( list  ActualArrayInd,
int  ActualArrayDim,
int  FormalArrayDim,
string_buffer  sb_result 

Definition at line 4432 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

4433 {
4434  Pmatrix mat;
4435  int i,j;
4436  Pvecteur pv;
4437  string_buffer_append_word("Connection",sb_result);
4438  mat = matrix_new(ActualArrayDim,FormalArrayDim);
4439  matrix_init(mat,ActualArrayDim,FormalArrayDim);
4440  if (fortran_appli) {
4441  for (i=1;i<=ActualArrayDim && i<= FormalArrayDim;i++)
4442  MATRIX_ELEM(mat,i,i)=1;
4443  }
4444  else
4445  for (i=ActualArrayDim, j=FormalArrayDim;i>=1 && j>=1;i=i-1,j=j-1)
4446  MATRIX_ELEM(mat,i,j)=1;
4447  // Normalise les expressions lors du premier parcours
4448  // Utile aussi a xml_LoopOffset
4449  MAP(EXPRESSION, e , {
4453  pv = pv;
4454  },
4455  ActualArrayInd);
4457  xml_Matrix(mat,ActualArrayDim,FormalArrayDim,sb_result);
4458  string_buffer_append_word("/Connection",sb_result);
4459 }
Pmatrix matrix_new(int m, int n)
package matrix
Definition: alloc.c:41
normalized NormalizeExpression(expression e)
Definition: normalize.c:81
#define normalized_undefined
Definition: ri.h:1745
#define expression_normalized(x)
Definition: ri.h:1249
#define normalized_linear(x)
Definition: ri.h:1781
package matrice
Definition: matrix-local.h:63
struct Svecteur * Pvecteur
static void xml_Matrix(Pmatrix mat, int n, int m, string_buffer sb_result)
static void matrix_init(Pmatrix mat, int n, int m)

References EXPRESSION, expression_normalized, fortran_appli, MAP, MATRIX_ELEM, matrix_init(), matrix_new(), normalized_linear, normalized_undefined, NormalizeExpression(), string_buffer_append_word(), and xml_Matrix().

Referenced by xml_Argument(), and xml_AssignArgument().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_ConstOffset()

static void xml_ConstOffset ( list  ActualArrayInd,
int  ActualArrayDim,
string_buffer  sb_result 

Definition at line 4486 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

4487 {
4488  Pmatrix mat;
4489  Pvecteur pv;
4490  int i=1;
4491  string_buffer_append_word("ConstOffset",sb_result);
4492  mat = matrix_new(ActualArrayDim,1);
4493  matrix_init(mat,ActualArrayDim,1);
4494  MAP(EXPRESSION, e , {
4498  MATRIX_ELEM(mat,i,1)=vect_coeff(TCST,pv);
4499  i++;
4500  },
4501  ActualArrayInd);
4503  xml_Matrix(mat,ActualArrayDim,1,sb_result);
4504  string_buffer_append_word("/ConstOffset",sb_result);
4505 }

References EXPRESSION, expression_normalized, MAP, MATRIX_ELEM, matrix_init(), matrix_new(), normalized_linear, normalized_undefined, NormalizeExpression(), string_buffer_append_word(), TCST, vect_coeff(), and xml_Matrix().

Referenced by xml_Argument(), and xml_AssignArgument().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_data()

static void xml_data ( int  taskNumber,
statement  s,
stack  indices,
string_buffer  result 

Definition at line 1760 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1761 {
1764  string_buffer_append(result,concatenate(TAB,SPACE, OPENANGLE, "dataList", CLOSEANGLE, NL,NULL));
1765  /*
1766  ifdebug(2) {
1767  fprintf(stderr, "\n list of regions ");
1768  print_regions(l_regions);
1769  fprintf(stderr, "\n for the statement");
1770  print_statement(s);
1771  }
1772  */
1773  xml_references(taskNumber, l_regions, indices, result);
1774  string_buffer_append(result,concatenate(TAB,SPACE,OPENANGLE, SLASH, "dataList", CLOSEANGLE,NL,NULL));
1775  regions_free(l_regions);
1776 }
void regions_free(list)
#define SPACE
static void xml_references(int taskNumber, list l_regions, stack indices, string_buffer result)

References CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), indices, load_statement_local_regions(), NL, OPENANGLE, regions_dup(), regions_free(), SLASH, SPACE, string_buffer_append(), TAB, and xml_references().

Referenced by xml_task().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_declarations()

static void xml_declarations ( entity  module,
string_buffer  result 

Definition at line 1227 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1228 {
1229  list dim;
1231  list ld;
1233  entity var = entity_undefined;
1234  for(ld = ldecl; !ENDP(ld); ld = CDR(ld)){
1236  //printf("inside for");
1237  var = ENTITY(CAR(ld));
1238  //printf("Entity Name in the List : %s ",entity_name(var));
1240  if (variable_p(var) && ( variable_entity_dimension(var) > 0))
1241  {
1242  // int nb_dim = variable_entity_dimension(var);
1243  //printf("inside p, %d",nb_dim);
1245  string_buffer_append(result,
1247  " dataType = ", QUOTE,
1249  , XML_RL, NULL));
1250  string_buffer_append(result,
1251  concatenate(OPENANGLE,"dimensions",CLOSEANGLE
1252  , XML_RL,NULL));
1254  for (dim = variable_dimensions(type_variable(entity_type(var))); !ENDP(dim); dim = CDR(dim)) {
1256  intptr_t low;
1257  intptr_t up;
1258  expression elow = dimension_lower(DIMENSION(CAR(dim)));
1259  expression eup = dimension_upper(DIMENSION(CAR(dim)));
1260  if (expression_integer_value(elow, &low) && expression_integer_value(eup, &up)){
1261  string_buffer_append(result,
1262  concatenate( TAB,OPENANGLE, "range min =", QUOTE, int2a(low), QUOTE, NULL));
1263  string_buffer_append(result,
1264  concatenate(" max =", QUOTE, int2a(up-low+1),QUOTE, SLASH, CLOSEANGLE, XML_RL, NULL));
1265  }
1266  else pips_user_error("Array dimensions must be integer\n");
1268  }
1270  string_buffer_append(result,
1271  concatenate(OPENANGLE, SLASH, "dimensions", CLOSEANGLE,NL ,NULL));
1272  string_buffer_append(result,
1273  concatenate(TAB, OPENANGLE, SLASH, "array", CLOSEANGLE, NL, NULL));
1275  }
1276  }
1277 }
#define code_declarations(x)
Definition: ri.h:784
#define value_code(x)
Definition: ri.h:3067
#define XML_RL

References CAR, CDR, CLOSEANGLE, code_declarations, concatenate(), DIMENSION, dimension_lower, dimension_upper, ENDP, ENTITY, entity_initial, entity_type, entity_undefined, entity_user_name(), expression_integer_value(), int2a(), intptr_t, module, NL, OPENANGLE, pips_user_error, QUOTE, SLASH, string_buffer_append(), TAB, type_variable, value_code, variable_dimensions, variable_entity_dimension(), variable_p(), XML_ARRAY_PREFIX, and XML_RL.

Referenced by xml_code().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_declarations_with_explicit_motif()

static string xml_declarations_with_explicit_motif ( entity  module,
bool(*)(entity consider_this_entity,
string  separator,
bool  lastsep 

Definition at line 407 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

411 {
412  string result = strdup("");
413  code c;
414  bool first = true;
416  pips_assert("it is a code", value_code_p(entity_initial(module)));
419  MAP(ENTITY, var,
420  {
421  debug(2, "\n Prettyprinter declaration for variable :",xml_entity_local_name(var));
422  if (consider_this_entity(var))
423  {
424  string old = strdup(result);
425  string svar = strdup(this_entity_xmldeclaration(var));
426  result = strdup(concatenate(old, !first && !lastsep? separator: "",
427  svar, lastsep? separator: "", NULL));
428  free(old);
429  free(svar);
430  first = false;
431  }
432  },code_declarations(c));
433  return result;
434 }
void debug(const int the_expected_debug_level, const char *calling_function_name, const char *a_message_format,...)
Definition: debug.c:189
#define value_code_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:3065
static string this_entity_xmldeclaration(entity var)

References code_declarations, concatenate(), debug(), ENTITY, entity_initial, free(), MAP, module, pips_assert, strdup(), this_entity_xmldeclaration(), value_code, value_code_p, and xml_entity_local_name().

Referenced by xml_code_string().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_dim_string()

static string xml_dim_string ( list  ldim,
string  name 

Definition at line 311 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

312 {
313  string result = "";
314  int nbdim = 0;
315  string origins = "origins = list<integer>(";
316  string dimensions = "dimSizes = list<integer>(";
317  string deuxpoints = " :: ";
318  string data_array = "DATA_ARRAY(";
319  string data_decl = "name = symbol!(";
320  string dimstring = "dim = ";
321  string datatype = "dataType = INTEGER)";
322  string name4p = name;
323  string * namep = malloc(sizeof(string));
324  int * nbdimptr = malloc(sizeof(int));
325  *namep = name4p;
326  if (ldim)
327  {
328  result = strdup(concatenate(name, deuxpoints, data_array, data_decl, QUOTE, name, QUOTE, CLOSEPAREN, COMMA, NL, NULL));
329  result = strdup(concatenate(result, TAB, dimstring, NULL));
330  MAP(DIMENSION, dim, {
331  expression elow = dimension_lower(dim);
332  expression eup = dimension_upper(dim);
334  intptr_t low;
335  intptr_t up;
336  nbdim++;
337  if (expression_integer_value(elow, &low)){
338  if(nbdim != 1)
339  origins = strdup(concatenate(origins, COMMA ,int2a(low), NULL));
340  else
341  origins = strdup(concatenate(origins, int2a(low), NULL));
342  }
343  else pips_user_error("Array origins must be integer\n");
345  if (expression_integer_value(eup, &up)){
346  if(nbdim != 1)
347  dimensions = strdup(concatenate(dimensions, COMMA ,int2a(up-low+1), NULL));
348  else
349  dimensions = strdup(concatenate(dimensions, int2a(up-low+1), NULL));
350  }
351  else pips_user_error("Array dimensions must be integer\n");
352  }, ldim);
353  *nbdimptr = nbdim;
354  gen_array_append(array_dims, nbdimptr);
356  result = strdup(concatenate(result, int2a(nbdim), COMMA, NL, NULL));
357  result = strdup(concatenate(result, TAB, origins, CLOSEPAREN, COMMA, NL, NULL));
358  result = strdup(concatenate(result, TAB, dimensions, CLOSEPAREN, COMMA, NL, NULL));
359  result = strdup(concatenate(result, TAB, datatype, NL, NL, NULL));
360  }
361  return result;
362 }
#define COMMA

References array_dims, array_names, CLOSEPAREN, COMMA, concatenate(), DIMENSION, dimension_lower, dimension_upper, expression_integer_value(), gen_array_append(), int2a(), intptr_t, malloc(), MAP, NL, pips_user_error, QUOTE, strdup(), and TAB.

Referenced by this_entity_xmldeclaration().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_entity_local_name()

static string xml_entity_local_name ( entity  var)

Delete all the prefixes

switch to upper cases...

Definition at line 196 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

197 {
198  const char* name;
201  var != get_current_module_entity() &&
204  name = RESULT_NAME;
205  else
206  {
207  name = entity_local_name(var);
209  /* Delete all the prefixes */
211  if (strstr(name,STRUCT_PREFIX) != NULL)
212  name = strstr(name,STRUCT_PREFIX) + 1;
213  if (strstr(name,UNION_PREFIX) != NULL)
214  name = strstr(name,UNION_PREFIX) + 1;
215  if (strstr(name,ENUM_PREFIX) != NULL)
216  name = strstr(name,ENUM_PREFIX) + 1;
217  if (strstr(name,TYPEDEF_PREFIX) != NULL)
218  name = strstr(name,TYPEDEF_PREFIX) + 1;
219  if (strstr(name,MEMBER_SEP_STRING) != NULL)
220  name = strstr(name,MEMBER_SEP_STRING) + 1;
221  }
223  /* switch to upper cases... */
224  char *rname=strupper(strdup(name),name);
225  return rname;
226 }
Definition: naming-local.h:58
Definition: naming-local.h:60
Definition: naming-local.h:53
Definition: naming-local.h:56
string strupper(string, const char *)
Definition: string.c:213
#define current_module_is_a_function()

References current_module_is_a_function, entity_local_name(), ENUM_PREFIX, get_current_module_entity(), MEMBER_SEP_STRING, RESULT_NAME, same_string_p, strdup(), STRUCT_PREFIX, strupper(), TYPEDEF_PREFIX, and UNION_PREFIX.

Referenced by xml_array_in_task(), xml_call_from_assignation(), xml_call_from_indice(), xml_call_from_loopnest(), xml_declarations_with_explicit_motif(), xml_loop_from_loop(), xml_loop_from_sequence(), and xml_reference_with_explicit_motif().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_expression()

static string xml_expression ( expression  e)

forward declaration

Definition at line 262 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

263 {
264  string result = string_undefined;
265  syntax s = expression_syntax(e);
267  switch (syntax_tag(s))
268  {
269  case is_syntax_reference:
271  break;
272  case is_syntax_call: {
273  value ev = EvalExpression(e);
274  constant ec = value_constant(ev);
275  int eiv = 0;
277  if(!value_constant_p(ev)) {
278  pips_user_error("Constant expected for XML loop bounds.\n");
279  }
280  if(!constant_int_p(ec)) {
281  pips_user_error("Integer constant expected for XML loop bounds.\n");
282  }
283  eiv = constant_int(ec);
284  result = strdup(i2a(eiv));
285  break;
286  }
287  default:
288  pips_internal_error("unexpected syntax tag");
289  }
290  return result;
291 }
#define string_undefined
Definition: newgen_types.h:40
#define value_constant(x)
Definition: ri.h:3073
#define constant_int(x)
Definition: ri.h:850
#define constant_int_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:848
static string xml_reference_with_explicit_motif(reference r)
Attention with Fortran: the indices are reversed.

References constant_int, constant_int_p, EvalExpression(), expression_syntax, i2a(), is_syntax_call, is_syntax_reference, pips_internal_error, pips_user_error, strdup(), string_undefined, syntax_reference, syntax_tag, value_constant, value_constant_p, and xml_reference_with_explicit_motif().

Referenced by xml_loop_from_loop(), xml_loop_from_sequence(), and xml_reference_with_explicit_motif().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_FormalVariables()

static void xml_FormalVariables ( entity  module,
transformer  t,
Psysteme  prec,
string_buffer  sb_result 

Definition at line 3934 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

3935 {
3936  // gen_length(functional_results(type_functional(entity_type(module))))
3937  int FormalParameterNumber = (int) gen_length(module_formal_parameters(module));
3938  entity FormalArrayName = entity_undefined;
3939  int ith ;
3940  if(FormalParameterNumber >=1) {
3941  string_buffer_append_word("FormalVariables",sb_result);
3942  global_margin++;
3944  for (ith=1;ith<=FormalParameterNumber;ith++) {
3945  FormalArrayName = find_ith_formal_parameter(module,ith);
3946  if (type_variable_p(entity_type(FormalArrayName))
3947  && (storage_formal_p(entity_storage(FormalArrayName)))) {
3948  if (variable_entity_dimension(FormalArrayName)>0)
3949  xml_Array(FormalArrayName,t, prec, true, sb_result);
3950  else xml_Scalar(FormalArrayName,prec,sb_result);
3951  }
3952  }
3953  global_margin--;
3954  string_buffer_append_word("/FormalVariables",sb_result);
3955  }
3956  else string_buffer_append_word("FormalVariables/",sb_result);
3957 }
list module_formal_parameters(entity func)
list module_formal_parameters(entity func) input : an entity representing a function.
Definition: module.c:327
#define storage_formal_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:2522
static void xml_Scalar(entity var, _UNUSED_ Psysteme prec, string_buffer sb_result)
static void xml_Array(entity var, transformer t, Psysteme prec, bool formal_p, string_buffer sb_result)

References entity_storage, entity_type, entity_undefined, find_ith_formal_parameter(), gen_length(), global_margin, int, module, module_formal_parameters(), storage_formal_p, string_buffer_append_word(), type_variable_p, variable_entity_dimension(), xml_Array(), and xml_Scalar().

Referenced by xml_Boxes(), and xml_Task().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Full_Type()

static void xml_Full_Type ( type  pt,
int  max_step,
string_buffer  type_result 

Definition at line 2866 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

2867 {
2868  if (max_step>=0) {
2869  switch (type_tag(pt)) {
2870  case is_type_variable: {
2871  variable vt1 = type_variable(pt);
2872  basic bt1 = variable_basic(vt1);
2873  list lt1 = variable_dimensions(vt1);
2874  //DEBUG- if ((int)gen_length(lt1)>0) printf("ARRAY_DIMENSION= %d ", (int)gen_length(lt1));
2876  global_margin++;
2878  if ((int)gen_length(lt1)>0) {
2879  add_margin(global_margin,type_result);
2880  string_buffer_append(type_result,
2882  "ArrayType Dimension = ",QUOTE,i2a((int)gen_length(lt1)),QUOTE,
2884  }
2885  if(basic_typedef_p(bt1)) {
2886  entity e1 = basic_typedef(bt1);
2887  //DEBUG- printf("TYPEDEF %s \n",basic_to_string(bt1));
2888  add_margin(global_margin,type_result);
2889  string_buffer_append(type_result,
2891  "Typedef Name= ",QUOTE,basic_to_string(bt1),QUOTE,CLOSEANGLE,NL,NULL));
2892  xml_Full_Type(entity_type(e1),max_step-1,type_result);
2893  string_buffer_append_word("/Typedef",type_result);
2894  }
2895  else if(basic_pointer_p(bt1)) {
2896  type pt1 = basic_pointer(bt1);
2897  //DEBUG- printf("POINTER %s\n",basic_to_string(bt1));
2898  add_margin(global_margin,type_result);
2899  string_buffer_append(type_result, concatenate(
2900  OPENANGLE, "Pointer Name = ", QUOTE, basic_to_string(bt1), QUOTE,
2902  xml_Full_Type(pt1,max_step-1,type_result);
2903  string_buffer_append_word("/Pointer",type_result);
2904  }
2905  else if(basic_derived_p(bt1)) {
2906  entity e1 = basic_derived(bt1);
2907  //DEBUG- printf("DERIVED %s \n", basic_to_string(bt1));
2908  add_margin(global_margin,type_result);
2910  "Derived Name= ",QUOTE,basic_to_string(bt1),QUOTE,CLOSEANGLE,NL, NULL));
2911  xml_Full_Type(entity_type(e1),max_step-1,type_result);
2912  string_buffer_append_word("/Derived",type_result);
2913  }
2914  else { // int, float, logical, overload, complex, string, bit ==> nothing to do
2915  add_margin(global_margin,type_result);
2916  string_buffer_append(type_result,
2918  basic_to_string(bt1),
2920  //DEBUG- printf("BASIC %s \n", basic_to_string(bt1));
2921  }
2922  if ((int)gen_length(lt1)>0)
2923  string_buffer_append_word("/ArrayType",type_result);
2924  global_margin--;
2925  break;
2926  }
2928  case is_type_struct: {
2929  list fe1 = type_struct(pt);
2930  global_margin++;
2931  string_buffer_append_word("Struct",type_result);
2932  FOREACH(ENTITY, fee1, fe1){
2933  global_margin++;
2934  //DEBUG- printf("field %s \n",entity_user_name(fee1));
2935  add_margin(global_margin,type_result);
2936  string_buffer_append(type_result, concatenate(
2937  OPENANGLE, "Field Name= ",QUOTE,entity_user_name(fee1),QUOTE,BL,
2939  xml_Full_Type(entity_type(fee1),max_step-1,type_result);
2940  string_buffer_append_word("/Field",type_result);
2941  global_margin--;
2942  }
2943  string_buffer_append_word("/Struct",type_result);
2944  global_margin--;
2945  break;
2946  }
2947  case is_type_union: {
2948  list fe1 = type_union(pt);
2949  global_margin++;
2950  string_buffer_append_word("Union",type_result);
2951  FOREACH(ENTITY, fee1, fe1){
2952  global_margin++;
2953  //DEBUG- printf("field %s \n",entity_user_name(fee1));
2954  add_margin(global_margin,type_result);
2955  string_buffer_append(type_result,
2956  concatenate(OPENANGLE,"Field Name= ",QUOTE,entity_user_name(fee1),QUOTE,BL,CLOSEANGLE,NL,NULL));
2957  xml_Full_Type(entity_type(fee1),max_step-1,type_result);
2958  string_buffer_append_word("/Field",type_result);
2959  global_margin--;
2960  }
2961  string_buffer_append_word("/Union",type_result);
2962  global_margin--;
2963  break;
2964  }
2965  case is_type_enum: {
2966  list fe1 = type_enum(pt);
2967  global_margin++;
2968  string_buffer_append_word("Enum",type_result);
2969  FOREACH(ENTITY, fee1, fe1){
2970  global_margin++;
2971  //DEBUG- printf("field %s \n",entity_user_name(fee1));
2972  add_margin(global_margin,type_result);
2973  string_buffer_append(type_result,
2974  concatenate(OPENANGLE,"Field Name= ",QUOTE,entity_user_name(fee1),QUOTE,BL,CLOSEANGLE,NL,NULL));
2975  xml_Full_Type(entity_type(fee1),max_step-1,type_result);
2976  string_buffer_append_word("/Field",type_result);
2977  global_margin--;
2978  }
2979  string_buffer_append_word("/Enum",type_result);
2980  global_margin--;
2981  break;
2982  }
2983  default: // void(not here), unknown(not here), varargs (to be added?), functional (not here), statement(not here), area (not here)
2984  { //printf("Not implemented\n");
2985  max_step=-1;
2986  }
2987  return;
2988  }
2989  }
2990 }
static void xml_Full_Type(type pt, int max_step, string_buffer type_result)

References add_margin(), basic_derived, basic_derived_p, basic_pointer, basic_pointer_p, basic_to_string(), basic_typedef, basic_typedef_p, BL, CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), ENTITY, entity_type, entity_user_name(), FOREACH, gen_length(), global_margin, i2a(), is_type_enum, is_type_struct, is_type_union, is_type_variable, NL, OPENANGLE, QUOTE, string_buffer_append(), string_buffer_append_word(), type_enum, type_struct, type_tag, type_union, type_variable, variable_basic, and variable_dimensions.

Referenced by xml_Type_Entity().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_GlobalVariables()

static void xml_GlobalVariables ( transformer  t,
Psysteme  prec,
bool  printp,
string_buffer  sb_result 

Definition at line 3831 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

3832 {
3833  list ldecl;
3834  int nb_dim=0;
3836  Pvecteur v_already_seen=VECTEUR_NUL;
3838  cumulated_list = NIL;
3841  ldecl = statement_declarations(s);
3842  MAP(ENTITY,var, {
3843  vect_add_elem(&v_already_seen,var,1);
3844  },ldecl);
3845  if((int) gen_length( cumulated_list) >0) {
3846  string_buffer_append_word("GlobalVariables",sb_result);
3847  global_margin++;
3848  MAP(EFFECT,ef, {
3853  && (storage_ram_p(entity_storage(v)))
3854  && top_level_entity_p(v)
3856  && !vect_coeff(v,v_already_seen)) {
3857  vect_add_elem(&v_already_seen,v,1);
3858  if (printp) {
3859  if ((nb_dim = variable_entity_dimension(v))>0)
3860  xml_Array(v,t,prec,false,sb_result);
3861  else xml_Scalar(v,prec,sb_result);
3862  }
3863  }
3864  }, cumulated_list);
3865  global_application_variables=vect_copy(v_already_seen);
3866  vect_rm(v_already_seen);
3867  global_margin--;
3868  string_buffer_append_word("/GlobalVariables",sb_result);
3869  }
3870  else
3871  string_buffer_append_word("GlobalVariables/",sb_result);
3872 }

References cumul_effects_of_statement(), cumulated_list, EFFECT, effect_any_reference, effects_package_entity_p(), ENTITY, entity_storage, entity_type, gen_length(), gen_recurse, gen_true(), get_current_module_statement(), global_application_variables, global_margin, MAP, NIL, ref, reference_variable, statement_declarations, statement_domain, std_file_entity_p(), storage_formal_p, storage_ram_p, string_buffer_append_word(), top_level_entity_p(), type_variable_p, variable_entity_dimension(), variable_heap_p(), vect_add_elem(), vect_coeff(), vect_copy(), vect_rm(), VECTEUR_NUL, xml_Array(), and xml_Scalar().

Referenced by xml_Application(), xml_Boxes(), and xml_Task().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Library()

static void xml_Library ( string_buffer  sb_result)

Definition at line 2040 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

2041 {
2042  string_buffer_append_word("Library",sb_result);
2043  string_buffer_append_word("/Library",sb_result);
2044 }

References string_buffer_append_word().

Referenced by xml_Task().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_LocalVariables()

static void xml_LocalVariables ( entity  module,
transformer  t,
Psysteme  prec,
string_buffer  sb_result 

Definition at line 3882 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

3883 {
3884  list ldecl;
3885  int nb_dim=0;
3886  Pvecteur pv_dec= vect_new(TCST,1);
3888  if (fortran_appli)
3890  else
3891  ldecl = statement_declarations(s);
3893  if((int) gen_length(ldecl) >0) {
3894  string_buffer_append_word("LocalVariables",sb_result);
3895  global_margin++;
3896  MAP(ENTITY,var, {
3897  if (type_variable_p(entity_type(var))
3898  //&& ((nb_dim = variable_entity_dimension(var))>0)
3899  && !(storage_formal_p(entity_storage(var)))) {
3900  if ((nb_dim = variable_entity_dimension(var))>0)
3901  xml_Array(var,t, prec,false,sb_result);
3902  else xml_Scalar(var,prec,sb_result);
3903  vect_add_elem(&pv_dec,(Variable)var,1);
3904  }
3905  },ldecl);
3908  // printf("list tableaux locaux pour module %s\n",entity_user_name(module));
3909  // MAP(ENTITY,var, {
3910  // printf("Entity = %s\n",entity_user_name(var));
3911  // },local_declaration_list);
3913  MAP(ENTITY,var, {
3914  if (type_variable_p(entity_type(var))
3915  // && (variable_entity_dimension(var)>0)
3916  && !(storage_formal_p(entity_storage(var)))
3917  && !vect_coeff(var,pv_dec)) {
3918  if ((nb_dim = variable_entity_dimension(var))>0)
3919  xml_Array(var,t, prec,false,sb_result);
3920  else xml_Scalar(var,prec,sb_result);
3921  vect_add_elem(&pv_dec,(Variable)var,1);
3922  }
3925  global_margin--;
3926  string_buffer_append_word("/LocalVariables",sb_result);
3928  }
3929  else
3930  string_buffer_append_word("LocalVariables/",sb_result);
3931  vect_rm(pv_dec);
3932 }
static void store_local_array_declaration(statement s)

References code_declarations, ENTITY, entity_initial, entity_storage, entity_type, fortran_appli, gen_length(), gen_recurse, gen_true(), get_current_module_statement(), global_margin, local_application_variables, local_declaration_list, MAP, module, NIL, statement_declarations, statement_domain, storage_formal_p, store_local_array_declaration(), string_buffer_append_word(), TCST, type_variable_p, value_code, variable_entity_dimension(), vect_add_elem(), vect_coeff(), vect_copy(), vect_new(), vect_rm(), xml_Array(), and xml_Scalar().

Referenced by xml_Boxes(), and xml_Task().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_loop()

static void xml_loop ( stack  st,
string_buffer  result 

Definition at line 1420 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1421 {
1422  string_buffer_append(result,concatenate(TAB,SPACE, OPENANGLE, "outLoop", CLOSEANGLE, NL, NULL));
1423  string_buffer_append(result,concatenate(TAB,SPACE, SPACE, OPENANGLE, "loopNest", CLOSEANGLE, NL, NULL));
1424  string_buffer_append(result,concatenate(TAB,SPACE, SPACE, SPACE, OPENANGLE, "bounds", CLOSEANGLE, NL, NULL));
1427  {
1431  expression new_eu= expression_plusplus(eu);
1433  string_buffer_append(result,
1435  string_buffer_append(result,
1436  concatenate(SPACE, "lower =",QUOTE,expression_to_string(el),QUOTE,NULL));
1437  string_buffer_append(result,
1438  concatenate(SPACE, "upper =", QUOTE, expression_to_string(new_eu),QUOTE, SLASH, CLOSEANGLE,NL,NULL));
1439  },
1440  st, 0);
1443  string_buffer_append(result,concatenate(TAB,SPACE, SPACE, OPENANGLE,SLASH, "loopNest", CLOSEANGLE, NL, NULL));
1444  string_buffer_append(result,concatenate(TAB,SPACE, OPENANGLE, SLASH, "openLoop", CLOSEANGLE, NL, NULL));
1445 }
#define range_upper(x)
Definition: ri.h:2290
#define range_lower(x)
Definition: ri.h:2288
#define loop_range(x)
Definition: ri.h:1642
static expression expression_plusplus(expression e)

References CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), entity_user_name(), expression_plusplus(), expression_to_string(), instruction_loop, loop_index, loop_range, NL, OPENANGLE, QUOTE, range_lower, range_upper, SLASH, SPACE, STACK_MAP_X, statement_instruction, string_buffer_append(), and TAB.

Referenced by xml_task().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Loop()

static void xml_Loop ( statement  s,
string_buffer  sb_result 

Definition at line 4004 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

4005 {
4011  expression stride = range_increment(loop_range(l));
4012  entity index =loop_index(l);
4015  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
4016  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
4018  "Loop Index=",QUOTE, NULL));
4019  string_buffer_append_xml_text(sb_result, (string) entity_user_name(index),false);
4020  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
4021  concatenate(QUOTE, BL,
4022  "ExecutionMode=",QUOTE,
4023  (execution_parallel_p(loop_execution(l)))? "PARALLEL":"SEQUENTIAL", QUOTE,
4025  xml_Bounds_and_Stride(el,eu,stride,t,prec, false,sb_result);
4026  string_buffer_append_word("/Loop",sb_result);
4028  sc_free(prec);
4029 }
#define loop_execution(x)
Definition: ri.h:1648
#define range_increment(x)
Definition: ri.h:2292
#define execution_parallel_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:1211
static void xml_Bounds_and_Stride(expression elow, expression eup, expression stride, transformer t, Psysteme prec, bool formal_p, string_buffer sb_result)

References add_margin(), BL, CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), entity_user_name(), execution_parallel_p, global_margin, instruction_loop, load_statement_precondition(), loop_execution, loop_index, loop_range, NL, OPENANGLE, pop_statement_global_stack(), predicate_system, push_statement_on_statement_global_stack(), QUOTE, range_increment, range_lower, range_upper, sc_dup(), sc_free(), statement_instruction, string_buffer_append(), string_buffer_append_word(), string_buffer_append_xml_text(), transformer_relation, and xml_Bounds_and_Stride().

Referenced by xml_Loops().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_loop_from_loop()

static call xml_loop_from_loop ( loop  l,
string result,
int  task_number 

printf("%i %i\n", u, low);

Definition at line 886 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

886  {
888  string * up = malloc(sizeof(string));
889  string * xml_name = malloc(sizeof(string));
890  statement s = loop_body(l);
892  int u, low;
894  syntax incr_s = expression_syntax(incr_e);
896  if(!syntax_call_p(incr_s) ||
897  strcmp( entity_local_name(call_function(syntax_call(incr_s))), "1") != 0 ) {
898  pips_user_error("Loop increments must be constant \"1\".\n");
899  }
901  u = atoi(xml_expression(range_upper(loop_range(l))));
902  low = atoi(xml_expression(range_lower(loop_range(l))));
903  /* printf("%i %i\n", u, low); */
904  *up = strdup(int2a(u - low+1));
905  //*up = xml_expression(range_upper(loop_range(l)) - range_lower(loop_range(l)) + 1);
906  *xml_name = xml_entity_local_name(loop_index(l));
907  if( (*xml_name)[0] == 'M'){
910  }
911  else{
914  }
916  switch(instruction_tag(i)){
917  case is_instruction_loop:{
918  loop l = instruction_loop(i);
919  return xml_loop_from_loop(l, result, task_number);
920  break;
921  }
922  case is_instruction_call: {
923  call c = instruction_call(i);
924  return c;
925  }
927  {
930  if (!call_undefined_p(c))
931  return c;
932  if (!loop_undefined_p(l))
933  return xml_loop_from_loop(l, result, task_number);
934  pips_user_error("A sequence should only contain a call or a loop");
935  }
936  default:
937  pips_user_error("Only loops and calls allowed in a loop.");
938  }
939  return call_undefined;
940 }
#define loop_body(x)
Definition: ri.h:1644
#define call_undefined_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:686
@ is_instruction_loop
Definition: ri.h:1471
#define loop_undefined_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:1613
static loop sequence_loop(sequence seq)
static string xml_expression(expression)
forward declaration
static call xml_loop_from_loop(loop l, string *result, int task_number)
static call sequence_call(sequence seq)
static gen_array_t extern_upperbounds_array
array containing extern upperbounds

References call_function, call_undefined, call_undefined_p, entity_local_name(), expression_syntax, extern_indices_array, extern_upperbounds_array, gen_array_append(), instruction_call, instruction_loop, instruction_sequence, instruction_tag, int2a(), intern_indices_array, intern_upperbounds_array, is_instruction_call, is_instruction_loop, is_instruction_sequence, loop_body, loop_index, loop_range, loop_undefined_p, malloc(), pips_user_error, range_increment, range_lower, range_upper, sequence_call(), sequence_loop(), statement_instruction, strdup(), syntax_call, syntax_call_p, xml_entity_local_name(), and xml_expression().

Referenced by xml_loop_from_sequence().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_loop_from_sequence()

static string xml_loop_from_sequence ( loop  l,
int  task_number 

We enter a loop nest.

The first loop must be an extern loop.

Initialize result string with the declaration of the task

(re-)initialize task-scoped arrays

The sequence should contain only one meaningful call

External loop nest depth

add external upperbounds

add external indices names

Definition at line 944 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

944  {
945  statement s = loop_body(l);
946  call c= call_undefined;
947  int i;
948  string * taskname = (string *)(malloc(sizeof(string)));
950  syntax incr_s = expression_syntax(incr_e);
953  /* Initialize result string with the declaration of the task */
954  string result;
957  string * name = malloc(sizeof(string));
958  string * up = malloc(sizeof(string));
959  int u, low;
960  if(!syntax_call_p(incr_s) ||
961  strcmp( entity_local_name(call_function(syntax_call(incr_s))), "1") != 0 ) {
962  pips_user_error("Loop increments must be constant \"1\".\n");
963  }
966  *taskname = strdup(concatenate("T_", int2a(task_number), NULL));
967  result = strdup(concatenate(*taskname,
968  " :: TASK(unitSpentTime = vartype!(1),"
969  NL, TAB, "exLoopNest = LOOPNEST(deep = ", NULL));
970  gen_array_append(tasks_names, taskname);
971  /* (re-)initialize task-scoped arrays*/
977  *name = xml_entity_local_name(loop_index(l));
978  u = atoi(xml_expression(range_upper(loop_range(l))));
979  low = atoi(xml_expression(range_lower(loop_range(l))));
980  *up = strdup(int2a(u - low+1));
981  //*up = xml_expression(range_upper(loop_range(l)) - range_lower(loop_range(l)) + 1);
983  if((*name)[0] == 'M'){
984  pips_user_error("At least one extern loop is needed.\n");
985  }
986  else{
989  }
992  switch(instruction_tag(ins)){
993  case is_instruction_loop:{
994  loop l = instruction_loop(ins);
995  c = xml_loop_from_loop(l, &result, task_number);
996  break;
997  }
998  case is_instruction_call:
999  {
1000  c = instruction_call(ins);
1001  }
1002  break;
1004  /* The sequence should contain only one meaningful call */
1006  break;
1008  c = xml_loop_from_loop(l, &result, task_number);
1009  break;
1010  }
1011  pips_user_error("Sequence should contain one loop or one call");
1012  break;
1013  default:
1014  pips_user_error("Only loops and one significant call allowed in a loop.");
1015  }
1017  /* External loop nest depth */
1018  result = strdup(concatenate(result, int2a(gen_array_nitems(extern_upperbounds_array)), ",", NL, TAB, TAB, NULL));
1020  /* add external upperbounds */
1021  result = strdup(concatenate(result, "upperBound = list<VARTYPE>(", NULL));
1023  for(i=0; i< ((int) gen_array_nitems(extern_upperbounds_array)) - 1; i++){
1024  result = strdup(concatenate(result, "vartype!(", *((string *)(gen_array_item(extern_upperbounds_array, i))), "), ", NULL));
1025  }
1026  result = strdup(concatenate(result, "vartype!(",*((string *)(gen_array_item(extern_upperbounds_array, i))), ")),",NL, TAB, TAB, NULL));
1028  /* add external indices names*/
1029  result = strdup(concatenate(result, "names = list<string>(", NULL));
1030  for(i=0; i<((int) gen_array_nitems(extern_indices_array)) - 1; i++){
1031  result = strdup(concatenate(result, QUOTE, *((string *)(gen_array_item(extern_indices_array, i))), QUOTE ", ", NULL));
1032  }
1033  result = strdup(concatenate(result, QUOTE, *((string *)(gen_array_item(extern_indices_array, i))), QUOTE, ")),", NL, TAB, NULL));
1035  result = strdup(concatenate(result, xml_call_from_loopnest(c, task_number), NULL));
1041  result = strdup(concatenate(result, NL, NULL));
1042  return result;
1043 }
static string xml_call_from_loopnest(call c, int task_number)
static gen_array_t tasks_names
array containing the tasks names

References call_function, call_undefined, call_undefined_p, concatenate(), entity_local_name(), expression_syntax, extern_indices_array, extern_upperbounds_array, gen_array_append(), gen_array_free(), gen_array_item(), gen_array_make(), gen_array_nitems(), instruction_call, instruction_loop, instruction_sequence, instruction_tag, int, int2a(), intern_indices_array, intern_upperbounds_array, is_instruction_call, is_instruction_loop, is_instruction_sequence, loop_body, loop_index, loop_range, loop_undefined_p, malloc(), NL, pips_user_error, QUOTE, range_increment, range_lower, range_upper, sequence_call(), sequence_loop(), statement_instruction, strdup(), syntax_call, syntax_call_p, TAB, tasks_names, xml_call_from_loopnest(), xml_entity_local_name(), xml_expression(), and xml_loop_from_loop().

Referenced by xml_statement_from_sequence().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_LoopOffset()

static void xml_LoopOffset ( list  ActualArrayInd,
int  ActualArrayDim,
Pvecteur  loop_indices,
string_buffer  sb_result 

Definition at line 4461 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

4462 {
4463  Pmatrix mat;
4464  Pvecteur loop_indices2 = vect_reversal(loop_indices);
4465  int nestloop_dim = vect_size(loop_indices2);
4466  Pvecteur pv, pv2;
4467  int i,j;
4469  string_buffer_append_word("LoopOffset",sb_result);
4470  mat = matrix_new(ActualArrayDim,nestloop_dim);
4471  matrix_init(mat,ActualArrayDim,nestloop_dim);
4472  i=1;
4473  MAP(EXPRESSION, e , {
4475  for (pv2 = loop_indices2, j=1; !VECTEUR_NUL_P(pv2);pv2=pv2->succ,j++)
4476  MATRIX_ELEM(mat,i,j)=vect_coeff(pv2->var,pv);
4477  i++;
4478  },
4479  ActualArrayInd);
4481  xml_Matrix(mat,ActualArrayDim,nestloop_dim,sb_result);
4482  string_buffer_append_word("/LoopOffset",sb_result);
4483 }
Pvecteur vect_reversal(Pvecteur vect_in)
Pvecteur vect_reversal(Pvecteur vect_in); produces the reversal vector of the vect_in.
Definition: private.c:237

References EXPRESSION, expression_normalized, MAP, MATRIX_ELEM, matrix_init(), matrix_new(), normalized_linear, string_buffer_append_word(), Svecteur::succ, Svecteur::var, vect_coeff(), vect_reversal(), vect_size(), VECTEUR_NUL_P, and xml_Matrix().

Referenced by xml_Argument(), and xml_AssignArgument().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Loops()

static void xml_Loops ( stack  st,
bool  call_external_loop_p,
list pattern_region,
Pvecteur paving_indices,
Pvecteur pattern_indices,
bool  motif_in_te_p,
string_buffer  sb_result 

Definition at line 4031 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

4032 {
4033  bool in_motif_p=!call_external_loop_p && !motif_in_te_p;
4034  bool motif_on_loop_p=false;
4035  // Boucles externes a la TE
4036  if (call_external_loop_p)
4037  string_buffer_append_word("ExternalLoops",sb_result);
4038  else
4039  // Boucles externes au motif dans la TE
4040  string_buffer_append_word("Loops",sb_result);
4042  // if comment MOTIF is on the loop, the pattern_region is the loop region
4043  // if comment MOTIF is on a statement inside the sequence of the loop body
4044  // the cumulated regions of the loop body are taken
4045  // if comment MOTIF is outside the loop nest, the pattern_region is the call region
4046  global_margin++;
4047  if (st != STACK_NULL) {
4049  {
4051  //string comm = statement_comments(s);
4052  entity index =loop_index(l);
4054  if (!in_motif_p) {
4055  // Test : Motif is in the loop body or not
4056  motif_in_statement_p=false;
4058  //motif_on_loop_p = !string_undefined_p(comm) && strstr(comm,"MOTIF")!=NULL;
4059  motif_on_loop_p = pragma_motif_p(s);
4061  if (motif_on_loop_p) { // comment MOTIF is on the Loop
4062  *pattern_region = regions_dup(load_statement_local_regions(s));
4064  }
4065  else if (motif_in_statement_p) {
4066  // cumulated regions on the sequence of the loop body instructions are needed
4067  *pattern_region = regions_dup(load_statement_local_regions(loop_body(l)));
4068  }
4069  in_motif_p = (!call_external_loop_p && !motif_in_te_p) //Par default on englobe si TE
4070  || in_motif_p // on etait deja dans le motif
4071  || motif_on_loop_p // on vient de trouver un Motif sur la boucle
4072  || (motif_in_te_p && !motif_on_loop_p && !motif_in_statement_p);
4073  // motif externe au nid de boucles (cas des motif au milieu d'une sequence)
4074  }
4075  if (!in_motif_p) {
4076  vect_add_elem (paving_indices,(Variable) index ,VALUE_ONE);
4077  xml_Loop(s, sb_result);
4078  }
4079  (void) pop_statement_global_stack();
4080  },
4081  st, 0);
4082  }
4083  global_margin--;
4084  if (call_external_loop_p)
4085  string_buffer_append_word("/ExternalLoops",sb_result);
4086  else
4087  string_buffer_append_word("/Loops",sb_result);
4088 }
#define VALUE_ONE
static void xml_Loop(statement s, string_buffer sb_result)

References gen_recurse, gen_true(), global_margin, instruction_loop, load_statement_local_regions(), loop_body, loop_index, motif_in_statement(), motif_in_statement_p, pattern_indices, pop_statement_global_stack(), pragma_motif_p(), push_statement_on_statement_global_stack(), regions_dup(), STACK_MAP_X, STACK_NULL, statement_domain, statement_instruction, string_buffer_append_word(), VALUE_ONE, vect_add_elem(), and xml_Loop().

Referenced by xml_Call(), and xml_Task().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Matrix()

static void xml_Matrix ( Pmatrix  mat,
int  n,
int  m,
string_buffer  sb_result 

Definition at line 4127 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

4128 {
4129  string srow, scolumn;
4130  int i,j;
4131  // cas des nids de boucles vides
4132  if (n==0 && m!=0) m=0;
4133  if (m==0 && n!=0) n=0;
4134  srow =strdup(i2a(n));
4135  scolumn=strdup(i2a(m));
4137  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
4138  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
4140  "Matrix NbRows=", QUOTE,srow,QUOTE,BL,
4141  "NbColumns=", QUOTE, scolumn,QUOTE, BL,
4143  for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {
4144  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
4145  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
4147  "Row", CLOSEANGLE,BL, NULL));
4148  for (j=1;j<=m;j++) {
4149  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
4151  i2a(MATRIX_ELEM(mat,i,j)),
4153  BL, NULL));
4154  }
4155  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
4157  "/Row", CLOSEANGLE, NL, NULL));
4158  }
4159  string_buffer_append_word("/Matrix",sb_result);
4160 }

References add_margin(), BL, CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), global_margin, i2a(), MATRIX_ELEM, NL, OPENANGLE, QUOTE, strdup(), string_buffer_append(), and string_buffer_append_word().

Referenced by xml_Connection(), xml_ConstOffset(), xml_LoopOffset(), and xml_Transposition().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_ParameterUseToArrayBound()

static void xml_ParameterUseToArrayBound ( entity  var,
string_buffer  sb_result 

Definition at line 3109 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

3110 {
3111  string sdim;
3112  entity FormalArrayName, mod = get_current_module_entity();
3113  int ith, FormalParameterNumber = (int) gen_length(module_formal_parameters(mod));
3114  global_margin++;
3115  for (ith=1;ith<=FormalParameterNumber;ith++) {
3116  FormalArrayName = find_ith_formal_parameter(mod,ith);
3117  if (type_variable_p(entity_type(FormalArrayName))
3118  && ( variable_entity_dimension(FormalArrayName)>0)) {
3119  list ld, ldim = variable_dimensions(type_variable(entity_type(FormalArrayName)));
3120  int dim;
3121  for (ld = ldim, dim =1 ; !ENDP(ld); ld = CDR(ld), dim++) {
3122  expression elow = dimension_lower(DIMENSION(CAR(ld)));
3124  //const char * low= words_to_string(words_syntax(expression_syntax(elow),NIL));
3125  //const char * up = words_to_string(words_syntax(expression_syntax(eup),NIL));
3126  //const char * sv = entity_local_name(var);
3127  //if ((strstr(low,sv)!=NULL) || (strstr(up,sv)!=NULL)) {
3128  if (entity_in_expression_p(elow,var) || entity_in_expression_p(eup,var)) {
3129  sdim= strdup(i2a(variable_entity_dimension(FormalArrayName)-dim+1));
3130  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
3131  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
3133  "TaskParameterUsedFor"," ArrayName=", QUOTE, NULL));
3134  string_buffer_append_xml_text(sb_result, (string) entity_user_name(FormalArrayName),false);
3135  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
3136  concatenate(QUOTE, BL,
3137  //QUOTE,words_points_to_reference(FormalArrayName),QUOTE, BL,
3138  "Dim=", QUOTE,sdim,QUOTE,"/", CLOSEANGLE, NL, NULL));
3139  }
3140  }
3141  }
3142  }
3143  global_margin--;
3144 }
static bool entity_in_expression_p(expression exp, entity e)

References add_margin(), BL, CAR, CDR, CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), DIMENSION, dimension_lower, dimension_upper, ENDP, entity_in_expression_p(), entity_type, entity_user_name(), find_ith_formal_parameter(), gen_length(), get_current_module_entity(), global_margin, i2a(), int, module_formal_parameters(), NL, OPENANGLE, QUOTE, strdup(), string_buffer_append(), string_buffer_append_xml_text(), type_variable, type_variable_p, variable_dimensions, and variable_entity_dimension().

Referenced by xml_TaskParameter().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Pattern_Paving()

static void xml_Pattern_Paving ( region  reg,
entity  var,
bool  effet_read,
Pvecteur  formal_parameters,
Pvecteur  paving_indices,
string_buffer  sb_result 

phi = (Variable) make_phi_entity(i); if(!SC_UNDEFINED_P(ps_reg) && base_contains_variable_p(sc_base(ps_reg),phi)) { ps1 = sc_dup(ps_reg); feasible = sc_minmax_of_variable(ps1, (Variable)phi, &min, &max); if (feasible){ if (min!=VALUE_MIN) voffset = vect_new(TCST,min); if (min==max) uniqp=1; } }


Definition at line 2316 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

2317 {
2318  string_buffer buffer_pattern = string_buffer_make(true);
2319  string_buffer buffer_paving = string_buffer_make(true);
2320  string string_paving = "";
2321  string string_pattern = "";
2322  Pvecteur voffset;
2324  if(reg != region_undefined) {
2326  entity vreg = reference_variable(ref);
2327  if ( array_entity_p(reference_variable(ref)) && same_entity_p(vreg,var) && region_read_p(reg)== effet_read) {
2328  Psysteme ps_reg = sc_dup(region_system(reg));
2329  Pvecteur iterat= VECTEUR_NUL;
2330  Pvecteur iterator = VECTEUR_NUL;
2331  Ppattern patt=NULL;
2332  Pvecteur vpattern=VECTEUR_NUL;
2334  int i ;
2335  int val =0;
2336  int inc =0;
2337  dimension vreg_dim = dimension_undefined;
2338  int mult=1;
2339  if (!SC_UNDEFINED_P(ps_reg))
2340  sc_transform_eg_in_ineg(ps_reg);
2341  add_margin(global_margin,buffer_pattern);
2342  string_buffer_append(buffer_pattern,
2344  "Pattern AccessMode=",
2345  QUOTE,(effet_read)? "USE":"DEF",QUOTE,CLOSEANGLE,NL,NULL));
2346  add_margin(global_margin,buffer_paving);
2347  string_buffer_append(buffer_paving,
2349  "Pavage AccessMode=",
2350  QUOTE,(effet_read)? "USE":"DEF",QUOTE,CLOSEANGLE,NL,NULL));
2351  global_margin++;
2352  // pour chaque dimension : generer en meme temps le pattern et le pavage
2353  for(i=1; i<=dim; i++) {
2354  int uniqp=0;
2355  voffset =vect_new(TCST,0);
2356  patt = NULL;
2357  // printf("find pattern for entity %s [dim=%d]\n",entity_local_name(var),i);
2358  // sc_fprint(stdout,ps_reg,(char * (*)(Variable)) entity_local_name);
2359  // printf("paving_indices:\n");
2360  // vect_fprint(stdout,paving_indices,(char * (*)(Variable)) entity_local_name);
2362  //find_pattern(ps_reg, paving_indices, formal_parameters, i, &bound_inf, &bound_up, &pattern_up_bound, &iterator, &mult);
2363  find_pattern(ps_reg, paving_indices, formal_parameters, i, &patt);
2364  if (patt !=NULL) {
2365  vpattern=patt->diff;
2366  iterator= patt->lind;
2367  mult = patt->cl_coeff;
2368  uniqp=patt->unitp;
2369  voffset = patt->lower;
2370  }
2371  else
2372  {
2373  vpattern=VECTEUR_NUL;
2374  iterator = VECTEUR_NUL;
2375  }
2377  // printf("pattern_bound:\n");
2378  //if (!VECTEUR_NUL_P(vpattern))
2379  // vect_fprint(stdout,vpattern,(char * (*)(Variable)) entity_local_name);
2380  /* phi = (Variable) make_phi_entity(i);
2381  if(!SC_UNDEFINED_P(ps_reg) && base_contains_variable_p(sc_base(ps_reg),phi)) {
2382  ps1 = sc_dup(ps_reg);
2383  feasible = sc_minmax_of_variable(ps1, (Variable)phi, &min, &max);
2384  if (feasible){
2385  if (min!=VALUE_MIN)
2386  voffset = vect_new(TCST,min);
2387  // if (min==max)
2388  // uniqp=1;
2389  }
2390  }
2391  */
2393  if (!uniqp) {
2394  if (VECTEUR_NUL_P(vpattern)) { // if we cannot deduce pattern length from region, array dim size is taken
2396  vreg_dim = find_ith_dimension(ldim,i);
2398  vpattern = vect_dup((Pvecteur) normalized_linear(ndim));
2399  if (vpattern != VECTEUR_NUL)
2400  vect_add_elem(&vpattern,TCST,1);
2401  }
2402  }
2403  /* PRINT PATTERN and PAVING */
2404  // if ((vect_zero_p(voffset) && (!VECTEUR_NUL_P(vpattern) && vect_one_p(vpattern)))
2405  // || (uniqp && vect_zero_p(voffset)))
2406  if (!VECTEUR_NUL_P(vpattern) && uniqp && vect_dimension(voffset)==0 && vect_coeff(TCST,voffset)==0)
2407  string_buffer_append_word("DimUnitPattern/",buffer_pattern);
2408  else {
2409  add_margin(global_margin,buffer_pattern);
2410  // A completer - choisir un indice pour le motif ?
2411  string_buffer_append(buffer_pattern,
2413  "DimPattern Index=",QUOTE, QUOTE,CLOSEANGLE,NL,NULL));
2415  global_margin++;
2416  string_buffer_append_word("Offset",buffer_pattern);
2418  buffer_pattern);
2419  if (vect_dimension(voffset)==0)
2421  buffer_pattern);
2422  string_buffer_append_word("/Offset",buffer_pattern);
2424  string_buffer_append_word("Length",buffer_pattern);
2426  // The upper bound is not a complex expression
2427  if (uniqp) {
2428  string_buffer_append_symbolic(int2a(1),buffer_pattern);
2429  string_buffer_append_numeric(int2a(1),buffer_pattern);
2430  }
2431  else {
2432  if (vpattern != VECTEUR_NUL) {
2433  if (mult==1)
2434  string_buffer_append_symbolic(vect_to_string(vpattern),buffer_pattern);
2435  else {
2436  add_margin(global_margin,buffer_pattern);
2437  string_buffer_append(buffer_pattern,
2438  concatenate(OPENANGLE,"Symbolic",CLOSEANGLE,
2439  "(",NULL));
2440  string_buffer_append_xml_text(buffer_pattern,vect_to_string(vpattern),false);
2441  string_buffer_append(buffer_pattern,
2442  concatenate(")",
2443  "/",i2a(mult),"+1",
2445  NL, NULL));
2446  }
2448  }
2449  else //vpattern == VECTEUR_NUL
2451  buffer_pattern);
2452  if ((vpattern != VECTEUR_NUL) && vect_dimension(vpattern)==0)
2454  buffer_pattern);
2455  }
2456  string_buffer_append_word("/Length",buffer_pattern);
2458  string_buffer_append_word("Stride",buffer_pattern);
2459  val =1;
2460  string_buffer_append_symbolic(int2a(val),buffer_pattern);
2461  string_buffer_append_numeric(int2a(val),buffer_pattern);
2462  string_buffer_append_word("/Stride",buffer_pattern);
2463  global_margin--;
2464  string_buffer_append_word("/DimPattern",buffer_pattern);
2465  }
2466  if (!VECTEUR_UNDEFINED_P(iterator) &&!VECTEUR_NUL_P(iterator)) {
2467  string_buffer_append_word("DimPavage",buffer_paving);
2468  for (iterat = paving_indices; !VECTEUR_NUL_P(iterat); iterat = iterat->succ) {
2469  if ((inc = vect_coeff(var_of(iterat),iterator)) !=0) {
2470  add_margin(global_margin,buffer_paving);
2471  string_buffer_append(buffer_paving,
2473  "RefLoopIndex Name=",
2474  QUOTE,entity_user_name(var_of(iterat)),QUOTE, BL,
2475  "Inc=", QUOTE,
2476  int2a(inc),QUOTE,"/", CLOSEANGLE,NL,NULL));
2477  }
2478  }
2479  string_buffer_append_word("/DimPavage",buffer_paving);
2480  }
2481  else
2482  string_buffer_append_word("DimPavage/",buffer_paving);
2483  }
2484  global_margin--;
2485  string_buffer_append_word("/Pattern",buffer_pattern);
2486  string_buffer_append_word("/Pavage",buffer_paving);
2487  string_pattern = string_buffer_to_string(buffer_pattern);
2488  string_paving = string_buffer_to_string(buffer_paving);
2489  string_buffer_append(sb_result, string_pattern);
2490  free(string_pattern);
2491  string_pattern=NULL;
2492  string_buffer_append(sb_result, string_paving);
2493  free(string_paving);
2494  string_paving=NULL;
2495  xml_AccessFunction(sb_result);
2496  sc_free(ps_reg);
2497  }
2498  }
2499 }
#define region_read_p(reg)
useful region macros
dimension find_ith_dimension(list, int)
This function returns the ith dimension of a list of dimensions.
Definition: type.c:5621
#define dimension_undefined
Definition: ri.h:955
void sc_transform_eg_in_ineg(Psysteme sc)
Package sc.
static void find_pattern(Psysteme ps, Pvecteur paving_indices, Pvecteur formal_parameters, int dim, Ppattern *patt)
static void xml_AccessFunction(string_buffer sb_result __attribute__((unused)))
static void two_string_buffer_append_symbolic(string str1, string str2, string_buffer sb_result)
static string vect_to_string(Pvecteur pv)

References add_margin(), array_entity_p(), BL, Spattern::cl_coeff, CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), Spattern::diff, dimension_undefined, dimension_upper, effect_any_reference, entity_type, entity_user_name(), expression_to_string(), find_ith_dimension(), find_pattern(), free(), gen_length(), global_margin, i2a(), int, int2a(), Spattern::lind, Spattern::lower, NL, NORMALIZE_EXPRESSION, normalized_linear, OPENANGLE, QUOTE, ref, reference_variable, region_read_p, region_system, region_undefined, same_entity_p(), sc_dup(), sc_free(), sc_transform_eg_in_ineg(), string_buffer_append(), string_buffer_append_numeric(), string_buffer_append_symbolic(), string_buffer_append_word(), string_buffer_append_xml_text(), string_buffer_make(), string_buffer_to_string(), Svecteur::succ, TCST, two_string_buffer_append_symbolic(), type_variable, Spattern::unitp, var_of, variable_dimensions, vect_add_elem(), vect_coeff(), vect_dimension(), vect_dup(), vect_new(), vect_to_string(), VECTEUR_NUL, VECTEUR_NUL_P, VECTEUR_UNDEFINED_P, and xml_AccessFunction().

Referenced by xml_TaskParameter().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_reference()

static void xml_reference ( int taskNumber   __attribute__(unused),
reference  r,
bool  wmode,
string_buffer  result 

Definition at line 1449 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1451 {
1453  const char* varname = entity_user_name(reference_variable(r));
1455  (result,
1456  concatenate(SPACE, QUOTE, XML_ARRAY_PREFIX, varname, QUOTE, SPACE, "accessMode =", QUOTE,
1457  (wmode?"W":"R"),QUOTE, CLOSEANGLE,NL,
1458  NULL));
1459 }

References CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), entity_user_name(), NL, QUOTE, reference_variable, SPACE, string_buffer_append(), and XML_ARRAY_PREFIX.

Referenced by xml_references().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_reference_with_explicit_motif()

static string xml_reference_with_explicit_motif ( reference  r)

Attention with Fortran: the indices are reversed.

Definition at line 242 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

243 {
244  string result = strdup(EMPTY), old, svar;
246  {
247  string s = strdup(xml_expression(e));
248  old = result;
249  result = strdup(concatenate(old, OPENBRACKET, s, CLOSEBRACKET, NULL));
250  free(old);
251  free(s);
252  }, reference_indices(r));
254  old = result;
256  result = strdup(concatenate(svar, old, NULL));
257  free(old);
258  free(svar);
259  return result;
260 }
#define EMPTY

References CLOSEBRACKET, concatenate(), EMPTY, EXPRESSION, free(), MAP, OPENBRACKET, reference_indices, reference_variable, strdup(), xml_entity_local_name(), and xml_expression().

Referenced by xml_expression().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_references()

static void xml_references ( int  taskNumber,
list  l_regions,
stack  indices,
string_buffer  result 

Read array references first

Definition at line 1725 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1726 {
1727  list lr;
1728  bool atleast_one_read_ref = false;
1729  bool atleast_one_written_ref = false;
1730  /* Read array references first */
1731  for ( lr = l_regions; !ENDP(lr); lr = CDR(lr))
1732  {
1733  region re = REGION(CAR(lr));
1736  atleast_one_read_ref = true;
1737  string_buffer_append(result,concatenate(TAB, SPACE, SPACE, OPENANGLE, "data darray=",NULL));
1738  xml_reference(taskNumber, ref, region_write_p(re), result);
1739  xml_tiling(taskNumber, ref,re, indices, result);
1740  }
1741  }
1742  if (!atleast_one_read_ref)
1743  string_buffer_append(result,concatenate(TAB,SPACE, SPACE, "dummyDATA",
1744  NL,NULL));
1745  for ( lr = l_regions; !ENDP(lr); lr = CDR(lr))
1746  {
1747  region re = REGION(CAR(lr));
1750  atleast_one_written_ref = true;
1751  string_buffer_append(result,concatenate(TAB, SPACE, SPACE, OPENANGLE, "data darray=",NULL));
1752  xml_reference(taskNumber, ref, region_write_p(re), result);
1753  xml_tiling(taskNumber, ref,re, indices, result);
1754  }
1755  }
1756  if (!atleast_one_written_ref)
1757  string_buffer_append(result,concatenate(TAB,SPACE, SPACE,"dummyDATA",NL,NULL));
1758 }
#define region_write_p(reg)
#define REGION
static void xml_reference(int taskNumber __attribute__((unused)), reference r, bool wmode, string_buffer result)
static void xml_tiling(int taskNumber, reference ref, region reg, stack indices, string_buffer result)

References array_entity_p(), CAR, CDR, concatenate(), effect_any_reference, ENDP, indices, NL, OPENANGLE, ref, reference_variable, region, REGION, region_read_p, region_write_p, SPACE, string_buffer_append(), TAB, xml_reference(), and xml_tiling().

Referenced by xml_data().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Region_Parameter()

static void xml_Region_Parameter ( list  pattern_region,
string_buffer  sb_result 

Definition at line 3013 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

3014 {
3015  list lr;
3016  list lrr = NIL, lrw=NIL;
3017  bool effet_read = true;
3018  reference ref;
3019  region reg;
3020  entity v;
3022  string_buffer_append_word("ReferencedParameters",sb_result);
3023  global_margin++;
3025  for ( lr = pattern_region; !ENDP(lr); lr = CDR(lr))
3026  {
3027  reg = REGION(CAR(lr));
3028  ref = effect_any_reference(reg);
3029  v = reference_variable(ref);
3031  && !(entity_static_variable_p(v) && !top_level_entity_p(v))) {
3032  string ts = strdup(entity_user_name(v));
3034  // string temp2 = pointer_to_initial_name(ts);
3036  effet_read = region_read_p(reg);
3037  // if ((effet_read && !string_in_list_p(ts,lrr)) || (!effet_read && !string_in_list_p(ts,lrw))) {
3038  if (effet_read)
3039  lrr = gen_nconc(lrr,CONS(STRING,ts,NIL));
3040  else lrw = gen_nconc(lrw,CONS(STRING,ts,NIL));
3041  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
3042  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
3044  "ReferencedParameter"," Name=",
3045  QUOTE,NULL));
3048  false);
3049  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
3050  concatenate(QUOTE, BL,"Range=",QUOTE,NULL));
3051  xml_Region_Range(reg, sb_result);
3053  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
3054  concatenate(QUOTE, BL,
3055  "Type=", QUOTE,(entity_xml_parameter_p(v))? "CONTROL":"DATA",QUOTE,BL,
3056  "AccessMode=", QUOTE, (effet_read)? "USE":"DEF",QUOTE,BL,
3057  "ArrayP=", QUOTE, (array_entity_p(v))?"TRUE":"FALSE",QUOTE, BL,
3058  "Kind=", QUOTE, "VARIABLE",QUOTE,"/",
3060  NL, NULL));
3062  // }
3063  }
3064  }
3065  global_margin--;
3066  string_buffer_append_word("/ReferencedParameters",sb_result);
3067  gen_free_list(lrr);
3068  gen_free_list(lrw);
3069 }
#define STRING(x)
Definition: genC.h:87
void gen_free_list(list l)
free the spine of the list
Definition: list.c:327
static bool print_full_name_p()
static void xml_Region_Range(region reg, string_buffer sb_result)

References add_margin(), array_entity_p(), BL, CAR, CDR, CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), CONS, effect_any_reference, ENDP, entity_static_variable_p(), entity_user_name(), entity_xml_parameter_p(), gen_free_list(), gen_nconc(), global_margin, NIL, NL, OPENANGLE, print_full_name_p(), QUOTE, ref, reference_undefined_p, reference_variable, region, REGION, region_read_p, store_effect_p(), strdup(), STRING, string_buffer_append(), string_buffer_append_word(), string_buffer_append_xml_text(), top_level_entity_p(), variable_heap_p(), words_points_to_reference(), and xml_Region_Range().

Referenced by xml_Call(), and xml_Task().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Region_Range()

static void xml_Region_Range ( region  reg,
string_buffer  sb_result 

on peut ameliorer les resultats en projetant les egalites portant sur les variables autres que les PHI

Definition at line 2543 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

2544 {
2545  Variable phi;
2546  int i;
2547  Pcontrainte pc;
2548  if(reg != region_undefined) {
2550  entity vreg = reference_variable(ref);
2553  Psysteme ps_reg = sc_dup(region_system(reg));
2554  /* on peut ameliorer les resultats en projetant
2555  les egalites portant sur les variables autres que les PHI */
2556  /*
2557  Pvecteur vva = VECTEUR_NUL;
2558  Variable va;
2559  for(pc = sc_egalites(ps_reg); pc!=NULL;pc= pc->succ)
2560  {
2561  va = vect_one_coeff_if_any(pc->vecteur);
2562  if (va!= NULL && strcmp(variable_name(va),"PHI")==0 ) vect_add_elem(&vva,va,1);
2563  }
2564  sc_projection_along_variables_ofl_ctrl(&ps_reg,vva , NO_OFL_CTRL);
2565  */
2566  if (!SC_UNDEFINED_P(ps_reg)) {
2567  sc_transform_eg_in_ineg(ps_reg);
2568  for (i=1;i<=dim;i++) {
2569  string_buffer sbi_result=string_buffer_make(true);
2570  string_buffer sbu_result=string_buffer_make(true);
2571  string string_sbi, string_sbu;
2572  int fub = 0;
2573  int fib = 0;
2574  phi = (Variable) make_phi_entity(i);
2575  string_buffer_append(sbi_result,
2576  concatenate("[", NULL));
2577  string_buffer_append(sbu_result,
2578  concatenate(";",NULL));
2579  for(pc = sc_inegalites(ps_reg); pc!=NULL;pc= pc->succ)
2580  {
2581  int vc = vect_coeff(phi, pc->vecteur);
2582  Pvecteur vvc = vect_dup(pc->vecteur);
2583  string sb= NULL;
2584  string scst;
2585  if (value_pos_p(vc)) { // borne sup
2586  vect_erase_var(&vvc,phi);
2587  vect_chg_sgn(vvc);
2588  sb = vect_to_string(vvc);
2589  if (vc-1)
2590  scst =strdup(i2a(vc));
2591  if (fub++)
2592  if (vc-1)
2593  string_buffer_append(sbu_result,
2594  concatenate(",(",sb, NULL));
2595  else string_buffer_append(sbu_result,
2596  concatenate(",",sb, NULL));
2597  else
2598  if (vc-1)
2599  string_buffer_append(sbu_result,
2600  concatenate("(",sb, NULL));
2601  else string_buffer_append(sbu_result,
2602  concatenate(sb, NULL));
2603  if (vc-1)
2604  string_buffer_append(sbu_result,
2605  concatenate(")/",scst, NULL));
2606  }
2607  else if (value_neg_p(vc)) {
2608  vect_erase_var(&vvc,phi);
2609  sb = vect_to_string(vvc);
2610  if (vc+1) scst =strdup(i2a(-1*vc));
2611  if (fib++)
2612  if (vc+1)
2613  string_buffer_append(sbi_result,
2614  concatenate(",(",sb, NULL));
2615  else string_buffer_append(sbi_result,
2616  concatenate(",",sb, NULL));
2617  else
2618  if (vc+1)
2619  string_buffer_append(sbi_result,
2620  concatenate("(",sb, NULL));
2621  else string_buffer_append(sbi_result,
2622  concatenate(sb, NULL));
2623  if (vc+1)
2624  string_buffer_append(sbi_result,
2625  concatenate(")/",scst, NULL));
2626  }
2627  }
2628  string_buffer_append(sbu_result,
2629  concatenate("]",NULL));
2630  string_sbi = string_buffer_to_string(sbi_result);
2631  string_sbu = string_buffer_to_string(sbu_result);
2632  string_buffer_append(sb_result,string_sbi);
2633  string_buffer_append(sb_result,string_sbu);
2634  }
2635  sc_rm(ps_reg);
2636  }
2637  }
2638  }
2639 }
Definition: statement.c:4047

References array_entity_p(), concatenate(), effect_any_reference, entity_type, gen_length(), i2a(), int, make_phi_entity(), ref, reference_variable, region_system, region_undefined, sc_dup(), sc_rm(), sc_transform_eg_in_ineg(), strdup(), string_buffer_append(), string_buffer_make(), string_buffer_to_string(), Scontrainte::succ, type_variable, value_neg_p, value_pos_p, variable_dimensions, vect_chg_sgn(), vect_coeff(), vect_dup(), vect_erase_var(), vect_to_string(), and Scontrainte::vecteur.

Referenced by xml_Region_Parameter().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Regions()

static void xml_Regions ( string_buffer sb_result   __attribute__(unused))

Definition at line 2065 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

2066 {
2067  // string_buffer_append_word("Regions",sb_result);
2068  // string_buffer_append_word("/Regions",sb_result);
2069 }

Referenced by xml_Task().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Returns()

static void xml_Returns ( string_buffer sb_result   __attribute__(unused))

Definition at line 2046 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

2047 {
2048  //string_buffer_append_word("Returns",sb_result);
2049  //string_buffer_append_word("/Returns",sb_result);
2050 }

Referenced by xml_Task().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Scalar()

static void xml_Scalar ( entity  var,
_UNUSED_ Psysteme  prec,
string_buffer  sb_result 


Definition at line 3806 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

3807 {
3808  const char* datatype ="";
3809  int size =0;
3811  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
3812  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
3813  concatenate(OPENANGLE, "Scalar Name=", QUOTE,NULL));
3814  string_buffer_append_xml_text(sb_result, (string) entity_user_name(var),false);
3815  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
3816  concatenate(QUOTE, BL,
3817  "Type=", QUOTE,(entity_xml_parameter_p(var))? "CONTROL":"DATA",QUOTE,BL,
3818  "Allocation=", QUOTE,
3819  (heap_area_p(var) || stack_area_p(var)) ? "DYNAMIC": "STATIC", QUOTE,BL,
3820  "Kind=", QUOTE,"VARIABLE",QUOTE, NULL));
3821  /* Print XML Array DATA TYPE and DATA SIZE */
3822  type_and_size_of_var(var, &datatype,&size);
3823  //add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
3824  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
3825  concatenate(BL,
3826  "DataType=",QUOTE,datatype,QUOTE, BL,
3827  "Size=",QUOTE, int2a(size), QUOTE, "/"
3829 }

References add_margin(), BL, CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), entity_user_name(), entity_xml_parameter_p(), global_margin, heap_area_p(), int2a(), NL, OPENANGLE, QUOTE, stack_area_p(), string_buffer_append(), string_buffer_append_xml_text(), and type_and_size_of_var().

Referenced by xml_FormalVariables(), xml_GlobalVariables(), and xml_LocalVariables().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_sequence_from_task()

static string xml_sequence_from_task ( sequence  seq)

Concatentates each task to the final result.

The validity of the task is not checked in this function but it is into xml_statementement_from_sequence and subsequent functions.

Definition at line 1076 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1076  {
1077  string result = "";
1078  int task_number = 0;
1080  {
1081  string oldresult = strdup(result);
1082  string current = strdup(xml_statement_from_sequence(s, task_number));
1084  if(strlen(current)==0) {
1085  free(current);
1086  result = oldresult;
1087  }
1088  else {
1089  result = strdup(concatenate(oldresult, current, NULL));
1090  free(current);
1091  free(oldresult);
1092  task_number++;
1093  }
1094  }, sequence_statements(seq));
1095  return result;
1096 }
static size_t current
Definition: string.c:115
static string xml_statement_from_sequence(statement s, int task_number)
We are here at the highest level of statements.

References concatenate(), current, free(), MAP, sequence_statements, STATEMENT, strdup(), and xml_statement_from_sequence().

Referenced by xml_tasks_with_motif().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_statement_from_sequence()

static string xml_statement_from_sequence ( statement  s,
int  task_number 

We are here at the highest level of statements.

The statements are either loopnests or a RETURN instruction. Any other possibility pips_user_errors the prettyprinter.

RETURN should only be allowed as the last statement in the sequence

Definition at line 1048 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1048  {
1049  string result = "";
1052  switch(instruction_tag(i)){
1053  case is_instruction_loop:{
1054  loop l = instruction_loop(i);
1055  result = xml_loop_from_sequence(l, task_number);
1056  break;
1057  }
1058  case is_instruction_call:{
1059  /* RETURN should only be allowed as the last statement in the sequence */
1061  pips_user_error("Only RETURN and CONTINUE allowed here.\n");
1062  break;
1063  }
1064  default:{
1065  pips_user_error("Only loops and calls allowed here.\n");
1066  }
1067  }
1069  return result;
1070 }
bool return_statement_p(statement)
Test if a statement is a C or Fortran "return".
Definition: statement.c:172
static string xml_loop_from_sequence(loop l, int task_number)
We enter a loop nest.

References continue_statement_p(), instruction_loop, instruction_tag, is_instruction_call, is_instruction_loop, pips_user_error, return_statement_p(), statement_instruction, and xml_loop_from_sequence().

Referenced by xml_sequence_from_task().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Task()

static void xml_Task ( const char *  module_name,
int  code_tag,
string_buffer  sb_result 

On ne traite qu'une TE : un seul nid de boucles

Definition at line 4355 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

4356 {
4357  nest_context_t task_loopnest;
4358  task_loopnest.loops_for_call = stack_make(statement_domain,0,0);
4359  task_loopnest.loop_indices = stack_make(entity_domain,0,0);
4360  task_loopnest.current_stat = stack_make(statement_domain,0,0);
4361  task_loopnest.testif = stack_make(statement_domain,0,0);
4362  task_loopnest.nested_loops= gen_array_make(0);
4363  task_loopnest.nested_loop_indices = gen_array_make(0);
4364  task_loopnest.nested_call= gen_array_make(0);
4365  task_loopnest.nested_if= gen_array_make(0);
4366  stack nested_loops;
4367  list pattern_region =NIL;
4368  Pvecteur paving_indices = VECTEUR_NUL;
4370  bool motif_in_te_p = false;
4372  Psysteme prec;
4373  transformer t;
4374  statement stat_module=(statement) db_get_memory_resource(DBR_CODE,
4375  module_name, true);
4377  reset_rw_effects();
4380  db_get_memory_resource(DBR_REGIONS, module_name, true));
4382  push_current_module_statement(stat_module);
4384  global_margin++;
4385  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
4386  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
4388  "Task Name=",QUOTE,
4389  module_name,QUOTE,CLOSEANGLE,NL, NULL));
4390  global_margin++;
4392  find_loops_and_calls_in_box(stat_module,&task_loopnest);
4393  pattern_region = regions_dup(load_statement_local_regions(stat_module));
4395  xml_Library(sb_result);
4396  xml_Returns(sb_result);
4397  xml_Timecosts(sb_result);
4398  xml_GlobalVariables(t,prec,true,sb_result);
4399  xml_LocalVariables(module,t, prec,sb_result);
4400  xml_FormalVariables(module,t,prec,sb_result);
4401  /* On ne traite qu'une TE : un seul nid de boucles */
4402  nested_loops = gen_array_item(task_loopnest.nested_loops,0);
4403  xml_Region_Parameter(pattern_region, sb_result);
4405  motif_in_te_p = motif_in_statement_p;
4406  xml_Loops(nested_loops,false,&pattern_region,&paving_indices, &pattern_indices, motif_in_te_p, sb_result);
4407  xml_TaskParameters(stat_module, false,code_tag, module,pattern_region,paving_indices,sb_result);
4408  xml_Regions(sb_result);
4409  xml_CodeSize(sb_result);
4410  global_margin--;
4411  string_buffer_append_word("/Task",sb_result);
4412  global_margin--;
4415  gen_array_free(task_loopnest.nested_loops);
4416  gen_array_free(task_loopnest.nested_loop_indices);
4417  gen_array_free(task_loopnest.nested_call);
4418  gen_array_free(task_loopnest.nested_if);
4419  stack_free(&(task_loopnest.testif));
4420  stack_free(&(task_loopnest.loops_for_call));
4421  stack_free(&(task_loopnest.loop_indices));
4422  stack_free(&(task_loopnest.current_stat));
4424  regions_free(pattern_region);
4425  sc_rm(prec);
4426 }
void push_current_module_statement(statement)
Set the statement of the current module and push the statement of the previous one on a stack.
Definition: static.c:180
void pop_current_module_statement(void)
Pop the current module statement stack and use it as the current module statement.
Definition: static.c:194
static void xml_Regions(string_buffer sb_result __attribute__((unused)))
static void xml_Library(string_buffer sb_result)
static void xml_Returns(string_buffer sb_result __attribute__((unused)))
static void xml_Timecosts(string_buffer sb_result __attribute__((unused)))
static void xml_CodeSize(string_buffer sb_result)

References add_margin(), CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), nest_context_t::current_stat, db_get_memory_resource(), entity_domain, find_loops_and_calls_in_box(), first_precondition_of_module(), gen_array_free(), gen_array_item(), gen_array_make(), gen_recurse, gen_true(), global_margin, load_statement_local_regions(), nest_context_t::loop_indices, nest_context_t::loops_for_call, module, module_name(), module_name_to_entity(), motif_in_statement(), motif_in_statement_p, nest_context_t::nested_call, nest_context_t::nested_if, nest_context_t::nested_loop_indices, nest_context_t::nested_loops, NIL, NL, OPENANGLE, pattern_indices, pop_current_module_statement(), pop_statement_global_stack(), push_current_module_statement(), push_statement_on_statement_global_stack(), QUOTE, regions_dup(), regions_free(), reset_rw_effects(), sc_rm(), set_rw_effects(), stack_free(), stack_make(), statement_domain, string_buffer_append(), string_buffer_append_word(), nest_context_t::testif, VECTEUR_NUL, xml_CodeSize(), xml_FormalVariables(), xml_GlobalVariables(), xml_Library(), xml_LocalVariables(), xml_Loops(), xml_Region_Parameter(), xml_Regions(), xml_Returns(), xml_TaskParameters(), and xml_Timecosts().

Referenced by generic_print_xml_application().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_task()

static void xml_task ( int  taskNumber,
nest_context_p  nest,
string_buffer  result 

Definition at line 1790 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1791 {
1793  statement s = gen_array_item(nest->nested_call,taskNumber);
1794  stack st = gen_array_item(nest->nested_loops,taskNumber);
1795  stack sindices = gen_array_item(nest->nested_loop_indices,taskNumber);
1797  string_buffer_append(result, concatenate(NL,TAB,OPENANGLE,"task name =", QUOTE, XML_TASK_PREFIX,int2a(taskNumber),QUOTE, CLOSEANGLE, NL, NULL));
1798  string_buffer_append(result, concatenate(TAB, SPACE, OPENANGLE, "unitSpentTime", CLOSEANGLE,task_complexity(s),NULL));
1799  string_buffer_append(result, concatenate(OPENANGLE,SLASH,"unitSpentTime",CLOSEANGLE,NL,NULL));
1801  xml_loop(st, result);
1802  xml_data (taskNumber, s,sindices, result);
1804 }
static void xml_data(int taskNumber, statement s, stack indices, string_buffer result)
static void xml_loop(stack st, string_buffer result)
static string task_complexity(statement s)

References CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), gen_array_item(), int2a(), nest_context_t::nested_call, nest_context_t::nested_loop_indices, nest_context_t::nested_loops, NL, OPENANGLE, QUOTE, SLASH, SPACE, string_buffer_append(), TAB, task_complexity(), xml_data(), xml_loop(), and XML_TASK_PREFIX.

Referenced by xml_tasks().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_TaskParameter()

static void xml_TaskParameter ( bool  assign_function,
_UNUSED_ entity  function,
int  statnb,
bool  is_not_main_p,
entity  var,
Pvecteur  formal_parameters,
list  pattern_region,
Pvecteur  paving_indices,
string_buffer  sb_result,
string_buffer  buffer_assign 

Definition at line 3217 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

3218 {
3219  bool effet_read = true;
3220  region rwr = region_undefined;
3221  region rre = region_undefined;
3222  const char* datatype ="";
3223  int size=0, rw_ef=0, prems=0;
3225  region reg = region_undefined;
3227  list pc = list_undefined;
3228  bool pavp=true, RW_effet=false;
3230  // rappel : les regions contiennent les effects sur les scalaires
3231  // - Pour les fonctions, on ecrit les parametres formels dans l'ordre.
3232  // - Pour le MAIN, ordre des regions:
3233  if (assign_function){
3234  reg = REGION(CAR(pattern_region));
3235  ref = effect_any_reference(reg);
3236  v = reference_variable(ref);
3237  pavp = true;
3238  effet_read = region_read_p(reg);
3239  rw_ef=(!effet_read)?2:1;
3240  }
3241  else {
3242  if (!is_not_main_p) {
3243  reg = REGION(CAR(pattern_region));
3244  ref = effect_any_reference(reg);
3245  v = reference_variable(ref);
3246  pavp =(vect_coeff(v,paving_indices) == 0);
3247  effet_read = region_read_p(reg);
3248  }
3249  else { // c'est une fonction --> impression selon l'ordre des parametres formels
3250  // recherche des regions du parametre formel
3251  rw_ef= find_effect_actions_for_entity(pattern_region,&rre, &rwr,var);
3252  // choix de l'affichage des regions write en premier lorsque R&W existent
3253  if (rwr != region_undefined)
3254  reg=rwr, effet_read=false;
3255  else reg= rre, effet_read=true;
3256  if (reg != region_undefined) {
3257  ref = effect_any_reference(reg);
3258  v = reference_variable(ref);
3259  }
3260  else // cas ou il n'y a pas d'effet sur le parametre formel,
3261  // mais il fait partie de la liste des parametres de la fonction
3262  v = var, effet_read = true;
3264  // La liste des effects de la fonction a ete completee dans le TaskParameters
3265  // On recherche le premier effect sur la variable pour en deduire l'info Use OU Def dans la fonction
3266  if((rw_ef>=3) && (int)gen_length(cumulated_list) >0) {
3267  for (pc= cumulated_list;pc != NIL && prems ==0; pc = CDR(pc)){
3268  effect e = EFFECT(CAR(pc));
3271  prems=(effect_read_p(e)) ? 1:2;
3272  }
3273  }
3274  // printf("DEBUG - DEF_USE detection %s \n",(prems)? ((prems==1)?"USE":"DEF"):"Erreur pas d'effets sur cette variable");
3275  }
3276  }
3277  }
3279  RW_effet=((!is_not_main_p || assign_function) && !effet_read) || (is_not_main_p && (rw_ef==2 || prems==2));
3280  if (pavp) {
3281  type_and_size_of_var(v, &datatype,&size);
3283  if (assign_function && RW_effet && same_entity_p(var,v)) {
3284  add_margin(global_margin,buffer_assign);
3285  string_buffer_append(buffer_assign,
3287  "AssignParameter"," Name=",
3288  QUOTE, NULL));
3289  string_buffer_append_xml_text(buffer_assign,
3290  (string) ((print_full_name_p() || reference_undefined_p(ref)) ?
3292  false);
3293  string_buffer_append(buffer_assign,
3294  concatenate(QUOTE, BL,
3295  "Type=", QUOTE,(entity_xml_parameter_p(v))? "CONTROL":"DATA",QUOTE,BL,
3296  "DataType=",QUOTE,datatype,QUOTE,BL,
3297  "AccessMode=", QUOTE, RW_effet ? "DEF":"USE",QUOTE,BL,
3298  "ArrayP=", QUOTE, (array_entity_p(v))?"TRUE":"FALSE",QUOTE, BL,
3299  "Kind=", QUOTE, "VARIABLE",QUOTE,
3301  NL, NULL));
3303  global_margin++;
3304  xml_Pattern_Paving(reg,v, effet_read, formal_parameters,
3305  paving_indices, buffer_assign);
3306  if (rw_ef>=3)
3307  xml_Pattern_Paving(rre,v, true, formal_parameters,
3308  paving_indices, buffer_assign);
3309  global_margin--;
3310  string_buffer_append_word("/AssignParameter",buffer_assign);
3312  }
3313  else {
3314  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
3315  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
3317  "TaskParameter",
3318  // " Name=", QUOTE,entity_user_name(v),QUOTE, BL,
3319  " Name=", QUOTE, NULL));
3320  // For the task/function parameter, only one region is taken to represent all the struct fields if any.
3322  (string) ((print_full_name_p() || reference_undefined_p(ref) || is_not_main_p)?
3324  false);
3325  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
3326  concatenate(QUOTE, BL,
3327  "Type=", QUOTE,(entity_xml_parameter_p(v))? "CONTROL":"DATA",QUOTE,BL,
3328  "DataType=",QUOTE,datatype,QUOTE,BL,
3329  "AccessMode=", QUOTE, RW_effet ? "DEF":"USE",QUOTE,BL,
3330  "ArrayP=", QUOTE, (array_entity_p(v))?"TRUE":"FALSE",QUOTE, BL,
3331  "Kind=", QUOTE, "VARIABLE",QUOTE,
3333  NL, NULL));
3334  xml_ParameterUseToArrayBound(var,sb_result);
3335  global_margin++;
3336  xml_Pattern_Paving(reg,v, effet_read, formal_parameters,
3337  paving_indices, sb_result);
3338  if (rw_ef>=3)
3339  xml_Pattern_Paving(rre,v, true, formal_parameters,
3340  paving_indices, sb_result);
3341  global_margin--;
3342  string_buffer_append_word("/TaskParameter",sb_result);
3343  }
3344  if (assign_function && rw_ef>=2 && statnb>0) {
3345  Pcallst cst1=(callst *) malloc(sizeof(callst));
3348  entity_domain);
3349  cst1->func = assign_ent;
3350  cst1->stat_nb= statnb;
3351  cst1->succ = (Pcallst)NULL;
3352  update_def_into_tasks_table(v ,cst1);
3353  }
3354  }
3355 }
string make_entity_fullname(const char *module_name, const char *local_name)
Definition: entity_names.c:230
#define list_undefined
Undefined list definition :-)
Definition: newgen_list.h:69
Module containing the global variables in Fortran and C.
Definition: naming-local.h:101
void * gen_find_tabulated(const char *, int)
Definition: tabulated.c:218
Definition: ri-util-local.h:95
static void xml_Pattern_Paving(region reg, entity var, bool effet_read, Pvecteur formal_parameters, Pvecteur paving_indices, string_buffer sb_result)
static void xml_ParameterUseToArrayBound(entity var, string_buffer sb_result)

References add_margin(), array_entity_p(), ASSIGN_OPERATOR_NAME, BL, CAR, CDR, CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), cumulated_list, EFFECT, effect_any_reference, effect_read_p, entity_domain, entity_undefined, entity_user_name(), entity_xml_parameter_p(), find_effect_actions_for_entity(), callst::func, gen_find_tabulated(), gen_length(), global_margin, list_undefined, make_entity_fullname(), malloc(), NIL, NL, OPENANGLE, print_full_name_p(), QUOTE, ref, reference_undefined, reference_undefined_p, reference_variable, region, REGION, region_read_p, region_undefined, same_entity_p(), callst::stat_nb, store_effect_p(), string_buffer_append(), string_buffer_append_word(), string_buffer_append_xml_text(), callst::succ, TOP_LEVEL_MODULE_NAME, type_and_size_of_var(), update_def_into_tasks_table(), vect_coeff(), words_points_to_reference(), xml_ParameterUseToArrayBound(), and xml_Pattern_Paving().

Referenced by xml_TaskParameters().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_TaskParameters()

static void xml_TaskParameters ( statement  stat,
bool  assign_function,
int  code_tag,
entity  module,
list  pattern_region,
Pvecteur  paving_indices,
string_buffer  sb_result 

Definition at line 3391 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

3392 {
3393  string_buffer buffer_assign = string_buffer_make(true);
3394  string string_temp = "";
3395  list lr=NIL;
3396  call c=call_undefined;
3397  int ith;
3398  entity FormalName = entity_undefined;
3399  Pvecteur formal_parameters = VECTEUR_NUL;
3400  int FormalParameterNumber = (int) gen_length(module_formal_parameters(module));
3402  string_buffer_append_word("TaskParameters",sb_result);
3403  global_margin++;
3405  if (assign_function){
3408  }
3409  else {
3412  c =encapsulated_call;
3413  }
3414  if (c==call_undefined)
3415  pips_internal_error("Unexpected call in statement number %d \n",(int) statement_number(stat));
3417  expression lhs_exp=EXPRESSION(CAR(call_arguments(c)));
3418  syntax lhs_syn= expression_syntax(lhs_exp);
3419  if (syntax_reference_p(lhs_syn))
3420  FormalName = reference_variable(syntax_reference(lhs_syn));
3421  else FormalName = entity_undefined;
3423  for (lr = pattern_region; !ENDP(lr); lr = CDR(lr)) {
3424  effect efs = REGION(CAR(lr));
3425  reference rs = effect_any_reference(efs);
3426  entity vs = reference_variable(rs);
3428  if (store_effect_p(efs) &&
3430  xml_TaskParameter(assign_function,module, statement_number(stat),false,FormalName,
3431  formal_parameters,lr,paving_indices,sb_result, buffer_assign);
3432  }
3433  }
3434  else {
3435  // Formal parameters list
3436  for (ith=1;ith<=FormalParameterNumber;ith++) {
3437  FormalName = find_ith_formal_parameter(module,ith);
3438  vect_add_elem (&formal_parameters,(Variable) FormalName,VALUE_ONE);
3439  }
3441  if (code_tag != code_is_a_main) {
3442  // Formal parameters of functions are printed in the function argument order
3443  for (ith=1;ith<=FormalParameterNumber;ith++) {
3444  FormalName = find_ith_formal_parameter(module,ith);
3446  xml_TaskParameter(assign_function,module, statement_number(stat),true,FormalName,
3447  formal_parameters,pattern_region,paving_indices,sb_result, buffer_assign);
3448  }
3449  }
3450  else {
3451  for (lr = pattern_region; !ENDP(lr); lr = CDR(lr)) {
3452  if (store_effect_p(REGION(CAR(lr))))
3453  xml_TaskParameter(assign_function,module, statement_number(stat), false,FormalName,
3454  formal_parameters,lr,paving_indices,sb_result, buffer_assign);
3455  }
3456  }
3458  }
3460  if (assign_function && !string_buffer_empty_p(buffer_assign)) {
3461  string_temp =string_buffer_to_string(buffer_assign);
3462  string_buffer_append(sb_result,string_temp);
3463  }
3464  string_temp=NULL;
3465  global_margin--;
3466  string_buffer_append_word("/TaskParameters",sb_result);
3467 }
bool string_buffer_empty_p(const string_buffer)
return whether string_buffer sb is empty.
static void xml_TaskReturnParameter(entity function, _UNUSED_ int statnb, string_buffer sb_result)
static void xml_TaskParameter(bool assign_function, _UNUSED_ entity function, int statnb, bool is_not_main_p, entity var, Pvecteur formal_parameters, list pattern_region, Pvecteur paving_indices, string_buffer sb_result, string_buffer buffer_assign)

References call_arguments, call_domain, call_undefined, CAR, CDR, code_is_a_main, effect_any_reference, effects_package_entity_p(), encapsulated_call, ENDP, entity_undefined, EXPRESSION, expression_syntax, find_ith_formal_parameter(), gen_length(), gen_recurse, gen_true(), global_margin, instruction_call, instruction_call_p, int, module, module_formal_parameters(), NIL, pips_internal_error, reference_variable, REGION, search_1r_function_call(), statement_instruction, statement_number, std_file_entity_p(), store_effect_p(), string_buffer_append(), string_buffer_append_word(), string_buffer_empty_p(), string_buffer_make(), string_buffer_to_string(), syntax_reference, syntax_reference_p, VALUE_ONE, variable_heap_p(), vect_add_elem(), VECTEUR_NUL, xml_TaskParameter(), and xml_TaskReturnParameter().

Referenced by xml_Call(), and xml_Task().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_TaskReturnParameter()

static void xml_TaskReturnParameter ( entity  function,
_UNUSED_ int  statnb,
string_buffer  sb_result 

Definition at line 3186 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

3187 {
3188  const char* datatype ="";
3190  if (type_functional_p(entity_type(function))) {
3192  if (type_variable_p(tp)) {
3193  variable v=type_variable(tp);
3194  basic b = variable_basic(v);
3195  //int e = SizeOfElements(b);
3196  // int size = (e==-1) ? 9999:e;
3197  datatype =basic_to_string(b);
3199  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
3200  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
3202  "AssignParameter",
3203  " Name= ",QUOTE, "RETURN",QUOTE,BL,
3204  "DataType=",QUOTE,datatype,QUOTE,BL,
3205  "AccessMode=", QUOTE,"DEF",QUOTE,BL,
3206  "ArrayP=", QUOTE, (variable_dimensions(v) != NIL)?"TRUE":"FALSE",QUOTE, BL,
3207  "Kind=", QUOTE, "VARIABLE",QUOTE,
3209  NL, NULL));
3210  string_buffer_append_word("/AssignParameter",sb_result);
3212  }
3213  }
3214 }
#define type_functional_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:2950
#define functional_result(x)
Definition: ri.h:1444
#define type_functional(x)
Definition: ri.h:2952

References add_margin(), basic_to_string(), BL, CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), entity_type, functional_result, global_margin, NIL, NL, OPENANGLE, QUOTE, string_buffer_append(), string_buffer_append_word(), type_functional, type_functional_p, type_variable, type_variable_p, variable_basic, and variable_dimensions.

Referenced by xml_TaskParameters().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_tasks()

static void xml_tasks ( statement  stat,
string_buffer  result 

ifdebug(2) print_call_selection(&nest);

Definition at line 1806 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1806  {
1808  const char* module_name = get_current_module_name();
1809  nest_context_t nest;
1810  int taskNumber =0;
1814  nest.nested_loops= gen_array_make(0);
1816  nest.nested_call= gen_array_make(0);
1820  if(statement_undefined_p(stat)) {
1821  pips_internal_error("statement error");
1822  }
1824  search_nested_loops_and_calls(stat,&nest);
1825  /* ifdebug(2) print_call_selection(&nest); */
1827  for (taskNumber = 0; taskNumber<(int) gen_array_nitems(nest.nested_call); taskNumber++)
1829  xml_task(taskNumber, &nest,result);
1831  string_buffer_append(result,
1833  "application name = ",
1835  NL, NULL));
1837  for(taskNumber = 0; taskNumber<(int) gen_array_nitems(nest.nested_call)-1; taskNumber++)
1838  string_buffer_append(result,concatenate(TAB, OPENANGLE, "taskref ref = ", QUOTE, XML_TASK_PREFIX,
1839  int2a(taskNumber),QUOTE, SLASH, CLOSEANGLE, NL, NULL));
1841  string_buffer_append(result,concatenate(TAB, OPENANGLE, "taskref ref = ", QUOTE, XML_TASK_PREFIX,
1842  int2a(taskNumber),QUOTE, SLASH, CLOSEANGLE, NL, NULL));
1844  string_buffer_append(result,concatenate(SPACE, OPENANGLE, SLASH, "application",CLOSEANGLE, NL, NULL));
1849  stack_free(&(nest.loops_for_call));
1850  stack_free(&(nest.loop_indices));
1851  stack_free(&(nest.current_stat));
1853 }
static void xml_task(int taskNumber, nest_context_p nest, string_buffer result)
static void search_nested_loops_and_calls(statement stmp, nest_context_p nest)

References CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), nest_context_t::current_stat, entity_domain, gen_array_free(), gen_array_make(), gen_array_nitems(), get_current_module_name(), int, int2a(), nest_context_t::loop_indices, nest_context_t::loops_for_call, module_name(), nest_context_t::nested_call, nest_context_t::nested_loop_indices, nest_context_t::nested_loops, NL, OPENANGLE, pips_internal_error, QUOTE, search_nested_loops_and_calls(), SLASH, SPACE, stack_free(), stack_make(), statement_domain, statement_undefined_p, string_buffer_append(), TAB, xml_task(), and XML_TASK_PREFIX.

Referenced by xml_code().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_tasks_with_motif()

static string xml_tasks_with_motif ( statement  stat)

Manages tasks.

The code is very defensive and hangs if sth not predicted happens. Here basically we begin the code in itself and thus $stat is obligatory a sequence.

Definition at line 1101 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1101  {
1102  int j;
1103  instruction i;
1104  string result = "tasks\n";
1105  if(statement_undefined_p(stat))
1106  {
1107  pips_internal_error("statement error");
1108  }
1109  i = statement_instruction(stat);
1111  switch(instruction_tag(i)){
1113  sequence seq = instruction_sequence(i);
1114  result = xml_sequence_from_task(seq);
1115  break;
1116  }
1117  default:{
1118  pips_user_error("Only a sequence can be here");
1119  }
1120  }
1121  result = strdup(concatenate(result, NL, NL, "PRES:APPLICATION := APPLICATION(name = symbol!(", QUOTE, global_module_name, QUOTE, "), ", NL, TAB,NULL));
1122  result = strdup(concatenate(result, "tasks = list<TASK>(", NULL));
1123  for(j = 0; j<(int) gen_array_nitems(tasks_names) - 1; j++){
1124  result = strdup(concatenate(result, *((string *)(gen_array_item(tasks_names, j))), ", ", NULL));
1125  }
1126  result = strdup(concatenate(result, *((string *)(gen_array_item(tasks_names, j))), "))", NULL));
1128  return result;
1129 }
static string xml_sequence_from_task(sequence seq)
Concatentates each task to the final result.

References concatenate(), gen_array_item(), gen_array_make(), gen_array_nitems(), global_module_name, instruction_sequence, instruction_tag, int, is_instruction_sequence, NL, pips_internal_error, pips_user_error, QUOTE, statement_instruction, statement_undefined_p, strdup(), TAB, tasks_names, and xml_sequence_from_task().

Referenced by xml_code_string().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_tiling()

static void xml_tiling ( int  taskNumber,
reference  ref,
region  reg,
stack  indices,
string_buffer  result 

Definition at line 1594 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

1595 {
1596  fprintf(stderr,"XML");
1597  Psysteme ps_reg = sc_dup(region_system(reg));
1598  entity var = reference_variable(ref);
1600  int i, j ;
1601  string_buffer buffer_bound = string_buffer_make(true);
1602  string_buffer buffer_offset = string_buffer_make(true);
1603  string_buffer buffer_fitting = string_buffer_make(true);
1604  string_buffer buffer_paving = string_buffer_make(true);
1605  string string_bound = "";
1606  string string_offset = "";
1607  string string_paving = "";
1608  string string_fitting = "";
1609  Pvecteur iterat, pi= VECTEUR_NUL;
1610  Pcontrainte bound_inf = CONTRAINTE_UNDEFINED;
1611  Pcontrainte bound_up = CONTRAINTE_UNDEFINED;
1612  Pcontrainte iterator = CONTRAINTE_UNDEFINED;
1613  int motif_up_bound =0;
1614  int lowerbound = 0;
1615  int upperbound = 0;
1616  int dim_indices= stack_size(indices);
1617  int pav_matrix[10][10], fit_matrix[10][10];
1619  for (i=1; i<=9;i++)
1620  for (j=1;j<=9;j++)
1621  pav_matrix[i][j]=0, fit_matrix[i][j]=0;
1623  STACK_MAP_X(index,entity,
1624  {
1625  vect_add_elem (&pi,(Variable) index ,VALUE_ONE);
1626  }, indices,1);
1628  for(i=1; i<=dim ; i++) {
1629  Psysteme ps = sc_dup(ps_reg);
1632  find_motif(ps, pi, i, dim, &bound_inf, &bound_up, &iterator,
1633  &motif_up_bound, &lowerbound, &upperbound);
1634  string_buffer_append(buffer_offset,
1635  concatenate(TAB,TAB,OPENANGLE,"offset val =", QUOTE,
1636  (CONTRAINTE_UNDEFINED_P(bound_inf))? "0" :
1637  int2a(vect_coeff(TCST,bound_inf->vecteur)),
1639  if (!CONTRAINTE_UNDEFINED_P(iterator)) {
1640  for (iterat = pi, j=1; !VECTEUR_NUL_P(iterat); iterat = iterat->succ, j++)
1641  pav_matrix[i][j]= vect_coeff(var_of(iterat),iterator->vecteur);
1642  }
1643  if (!CONTRAINTE_UNDEFINED_P(bound_inf))
1644  fit_matrix[i][i]= (motif_up_bound >1) ? 1:0;
1646  string_buffer_append(buffer_bound,
1647  concatenate(TAB,TAB, OPENANGLE, "bound idx=",
1648  QUOTE, XML_MOTIF_PREFIX, int2a(taskNumber),"_",
1649  entity_user_name(var), "_",int2a(i),QUOTE, SPACE,
1650  "lower =" QUOTE,int2a(lowerbound),QUOTE,
1651  SPACE, "upper =", QUOTE, int2a(upperbound),
1653  NL,NULL));
1654  }
1656  for (j=1; j<=dim_indices ; j++){
1657  string_buffer_append(buffer_paving,concatenate(TAB,TAB, OPENANGLE,"row",
1659  for(i=1; i<=dim ; i++)
1660  string_buffer_append(buffer_paving,
1661  concatenate(OPENANGLE, "cell val =", QUOTE,
1662  int2a( pav_matrix[i][j]),QUOTE, SLASH,
1664  string_buffer_append(buffer_paving,concatenate(OPENANGLE,SLASH, "row",
1666  }
1667  for(i=1; i<=dim ; i++) {
1668  string_buffer_append(buffer_fitting,concatenate(TAB, TAB,OPENANGLE,"row",
1670  for(j=1; j<=dim ; j++)
1671  string_buffer_append(buffer_fitting, concatenate(OPENANGLE, "cell val =", QUOTE,
1672  int2a( fit_matrix[i][j]),
1676  string_buffer_append(buffer_fitting,concatenate(OPENANGLE,SLASH, "row",
1678  }
1681  string_offset =string_buffer_to_string(buffer_offset);
1682  string_buffer_append(result,string_offset);
1683  free(string_offset);
1684  string_offset=NULL;
1690  string_fitting =string_buffer_to_string(buffer_fitting);
1691  string_buffer_append(result,string_fitting);
1692  free(string_fitting);
1693  string_fitting=NULL;
1698  string_paving =string_buffer_to_string(buffer_paving);
1699  string_buffer_append(result,string_paving);
1700  free(string_paving);
1701  string_paving=NULL;
1710  string_bound =string_buffer_to_string(buffer_bound);
1711  string_buffer_append(result,string_bound);
1712  free(string_bound);
1713  string_bound=NULL;
1716  SLASH "bounds", CLOSEANGLE, NL, NULL));
1723 }
int stack_size(const stack)
static void find_motif(Psysteme ps, Pvecteur nested_indices, int dim, int nb_dim __attribute__((unused)), Pcontrainte *bound_inf, Pcontrainte *bound_sup, Pcontrainte *iterator, int *motif_up_bound, int *lowerbound, int *upperbound)

References CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), CONTRAINTE_UNDEFINED, CONTRAINTE_UNDEFINED_P, entity_type, entity_user_name(), find_motif(), fprintf(), free(), gen_length(), indices, int, int2a(), NL, OPENANGLE, QUOTE, ref, reference_variable, region_system, sc_dup(), sc_transform_eg_in_ineg(), SLASH, SPACE, STACK_MAP_X, stack_size(), string_buffer_append(), string_buffer_make(), string_buffer_to_string(), Svecteur::succ, TAB, TCST, type_variable, upperbound(), VALUE_ONE, var_of, variable_dimensions, vect_add_elem(), vect_coeff(), Scontrainte::vecteur, VECTEUR_NUL, VECTEUR_NUL_P, and XML_MOTIF_PREFIX.

Referenced by xml_references().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Timecosts()

static void xml_Timecosts ( string_buffer sb_result   __attribute__(unused))

Definition at line 2052 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

2053 {
2054  //string_buffer_append_word("Timecosts",sb_result);
2055  // string_buffer_append_word("/Timecosts",sb_result);
2056 }

Referenced by xml_Task().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Transposed_Matrix2D()

static void xml_Transposed_Matrix2D ( Pmatrix  mat)

Definition at line 4185 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

4186 {
4187  MATRIX_ELEM(mat,1,1)=0;
4188  MATRIX_ELEM(mat,1,2)=1;
4189  MATRIX_ELEM(mat,2,1)=1;
4190  MATRIX_ELEM(mat,2,2)=0;
4191 }

References MATRIX_ELEM.

Referenced by xml_Transposition().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Transposed_Matrix3_5D()

static void xml_Transposed_Matrix3_5D ( Pmatrix  mat,
int  a[12],
int  ArrayDim1,
_UNUSED_ int  ArrayDim2 

Definition at line 4193 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

4196 {
4198  int i,j,n;
4199  int result[]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
4200  tri_abc(a,ArrayDim1,result);
4201  for (i=1; i<= ArrayDim1; i++) {
4202  n = result[i+ArrayDim1];
4203  for (j=1;j<=ArrayDim1;j++) {
4204  if (result[j]==n)
4205  MATRIX_ELEM(mat,i,j)=1;
4206  }
4207  }
4208 }
static void tri_abc(int a[12], int dim, int result[12])

References MATRIX_ELEM, and tri_abc().

Referenced by xml_Transposition().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Transposition()

static void xml_Transposition ( statement  s,
call  c,
int  d,
string_buffer  sb_result,
int  version 

Definition at line 4266 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

4267 {
4268  int tab[]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
4269  int i;
4271  value v;
4272  list args = call_arguments(c);
4273  Pmatrix mat = NULL;
4275  if ((version==0) && (int) gen_length(args)==3+3*d) {
4276  for (i=1; i<=d; i++) {
4277  arg1= EXPRESSION(CAR(args));
4278  POP(args);
4279  }
4280  for (i=1;i<=2*d;i++){
4281  arg2= EXPRESSION(CAR(args));
4282  v = EvalExpression(arg2);
4284  tab[i] = constant_int(value_constant(v));
4285  }
4286  POP(args);
4287  }
4288  POP(args);
4289  arg1= EXPRESSION(CAR(args));
4290  POP(args);
4291  arg2= EXPRESSION(CAR(args));
4293  if (d>2 && d<=5) {
4294  mat = matrix_new(d,d);
4297  }
4298  else if (d==2) {
4299  mat = matrix_new(2,2);
4302  }
4303  }
4304  else if ((version==1) && (int) gen_length(args)==3+2*d) {
4305  int j;
4306  mat = matrix_new(d,d);
4308  for (i=1; i<= d; i++) {
4309  arg1= EXPRESSION(CAR(args));
4310  v = EvalExpression(arg1);
4313  if (0<=j && j<=d-1)
4314  MATRIX_ELEM(mat,i,j+1)=1;
4315  }
4316  POP(args);
4317  }
4318  for (i=1; i<= d; i++)
4319  POP(args); // strides
4320  POP(args); // size
4321  arg1= EXPRESSION(CAR(args));
4322  POP(args);
4323  arg2= EXPRESSION(CAR(args));
4324  }
4325  else {
4326  spear_warning(s, "Change the arguments to be consistent with the prototype ",
4327  "The prototype of the function %s is not correct ",
4329  }
4330  // case with array field reference
4331  if (arg1 != expression_undefined && arg2 != expression_undefined) {
4332  arg1 = skip_field_and_cast_expression(arg1);
4333  arg2 = skip_field_and_cast_expression(arg2);
4334  if (array_argument_p(arg1) && array_argument_p(arg2)) {
4337  string_buffer_append_word("Transposition",sb_result);
4338  global_margin++;
4339  add_margin(global_margin,sb_result);
4340  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
4341  concatenate(OPENANGLE,"TransposParameters ", "OUT=", QUOTE,NULL));
4342  string_buffer_append_xml_text(sb_result, (string) entity_user_name(reference_variable(r1)),false);
4343  string_buffer_append(sb_result,
4347  xml_Matrix(mat,mat->number_of_lines,mat->number_of_columns,sb_result);
4348  matrix_free(mat);
4349  global_margin--;
4350  string_buffer_append_word("/Transposition",sb_result);
4351  }
4352  }
4353 }
#define matrix_free(m)
Allocation et desallocation d'une matrice.
Definition: matrix-local.h:73
#define expression_undefined
Definition: ri.h:1223
int number_of_lines
Definition: matrix-local.h:65
int number_of_columns
Definition: matrix-local.h:66
static void xml_Transposed_Matrix3_5D(Pmatrix mat, int a[12], int ArrayDim1, _UNUSED_ int ArrayDim2)
static void xml_Transposed_Matrix2D(Pmatrix mat)

References add_margin(), array_argument_p(), BL, call_arguments, call_function, CAR, CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), constant_int, constant_int_p, entity_user_name(), EvalExpression(), EXPRESSION, expression_syntax, expression_undefined, gen_length(), global_margin, MATRIX_ELEM, matrix_free, matrix_init(), matrix_new(), NL, Pmatrix::number_of_columns, Pmatrix::number_of_lines, OPENANGLE, POP, QUOTE, reference_variable, skip_field_and_cast_expression(), spear_warning, string_buffer_append(), string_buffer_append_word(), string_buffer_append_xml_text(), syntax_reference, value_constant, value_constant_p, xml_Matrix(), xml_Transposed_Matrix2D(), and xml_Transposed_Matrix3_5D().

Referenced by xml_Call().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xml_Type_Entity()

static void xml_Type_Entity ( entity  vv,
string_buffer  type_buffer 

Definition at line 2992 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

2993 {
2994  int max_step = (int) maximal_type_depth(entity_type(vv));
2995  if (max_step <=30) {
2996  // if (!io_entity_p(vv) && !ENTITY_STDOUT_P(vv) && !ENTITY_STDIN_P(vv) && !ENTITY_STDERR_P(vv)) {
2997  if (!effects_package_entity_p(vv) && !std_file_entity_p(vv) && !variable_heap_p(vv)) {
2998  type ct = entity_type(vv);
2999  global_margin++;
3000  add_margin(global_margin,type_buffer);
3001  string_buffer_append(type_buffer,
3003  "Reference Name= ",QUOTE,NULL));
3004  string_buffer_append_xml_text(type_buffer, (string) entity_user_name(vv),false);
3005  string_buffer_append(type_buffer, concatenate(QUOTE,CLOSEANGLE,NL,NULL));
3006  xml_Full_Type(ct,max_step,type_buffer);
3007  string_buffer_append_word("/Reference",type_buffer);
3008  global_margin--;
3009  }
3010  }
3011 }
size_t maximal_type_depth(type)
Number of steps to access the lowest leave of type t without a recursive test.
Definition: type.c:4856

References add_margin(), CLOSEANGLE, concatenate(), effects_package_entity_p(), entity_type, entity_user_name(), global_margin, int, maximal_type_depth(), NL, OPENANGLE, QUOTE, std_file_entity_p(), string_buffer_append(), string_buffer_append_word(), string_buffer_append_xml_text(), variable_heap_p(), and xml_Full_Type().

Referenced by xml_Boxes().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ array_dims

gen_array_t array_dims

Definition at line 294 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

Referenced by print_xml_code_with_explicit_motif(), and xml_dim_string().

◆ array_location_string

string array_location_string

◆ array_mem_string

string array_mem_string

◆ array_names

◆ box_in_statement_p

bool box_in_statement_p = false

Definition at line 126 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

Referenced by box_in_statement(), and find_code_status().

◆ cumulated_list

◆ def_to_task_mapping

◆ encapsulated_call

◆ extern_indices_array

gen_array_t extern_indices_array

array containing extern loop indices names

Definition at line 105 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

Referenced by xml_array_in_task(), xml_call_from_indice(), xml_loop_from_loop(), and xml_loop_from_sequence().

◆ extern_upperbounds_array

gen_array_t extern_upperbounds_array

array containing extern upperbounds

Definition at line 109 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

Referenced by xml_loop_from_loop(), and xml_loop_from_sequence().

◆ fortran_appli

bool fortran_appli = true

◆ global_application_variables

Pvecteur global_application_variables = VECTEUR_NUL

Definition at line 136 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

Referenced by xml_Boxes(), and xml_GlobalVariables().

◆ global_margin

◆ global_module_name

static const char * global_module_name

◆ hash_entity_def_into_tasks

◆ intern_indices_array

gen_array_t intern_indices_array

array containing intern loop indices (name : "M_")

Definition at line 107 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

Referenced by xml_array_in_task(), xml_call_from_indice(), xml_loop_from_loop(), and xml_loop_from_sequence().

◆ intern_upperbounds_array

gen_array_t intern_upperbounds_array

array containing intern upperbounds

Definition at line 111 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

Referenced by xml_array_in_task(), xml_loop_from_loop(), and xml_loop_from_sequence().

◆ local_application_variables

Pvecteur local_application_variables = VECTEUR_NUL

Definition at line 137 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

Referenced by xml_Boxes(), and xml_LocalVariables().

◆ local_declaration_list

list local_declaration_list = NIL

Definition at line 131 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

Referenced by store_local_array_declaration(), and xml_LocalVariables().

◆ motif_in_statement_p

bool motif_in_statement_p = false

Definition at line 127 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

Referenced by find_code_status(), motif_in_statement(), xml_Loops(), and xml_Task().

◆ statement_in_truebranch_p

bool statement_in_truebranch_p = false

Definition at line 128 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

Referenced by statement_in_truebranch(), xml_Call(), and xml_Chain_Graph().

◆ tasks_names

gen_array_t tasks_names

array containing the tasks names

Definition at line 113 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

Referenced by xml_loop_from_sequence(), and xml_tasks_with_motif().

◆ test_statement_of_reference

statement test_statement_of_reference

Definition at line 130 of file xml_prettyprinter.c.

Referenced by statement_in_truebranch(), xml_Call(), and xml_Chain_Graph().