Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
3  $Id: symbol_table.c 23180 2016-09-09 12:37:41Z irigoin $
5  Copyright 1989-2016 MINES ParisTech
7  This file is part of PIPS.
9  PIPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12  any later version.
14  PIPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
15  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
20  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21  along with PIPS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
23 */
24 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
25  #include "pips_config.h"
26 #endif
28 #include <stdio.h>
29 #include <ctype.h>
30 #include <stdlib.h>
32 #include "genC.h"
33 #include "linear.h"
35 #include "misc.h"
36 #include "properties.h"
37 #include "pipsdbm.h"
38 #include "text-util.h"
39 #include "ri-util.h"
40 #include "prettyprint.h"
42 #define NL "\n"
44 static string indent_table [9] = {"",
45  "\t",
46  "\t\t",
47  "\t\t\t",
48  "\t\t\t\t",
49  "\t\t\t\t\t",
50  "\t\t\t\t\t\t",
51  "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t",
52  "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"};
54 static string check_derived_and_typedef (basic b, int indent,
55  const char* parent);
57 static string entities_type_and_name (list entities, int indent,
58  const char* parent) {
59  string result = strdup ("");
60  string indent_str = (indent < 9)? indent_table[indent] : indent_table[8];
61  string old = NULL;
63  // if more that 8 indentation required continue to build the indentation
64  // string
65  for (int i = 8; i < indent; i++) {
66  old = indent_str;
67  indent_str = concatenate (indent_str, "\t", NULL);
68  free (old);
69  }
71  FOREACH (ENTITY, e, entities) {
72  type t = entity_type (e);
73  if (type_variable_p(t)) {
74  old = result;
75  variable v = type_variable(t);
76  basic b = variable_basic(v);
77  string name = strdup (concatenate (parent, ".", entity_user_name (e),
78  NULL));
79  string deeper = check_derived_and_typedef (b, indent + 1, name);
80  result = strdup (concatenate(result, indent_str, "type = \"",
81  basic_to_string(b), "\"",
82  "\tuser name = \"", name, "\"\n",
83  deeper, NULL)
84  );
85  free (deeper);
86  free (name);
87  free (old);
88  }
89  }
90  return result;
91 }
93 static string check_derived_and_typedef (basic b, int indent,
94  const char* parent) {
95  string result = NULL;
96  if (basic_derived_p (b)) {
97  pips_debug(3, "Derived found, let's look at it\n");
98  entity e2 = basic_derived (b);
99  type t2 = entity_type (e2);
100  if (type_struct_p(t2)) {
101  pips_debug(3, "Struct found, let's go deeper\n");
102  result = entities_type_and_name (type_struct (t2), indent, parent);
103  }
104  }
105  if (basic_typedef_p (b)) {
106  pips_debug(3, "typedef found, let's look at it\n");
107  entity e2 = basic_typedef (b);
108  type t2 = entity_type (e2);
109  if (type_variable_p(t2)) {
110  variable v2 = type_variable(t2);
111  basic b2 = variable_basic(v2);
112  result = check_derived_and_typedef (b2, indent, parent);
113  }
114  }
115  return ((result == NULL) ? strdup ("") : result);
116 }
118 /* This function is called from c_parse() via ResetCurrentModule() and fprint_environment() */
121  entity c,
122  bool debug_p,
123  bool isfortran)
124 {
126  list members = get_common_members(c, mod, false);
127  list equiv_members = NIL;
129  string_buffer_append(result,
130  concatenate(NL,"Layout for ",
131  isfortran?"common /":"memory area \"",
132  entity_name(c),isfortran?"/":"\""," of size ",
134  ":",NL,NULL));
137  if(ENDP(members)) {
138  pips_assert("An empty area has size 0",
139  area_size(type_area(entity_type(c))) ==0);
140  string_buffer_append(result, concatenate("\t* empty area *",NL,NL,NULL));
141  }
142  else {
143  // Different preconditions for C and fortran
145  if(isfortran){
146  if(area_size(type_area(entity_type(c)))==0
147  /* FI: a weaker test to stay independent from the syntax
148  * library and its internal static variables.
149  *
150  * This piece of code can be used in a pass or as debugging
151  * code for library syntax.
152  */
153  // && fortran_relevant_area_entity_p(c))
154  && !heap_area_p(c) && !stack_area_p(c))
155  {
156  if(debug_p) {
157  user_warning("dump_common_layout",
158  "Non-empty area %s should have a final size greater than 0\n",
159  entity_module_name(c));
160  }
161  else {
162  pips_internal_error("Non-empty area %s should have a size greater than 0",
163  entity_module_name(c));
164  }
165  }
166  }
167  else {
168  if(area_size(type_area(entity_type(c))) == 0)
169  {
170  if(debug_p) {
171  user_warning("dump_common_layout",
172  "Non-empty area %s should have a final size greater than 0\n",
173  entity_module_name(c));
174  }
175  }
176  }
178  if(isfortran){
179  FOREACH(ENTITY, m, members) {
180  pips_assert("RAM storage",
182  if(ram_function(storage_ram(entity_storage(m)))==mod) {
183  int s;
186  pips_internal_error("Variable %s declared in area %s but allocated in area %s",
189  }
191  if(!SizeOfArray(m, &s)) {
194  s = -1;
195  }
196  else {
197  user_warning("print_common_layout",
198  "Varying size of array \"%s\"\n", entity_name(m));
199  pips_internal_error("Fortran standard prohibit varying size array\n");
200  }
201  }
203  string_buffer_append(result,
205  ("\tVariable ",entity_name(m),"\toffset = ",
207  string_buffer_append(result,
208  concatenate("\tsize = ",i2a(s),NL,NULL));
209  }
210  }
211  }
212  else { // C language
213  FOREACH(ENTITY, m, members) {
214  if(!place_holder_variable_p(m)) {
215  pips_assert("RAM storage",
217  int s;
219  SizeOfArray(m, &s);
221  pips_assert("An area has no offset as -1",
225  string_buffer_append(result,
226  concatenate(
227  "\tDynamic Variable \"",entity_name(m),
228  "\"\toffset = UNKNOWN, \tsize = DYNAMIC",
229  NL,NULL));
230  }
232  string_buffer_append(result,
234  ("\tExternal Variable \"", entity_name(m),
235  "\"\toffset = UNKNOWN,\tsize = ",
236  s>0?i2a(s): "unknown", NL, NULL));
237  }
238  else {
239  string_buffer_append(result,
241  ("\tVariable \"", entity_name(m),"\"\toffset = ",
243  if (get_bool_property("EXTENDED_VARIABLE_INFORMATION")) {
244  pips_debug(3, "extended information required\n");
245  type t = entity_type (m);
246  if (type_variable_p(t)) {
247  variable v = type_variable(t);
248  basic b = variable_basic(v);
249  string_buffer_append(result,
250  concatenate("\ttype = \"",
251  basic_to_string(b), "\"",
252  "\tuser name = \"",
253  entity_user_name (m), "\"",
254  NULL));
255  // check if the basic is derived or typedef to be investigated
256  string deeper = check_derived_and_typedef (b, 2, entity_user_name (m));
257  if (strcmp (deeper, "") != 0) {
258  string_buffer_append (result, NL);
259  string_buffer_append (result, deeper);
260  }
261  else free (deeper);
262  }
263  }
264  string_buffer_append(result,
265  concatenate("\tsize = ",i2a(s),NL,NULL));
266  }
267  }
268  }
269  }
271  string_buffer_append(result, NL);
273  FOREACH(ENTITY, m, members) {
276  equiv_members = arguments_union(equiv_members, equiv);
277  }
279  if(!ENDP(equiv_members)){
280  equiv_members = arguments_difference(equiv_members, members);
281  if(!ENDP(equiv_members)) {
282  sort_list_of_entities(equiv_members);
284  string_buffer_append(result, concatenate("\tVariables aliased to this common:",NL,
285  NULL));
287  FOREACH(ENTITY, m, equiv_members) {
288  pips_assert("RAM storage",
290  string_buffer_append(result,
292  ("\tVariable", entity_name(m) ,"\toffset =",
293  ram_offset(storage_ram(entity_storage(m))),"\tsize = ",
294  array_size(m),NL,NULL));
295  }
296  string_buffer_append(result, concatenate(NL,NULL));
297  gen_free_list(equiv_members);
298  }
299  }
300  }
301  gen_free_list(members);
302 }
304 string get_symbol_table(entity m, bool isfortran)
305 {
306  string_buffer result = string_buffer_make(true);
307  string result2;
309  int nth = 0;
310  entity rv = entity_undefined; /* return variable */
311  list ce = list_undefined;
313  pips_assert("m is a module", entity_module_p(m));
314  pips_assert("decls is a list of entities", entity_list_p(decls));
316  /* To simplify validation, at the expense of some information about
317  the parsing process. */
321  string_buffer_append(result, concatenate(NL,"Declarations for module \"",
322  module_local_name(m),"\" with type \"", NULL));
325  string_buffer_append(result, "\"" NL);
327  /*
328  * List of implicitly and explicitly declared variables, functions
329  * and areas
330  *
331  */
332  if(ENDP(decls))
333  string_buffer_append(result, concatenate("\n* empty declaration list *",NL,NL,NULL));
334  else
335  string_buffer_append(result, concatenate("\nVariable list:",NL,NL,NULL));
337  FOREACH(ENTITY, e, decls) {
338  // FI: more filtering needed for entities generated by the
339  // different passes, such as location entities
340  if(!typedef_entity_p(e) && !derived_entity_p(e)) {
341  type t = entity_type(e);
343  pips_debug(8, "Processing entity \"%s\"\n", entity_name(e));
344  string_buffer_append(result, concatenate("\tDeclared entity \"",
345  entity_name(e),"\" with type \"",
346  type_to_string(t),"\" ",NULL));
348  /* FI: struct, union and enum are also declared (in theory...), but
349  their characteristics should be given differently. */
350  if(type_variable_p(t)
351  /* && (storage_ram_p(s) || storage_return_p(s) || storage_formal_p(s))*/) {
352  variable v = type_variable(t);
353  list dl = variable_dimensions(v);
354  list ql = variable_qualifiers(v);
355  basic b = variable_basic(v);
358  string_buffer_append(result, "\"(");
359  dump_functional(f,result);
360  string_buffer_append(result, ") *\""NL);
361  }
362  else {
363  if(ENDP(dl)) {
364  if(ENDP(ql)) {
365  string_buffer_append(result,
366  concatenate("\"", basic_to_string(b), "\""NL,NULL));
367  }
368  else {
369  string sql = list_to_string(words_qualifiers(ql));
370  string_buffer_append(result,
371  concatenate("\"", sql, basic_to_string(b), "\""NL,NULL));
372  }
373  }
374  else {
375  list pdl = NIL;
376  string sdl = list_to_string(words_dimensions(dl, &pdl));
377  gen_free_list(pdl);
378  if(ENDP(ql)) {
379  string_buffer_append(result,
380  concatenate("\"", basic_to_string(b), sdl, "\""NL,NULL));
381  }
382  else {
383  string sql = list_to_string(words_qualifiers(ql));
384  string_buffer_append(result,
385  concatenate("\"", sql, basic_to_string(b), sdl, "\""NL,NULL));
386  }
387  }
388  }
389  }
390  else if(type_functional_p(t)) {
391  string_buffer_append(result, "\"");
392  dump_functional(type_functional(t),result);
393  string_buffer_append(result, "\""NL);
394  }
395  else if(type_area_p(t)) {
396  string_buffer_append(result,concatenate("with size ",
397  i2a(area_size(type_area(t))),NL, NULL));
398  }
399  else {
400  /* FI: How do we want to print out structures, unions and enums? */
401  /* FI: How do we want to print out typedefs? */
402  string_buffer_append(result, NL);
403  }
404  }
405  }
407  /*
408  * Extern declarations
409  */
411  if(!isfortran) {
414  //gen_sort_list(decls, compare_entities);
416  if(ENDP(edecls))
417  string_buffer_append(result, concatenate("\n* empty extern declaration list *",NL,NL,NULL));
418  else
419  string_buffer_append(result, concatenate("\nExternal variable list:",NL,NL,NULL));
421  for(ce=edecls; !ENDP(ce); POP(ce)) {
422  entity e = ENTITY(CAR(ce));
423  type t = entity_type(e);
425  pips_debug(8, "Processing external entity \"%s\"\n", entity_name(e));
426  pips_assert("e is an entity", entity_domain_number(e)==entity_domain);
427  string_buffer_append(result, concatenate("\tDeclared external entity \"",
428  entity_name(e),"\"\twith type \"",
429  type_to_string(t),"\" ",NULL));
431  if(type_variable_p(t)) {
432  variable v = type_variable(t);
433  basic b = variable_basic(v);
436  string_buffer_append(result, "\"(");
437  dump_functional(f,result);
438  string_buffer_append(result, ") *\"" NL);
439  }
440  else {
441  string_buffer_append(result,
442  concatenate("\"", basic_to_string(b), "\""NL,NULL));
443  }
444  }
445  else if(type_functional_p(t)) {
446  string_buffer_append(result, "\"");
447  dump_functional(type_functional(t),result);
448  string_buffer_append(result, "\"" NL);
449  }
450  else if(type_area_p(t)) {
451  string_buffer_append(result,concatenate("with size ",
452  i2a(area_size(type_area(t))),NL, NULL));
453  }
454  else
455  string_buffer_append(result, NL);
456  }
457  }
459  /*
460  * Derived entities: struct, union and enum
461  */
463  nth = 0;
464  FOREACH(ENTITY, de, decls) {
465  if(entity_struct_p(de) || entity_union_p(de) || entity_enum_p(de)) {
466  nth++;
467  if(nth==1) {
468  string_buffer_append(result, concatenate(NL,"Derived entities:"
469  ,NL,NL,NULL));
470  }
471  /* FI: it would be useful to dump more information aout
472  fields and members */
473  string_buffer_append(result, concatenate("\tVariable \"", entity_name(de),
474  "\"\tkind = ",
475  entity_struct_p(de)? "struct" :
476  entity_union_p(de)? "union" : "enum",
477  "\n", NULL));
478  }
479  }
481  /*
482  * Typedefs
483  */
485  nth = 0;
486  FOREACH(ENTITY, te, decls) {
487  if(typedef_entity_p(te)) {
488  type t = entity_type(te);
489  nth++;
490  if(nth==1) {
491  string_buffer_append(result, concatenate(NL,"Typedef entities:"
492  ,NL,NL,NULL));
493  }
494  string_buffer_append(result, concatenate("\tTypedef \"", entity_name(te),
495  "\"\twith type \"",type_to_string(t),"\" ", NULL));
497  if(type_variable_p(t)) {
498  variable v = type_variable(t);
499  basic b = variable_basic(v);
502  string_buffer_append(result, "\"(");
503  dump_functional(f,result);
504  string_buffer_append(result, ") *\"" NL);
505  }
506  else {
507  string_buffer_append(result,
508  concatenate("\"", basic_to_string(b), "\""NL,NULL));
509  }
510  }
511  else if(type_functional_p(t)) {
512  string_buffer_append(result, "\"");
513  dump_functional(type_functional(t),result);
514  string_buffer_append(result, "\"" NL);
515  }
516  else if(type_void_p(t)) {
517  string_buffer_append(result, "\"void\"" NL);
518  }
519  else {
520  pips_internal_error("unexpected type for a typedef");
521  }
522  }
523  }
525  /* Formal parameters */
526  nth = 0;
527  FOREACH(ENTITY, v, decls) {
528  storage vs = entity_storage(v);
530  pips_assert("All storages are defined", !storage_undefined_p(vs));
532  if(storage_formal_p(vs)) {
533  nth++;
534  if(nth==1) {
535  string_buffer_append(result, concatenate(NL,"Layout for formal parameters:"
536  ,NL,NL,NULL));
537  }
538  string_buffer_append(result, concatenate("\tVariable ", entity_name(v),
539  "\toffset = ",
541  "\n", NULL));
542  }
543  else if(storage_return_p(vs)) {
544  pips_assert("No more than one return variable", entity_undefined_p(rv));
545  rv = v;
546  }
547  }
549  /* Return variable */
550  if(!entity_undefined_p(rv)) {
552  string_buffer_append(result, concatenate(NL,"Layout for return variable:",NL,NL,NULL));
553  string_buffer_append(result, concatenate("\tVariable \"",
554  entity_name(rv),
555  "\"\tsize = ",
556  strdup(i2a(SizeOfElements(rb))),
557  "\n", NULL));
558  }
560  /* Structure of each area/common */
561  if(!ENDP(decls)) {
562  string_buffer_append(result, concatenate(NL,"Layouts for ",isfortran?"commons:":"memory areas:",NL,NULL));
563  }
565  FOREACH (ENTITY, e, decls) {
566  if(type_area_p(entity_type(e))) {
567  dump_common_layout(result, e, false, isfortran);
568  }
569  }
571  string_buffer_append(result, concatenate("End of declarations for module ",
572  module_local_name(m), NL,NL, NULL));
574  gen_free_list(decls);
576  result2 = string_buffer_to_string(result);
577  string_buffer_free(&result);
579  return result2;
580 }
582 void actual_symbol_table_dump(const char* module_name, bool is_parsed)
583 {
584  FILE *out;
585  string ppt;
586  bool isfortran = false;
590  if(value_code_p(v)) {
591  code c = value_code(v);
592  language l = code_language(c);
594  isfortran = true;
595  }
596  else if(language_c_p(l)) {
597  isfortran = false;
599  }
600  else {
601  pips_internal_error("Language %d is not supported.\n");
602  }
603  }
604  else {
605  pips_internal_error("Module \"%s\" has no code.\n", module_name);
606  }
608  string symboltable = db_build_file_resource_name(DBR_SYMBOL_TABLE_FILE,
609  module_name, NULL);
610  string dir = db_get_current_workspace_directory();
611  string filename = strdup(concatenate(dir, "/", symboltable, NULL));
612  bool reset_p = false;
614  debug_on("SYMBOL_TABLE_DEBUG_LEVEL");
616  /* This function is called in two different context: as a
617  standalone phase or as part of debugging the parser?!? */
619  reset_p = true;
621  }
623  out = safe_fopen(filename, "w");
625  ppt = get_symbol_table(module, isfortran);
627  fprintf(out, "%s\n%s", module_name, ppt);
628  safe_fclose(out, filename);
630  free(dir);
631  free(filename);
633  if(reset_p)
636  debug_off();
638  if(is_parsed)
639  DB_PUT_FILE_RESOURCE(DBR_PARSED_SYMBOL_TABLE_FILE, module_name, symboltable);
640  else
641  DB_PUT_FILE_RESOURCE(DBR_SYMBOL_TABLE_FILE, module_name, symboltable);
643 }
645 /* bool c_symbol_table(const char* module_name) */
646 /* { */
647 /* set_prettyprint_language_tag(is_language_c); */
648 /* //all the way down to words_basic() */
649 /* actual_symbol_table_dump(module_name, false); */
650 /* return true; */
651 /* } */
653 /* bool fortran_symbol_table(const char* module_name) */
654 /* { */
655 /* actual_symbol_table_dump(module_name, true); */
656 /* return true; */
657 /* } */
659 /* To replace c_symbol_table() and fortran_symbol_table() because the
660  * information about the language is available in the symbol table.
661  *
662  * This the symbol table is never duplicated, this function's output
663  * is correct only if the controlizer has not been applied.
664  */
666 {
668  return true;
669 }
671 /* To replace c_symbol_table() and fortran_symbol_table() because the
672  information about the language is available in the symbol table. */
673 bool symbol_table(const char* module_name)
674 {
676  return true;
677 }
static FILE * out
Definition: alias_check.c:128
string list_to_string(list l)
Return the malloc()ed version of the concatenation of all the strings in the list.
Definition: args.c:74
cons * arguments_union(cons *a1, cons *a2)
cons * arguments_union(cons * a1, cons * a2): returns a = union(a1, a2) where a1 and a2 are lists of ...
Definition: arguments.c:116
cons * arguments_difference(cons *a1, cons *a2)
set difference: a1 - a2 ; similar to set intersection
Definition: arguments.c:233
entity HeapArea
Definition: area.c:59
entity StackArea
Definition: area.c:60
const char * module_name(const char *s)
Return the module part of an entity name.
Definition: entity_names.c:296
FILE * safe_fopen(const char *filename, const char *what)
Definition: file.c:67
int safe_fclose(FILE *stream, const char *filename)
Definition: file.c:77
bool get_bool_property(const string)
FC 2015-07-20: yuk, moved out to prevent an include cycle dependency include "properties....
static int array_size(dim)
ARRAY_SIZE returns the number of elements in the array whose dimension list is DIM.
Definition: genClib.c:155
void free(void *)
void reset_current_module_entity(void)
Reset the current module entity.
Definition: static.c:97
entity set_current_module_entity(entity)
Definition: static.c:66
entity get_current_module_entity(void)
Get the entity of the current module.
Definition: static.c:85
#define ENDP(l)
Test if a list is empty.
Definition: newgen_list.h:66
#define POP(l)
Modify a list pointer to point on the next element of the list.
Definition: newgen_list.h:59
#define NIL
The empty list (nil in Lisp)
Definition: newgen_list.h:47
list gen_copy_seq(list l)
Copy a list structure.
Definition: list.c:501
#define CAR(pcons)
Get the value of the first element of a list.
Definition: newgen_list.h:92
void gen_free_list(list l)
free the spine of the list
Definition: list.c:327
#define FOREACH(_fe_CASTER, _fe_item, _fe_list)
Apply/map an instruction block on all the elements of a list.
Definition: newgen_list.h:179
#define list_undefined
Undefined list definition :-)
Definition: newgen_list.h:69
void gen_sort_list(list l, gen_cmp_func_t compare)
Sorts a list of gen_chunks in place, to avoid allocations...
Definition: list.c:796
Put a file resource into the current workspace database.
Definition: pipsdbm-local.h:85
void set_prettyprint_language_tag(enum language_utype lang)
set the prettyprint language from a language_utype argument
Definition: language.c:143
string db_build_file_resource_name(const char *rname, const char *oname, const char *suffix)
returns an allocated file name for a file resource.
Definition: lowlevel.c:169
#define debug_on(env)
Definition: misc-local.h:157
#define pips_debug
these macros use the GNU extensions that allow variadic macros, including with an empty list.
Definition: misc-local.h:145
#define pips_assert(what, predicate)
common macros, two flavors depending on NDEBUG
Definition: misc-local.h:172
#define pips_internal_error
Definition: misc-local.h:149
#define debug_off()
Definition: misc-local.h:160
#define user_warning(fn,...)
Definition: misc-local.h:262
char * i2a(int)
I2A (Integer TO Ascii) yields a string for a given Integer.
Definition: string.c:121
string concatenate(const char *,...)
Return the concatenation of the given strings.
Definition: string.c:183
void string_buffer_append(string_buffer, const string)
append string s (if non empty) to string buffer sb, the duplication is done if needed according to th...
string string_buffer_to_string(const string_buffer)
return malloc'ed string from string buffer sb
void string_buffer_free(string_buffer *)
free string buffer structure, also free string contents according to the dup field
Definition: string_buffer.c:82
string_buffer string_buffer_make(bool dup)
allocate a new string buffer
Definition: string_buffer.c:58
int(* gen_cmp_func_t)(const void *, const void *)
Definition: newgen_types.h:114
int f(int off1, int off2, int n, float r[n], float a[n], float b[n])
Definition: offsets.c:15
static char * module
Definition: pips.c:74
string db_get_current_workspace_directory(void)
Definition: workspace.c:96
list words_qualifiers(list obj)
Definition: declarations.c:795
list words_dimensions(list dims, list *ppdl)
Definition: declarations.c:932
string basic_to_string(basic)
Definition: type.c:87
FI: I would have assumed that it is used for the stack area, but I must be wrong.....
bool stack_area_p(entity aire)
Definition: area.c:104
bool heap_area_p(entity aire)
Definition: area.c:86
void dump_functional(functional f, string_buffer result)
Definition: declarations.c:581
list get_common_members(entity common, entity __attribute__((unused)) module, bool __attribute__((unused)) only_primary)
The fprint_functional() and fprint_environment() functions are moved from syntax/declaration....
Definition: declarations.c:106
const char * entity_user_name(entity e)
Since entity_local_name may contain PIPS special characters such as prefixes (label,...
Definition: entity.c:487
bool entity_list_p(list el)
Checks that el only contains entity.
Definition: entity.c:1411
const char * entity_local_name(entity e)
entity_local_name modified so that it does not core when used in vect_fprint, since someone thought t...
Definition: entity.c:453
int compare_entities(const entity *pe1, const entity *pe2)
Comparison function for qsort.
Definition: entity.c:1328
bool entity_struct_p(entity e)
Is entity e the entity corresponding to a struct declaration?
Definition: entity.c:1002
entity module_name_to_entity(const char *mn)
This is an alias for local_name_to_top_level_entity.
Definition: entity.c:1479
bool entity_enum_p(entity e)
Definition: entity.c:968
bool typedef_entity_p(entity e)
Definition: entity.c:1902
void sort_list_of_entities(list l)
sorted in place.
Definition: entity.c:1358
const char * module_local_name(entity e)
Returns the module local user name.
Definition: entity.c:582
bool entity_module_p(entity e)
Definition: entity.c:683
bool derived_entity_p(entity e)
Definition: entity.c:1048
const char * entity_module_name(entity e)
See comments about module_name().
Definition: entity.c:1092
bool entity_union_p(entity e)
Is entity e an entity representing the union declaration?
Definition: entity.c:1038
type ultimate_type(type)
Definition: type.c:3466
bool SizeOfArray(entity, int *)
This function computes the total size of a variable in bytes, ie.
Definition: size.c:87
bool place_holder_variable_p(entity)
Definition: variable.c:2069
_int SizeOfElements(basic)
This function returns the length in bytes of the Fortran or C type represented by a basic,...
Definition: size.c:297
string type_to_string(const type)
Definition: type.c:51
#define type_functional_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:2950
#define formal_offset(x)
Definition: ri.h:1408
#define type_struct(x)
Definition: ri.h:2964
#define value_code_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:3065
#define basic_pointer(x)
Definition: ri.h:637
#define type_struct_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:2962
#define storage_formal_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:2522
#define area_size(x)
Definition: ri.h:544
#define basic_derived(x)
Definition: ri.h:640
#define code_externs(x)
Definition: ri.h:790
#define basic_typedef_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:641
#define ENTITY(x)
Definition: ri.h:2755
#define type_functional(x)
Definition: ri.h:2952
#define type_variable(x)
Definition: ri.h:2949
#define basic_pointer_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:635
#define basic_derived_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:638
#define entity_storage(x)
Definition: ri.h:2794
#define code_declarations(x)
Definition: ri.h:784
#define storage_ram_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:2519
#define ram_section(x)
Definition: ri.h:2249
#define storage_formal(x)
Definition: ri.h:2524
#define language_fortran95_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:1597
#define basic_typedef(x)
Definition: ri.h:643
#define entity_undefined_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:2762
#define language_c_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:1594
#define entity_undefined
Definition: ri.h:2761
#define type_void_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:2959
#define entity_name(x)
Definition: ri.h:2790
#define value_code(x)
Definition: ri.h:3067
#define variable_qualifiers(x)
Definition: ri.h:3124
#define type_area(x)
Definition: ri.h:2946
#define variable_dimensions(x)
Definition: ri.h:3122
#define storage_ram(x)
Definition: ri.h:2521
#define ram_function(x)
Definition: ri.h:2247
#define type_area_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:2944
#define entity_type(x)
Definition: ri.h:2792
#define code_language(x)
Definition: ri.h:792
#define ram_shared(x)
Definition: ri.h:2253
#define language_fortran_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:1591
#define entity_domain_number(x)
Definition: ri.h:2788
#define storage_return_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:2516
#define type_variable_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:2947
#define storage_undefined_p(x)
Definition: ri.h:2477
@ is_language_c
Definition: ri.h:1567
#define entity_domain
Definition: ri.h:410
#define variable_basic(x)
Definition: ri.h:3120
#define ram_offset(x)
Definition: ri.h:2251
#define entity_initial(x)
Definition: ri.h:2796
Value b2
Definition: sc_gram.c:105
int fprintf()
test sc_min : ce test s'appelle par : programme fichier1.data fichier2.data ...
char * strdup()
internally defined structure.
Definition: string_buffer.c:47
The structure used to build lists in NewGen.
Definition: newgen_list.h:41
string get_symbol_table(entity m, bool isfortran)
Definition: symbol_table.c:304
void dump_common_layout(string_buffer result, entity c, bool debug_p, bool isfortran)
This function is called from c_parse() via ResetCurrentModule() and fprint_environment()
Definition: symbol_table.c:120
bool parsed_symbol_table(const char *module_name)
bool c_symbol_table(const char* module_name)
Definition: symbol_table.c:665
#define NL
Definition: symbol_table.c:42
static string check_derived_and_typedef(basic b, int indent, const char *parent)
Definition: symbol_table.c:93
bool symbol_table(const char *module_name)
To replace c_symbol_table() and fortran_symbol_table() because the information about the language is ...
Definition: symbol_table.c:673
static string indent_table[9]
Definition: symbol_table.c:44
void actual_symbol_table_dump(const char *module_name, bool is_parsed)
Definition: symbol_table.c:582
static string entities_type_and_name(list entities, int indent, const char *parent)
Definition: symbol_table.c:57