Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 C__gen_sweep_stateSweep status
 C__stack_bucketSTACK STRUCTURES
 C__stack_headStack head
 C__stack_iteratorSTACK ITERATOR
 C__string_buffer_headInternally defined structure
 C_set_chunkFI: I do not understand why the type is duplicated at the set level
 Cabc_instrumentation_context_tContext data structure for array_bound_check_instrumentation newgen recursion
 Cacc_ctxAdd Control Counter recursion context
 CargumentPolymorphic argument
 Carray_dimension_bound_testAs we create checks with stop error message who tell us there are bound violations for which array, on which dimension, which bound (lower or upper), the following typedef array_dimension_bound_test permits us to create a sequence of tests for each statement more easier
 Catomic_operationDefine an atomic operation FIXME : should be moved under newgen management
 Catomic_profileStucture that define the list of atomic_operations
 Cavailable_scalar_tPerforms Associative-Commutative Common Subexpression Elimination on sequences
 CBlockDuring the computation, the program has to deal with blocks of statements
 Cbottom_up_abc_context_tContext data structure for bottom_up_abc newgen recursion
 Cchar_directiveA parsed directive
 Cchar_directivesA parsed format string
 Cconflict_tHelper for do_recurse_statements_conflict_p
 CconsThe structure used to build lists in NewGen
 Cconstr_sType of linear constraint
 Ccontext_pCette structure contient une pile
 CCPerfCounterCounter that provides a fairly accurate timing mechanism for both windows and linux
 Cctx_mpiReturn the type for MPI datatype (to make custom datatype for example): MPI_Datatype
 Cctx_pragmaCtx_pragma_t: on_cluster on which cluster the pragma may be run (=-1 if run on all cluster) synchro if the communication between cluster are synchro (true) or asynchro(false) if on_cluster=-1 we don't care about the value of synchro d_..
 Cctx_taskCtx_task_t: pragma information from the pragma task_id id of the task private list of entity, private variables for the task
 Ccusq_contextClean up sequences context
 CDadComponentSimple Section part of DAD An array of type SimpBound struct allocated dynamically based on rank of array
 CDirectiveHandlerFinds the handler for a given entity
 Cdma_actionA phase that transform simple tasks in SCMP code
 CdomainA DOMAIN union describes the structure of a user type
 CdriverThe DRIVER structure is used to monitor the general function which traverses objects
 Cextract_expr_tExtract expressions with loop level information
 Cfreia_api_tFREIA API function name -> SPoC hardware description (and others?)
 CfswlStructure used by find_statements_with_label_walker
 CfswpUsed to pass parameters to find_statements_with_comment_walker
 Cgen_chunkA gen_chunk is used to store every object
 Cglopriv_context_tStructure to collect whether anything should be qualified as private or global, for OpenCL 1.X code
 Cgpips_transform_menu_layout_lineThe type describing a Transform menu entry:
 Cgpips_view_menu_layout_line_sThe type describing a View menu entry:
 Cgpu_lna_contextIn modern PIPS programming, all is passed through a context instead of having a global variable
 Cgtt_tTranslation tables type..
 Cguesser_paramParameter of effect guesser
 Chashtable_tThis is already too much..
 CimageCode taken from
http://fast-edge.googlecode.com and adapted to c99
 CIndex_rangeData structure to support abc Implied DO
 CINFO_LOOPLa structure d'une boucle : son index et ces deux bornes
 CinlinableINLINE[] gives, for each inlinable (i.e., unboxed) type, its NAME, its initial VALUE and its printing FORMAT (for each language which can be a target
 Cinterprocedural_abc_context_tContext data structure for interprocedural_abc newgen recursion
 Cintrinsic_cost_recIntrinsics costs defines
 Cintrinsic_desc_tFor intrinsic registration
 Cintrinsic_handlerPrecedence needed here According to the Precedence of Operators Arithmetic > Character > Relational > Logical Added by Lei ZHOU Nov
 CIntrinsicDescriptorThe following data structure describes an intrinsic function: its name and its arity and its type, a function to type it (?) and a function to obtain its name if it is different from the entity user name, e.g
 CIntrinsicEffectDescriptorFollowing data structure describes an intrinsic function: its name and the function to apply on a call to this intrinsic to get the effects of the call
 CIoElementDescriptor{{ banner
 CIOIntrinsicDescriptorFollowing data structure describes an io intrinsic function: its name
 CiparamStructure containing all the parameters needed by inlining
 Clinear_exception_holderA structure for the exception stack
 Clinear_hashtable_stHidden structure to store the hashtable
 Cmin_start_timeGlobal variables
 Cmppa_hw_tFREIA-MPPA backend specific stuff
 Cmulti_recurseCurrent data needed for a multi recursion are stored in a multi recurse struct
 CmytestType of a test, the same as the "normal" test except that the
 Cnest_context_tWarning! Do not modify this file that is automatically generated!
 CnewinstType of new instruction which contains information about the loop
 CNIDLa structure d'un nid
 Cop_scheduleData structure to describe a schedule for an operation
 Coptimization_strategyThis structure defines a strategy for eole
 CPmatrixPackage matrice
 Cprettyprint_dot_contextContext structure used by gen recurse
 Cpv_contextPv_context is a structure holding the methods to use during pointer values analyses
 Cpv_resultsPv_results is a structure holding the different results of an expression pointer values analysis
 Credeclaration_contextTo generate the new variables, we need to know:
 Creduction_in_statement_paramFinds out expression with reduction
 Creplace_ctxKeep track of what is done in replace recursion
 Cres_or_ruleStorage for arguments of tpips commands
 CrproblemDefine RMAXCOLONNES 800
 CSBase of the parameters
 CscellType cell that contains all information for the reindexation of
 CSentity_verticesStructure to list wich node read or write an effect
 Csort_ctx_tPackage sc
 Cspoc_alu_op_tALU operation full description
 Cspoc_hw_tDescription of a SPoC hardware configuration should be precise enough to generate a full AIPO function
 CSposs_sourceStructure for return of a possible source
 CsSimpBoundBounds are retained as high level tree structures to accommodate symbolic information in boundary expressions
 CSsyslistWarning! Do not modify this file that is automatically generated!
 Csubs_ctxUtil defined somewhere ??????
 CSvecteurLe type des coefficients dans les vecteurs: Value est defini dans le package arithmetique
 Ct_substitutionStructure to hold a substitution to be performed forward
 Ct_tmp_resultFI wants a sort..
 Ctable_sType of simplex tableau
 Ctimeout_tHold a timeout prescription
 Ctop_down_abc_context_tThe following data structure is the context of top_down_abc: The read_marked_list marks if one bound of one array's dimension is tested or not, for the READ regions
 Cttsg_somsRepresentation d'un ensemble de sommets
 Cttsg_vectsRepresentation d'un ensemble de droites
 Ctyp_somStructure de donnees Sommet
 Ctype_context_tContext for type checking
 Ctype_sgRepresentation d'un systeme generateur par trois ensembles de sommets de rayons et de droites
 Cvartbl_sType of variable tables
 Cvec_sType of vectors
 CvectorTest de chernikovaa
 Cvis_ctxLook for a variable
 Cwpips_transform_menu_layout_lineThe type describing a Transform menu entry:
 Cwpips_view_menu_layout_line_sThe type describing a View menu entry:
 Cyy_trans_infoThis struct is not used in this scanner, but its presence is necessary
 CYYSTYPEValue type